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And after that what will happen?

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too lazy to read stuff people are saying here but let me tell you my opinion. there's no reason to announce stuff for 2021 already. we have the ending of season 4 and we will go directly to season 5 as they planned. what you are expecting them to say exactly?

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> Even if they would be working on an expac atm, they would not tell us.

Why? It's not like they were so secretive about PoF after all. Yeah, they might not have told as any details about it before they were ready, but that they _were_ working on an expac was something they did mention (more than once). We knew that one was in the work practically since HoT launched, and we knew they would be working on it even earlier on. It was never a secret.

This time however? Nothing.


>Living world 4 ain't finished, Living world 5 didn't start yet. If they are introducing an expansion we won't hear earlier than last episode of season 5 (with a possible cinematic trailer added when you finish that story like we have seen in past).

And yet we heard they were working on an expac (PoF, although we didn't know that name at this point of course) _before season 3 even started_


Also, after February layoffs they desperately needed to be able to give players some good news. Their marketing department would not miss the obvious value of announcing that an expac is in the works (just that, without mentioning any details). That alone would have been a massive reassurance to a lot of players. And yet, no such announcement was made. They'd rather have players worry about GW2 possibly winding down the scale of its development than reassure them.

There can be only one reason for that - they didn't reassure players with info about expac, because they _aren't_ working on one.


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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> im really confused when i read those.

> Anet states new content is incoming, customer respond i want new content !






The difference is that the contents Anet announced are like the topping of a cake while some of us want the cake(=expansion).

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > im really confused when i read those.

> > Anet states new content is incoming, customer respond i want new content !

> >


> Because expansions are more than just story and zone content, it's also about new class/race/skills/traits/weapons/new systems/etc, things that regularly don't get released on anything but an expansion.


> I'm sure they've been working on an expansion since PoF release, just with how things have been going for them there's going to be a major delay.



So how u got all those new mounts and mount skills ? Plus why demand so hard it’s already said no expansion in the works now.. u just got anets roadmap and they said what’s going to happen next. Maybe if u can send anet a few million dollar they can start building one for u.


Point is they just wasted a lot resources on never happened projects and they didn’t plan on an x pact. So even if they start now it’s still 2 years later till u see something completely done.



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so from what i have read, and read, and read again just to be certain:

people read Z's post. they didn't see anything about an expac but did see that ls4 leads into ls5(something that's been mentioned countless times to countless people asking about the expansion)

people immediately assume "no expansion" period. no questions asked, that's exactly what was stated.

other people hear this and point out that the expac is too far away and that ls4 isn't even finished and ls5 might take a while.

"but where is my expansion?"

the infinite loop, IMHO, continues. people ask a question, get an answer, then ask the same question again.

personally? i'll just play what's in front of me, enjoy what is delivered to me, and when or if something else comes down the road, i'll look forward to that too.

it's a lot easier to just enjoy something you have then repeatedly demand something you don't have.

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I actually think there are logical reasons why no expansion.


Using completely made up numbers:

4,357,750 ftp players/core players. These players cannot access any new content in the lw releases.


2,367,468 HOT only players. These players ALSO cannot access New content in lw releases.


8,367,467 POF players. These currently access all new content.


Currently ALL players can spend gems and continue playing. Theoretically those who do not have POF by this time( not including brand new players) will probably not buy POF. Whatever they enjoy about the game they can already do.


Should a new expansion be released only a percentage of group three will buy it. Groups one and two may but probably will not. A BRAND NEW player interested in the complete game would have to purchase HOT/POF/LS2,3,4,5 AND the new expansion. That's quite a lot. Other MMO's get around this by including prior expansions in a new expansions purchase but gw2 does not seem inclined to do this.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It would certainly be interesting to hear ANet's opinion of a future expansion, whether they have plans or not, [...]


This. As I stated in the official post, I am grateful for the communication and learning of some of the cool plans the staff has for the future of GW2. But story content-wise (apart from Side Stories, which I am a _huge_ fan of) I really take an expansion over yet another Living World season, so I'd like to know which one it is going to be after Season 5.


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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > So how u got all those new mounts and mount skills ? Plus why demand so hard it’s already said no expansion in the works now.. u just got anets roadmap and they said what’s going to happen next. Maybe if u can send anet a few million dollar they can start building one for u.

> >

> > Boy someone sure is offended.

> > 1. Mounts was a development from last expansion. Oh what you think the wvw mount was never in their plans before PoF release? lol

> > 2. I didn't demand anything, I stated what expansions bring.

