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And after that what will happen?

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First of all I want to thank the information provided by the game director. But at no time has there been talk of a new expansion, I think it is necessary to implement new skills to keep the game alive. In this case the question is: will there be a new expansion after the 5th season of the living world? If there is a third expansion, how long will it take for us to play? in September of this year they are going to do 2 years since "PoF" was released.

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> @"onio.6403" said:

>in September of this year it will be 2 years since "PoF" was released.

Well, at around that time, season 5 episode 1 will come out. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

If an expansion will come out, it will most likely be at least 1.5 years from then, which is... blergh...



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Expansions create specific demands: new elite specs, new map cluster, new masteries, possibly new race ~~haha I wish~~.


Those might not be things the teams are set to work on right now. We're not even done with Season 4 (apparently? o_o), and Season 5 was announced to come directly after it. So, likely no expansion on the horizon anytime soon.


And if we look at the history of GW2 expansions so far, they've been very contentious. HoT made a lot of folks ragequit from punishment and timegating, and PoF is branded as a meh-nothing-to-do expac because the metas are boring or nonexistent. I would hope lessons learned would take the best of HoT and PoF for Expac #3, but that's not where the game direction is headed, based on the current future map.


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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> im really confused when i read those.

> Anet states new content is incoming, customer respond i want new content !






Balsa, grabbing yours over others more because you had it the most concise. I *think* I understand the OPs statement. I appreciate the posting as well but the OP has a point. The ANet post emphasises living story but we are overdue on word of an expansion. New content in the forms of things that should have been there since day 1 is nice if not timely, but expansions are what draws players and based on financials it's what drives sales. So having a player ask for word on an Expansion is not unreasonable.


So far expansions are still where we see game changing mechanics. So far the LSs have been the content between content. Now I admit, I am under the belief that they are working on a expansion and we will not get word of it until the end of EP6. Considering MMOs are such extreme time syncs some people want to know where they be living in the upcoming future, especially as other MMOs are also releasing expansions and new ones are around the corner. Knowing an expansion is in works allows some people more peace of mind and reduces the am I wasting time here, because again, MMOs are a time sync in reality and if you are going to put in the time and effort you want to know it's not going to vanish below you.


I appreciate the general peek ahead but it was missing some future views that people have been asking about. And if players don't post about things they would like to see information on ANet would be left with, yup all's good, which in the OPs case, isn't the case.


2 cents. Good gaming!

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> @"onio.6403" said:

> First of all I want to thank the information provided by the game director. But at no time has there been talk of a new expansion, I think it is necessary to implement new skills to keep the game alive. In this case the question is: will there be a new expansion after the 5th season of the living world? If there is a third expansion, how long will it take for us to play? in September of this year they are going to do 2 years since "PoF" was released.


From their announcement it's clear they neither work on expac now, nor do they plan on working on it in the future. They are just afraid to say that outright.

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It's posts like this one why Anet has stopped comunicating dates or work in progress reports. It always boils down to: ANet: "We're working on X, expect it in the coming months." - Vocal minority of Community members: "But what about Y??????!?! Y When pliis?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Why not Y now??!?!?!?!?!?"

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Prior to the layoffs, in the context of season 5, they had said that the plan was to release expansion level stories and features over the next couple years. Disregarding that he had previously said there wouldn't be an expansion, at least not any time soon, that statement also implied there wouldn't be an expansion for years, which now makes a lot more sense considering they weren't working on GW2. With their other game now cancelled, and them hopefully back on GW2, they would just now be planning an expansion, so unless they rush it, it's still 2 years out and not something they can talk about.

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It would certainly be interesting to hear ANet's opinion of a future expansion, whether they have plans or not, if so, for how far down the road. All the same, I'm far more interested in what the studio actually delivers than on how they plan to implement it. If they think that the game will make more money and draw more people without an expac (and mostly on word-of-mouth), then I'm inclined to believe their financial analysis rather than any statement any of us fans make, no matter how articulate (or how obscurely phrased).



> we are overdue on word of an expansion.

Why? ANet is adding legendary sigils, build templates, new DLC, likely Chef 500, Swiss Matches, WvW Alliances, new raids & fractals, and the usual other stuff that we won't hear about until it's in (or nearly in) the game.

What else would we get with an expansion that isn't covered by above?


> expansions are what draws players and based on financials it's what drives sales.

Expansions drive peak sales; they don't take care of steady income, which ANet seems to have a handle on.


Regarding drawing players... yes, that's a problem. Are expansions the **best** way to address it?


> So having a player ask for word on an Expansion is not unreasonable.

It's not unreasonable to ask. It's still weird to keep asking about it when ANet's made clear they aren't going to make any announcement about it.


