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The Patron Deity of the Krait?


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I have always thought that perhaps the Krait either knowingly, or unknowingly (more likely) worship the Deep Sea Elder Dragon as their patron deity. This would make sense as the krait want their deity or deities to flood all of Tyria, and I can only see the Deep Sea Elder Dragon or one of his/her dragon champions being able to do that. If this is true I wonder if the DSD will enslave the Krait to make them work for him/her, or worse, make them serve the DSD willingly.

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True. We shouldn't tie every race to some Elder Dragon. There are many other deities that can be far more powerful but we do not know of them.


Having Krait worship DSD would be nice but very obvious. Personally, I'd like something closer to Lazarus and White Mantle or Cliffside Colossus.

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There's been some speculation of connecting the krait's Prophet to being the deep sea dragon or its champions. Largely due to the whole "disappeared ages ago but will return one day" and how the oratuss are outright proclaimed to be corrupt and constantly altering the holy texts (that only they can see) to rule over the krait maliciously.


Sadly, to little is known about both to really differentiate.


That said, it is clear that if the Prophet is the DSD, then the krait are not knowingly worshiping the DSD as the DSD forced the krait out of their homeland. They're actively battling the DSD best we can tell. Would be interesting that, once we get the DSD focused on, we learn that it is the Prophet, but the oratuss have spun the tale so drastically that they proclaim it to be a False Prophet, pretending to be the Prophet but actually not.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > The Krait orb. Did we establish it protected against all dragon corruption or just zhaitan?


> The orb was stolen by the Risen, so I really doubt its power.


Given that it's power was "prevent further corruption" and not "counter current corruption", it's rather very similar to sylvari and Exalted "immunity". The risen stealing it doesn't discredit this implied and proven power.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > The Krait orb. Did we establish it protected against all dragon corruption or just zhaitan?


> The orb was stolen by the Risen, so I really doubt its power.


Perhaps we are playing two different games. I recall that the blue orb protects against the Risen corruption. See the Battle of Fort Trinity.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"norbes.3620" said:

> > well wasnt the orb moved to the silverwastes fort?


> No indication of such. Last we heard of it was Battle for Fort Trinity instance.


Sorry for grabbing it up again but i dont think it was mentioned but in the silverwastes fort is an blue orb that resembles the one of fort trinity.

to me it just made sense cuz after zhaitans death it would not be needed in fort trinity

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> @"norbes.3620" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"norbes.3620" said:

> > > well wasnt the orb moved to the silverwastes fort?

> >

> > No indication of such. Last we heard of it was Battle for Fort Trinity instance.


> Sorry for grabbing it up again but i dont think it was mentioned but in the silverwastes fort is an blue orb that resembles the one of fort trinity.

> to me it just made sense cuz after zhaitans death it would not be needed in fort trinity


Where? I am seeing no orb in the SW Fort? Can you pinpoint where you saw it?

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> @"zolcor.2601" said:

> I have always thought that perhaps the Krait either knowingly, or unknowingly (more likely) worship the Deep Sea Elder Dragon as their patron deity. This would make sense as the krait want their deity or deities to flood all of Tyria, and I can only see the Deep Sea Elder Dragon or one of his/her dragon champions being able to do that. If this is true I wonder if the DSD will enslave the Krait to make them work for him/her, or worse, make them serve the DSD willingly.


I don't think the Kraits are servants (worshipers) of the Water Dragon. The base for this (personal) opinion is the story the Quaggans told us that they were forced to flee from their places by the Kraits. But the Kraits themselves were pushed from their deep sea places by the awakening Water Dragon. So, this makes the Kraits refugees, in the same degree as the Quaggans are refugees.


Second, from all the Elder Dragons servants we encountered until now we know that spreading the corruption is the first of their priority. We know that the Kraits are xenofobistic, slavers, having no respect for any of the other life forms. But they are not corrupt. Or, if they are, we still don't know how they spread the corruption.


Do you remember the Krait Witch? If you listen to her speech you will not hear any reference to a Dragon (or master). By opposition, all the other ED minions knew only few words, but Zhaitan (or Mordy or Kralky) were mandatory in any phrase longer than 3 words.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"zolcor.2601" said:

> > I have always thought that perhaps the Krait either knowingly, or unknowingly (more likely) worship the Deep Sea Elder Dragon as their patron deity. This would make sense as the krait want their deity or deities to flood all of Tyria, and I can only see the Deep Sea Elder Dragon or one of his/her dragon champions being able to do that. If this is true I wonder if the DSD will enslave the Krait to make them work for him/her, or worse, make them serve the DSD willingly.


> I don't think the Kraits are servants (worshipers) of the Water Dragon. The base for this (personal) opinion is the story the Quaggans told us that they were forced to flee from their places by the Kraits. But the Kraits themselves were pushed from their deep sea places by the awakening Water Dragon. So, this makes the Kraits refugees, in the same degree as the Quaggans are refugees.


> Second, from all the Elder Dragons servants we encountered until now we know that spreading the corruption is the first of their priority. We know that the Kraits are xenofobistic, slavers, having no respect for any of the other life forms. But they are not corrupt. Or, if they are, we still don't know how they spread the corruption.


> Do you remember the Krait Witch? If you listen to her speech you will not hear any reference to a Dragon (or master). By opposition, all the other ED minions knew only few words, but Zhaitan (or Mordy or Kralky) were mandatory in any phrase longer than 3 words.


You're misunderstanding him. He's not suggesting the krait are dragon minions. He's suggesting they're (un)knowingly worshiping the DSD as a "Prophet". As such, 1) the DSD would still try to kill them, just as destroyers killed the Flame Legion worshiping them in EotN; 2) the krait, not being minions, can't spread corruption; and 3) the krait wouldn't mention a dragon since they know it as "the Prophet" (and the krait witches don't even mention the Prophet so.... bad example there).

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  • 3 weeks later...

We know for sure that the Kraits aren't dragon minions for a simple reason : we saw Risen Kraits back in the personal story, and you can find some at the North-West of Malchor's Leap. An ED cannot corrupt the minions of another one. At best, they're like the Sons of Svanir, but given they were thrown away from their lands by the DSD, it's very unlikely.

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