> > 3. I didn't read any interview about no expansion, if there is then maybe anet should I dunno link and post stuff to their own forums for a change?

> > 4. Keep feeding them your gem purchases to fund the next mount skill, that'll move gw2 quite nicely along into the future I'm sure.

> >

> > > Point is they just wasted a lot resources on never happened projects and they didn’t plan on an x pact. So even if they start now it’s still 2 years later till u see something completely done.

> >

> > Going by the previous roadmap of living story, expansion, living story, expansion, I don't doubt an expansion was planned and probably worked on. They apparently had many other projects outside of gw2 that they were working on and everything but the gw2 game got affected.

> >

> > Go ahead get confused and offended more.

> >

> >


> Are u mad bro ?

> Lol u seems to put ur own feelings into me, I chat very civil about the information we have no need try to make it emotional thank u.


Lol civil good one.


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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> It was in an interview right after the layoffs. When asked, he directly said there won't be an expansion and even if not for many years. He also said something along the lines that NCSoft wants to focus more on the mobile market and that was one of the mayor reasons for the layoofs.

You must be mistaking interviews. The one where they stated "no expac for a long time" happened half a year _before_ layoffs (August 2018, if i remember correctly).

Still doesn't change the situation and doesn't make expac any more probable, but let's not add to the misinformation here.


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > So how u got all those new mounts and mount skills ? Plus why demand so hard it’s already said no expansion in the works now.. u just got anets roadmap and they said what’s going to happen next. Maybe if u can send anet a few million dollar they can start building one for u.

> > >

> > > Boy someone sure is offended.

> > > 1. Mounts was a development from last expansion. Oh what you think the wvw mount was never in their plans before PoF release? lol

> > > 2. I didn't demand anything, I stated what expansions bring.

> > > 3. I didn't read any interview about no expansion, if there is then maybe anet should I dunno link and post stuff to their own forums for a change?

> > > 4. Keep feeding them your gem purchases to fund the next mount skill, that'll move gw2 quite nicely along into the future I'm sure.

> > >

> > > > Point is they just wasted a lot resources on never happened projects and they didn’t plan on an x pact. So even if they start now it’s still 2 years later till u see something completely done.

> > >

> > > Going by the previous roadmap of living story, expansion, living story, expansion, I don't doubt an expansion was planned and probably worked on. They apparently had many other projects outside of gw2 that they were working on and everything but the gw2 game got affected.

> > >

> > > Go ahead get confused and offended more.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Are u mad bro ?

> > Lol u seems to put ur own feelings into me, I chat very civil about the information we have no need try to make it emotional thank u.


> Lol civil good one.



i give u a hug !

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I actually think there are logical reasons why no expansion.


> Using completely made up numbers:

> 4,357,750 ftp players/core players. These players cannot access any new content in the lw releases.


> 2,367,468 HOT only players. These players ALSO cannot access New content in lw releases.


> 8,367,467 POF players. These currently access all new content.


> Currently ALL players can spend gems and continue playing. Theoretically those who do not have POF by this time( not including brand new players) will probably not buy POF. Whatever they enjoy about the game they can already do.


> Should a new expansion be released only a percentage of group three will buy it. Groups one and two may but probably will not. A BRAND NEW player interested in the complete game would have to purchase HOT/POF/LS2,3,4,5 AND the new expansion. That's quite a lot. Other MMO's get around this by including prior expansions in a new expansions purchase but gw2 does not seem inclined to do this.


exactly what i mean even with made up numbers splitting up population is always risky.

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I'm going down the route of if they have 6 Episodes in season 5, and there's a 3/4 month gap in between, you are looking at maybe 2 years of content - and therefore two things will happen. Either that will be it, or they will use that time to progress. All or nothing.

Considering how many people don't want new maps, and they seemly have taken that on board, they aren't going to waste time making an expansion if they feel no would want it, no matter how much the income it would generate would be welcome. Yes, no Cantha. No charr homelands. It kinda sucks but that's gaming and the fickle world of the gamer.

So I think we have at least 2 years, give or take those wonderful quality of life updates, which don't really interest me.

Such is life.



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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I actually think there are logical reasons why no expansion.


> Using completely made up numbers:

> 4,357,750 ftp players/core players. These players cannot access any new content in the lw releases.


> 2,367,468 HOT only players. These players ALSO cannot access New content in lw releases.


> 8,367,467 POF players. These currently access all new content.


> Currently ALL players can spend gems and continue playing. Theoretically those who do not have POF by this time( not including brand new players) will probably not buy POF. Whatever they enjoy about the game they can already do.