> From their announcement it's clear they neither work on expac now, ... They are just afraid to say that outright.

They have outright said that they have no current expansion plans.


"Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us [in August 2018] and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, _at least not any time soon_" [source](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464)

The [original interview](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/interviews/guild-wars-2-gamescom-2018-interview-looking-back-at-living-world-1000012975) doesn't say "any time soon;" it only refers to the fact that LS4 leads directly into LS5, which implies that an expansion wouldn't happen until ~September 2020 (assuming 90 day cadences and a 6-part LS5). It's reasonable to paraphrase that as "any time soon;" it just wasn't a verbatim statement.






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I know denial is a thing but people need to accept there are no plans for an expansion, at least for the next couple of years. Anet was pretty clear about their commitment to LS in recent post and they basically repeated what we knew since September.


I hate crushing hopes but if they were planning to release an expansion after LS5, it would have to already be entering production. Which means we would be already "hearing" things about it in gaming media. Just like we knew of the two previous xpacs before their official announcement by Anet.


What we should hope for, is Anet finding ways to implement the quality and quantity of content an expansion offers to LS5 and 6. Because if they don't, GW2 will find itself missing a huge chunk of the content intake we are used to having in previous years. And that won't bode well for the future of this game.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > im really confused when i read those.

> > Anet states new content is incoming, customer respond i want new content !

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Balsa, grabbing yours over others more because you had it the most concise. I *think* I understand the OPs statement. I appreciate the posting as well but the OP has a point. The ANet post emphasises living story but we are overdue on word of an expansion. New content in the forms of things that should have been there since day 1 is nice if not timely, but expansions are what draws players and based on financials it's what drives sales. So having a player ask for word on an Expansion is not unreasonable.


> So far expansions are still where we see game changing mechanics. So far the LSs have been the content between content. Now I admit, I am under the belief that they are working on a expansion and we will not get word of it until the end of EP6. Considering MMOs are such extreme time syncs some people want to know where they be living in the upcoming future, especially as other MMOs are also releasing expansions and new ones are around the corner. Knowing an expansion is in works allows some people more peace of mind and reduces the am I wasting time here, because again, MMOs are a time sync in reality and if you are going to put in the time and effort you want to know it's not going to vanish below you.


> I appreciate the general peek ahead but it was missing some future views that people have been asking about. And if players don't post about things they would like to see information on ANet would be left with, yup all's good, which in the OPs case, isn't the case.


> 2 cents. Good gaming!


thats OK but it was stated they plan on expansion level content.

perhaps they just see that xpacts are not what draws people in but a steady flow of content is better.


I always feel expansions are a chance to get costumer but also a chance to loose many people who dont want buy one xpact. The People who buy in the gemstore buy the xpact for sure but many people never spend real money on the gemstore and those people are may seem unimportant but a MMO need a lot of player to work.


last x pact was for me almost the reason to quit bcs i didnt wanted to buy it. And POF maps are ghost towns maybe anet just thinks like me that xpacts are a risk


BUT who knows for now there will be free content for at least 1 year more.

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To be fair, all of those projects that were mentioned could be considered expansion worthy material when taken together. Not each project on its own, but all the changes including build templates, WvW PvP festival, crafting disciplines jeweling and cooking could be coming in the next expansion, and more.


But clearly ANET does not want to state all of these projects will be ready to go at the time the expansion is released.


Communication is greatly appreciated and I hope to see more going forward.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> It's posts like this one why Anet has stopped comunicating dates or work in progress reports. It always boils down to: ANet: "We're working on X, expect it in the coming months." - Vocal minority of Community members: "But what about Y??????!?! Y When pliis?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Why not Y now??!?!?!?!?!?"

Oh, come on, We're not talking about some minor, small features. Having or not having expansions is a huge issue - something that is going to define (and possibly decide) the direction and future of this game.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> They have outright said that they have no current expansion plans.

The statement you quoted didn't say anything like that. All they said was the expac won't be anytime soon (which was about them going from ls4 straight to 5). They didn't say they weren't working on it, they didn't say they had no plans for it. Now however expac doesn't show up on any of their lists - it's not among shortterm plans, longterm ones, or even the really nebulous, far-off ones. And it's something so major, that if they had any plans, it would _have_ to be somewhere there. The only reason why it wasn't mentioned can be because they neither work on it, nor plan to work on it at any point in the future.


> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> thats OK but it was stated they plan on expansion level content.

According to some of their past statements, _ls2_ was an "expansion level" content. So, forgive me for being doubtful about this. As i said already, they have tried this before. It didn't work.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > They have outright said that they have no current expansion plans.

