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Make Superior Battle Maul dismount targets


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Quite a bit has been said about the impact of the mount on roaming and rightly so, basically it's impossible to engage on people on the mount without either them escaping or you wasting crucial CDs that you need in the ensuing fight in small scale scenarios. One function that would alleviate the issue would be to let the engage skill (Superior Battle Maul) dismount targets you hit, this way it would actually become somewhat of a skill play to land it before the opponent can and get a headstart that way.

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> @"Empanda.4617" said:

> Honestly I'd rather this not be the case, since it'd make it extremely hard to catch up with a zerg or keep up with a zerg if some random enemy just randomly bombs the middle of the group out of nowhere and dismounts several people

... dodge...


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> @"Empanda.4617" said:

> Honestly I'd rather this not be the case, since it'd make it extremely hard to catch up with a zerg or keep up with a zerg if some **random enemy** just randomly bombs the middle of the group out of nowhere and dismounts several people


I know right? It should only be the specific enemy that I want to face!!!

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