> Should a new expansion be released only a percentage of group three will buy it. Groups one and two may but probably will not. A BRAND NEW player interested in the complete game would have to purchase HOT/POF/LS2,3,4,5 AND the new expansion. That's quite a lot. Other MMO's get around this by including prior expansions in a new expansions purchase but gw2 does not seem inclined to do this.


This is a valid point. If there was another living season and another xpac- the barrier to new players wanting full content would be even higher - im not sure of the solution though, its a consequence of having to generate income without a sub (wow can afford to include all content due to its sub).

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > > Wow........... this level of denial is epic.

> > >

> > > What part of Mike Zadorojny directly saying there won't be an expansion is so difficult to understand?

> > >

> > > I am craving expansions too but it is way easier to come to terms with this game is written off by NCSoft.

> > > Looking at the quarter numbers helps to understand their decision.

> > >

> > > There will be a meh living world season 5 and then a slow decrease in any activity.

> > > Just connect the dots.

> > > If you go to A-Nets career section you see that every job posting was removed and as we all know, most people were layed off,

> > > plus Mike Zadorojny announced no expansion. All this and people really still believe in an expansion.

> > > They even read A-Net not announcing an expansion as an expansion being in the works.

> > >

> > > Psychologists should look into this, it's a chance to study crowd delusion on an epic proportion. I'm blown away.

> > >

> >

> > Most ppl werent laid off, I too dont believe there will be a third expansion and there will be it likely just entered pre production, but where did Mike Z state there isnt one?


> It was in an interview right after the layoffs. When asked, he directly said there won't be an expansion and even if not for many years. He also said something along the lines that NCSoft wants to focus more on the mobile market and that was one of the mayor reasons for the layoofs.


Link to interview? If it's the one I'm thinking of, you're seriously mistaken here.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > > > Wow........... this level of denial is epic.

> > > >

> > > > What part of Mike Zadorojny directly saying there won't be an expansion is so difficult to understand?

> > > >

> > > > I am craving expansions too but it is way easier to come to terms with this game is written off by NCSoft.

> > > > Looking at the quarter numbers helps to understand their decision.

> > > >

> > > > There will be a meh living world season 5 and then a slow decrease in any activity.

> > > > Just connect the dots.

> > > > If you go to A-Nets career section you see that every job posting was removed and as we all know, most people were layed off,

> > > > plus Mike Zadorojny announced no expansion. All this and people really still believe in an expansion.

> > > > They even read A-Net not announcing an expansion as an expansion being in the works.

> > > >

> > > > Psychologists should look into this, it's a chance to study crowd delusion on an epic proportion. I'm blown away.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Most ppl werent laid off, I too dont believe there will be a third expansion and there will be it likely just entered pre production, but where did Mike Z state there isnt one?

> >

> > It was in an interview right after the layoffs. When asked, he directly said there won't be an expansion and even if not for many years. He also said something along the lines that NCSoft wants to focus more on the mobile market and that was one of the mayor reasons for the layoofs.


> Link to interview? If it's the one I'm thinking of, you're seriously mistaken here.


Yeah pretty sure that one was well before the layoffs.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Other MMO's get around this by including prior expansions in a new expansions purchase but gw2 does not seem inclined to do this.


MMOs tend to offer the current expansion separately and a bundle of all past expansions, so that wouldn't happen until the 3rd expansion. Subscription MMOs tend to be a little quicker and bundle everything into a single package a year after releasing their current expansion, or in WoW's case, simply giving away past expansions to incentivize subbing. GW2 could have bundled PoF and HoT by now, but then they wouldn't be doing the 50% off sales.


If you consider PoF was going to be sold at a normal price of $50, HoT was always included for free, but they instead split it into $30 for PoF and $20 for HoT. The next expansion is where they'll need to make their choice and either merge HoT with PoF, make it F2P, move it to the gem store, or continue to sell everything separately.

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> @"trev.1045" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > I actually think there are logical reasons why no expansion.

> >

> > Using completely made up numbers:

> > 4,357,750 ftp players/core players. These players cannot access any new content in the lw releases.

> >

> > 2,367,468 HOT only players. These players ALSO cannot access New content in lw releases.

> >

> > 8,367,467 POF players. These currently access all new content.

> >

> > Currently ALL players can spend gems and continue playing. Theoretically those who do not have POF by this time( not including brand new players) will probably not buy POF. Whatever they enjoy about the game they can already do.

