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SAB - Resetting Adventures on Death

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Normally, if you reset an Adventure via the panel, you get ported back to the start of said Adventure. If you die though, the reset position gets changed to the last checkpoint you reached, which on some maps (especially 2-2 and 2-3) can lead to the situation that you have to restart the entire level to try again; especially aggravating with instant death mechanics that can prop up in these two levels.

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So far every time I've died with the popup going I've been ported back to the checkpoint after a 15 or so seconds. However it would certainly be helpful to have a /command to reset yourself to the zone entrance or to the start of the adventure. Some levels are an immense pain to backtrack and some may not even be possible. /reset /restart /adventure /gourdon /helpmegourdiwanyouremyonlyhope

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Also: like any adventure in the game, in the upper right corner of the UI, in the adventure information box, there's a gold-x. If you click on that, it will allow you to restart without having to wait for the timer. I do that whenever I'm off to a horrid start.


That's nice and all, as long as you have that adventure information box in upper right corner... It vanishes if you click "reset" when you're dead, cause it'll port u to gordon and then to the latest unlocked waypoint...

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I just quit 2-2 because couldn't backtrack myself to Gordon. Won't play SAB anymore today... too nervous becsause was rigth at the end before got thrown of the cliff and got bugged not allowing me to port back. The command /gg is great in SAB but please put something to port back to Gordon when we reach him the first time!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Also: like any adventure in the game, in the upper right corner of the UI, in the adventure information box, there's a gold-x. If you click on that, it will allow you to restart without having to wait for the timer. I do that whenever I'm off to a horrid start.


Doing that can still send you back to checkpoint, and cancel the adventure.


For example, fall down a hole, get teleported to checkpoint, you cancel the adventure **after** the checkpoint teleport, teleport back to Gourdon and... boom. The game teleports you back again to checkpoint before you can talk to Gourdon and start the race.

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I come back on my message, there is a solution but it is not intuitive, and not documented in game.


Already you must have of course activated the adventure.

When you die but with the timer still active, just use the reset to return.


If you die or lose a life and you have the message to start over, do not touch it (I have not tested touching it) and wait to be teleported to the last checkpoint.


This is where everything is played!


Above all, you must do nothing!

Wait without moving once.

After 10 to 20 seconds you will be teleported to Choya.


That's it but in the end I never use the message to start again, unless I want to do it manually during the trip. In case of death (loss of heart or life) there I just wait for the jkeu me teleport without doing anything.

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> @"ReActif.9251" said:

> Above all, you must do nothing!

> Wait without moving once.

> After 10 to 20 seconds you will be teleported to Choya.


> That's it but in the end I never use the message to start again, unless I want to do it manually during the trip. In case of death (loss of heart or life) there I just wait for the jkeu me teleport without doing anything.


Unfortunately this doesn't always work. Tried this twice in W2Z3 today and at first, it worked fine and I got teleported back after 30s of being idle. On the 2nd attempt it didn't work anymore and since you can't backtrack I wasn't able to finish the adventure. The bug occurs when you die and you don't have HP anymore so you can delay it by buying health potions at the beginning of the level.

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I canNOT confirm the workaround. I had experienced the problem earlier and read this thread. Today I tried W2Z3 and died. As suggested I did not immediately click reset but waited. I got then automatically rezzed at the latest checkpoint. But there the adventure UI was gone and I could not click reset.


And since the W2Z3 adventure crosses a point of no return, I could not walk back. It is literally impossible to try again without restarting the instance. I did that, tried and died again. With the start point of the adventure a few minutes into the zone this is a terrible experience and I won't try again.


I then tried W2Z2, which is also a pain in the kitten. Here too I died and got reset to the latest checkpoint instead of Gourdon. In this zone it is technically possible to track back using the teleporters. I lost too many hearts doing that from falling off the stalks and got killed again during my second try. At that point I ragequitted.


This achievement is impossible to achieve with this bug. At least without losing my sanity and/or keyboard.

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Nothing mentioned here works if you die, or at least, hasn't worked for me. Sure, I might get ported back to Gourdon if I wait, but if I die in that timeframe the whole thing gets ignored. Hitting reset ports me back for a split second before it takes me to the next checkpoint. Nothing here is a good workaround that is reliable.


Here's hoping it's fixed for us to give it a few decent shots before it's gone again for the next year.

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> @"Ray Koopa.2354" said:

> Yeah, but that box can disappear if you had a death with the Lord Vanquish fade effect and lost all your hearts.


Yes the box disappears but if you hit no keys, 30 seconds later you're returned to the beginning of the adventure anyway, whether the box is there or not.

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If Anet's patch on Tuesday doesn't resolve this then consider it intended, or at the very least, they're indifferent about it.


The best solution that I found, without having to rely on the whole checkpoint/reset adventure thing mentioned above, is to simply not allow yourself to ever lose all of your hearts in the first place. Simply max out your potions by buying the cheap 5 bauble ones. If you need more in W2Z2, there's a shop literally right next to the NPC for the adventure. For W2Z3, just drop down to one of the shops at the start of the adventure. Doing it this way, you're at no risk of getting locked out.

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The trick is indeed to wait. After reading it I tried again and _was_ reset properly. Well, still annoying, but it works.


To reiterate:

- die

- adventure UI pops up; do NOT press reset

- after a second or so get revived at latest checkpoint

- UI does NOT show the adventure as running NOR the failed/restart dialog

- wait for 30 or so seconds

- get ported to Gourdon, where you can restart


Oh, and no need to stand still. You can run around and do stuff and still get ported back. I haven't tried, and wouldn't recommend, dying again in the 30 seconds, though.

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It wouldn't be so bad if the adventures in W2Z2 and Z3 started at the beginning, but as it is now you have to spend about 15-30 minutes just to reach Gourdon in W2Z2, and if you get to that state where you can't backtrack, there's no adventure UI up, and nothing happens even standing around for minutes...

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