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REAL Most Broken Class


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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> Whaaaat? I viewed the results for scrapper at 13. I then clicked the back button and reentered. I voted for scrapper. However, after I voted the number of votes for scrapper didn't go up. Is the poll broken?


Nah poll isn't broken, the engilluminati is just colluding to supress your scrapper vote so condi mirage gets nerfed.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > It is also not showing what I voted for in my comment.

> > Can someone confirm or deny for me that hasn't voted yet?

> > I think something is wrong with the poll.


> Poll is anonymous so comments don't show what you voted for.


Thank you, never created a poll before

lol ty

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I got crit the other day from stealth for 39k (worldly impact), with 2.6k armor in PVP by a ranger. (followed by 28k when I was in downstate with a maul) While I won't say it's necessarily meta, it's certainly broken to be able to stack 6 seconds of stealth, walk up to someone capping a node and one shot them with an unblockable attack.


So, while I'd say that Engies are affecting the meta more, and in a negative way imo. I still think that one shot builds that can one shot even the most tanky build from stealth in pvp is more broken than an annoying spec that bunkers points and stalls out games.

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As of now:


Boonbeast - 15

Scrapper - 15

Condi Mirage - 16


Mirage really must be Anet's favorite child. It's so OP it facerolls polls it shouldn't win. :lol:


And here's a thought: What if Scrapper didn't become FOTM? What would the top 3 look like then?


This is why SB and Holo keep getting a free pass. There's always something else around to focus the community's ire. Yes, let's keep letting them low key rock their busted s-tier sustain + damage, low risk-high reward play styles, for another few seasons.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> mes is balanced? so going from the best class in the game to the worst class in the game (worse than ele) in a year makes it balanced? ok



Hahaha. Imagine thinking mesmer is worse than ele. That is why we see Weavers in ATs and not Chronos right? Oh wait...



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I know warrior is very popular so this will probably be unpopular opinion, but I think spellbreaker is greatly understimated, specially the impact that it can have on a side node, as a +1 or getting away from pretty much everything. Rampage is a near death sentence unless you are somehow swimming on stunbreakers after he bull rushed you, shield bashed or dagger #3 you, specially so if they have a teammate that has the mental capacity to press T and all their skills on you.


It is refreshing seeing that some people still believe mesmers are these poor, poor creature that deserve pity rather than the well deserved fires of the nerf bat, like eles undeservedly have gotten over the past 3 years.


I will once again post what I think is wrong:


> •Soulbeasts, holo and spellbreakers: **too much sustain for how much damage they do** . Give them ele treatment: want healing? trait and equip stats for it, no freebies.


> •Mirage and chronos to some extent too: **little to no windows of opportunity to retaliate** . Blind on shatters layered with confusion, dodges, detarget, blinks, stealth and reflect which can be used to constantly disengage and tug people around is not healthy.


> •Wanna know why you dont see squishy classes in plat1+, or AT? Sw/D thief and shiro revs. **1200 teleports that ignore LoS, and unblockable attacks** that go through the little defenses some squishy classes (like ele) have means they die without ever posing a challenge. Steal and Sw #3 being unblockable, steal prioritizing stability above all else (eles have one of the lowest access to them, next to necros, and ele have to cast lots of stuff, and have lowest armor AND hp in the game, and arcane shield blocks nothing because UNBLOCKABLE attacks). Cant use LoS because neither shiro nor thief Sw #2 care about it.


> •Being able to index extremely in defense and being near impossible to kill unless 2v1 or sometimes 3v1 so that it doesnt take ages, while still being able to provide team support via barrier and **condi convertions** . Yes, scrappers., which now also have more fields to combo than eles, + stealth and smoke fields, boon convertion instead of only removal, barriers AND super speed, pretty much taking the only niche eles had and then adding so much more.


> •Elementalists having only a "viable" build in being a discounted scrapper but with the sidekick of not having that much team support or ability to stand on the point rather than disengage to heal back up thus losing the cap. Ele's have been hit on self-defense and traits over the last 3 years to prevent them from being self-sustain beasts, but in doing so, they were never given other tools to survive as damage dealers, so now all they can do is go max defense just to be able to have near holo/soulbeast/spellbreaker sustain, while having not even half of their damage.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I know warrior is very popular so this will probably be unpopular opinion, but I think spellbreaker is greatly understimated, specially the impact that it can have on a side node, as a +1 or getting away from pretty much everything. Rampage is a near death sentence unless you are somehow swimming on stunbreakers after he bull rushed you, shield bashed or dagger #3 you, specially so if they have a teammate that has the mental capacity to press T and all their skills on you.


