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New Gemstore Item (Armor Class Change Transmutation)


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I know this probably was said in the past but i would definitely pay money to be able to change the armor class of any piece of armor. Allowing me to use Light armor skins on a Warrior. And these could be Gem store exclusive no way to get in game other wise. I feel like the mount skins right now are like the only business model Anet has ... Why not allow that? I heard in the past because of clipping issues? Theres so many armors that clip right now on Charr and Norn !? So i dont understand whats the problem? It would make you money too? Why give up on that?

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> that would be pretty sweet!


Right? I feel like they miss out on so much money cause they give transmutations in Reward tracks, and daily log ins and other areas of the game. Why wouldn't they add something that players like me are willing to spend money on. Nothing right now interest me in the Gem store and i want to support this game and spend money on it. but I dont like Mounts or hardly care for mount skins and costumes. They use to have costume pieces where you could mix and match new they're just straight up full costumes that cover the entire armor.

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Somewhat suggested before.


I think the more profitable prospect might be "Custom Outfit Slots" that are character bound (for racial reasons, partially, but also for profit purposes).


It'd merely be a slot in your outfits tab that allows you to create a look using skins from your wardrobe. Of course, you can't mix armor weights but you can create an outfit using medium armor skins for your soldier or scholar professions, for example. It would require a bundle of transmutation charges to "clear" and if you wanted multiple of these slots on a single character, that would be an available option.


On the gem store side, you're looking at slot unlocks needed to be purchased on a per character basis as well as bundles of charges (I'd put it at 6+) every time you wanted to change a skin (recolor is free, of course) which could eat through those charges quickly, incentivizing buying multiple slots or charges or both depending on how many characters and slots per character you'd get this for.


Also, it's about kitten time people pay attention to the outfit system and improvements that can be made to it. This is basically build template but for aesthetics retrofitted into the outfits system.

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The different weights weren't intended to fit together. It wouldn't just clip, there would be empty gaps in the model and the textures would overlap. The best they could do is base your armor weight on your chest piece and disable anything that didn't match. They wouldn't charge for this, the main reason to do it would be to reduce development costs by only having to release 1 weight per set.

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Light, medium and heavy armors are constructed in different ways.


Helmet, shoulders, gloves and boots can probably be mixed, but legs and chest have different seams and rigs. So I highly doubt that's possible because of the stuff around the legs.

Medium coats come with the 'coat tail' attached to the chest, and light and heavy armors come with the 'skirt' attached to the legs.

So waists would not match, and medium chests would clip with heavy and light legs.

Unless they reworked armors to have all armor classes match the waist seams and also so they split the 'coat-tail' or 'skirt' and put checkboxes in chest and legs so you can mark one of them, allowing you to choose between the 'stuff around the legs' from the chest armor, the stuff from the legs armor.

And for coats and skirts that have pants under the skirt, to unmark both to hide them altogether so people can wear more pants.


But I would not mid if we had something like "Custom Outfit slots" that allow you to save any any appearance and use it by any profession like an outfit, since outfits can look like any armor weight already.

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> to change the armor class of any piece of armor.

They've already stated they have no intention to even reconsider the possibility. The "rigs" for each weight don't match, so they'd literally have to create new armor pieces for the other two weights.


Two possibilities are more likely:

* Weight swapping. Allow (for a fee, perhaps) a Scholar to wield heavy armor or an Adventure to use Light, etc. You wouldn't be able to mix light with heavy; you'd just be able to go all heavy or all light regardless of class.

* Custom outfits. Fill in the six slots with whatever same-weight armor you like. Apply like an outfit to any character. Each template might cost 500-700 gems. (See above: @"Leo G.4501" goes into more detail about one system; other threads with similar ideas can be found via forum search.)


The former is probably as easy as any wardrobe change to implement, i.e. more difficult than we think without being crazy. The second requires all sorts of major UI changes, new ways to remember skins, not to mention the new mechanic itself. Still, people might buy lots of 'templates', so it might turn out to be more profitable.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > to change the armor class of any piece of armor.

> They've already stated they have no intention to even reconsider the possibility. The "rigs" for each weight don't match, so they'd literally have to create new armor pieces for the other two weights.


> Two possibilities are more likely:

> * Weight swapping. Allow (for a fee, perhaps) a Scholar to wield heavy armor or an Adventure to use Light, etc. You wouldn't be able to mix light with heavy; you'd just be able to go all heavy or all light regardless of class.

> * Custom outfits. Fill in the six slots with whatever same-weight armor you like. Apply like an outfit to any character. Each template might cost 500-700 gems. (See above: @"Leo G.4501" goes into more detail about one system; other threads with similar ideas can be found via forum search.)


> The former is probably as easy as any wardrobe change to implement, i.e. more difficult than we think without being crazy. The second requires all sorts of major UI changes, new ways to remember skins, not to mention the new mechanic itself. Still, people might buy lots of 'templates', so it might turn out to be more profitable.


The custom outfits one was been proposed before and is one I think has the most possibility of ever being added to the game. I’d love it if they could do a wardrobe revamp to allow it.

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The mix and match is one of the best parts of the ESO outfit system. It just gives so many more options for an individual, or thematic appearance. Another aspect i like about it is keeping the appearance, despite what gear you have (aside from weapons), and being able to switch between saved appearances freely, at any given moment. Though, I would settle for just being able to use all unlocked skins for looks.

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