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What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?


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1. Terrible combat balance - boons, conditions, one shot damage, mobility, stealth.

2. Terrible implementation/limitation on certain things - stealth, stat distribution on gear.

3. Lack of support from anet - need more events, updating/balancing/adding gameplay, no new maps, lack of updating old maps(time to get rid of home map but more ebg themes?).

4. Population imbalance and break down of communities over the years.

5. Rewards - time to acquire still too high.


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Try to fight an S/D thief who is lagging. He will apply the damage before you can see the sword2 casting. Another example is an instant phase traversal combo from lagging power shiros. Phase traversal is a skill you can dogde when everything works properly - not so much when you are hit right in the moment the skill anmation starts.


> These are things I never noticed in sPvP, but in WvW I don't mind to fight certain players on specific classes (it's always the same people) because of that. It's just ridiculous and pointless.


this is true for attack and im not refuting this, but try dodging with 500 ping and tell me what you think then.


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1. Objective defence/siege: Attackers have more advantage than defenders. Towers and keeps should have crenelations on the tops of walls that are destructible by siege only. They should block incoming projectiles and for as long as they hold, enemy-based, ground-target aoe abilities should be unable to target those sections of the wall. Defending players should be able to shoot down through them but once the crenelations are down wall defence reverts to what it now is. Battering rams should be able to damage wall sections though with less damage inflicted than a catapult of the same quality. Players operating the ram should be immune to damage -the sum of incoming damage being inflicted upon the ram itself until it's destroyed.


Supply stored in towers, keeps, and garrisons is there for use by players for building siege and repairs but it shouldn't be the only method of defence. Such structures should have a steady, organic natural regeneration for the health of their defences -so long as their Lord NPC is 'alive.' This rate of regeneration should be based on the tier of the structure as well as the tier of the NPCs and shouldn't be tied to supply stored on site. Call it an abstraction of the Lord and the other NPCs under their command effecting repairs/shoring up defences as they wait for reinforcement from players.


2. Remove in-combat stealth granting abilities across the board for everyone. Have ambushes from stealth all you want but once combat is engaged players should stay revealed for the duration. It should be all or nothing. Not an endless cycle of fights being reset until the other side gives up in frustration.


3. Armour scaling. There needs to be a substantially wider gap between the toughness/armour rating provided by the respective weights of armour and Toughness needs to do more than what it currently does with some possible mitigation of incoming condition damage. Perhaps a natural resistance stat contributed to via a split between Vitality and Toughness.


4. There needs to be a diminishing return system on taunt and target switching abilities regardless of source. Whether that's illusions/phantasms, Ranger pets, or player-based taunts. After the first one or two, players should no longer have their targets shifted and should be free to concentrate their attacks for a time without having their selected target changed until that grace period is over. Make it an automatic short duration buff called 'increased focus' whatever.


5. More ground-target, aoe abilities need to require players to stand still to cast them. Use them to mine the area in order to defend against an incoming attack if you want but not for pushing. Pushing should require a bit more effort than that.

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Alliances - At best feels like EoTM which is impersonal. Part of WvW was part of something bigger: Rooting for you favorite sports team AND being a part of helping them win. Better than TV sports!

At worst, you have people on your "allied" server who work against you, because they aren't repping their own server. I'm on a larger server, but I have to ask how bad does this suck to not even be able to rep your own server? If I was on a smaller sub-server, I'm pretty sure I would have quit months ago.


Mounts - I know it's too late to remove them, but...OMFG! The speed buff is like very other MMO ever (boring, boring, BORING!!!). These are useless, and if they were any more than useless, they would utterly destroy what is left of WvW.

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> @"Tibicia.8315" said:

> Alliances - At best feels like EoTM which is impersonal. Part of WvW was part of something bigger: Rooting for you favorite sports team AND being a part of helping them win. Better than TV sports!

> At worst, you have people on your "allied" server who work against you, because they aren't repping their own server. I'm on a larger server, but I have to ask how bad does this suck to not even be able to rep your own server? If I was on a smaller sub-server, I'm pretty sure I would have quit months ago.



Look at the developer livestream: They're not joining individual server communities on their VOIP of choice, and now they're developing the game in a way that will wreck communities. What a surprise... and if you don't think they're using their livestream experience to inform their decision-making, well the recent wall nerf should change your mind.



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Don't know if many would get this but...


1. Putting siege on the trading post, I found it amazing when a map would protect the 1 omega golem going to SMC.. It also built a good bond between commanders and pugs as you would constantly drop your siege on the ground for the commander to pick up.

2. Making Lions Arch a mega server, LA was good shout map for help or guild wvw recruitment. Was also good to guest to enemy servers as a guild and provoke enemy guilds to fighting on a certain map.

3. Desert borderlands.

4. How the guild system changed with guild halls relating to WvW and smaller tight nit havok players.

5. How the mount was implemented, I like it but it should have been launched with a dismount skill and not be immune to some classes and builds.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> 5. More ground-target, aoe abilities need to require players to stand still to cast them. Use them to mine the area in order to defend against an incoming attack if you want but not for pushing. Pushing should require a bit more effort than that.


