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Escape from Tyria [Season 4's ending speculation]


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# Kralkatorrik losses but at cost...


With Aurene's death, there will not be any hope left, even the Pale Tree's light or Caithe's connection, not even Joko's magic will play any role. Countdown till Kralkatorrik consumes the Mists and Tyria. We'll have to stop it, no matter the consequences. Help will arrive from Beyond, Astral creatures will want to make a bargain, Harbinger of Woe meets with us, we'll be choosing between staying and perishing on Tyria with Dragons, or we'll leave to the new Tyria, new beginning.


# Kralkatorrik's magic opens a portal to the New Tyria


With a massive evacuation out of Tyria, sending the word out to all Race Leaders, united powers will concentrate Kralkatorrik's magic thanks to Astral Creatures and Echoes of the Spirits from the Mists to open a portal through the 'Light' we saw in the Shattered Observatory Fractal, during our departure from the Mists in A Star to Guide Us.


# New Tyria, New Threats


Tyria will not change significantly, beside we'll see some new bio systems, new animals, new flora. Divnity's Reach, Lion's Arch and all other maps will stay as they are, but the history of those regions will be different. Kryta will have a different ruler, there won't be the Pale Tree, there won't be Dragons, but our new enemies will be Astral creatures.


# The Defender of New Tyria - New Aurene


In this new Tyria we'll find out that the hero of this world is actually Aurene, that obviously won't have a clue who we are, she will be looking differently, not affected by the dragons' magic, nor she will look like Mordremoth. She will be different. And she will be able to talk. Her death on the previous Tyria made her unite with Aurene from the New Tyria, so there has been Aurene in the New Tyria, but her consciousness from the dead one is still in dormant state.




Crazy theory, super crazy... But I believe that there won't be use staying in Tyria after Kralkatorrik's death, I think Asura (Taimi)'s simulation will show that Tyria will be destroyed no matter if we do, or don't do something.


Before 'All or Nothing' we got an info that "Devs are promising that the landscape of Tyria "stands to be reshaped" as a result."





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sry friend, but a "big reset" is overhyped and unrealistic. Considering that at the moment Anet has no resources for a "new big world", this would have many chances to turn into another fiasco like the rushed Kourna map. Let's consider ourselves lucky if the last map has at least the Dragon Stand or Auric Basin level of content.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> -snips "the 'greatest' fan-fiction crossover event of all time"-


Won't happen.


1. It's already been established shortly after Episode 4 that "all open world maps will be in Tyria/the world map" by the devs. So we're stuck with the zones we've gotten, and we're stuck with the world of Tyria as we know it.

2. Mechanically too difficult to implement multiple phasing of the same map. Especially when you add in Point 1.

3. They will never rework old zones to fit new content; they stopped touching starter zones with non-festival content with Tower of Nightmares. And it would be fairly jarring to have people going from new zones to old instances. People get confused enough with LA's situation. Even if "they look exactly the same" the content will not be as you point out "new ruler for Kryta" etc. will just cause lore confusion because in the instances, everyone's all about Jennah, but then in open world, they're talking about King Fooliecoolie.

4. It's just generally a shit-ton of work to do within the scope of GW2, and as the layoffs proved, we're not getting a GW3 anytime soon.



> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Before 'All or Nothing' we got an info that "Devs are promising that the landscape of Tyria "stands to be reshaped" as a result."


> Reshaped...


You apparently didn't pay attention to the last two maps that had been pretty damn reshaped.


Though it stands to mention that ArenaNet stated the **exact** same thing with Season 1's finale and Mordremoth's awakening. That the continent would be reshaped... the zones didn't get updated except for a couple vines. The only reshaping that took place was in new maps, and it wasn't some cosmic alternate universe reshaping, it was just massive upheaval caused by corruption. Which we've seen in Jahai Bluffs and Thunderhead Peaks already.

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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> To be fair, Konig, the changes to some older maps due to Mordy, while unquestionably no where near Kessex's change, was more than just a few vines.


Fort Salma? Just a few vines.

Fort Concodia? Just a few vines.

Iron Marches? Quite a few vines.

Elsewhere? Temporary vines at waypoints.


They did add a few mordrem events (non-consequential they were) to Iron Marches, updated the difficulty of a chain in Frostforged Sound (non-consequential they were), and removed a few NPCs in Fort Salma, but visually? Just a few vines.


Iron Marches got the biggest change, and it was really just four events and about double to triple that in NPCs being added. Aside from one escort event's pathing (which stalled due to the new vines), nothing old got updated there. They didn't even update NPCs' interactions to reflect Fort Concordia being destroyed. They **still** say that it's a brand spankin' new fort.

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The Jahai case was practically only viable because the "reshape" was about more reusing older assets, with exception of the "orr area"(im still not sure if is really new asset) and "mushrooms alien mushroons"(an still seems reusing some HoT assets).


if the orr zone in Jahai is actually using new assets this can give us hope of one day some fractal show us the pre-sinking Orr.

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It doesn't help the kind of narrative this game is (a plain Hero's Journey) to do that at all. A hard reset will underwhelm the achievements of the commander and put him/her back to square zero regarding his/her character development. A new world again, having to gain respect again, etc. No writer with a solid knowledge of Joseph Campbell or any other writing theories will pull that off in a lore like what we have here.


With this said, Kralkatorrik does open the possibility for the commander to _glimpse_ other worlds. It might be that in this last season we get to see how Tyria would have been if Elder Dragons never slept, or how it would end if Elder Dragons were all killed, and so on and so on. It would be at least fitting to the Destiny's Edge plotline that we also grapple with Kralk's mind in the same way Snaff once did, and get to see what the Dragon itself thinks about us and about its existence (I don't favor talking to Kralk because I like that he/she/it is an impersonal character, but that can be done with voice if done right).


Remember that this whole story is about us, the commander, not about anything else. Nothing will happen that stumps or sets back the commander's ascension to herohood.

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Campbell is a set of observations, not an instruction manual. Not that the Commander hews close to the Hero's Journey as is, given herohood was pretty close to their starting condition. The familiar world that they leave, with the local conflicts of bandit plots and scheming evil scientists/cultists, isn't all that different from the greater stage of Elder Dragons and gods that they enter; the scale of the threats changes, but not the kind. Their initial experiences on that stage weren't a learning process; they were a natural in their new role from the get-go. Of course, the resolution of the Hero's Journey, the return, requires writing with an end in mind, which runs counter to the medium of MMO storytelling, so there's no surprise we haven't seen anything resembling that. Nor are the individual elements really in place; there are superficial resemblances to the call to adventure in the sylvari and human prologues and the third chapter of the PS, and to the resurrection/rebirth in the Claw Island arc, but Campbell's work was all about how these story archetypes speak to and resonate with universal quirks of the human psyche. GW2 smoothly glosses over all that with a layer of power fantasy. Not that that's a bad thing, necessarily, but it's a very different approach to the story.


I think it's also part of what's bred such an appetite to pluck the PC up and plop them down somewhere new- even after ANet's done that exact thing with HoT, and then PoF, and then to a lesser extent Daybreak. Power fantasy runs on a steady diet of threats to overcome, and while you can argue whether it's been a natural progression or due to villain mismanagement, it's pretty clear that we're running out of forces in the known world that will be taken as a credible threat. For the people who like this kind of storytelling, with clear victories and simple solutions, the prospect of dealing with a mere charr imperator and all the convoluted politics that could entail isn't going to match up to the prospect of dropping somewhere entirely new and battling up to victory and recognition despite that handicap.

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