> The statement you quoted didn't say anything like that. All they said was the expac won't be anytime soon (which was about them going from ls4 straight to 5).

Exactly. That's their "current" plans, which take us into September 2020, at the earliest. 3 months after that is nearly 2021. (A long time for fans; not very long for a gaming studio.)


> And it's something so major, that if they had any plans, it would _have_ to be somewhere there. The only reason why it wasn't mentioned can be because they neither work on it, nor plan to work on it at any point in the future.

Except that they never said anything directly about Mounts or Raids until the official announcement.


Regardless of how either of us parses, we really don't have any information that tells us definitively anything other than it's not part of their plan for this year and most of next. There are many scenarios, many of which involve no expac, some which include an expac, and a few that involve changing their mind about it altogether.


tl;dr we can't definitely say anything more than "definitely not this year; almost certainly not next year either."

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > im really confused when i read those.

> > Anet states new content is incoming, customer respond i want new content !

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Balsa, grabbing yours over others more because you had it the most concise. I *think* I understand the OPs statement. I appreciate the posting as well but the OP has a point. The ANet post emphasises living story but we are overdue on word of an expansion. New content in the forms of things that should have been there since day 1 is nice if not timely, but expansions are what draws players and based on financials it's what drives sales. So having a player ask for word on an Expansion is not unreasonable.


> So far expansions are still where we see game changing mechanics. So far the LSs have been the content between content. Now I admit, I am under the belief that they are working on a expansion and we will not get word of it until the end of EP6. Considering MMOs are such extreme time syncs some people want to know where they be living in the upcoming future, especially as other MMOs are also releasing expansions and new ones are around the corner. Knowing an expansion is in works allows some people more peace of mind and reduces the am I wasting time here, because again, MMOs are a time sync in reality and if you are going to put in the time and effort you want to know it's not going to vanish below you.


> I appreciate the general peek ahead but it was missing some future views that people have been asking about. And if players don't post about things they would like to see information on ANet would be left with, yup all's good, which in the OPs case, isn't the case.


> 2 cents. Good gaming!


When were we supposed to get word of an expansion to qualify being "overdue on word of an expansion"? I checked the Dev Tracker, maybe I didn't go far enough back in time to see it?

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I never understand ppl who want an expansion. The game is great as is, and they continue to develop new content though I can understand how some ppl would prefer they do so more frequently (I'd rather they did it less frequently, but folks are different). All the expansions have really done is make it more and more difficult to balance the classes. I see expansions as a necessary evil so if anet thinks they can get by without one, that's great news to me . . .

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I will play until I am bored. Promises will not change that. Thankfully there is plenty to do in this game. You just have to choose to do it. If you are regurgitating the same content over and over that is on you.


I do not need guarantees to make me want to play the game. If they release new stuff I like while I am still playing that's great. I understand new things are needed to keep a game alive but I have learned not to rely on them because you just set yourself up for disappointment.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us [in August 2018] and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, _at least not any time soon_" [source](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464)

> The [original interview](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/interviews/guild-wars-2-gamescom-2018-interview-looking-back-at-living-world-1000012975) doesn't say "any time soon;" it only refers to the fact that LS4 leads directly into LS5, which implies that an expansion wouldn't happen until ~September 2020 (assuming 90 day cadences and a 6-part LS5). It's reasonable to paraphrase that as "any time soon;" it just wasn't a verbatim statement.



Had not seen that article before and if it was posted in a forum thread then missed it. That's the kind of thing people were asking about. It's always better to be informed then you are aware. The posting ANet did makes more sense in light of that article but again by assuming people saw the article and knowing they already said no plans for xpac3 it's missing context. With information comes adjustment in thought.


I didn't quote it but it's fair, what do expansions have versus LS content? For the most part they are deeper content, and for one of the other bits its elite specializations. Even though they aren't called new classes for many they are the same thing. Would be good with them rolling out a set during LS sessions, initially thought that's the way they would go. One for expansion, one during LS, another one during xpac2, another during LS. Again assumption there, but new classes/elites is a factor that keeps the game fresh to some players.

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> When were we supposed to get word of an expansion to qualify being "overdue on word of an expansion"? I checked the Dev Tracker, maybe I didn't go far enough back in time to see it?


It seems we already did, based off of the linked article above. I had missed it and not certain if it had been linked here at the time when the interview occurred. Since NCSoft came in and said cut projects that aren't launched, yeah I think I am good with saying overdue, but that was before I had seen the above outside article. They had been on a two year cadence recently and though past performance shouldn't be used for future expectation, it often times is.