Interesting idea, but I see a problem with it, it will just mean that a zerg vs zerg becomes stare-wars because no-one wants to push, since they can't use aoe's.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> > 5. More ground-target, aoe abilities need to require players to stand still to cast them. Use them to mine the area in order to defend against an incoming attack if you want but not for pushing. Pushing should require a bit more effort than that.


> Interesting idea, but I see a problem with it, it will just mean that a zerg vs zerg becomes stare-wars because no-one wants to push, since they can't use aoe's.


Oh, they'll push. Venality wins out every time. Just a matter of who gets desperate enough first to keep the bags flowing. Probably more circling before they do. Or they'll just change the professions they bring along to push with which won't necessarily be a bad thing. If anything it will at least encourage a bit more lateral thinking than, drop circles here ad nauseam. Who knows? Melee might even have a place again.

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1, Language servers that have particular regions capping everything at night biggest problem as they get tiers they don't deserve

2, Blobs are not fun and favours overpop servers rather than skill

3, Balance between defence with siege and offence is off, bring back the ability to defend with your own skills

4, Being pulled off walls, remove all abilities capability to do this, NO ONE should be pulled off a wall defending

5, Anything hitting over 10k, hell even over 6k

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1) lack of build diversity. I don't think this really needs to be explained.

2) lack of balancing. this kinda spreads to pvp as well, but BS perma stealth with no damage drops or mobility loss and target breaks are really poor gameplay

3) lack or rewards. pvp gets more/better rewards, yet wvw has a higher cost (time and gold) as you need actual gear and food/wrench, and can sieges take a ton of time.


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Dear Anet,

Why do you do this to the Mesmers!! Why put in "sniff" when you take away longer stealth for us but give it to thief class. Ugh I am very displeased. And why is that if you are stealthed that the "sniff" can knock you out of that?? I thought if you are stealth they would not be able to find you? And no there was no daredevil nor engi to knock me out of my stealth.




Disgruntle Mesmer

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> @"Melian.5368" said:

> My biggest problem is other players complain when i play my soulbeast in wvw. How will this change?


Assuming you want a serious answer to your question...

This is more of an issue you have with certain "people" as opposed WvW itself (like a few other commentator's)... So these are 2 separate entities. For example: It's harder to control how people function vs how WvW functions.


The best WvW can do is influence their decisions depending on the state it's currently in (involving balance and maybe some QoL). Which can go ether way of good or bad; usually at the same time based on opinion.

If WvW were to shift to a state where "soulbeast" was more in demand. It could be good for you... But that still won't change the nature of these same people. The second soulbeast is frowned upon once more... The same trend will pursue. And chances are if it's not soulbeast then it's something else.


So in terms of how it "will" change... Is ultimately going to rest on your shoulders.

Initially, the best you can do is try to understand where these people are coming from. Try to understand how they like to play. Accept and respect that your way of playing doesn't trump their way and vice versa for them. Not saying you do or don't already do this.

Though, do expect that if your way of playing conflict's with their way. There is a chance you may not ultimately get along.


This is what I do with people I don't get along with in general...

First, I try to actually understand them and what their issue is. If it's Factually and Indisputably dumb. Or not just something I'm into and I don't feel anything significant from it. Then I just go about it with some "Grit" and try to ignore. If it reaches a point of annoyance or (especially) harassment... I generally won't hesitate to block them. And I especially stop caring about them at that point... Then wait for the next one to show up. As they always eventually do.


All better balance between build viability will do is help hide their true colors. Not to say that those "colors" are wrong every time or even half the time ether tbh. Though, those "bad" colors will probably find someway to surface. And maybe this is good enough for you despite this. However, if they can't respect you... Then follow the steps above if you wish.


And Thank You for commenting along with everyone else <3

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1. An enemy that refuses to kill you while in downed state, and walks away. Same with a zerg that breaks in, farms you, then leaves without bothering to capture the location. Egotistical kitten garbage.

2. Permaboons

3. Siege no longer doing dmg to zergs running permaboons.

4. Fools that get pissed at you for killing their downs with warclaw and bitch about how they didn't get their kill for a sigil bonus.

5. Any commander that has a problem with Pugs, Scouts, and/or Rangers. Or any commander that has problem with Pug Ranger Scouts in general.

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1. Population - too many maps and tiers. I often log in to WvW and spend most of my time running around looking for other players.

2. Lack of updates - I play WvW because I enjoy large-scale, non-uniform combat, but the slow introduction of new content and updates to mechanics has caused it to become stale. Maps (except Desert) very plain and largely unchanged since 2012.

3. Big zergs and excess use of siege - Gameplay mechanics that encourages each team playing in a single, massive zerg. Gameplay mechanics that encourage turtling (rather

than fighting), and otherwise minimizes player-to-player combat. This is a big issue that likely has multiple causes that would take too much space to discuss here.


That's mainly it. I could name other things, but these are the primary offenders, in my mind.

As an honorable mention (not as impactful as the above three:

4. Downed state - PvP removed the temporary immunity upon entering downed state, IIRC. I think WvW would benefit from this as well. Too much rallying.


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