> >

> > Should a new expansion be released only a percentage of group three will buy it. Groups one and two may but probably will not. A BRAND NEW player interested in the complete game would have to purchase HOT/POF/LS2,3,4,5 AND the new expansion. That's quite a lot. Other MMO's get around this by including prior expansions in a new expansions purchase but gw2 does not seem inclined to do this.


> This is a valid point. If there was another living season and another xpac- the barrier to new players wanting full content would be even higher - im not sure of the solution though, its a consequence of having to generate income without a sub (wow can afford to include all content due to its sub).


Lets not forget that only fresh new players have this problem to its full extend. Existing players who own hot or pof or neither can still save money just by logging in.


That being said, the lw seasoj have started piling up so a giga bundle at some poijt would make sense i feel like.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I'm going down the route of if they have 6 Episodes in season 5, and there's a 3/4 month gap in between, you are looking at maybe 2 years of content - and therefore two things will happen. Either that will be it, or they will use that time to progress. All or nothing.

> Considering how many people don't want new maps, and they seemly have taken that on board, they aren't going to waste time making an expansion if they feel no would want it, no matter how much the income it would generate would be welcome. Yes, no Cantha. No charr homelands. It kinda sucks but that's gaming and the fickle world of the gamer.

> So I think we have at least 2 years, give or take those wonderful quality of life updates, which don't really interest me.

> Such is life.




I'd imagine if there were no new maps in 2 years, players would be clamoring for them. It seems, whatever ArenaNet releases, the playerbase asks for the opposite after a short while.

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> Wow........... this level of denial is epic.


> What part of Mike Zadorojny directly saying there won't be an expansion is so difficult to understand?


> I am craving expansions too but it is way easier to come to terms with this game is written off by NCSoft.

> Looking at the quarter numbers helps to understand their decision.


> There will be a meh living world season 5 and then a slow decrease in any activity.

> Just connect the dots.

> If you go to A-Nets career section you see that every job posting was removed and as we all know, most people were layed off,

> plus Mike Zadorojny announced no expansion. All this and people really still believe in an expansion.

> They even read A-Net not announcing an expansion as an expansion being in the works.


> Psychologists should look into this, it's a chance to study crowd delusion on an epic proportion. I'm blown away.



Most people were laid off.. really, where you read that.. I read a number were laid off and ANET are back to launch numbers now.. hardly a "most laid of".. guess you may need to connect a few of those dots more accurately.

Last year I believe they announced no expac in the works as they had decided to shift to LS updates as the theme... maybe, just maybe that was a clue that ANET were actively looking at other business projects, which of course we all know have not come to fruition and likely now never will. But plans change, a lot of employees have been moved back onto GW2 and yes ANET had to shed weight.

It's way too soon to make assumptions that GW2 is heading into a maintenance mode after LS5 / 6 or whether ANET will refocus on an expac at some point. All we as players can do is ask ourselves the simple question - are we still enjoying the game enough to warrant sticking with it long enough for see what the future will bring.


I too am disappointed that MZ's latest communication failed to provide any further reassurances on the future of the game beyond what we already knew, but there were a few new plans an ideas being thrown out that could be seen as future expac content or just regular content updates.. either way it sounds like they are working to provide something at least in the nearer future.. while an expac in all honesty is going to be a few years of at best even if they suddenly teased us with something, so let's wait a whiles and see what unfolds.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> It's way too soon to make assumptions that GW2 is heading into a maintenance mode after LS5 / 6 or whether ANET will refocus on an expac at some point.

No, it isn't. If they haven't started work on expac already, they won't have it ready for after LS5. If they have to do another back-to back LS to LS, it will delay possibility of expac by _another_ ~18 months. That's **2023** at the earliest. Possibly even later. By that time the point would be moot - either the game would be doing fine in expacless mode (something i don't really believe in, based on past experiences with Anet and their similar attempts so far), or the consequences would have already happened by then and expac would be too late to salvage the situation.


Besides, if they don't have the resources to work on expac now, they are far less likely to have resources to work on big stuff later on as well.


For me, if they aren't working on expac now, it doesn't mean "maintenance mode" yet, but it's definitely a "lowered resources and effort" one. And a greater possibility of actual maintenance mode in the future.


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I think MikeZ was pretty clear. Their story of the elder dragons and Tyria is far from done.

Wether this story goes on as living world seasons or an expansion is unknown.

I doubt a decission to put GW2 on maintanance mode would not be done without disclosing information about future projects the studio is working on. The main reason is that investors would want to know where they are investing in. When they know, the players will also know.