Players that are still here are more than likely still enjoying the game, most don't even visit the forums. But odds are good that some of the players here have others they know who played but aren't now since they feel they have been thru the content. So information about new content is a cherished currency when you get on voice comms and people ask, what kind of trouble are we into tonight.


Good gaming!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > And it's something so major, that if they had any plans, it would _have_ to be somewhere there. The only reason why it wasn't mentioned can be because they neither work on it, nor plan to work on it at any point in the future.

> Except that they never said anything directly about Mounts or Raids until the official announcement.

Mounts aren't as big an issue as the whole content development/release strategy. Raids possibly might be. Former are something that might be skipped in a roadmap-type announcement. Latter should have been included... if we've got any announcement of this kind before HoT reveal. Which we didn't.

Can't really expect them to include info about planned HoT/Raids in an announcement, if _there was no announcement in the first place_.


This time however we did get such an announcement (to my knowledge it's only the second announcement of this kind in the game so far, with the first being the infamous one that included first mention of legendary crafting, way back then). An announcement of such kind simply cannot omit major development plans, without becoming a joke. So, if the announcement includes not only current plans, but also more longterm ones, and those that are in the "maybe, someday" category, and yet any mention of expac is missing, i can only assume it's because it's no longer on the table at all. That a decision has been made to not have them anymore.


Yes, they might change their mind about it (again) at some point, but the only way i can read their announcement is that it's not that they currently don't plan to release an expac in the near future, but that, at the moment, they plan to not release it. Not now, not in the foreseeable future, not ever.



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1. It is impossible to say for sure whether they are or aren't currently developing an expansion. An expansion is a major product release, and any announcement about it would have to go through several layers of approval by several departments (and likely NCSoft itself). If ANet *is* working on an expansion, then they and NCSoft will also have plans about when they want to announce, when they want to market, and when they want to release.


2. All that said, I too am disappointed by their seeming committal to doing an entire additional LW season before anything else. LW is, honestly, pretty boring. Yes, the story is quite good, but the sheer number of maps in the game is starting to become ridiculous, and they rarely bring any major gameplay additions.


3. Vote with your wallets. I won't be giving ANet money for a product which they were evidently only half-interested in supporting (based on information that surfaced during the layoffs). An expansion would signal to me that they have long-term ambitions for GW2. If they don't have those long-term ambitions, then why would I support it?

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> 1. It is impossible to say for sure whether they are or aren't currently developing an expansion. An expansion is a major product release, and any announcement about it would have to go through several layers of approval by several departments (and likely NCSoft itself). If ANet *is* working on an expansion, then they and NCSoft will also have plans about when they want to announce, when they want to market, and when they want to release.


> 2. All that said, I too am disappointed by their seeming committal to doing an entire additional LW season before anything else. LW is, honestly, pretty boring. Yes, the story is quite good, but the sheer number of maps in the game is starting to become ridiculous, and they rarely bring any major gameplay additions.


> 3. Vote with your wallets. I won't be giving ANet money for a product which they were evidently only half-interested in supporting (based on information that surfaced during the layoffs). An expansion would signal to me that they have long-term ambitions for GW2. If they don't have those long-term ambitions, then why would I support it?


It is **very** possible to say for sure they are **not** currently working on an expansion and that's not only because they clearly said so...twice. Expansions, like the "meaty" content packs they are, don't happen in a vacuum. They take time to make and big dev teams are being dedicated to the project. And because an expansion in a mmo is always "news worthy", gaming outlets would be all over that kitten, way before any official announcement. It happened with HoT, PoF and honestly, any online game I've played that had one.


I mean, take a look at the general "mood" of the community, especially after February, either here, reddit or even in game. Do you really think Anet wouldn't be delighted to be able to announce or even hint at an expansion, considering the circumstances? Not only they didn't but they went on to reaffirm their commitment to LS going forward.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> im really confused when i read those.

> Anet states new content is incoming, customer respond i want new content !



Because expansions are more than just story and zone content, it's also about new class/race/skills/traits/weapons/new systems/etc, things that regularly don't get released on anything but an expansion.


I'm sure they've been working on an expansion since PoF release, just with how things have been going for them there's going to be a major delay.


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Even if they would be working on an expac atm, they would not tell us. Living world 4 ain't finished, Living world 5 didn't start yet. If they are introducing an expansion we won't hear earlier than last episode of season 5 (with a possible cinematic trailer added when you finish that story like we have seen in past). Last episode of season 4 is their next big hype... Then the season 5... They might have had idea's that weren't good enough to add as a main hype in an expac (future or past) and they add it in a Living world instead. Nobody would like to see a rushed expac either and who says they can't bring in the exact same (expac type worthy) content as a Living world / extra material instead.

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