We do know:

- Future projects are currently not called expansion packs

- There are 4 content teams working on GW2 content (something I hardly call maintanance mode).

- The story is far from done.


I'll be honest. I know most games have x-pacs or dlc's. Untill HoT-accouncement in 2015, we had 3 years of living world content without any plans annouced for x-pacs or DLC's. Season one was one of the most active seasons when it comes to releases. There was at one point a new release once every 2 weeks. This envolved less map and less content, but loads of story. They also had 4 content teams working on this, going in rotation to do such a tight release schedule. I am not sayng to expect the same, and season one had it's flaws (the option to replay it as one of them), but it was rich content and lots of fun.

Seeing the expected release of xpacs and dlc's as a sign of how healthy the game is, is flawed imo

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I'm happy with the current pace and thankful for Mike's update.

Many MMOs fail to create this bond between devs/publishers and players. Most of them just write something from time to time, empty words that are copy/pasted after months from the player-base to show how untrustworthy the producer was. Here we have someone who is willing to share their plans for the game, even if he's not forced to do it. If he doesn't say anything: "can you tell us something, instead of ignoring us?"; if he shares info: "meh, this is not what I wanted".


There are people on this forum who complain because new players must buy a lot of content to catch up, and yet we have veterans who are thirsty for a new expansion. ANet is trying to recover some old player recently, with this campaign and opening again for free the LW4 episodes. I don't think we need new skills to keep the game alive, as the OP says. It took a lot of time to have a good balance, and it could still improve in PvP, and we are asking for new elites/skills? No, thanks.


They are giving us LWs, which is good and free content. Why complaining? I understand that after playing many hours per day, for years, people can get bored. But there are also more casual players, with less time, and I don't think it's a good idea to lose them. If ppl have more free time, they can start playing also something else, it's not a crime to play 2 games.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > It's way too soon to make assumptions that GW2 is heading into a maintenance mode after LS5 / 6 or whether ANET will refocus on an expac at some point.

> No, it isn't. If they haven't started work on expac already, they won't have it ready for after LS5. If they have to do another back-to back LS to LS, it will delay possibility of expac by _another_ ~18 months. That's **2023** at the earliest. Possibly even later. By that time the point would be moot - either the game would be doing fine in expacless mode (something i don't really believe in, based on past experiences with Anet and their similar attempts so far), or the consequences would have already happened by then and expac would be too late to salvage the situation.


> Besides, if they don't have the resources to work on expac now, they are far less likely to have resources to work on big stuff later on as well.


> For me, if they aren't working on expac now, it doesn't mean "maintenance mode" yet, but it's definitely a "lowered resources and effort" one. And a greater possibility of actual maintenance mode in the future.



I already intimated the same thing in my post Astral.. as I said, even if they suddenly teased us of a future expac it would be at least another 2 years before anything dropped, but as we already know LS5 will come after LS4 completes we can safely say there is no expac for at least another 3years plus in all honesty. ANET at the time felt from a business perspective LS updating was the way to go, which was made clear last year so is nothing new and they will have all the necessary data to back up that decision either from a financial/revenue point of view and/or a resource point of view. That was likely including the fact they had employees seconded onto "other projects" at the time, which is no longer the case, but loosing a third of the employee base likely means that plan wont shift much as yet.

Expacs cost money and take a lot of resource so to suddenly change up requires some investment, which is unlikely given recent news not just around ANET but around NC Soft declining revenue across its whole portfolio, so imo it's notable that ANET are focussing on delivering LS5/6 plus other stuff for the game at all... other studios have been forced into much more end of life decisions, but if the quarterlies tell us anything it is the fact that whether it be expac or LS content, revenue appeared to be reasonable stable for a 6-7 yr old product at least, but increased headcount/costs erode that away fast, the next few quarterlies will make for interesting reading perhaps.

The fact we have content planned over at least the next 12-18 months suggests maintenance mode is not on the cards and plans for other additional content updates along the way also suggests no maintenance mode either, unless our notion of maintenance mode is very different.

What I found of interest in the latest MZ comms was the fact there were some interesting plans afoot for things like build templates. Is this perhaps a small hint that LS will begin to incorporate some expac like updates, will LS come with more than just a few hours gameplay, is this why they are looking at cadence delays, extensions... unfortunately we know not much more than snippits at this stage, which is why I say it is far too soon to start making doom and gloom assumptions without the necessary proof to back them up.. otherwise it looks like nothing more than scaremongering.

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