> It is refreshing seeing that some people still believe mesmers are these poor, poor creature that deserve pity rather than the well deserved fires of the nerf bat, like eles undeservedly have gotten over the past 3 years.


> I will once again post what I think is wrong:


> > •Soulbeasts, holo and spellbreakers: **too much sustain for how much damage they do** . Give them ele treatment: want healing? trait and equip stats for it, no freebies.


> > •Mirage and chronos to some extent too: **little to no windows of opportunity to retaliate** . Blind on shatters layered with confusion, dodges, detarget, blinks, stealth and reflect which can be used to constantly disengage and tug people around is not healthy.


> > •Wanna know why you dont see squishy classes in plat1+, or AT? Sw/D thief and shiro revs. **1200 teleports that ignore LoS, and unblockable attacks** that go through the little defenses some squishy classes (like ele) have means they die without ever posing a challenge. Steal and Sw #3 being unblockable, steal prioritizing stability above all else (eles have one of the lowest access to them, next to necros, and ele have to cast lots of stuff, and have lowest armor AND hp in the game, and arcane shield blocks nothing because UNBLOCKABLE attacks). Cant use LoS because neither shiro nor thief Sw #2 care about it.


> > •Being able to index extremely in defense and being near impossible to kill unless 2v1 or sometimes 3v1 so that it doesnt take ages, while still being able to provide team support via barrier and **condi convertions** . Yes, scrappers., which now also have more fields to combo than eles, + stealth and smoke fields, boon convertion instead of only removal, barriers AND super speed, pretty much taking the only niche eles had and then adding so much more.


> > •Elementalists having only a "viable" build in being a discounted scrapper but with the sidekick of not having that much team support or ability to stand on the point rather than disengage to heal back up thus losing the cap. Ele's have been hit on self-defense and traits over the last 3 years to prevent them from being self-sustain beasts, but in doing so, they were never given other tools to survive as damage dealers, so now all they can do is go max defense just to be able to have near holo/soulbeast/spellbreaker sustain, while having not even half of their damage.


It's dumb that rampage is up literally every single fight without fail because of how short its cooldown is for how impactful it is. Spellbreakers also have too much ability to disengage from a fight going poorly, which is generally the problem with most side noders like Mirage, Boonbeast and Engineer. I remember back in the day when you had to do tricky jumping puzzles to get away from bad situations. Now warriors can just flip through their 5800 units of movement skills.

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I feel like a doofus for agreeing with incissor, but I do think Herald's ability to spike is over the top, given how frequently it can be done and how much follow-through they have, plus their ability to stall until their next spike becomes available. If you put two of them on a team together, it's nearly impossible to survive, no matter how good a bunker you are.


Soulbeast is up there as well, but I generally don't see as many spike soulbeasts as I do heralds.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> I feel like a doofus for agreeing with incissor, but I do think Herald's ability to spike is over the top, given how frequently it can be done and how much follow-through they have, plus their ability to stall until their next spike becomes available. If you put two of them on a team together, it's nearly impossible to survive, no matter how good a bunker you are.


> Soulbeast is up there as well, but I generally don't see as many spike soulbeasts as I do heralds.


Don't, you are also agreeing with many others such as suffish (in the other poll thread). And incissor is biased but not *that* stupid.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> OP starts off with a wrong assumption, making the whole post pretty much invalid...

> A broken class is either the one that's too strong or the one that's too weak. Anything that isn't working well is broken by definition.


Incorrect. Broken can mean either overpowered or nonfunctional (approximately) in a gaming context, and I start by defining "broken" as pertains to this thread specifically to avoid semantic confusions, such at those outlined in your post. What you critise as a fault is actually a strength of the post in order to reduce ambiguity.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > OP starts off with a wrong assumption, making the whole post pretty much invalid...

> > A broken class is either the one that's too strong or the one that's too weak. Anything that isn't working well is broken by definition.


> Incorrect. Broken can mean either overpowered or nonfunctional (approximately) in a gaming context, and I start by defining "broken" as pertains to this thread specifically to avoid semantic confusions, such at those outlined in your post. What you critise as a fault is actually a strength of the post in order to reduce ambiguity.


No, that actually just outlines your inability to articulate english, since what you're looking for is defined by the term "overpowered"...

Anyway this can and has been debated ad-nauseum, and deciding by vote is a moot point since it'll always be a biased proposition.

Until you establish proper standards to what constitutes an overpowered class, then there's no way to get an objective answer.

Its the old Scourge situation all over, it was a pretty well balanced class, but because of player's inability to adapt their builds and choices it was dominant, and thus perceived as overpowered, and got ineffectually balanced to a point where it's still dominant in PvP, but fairly weak in PvE.


TLDR: You should try to work on how you express yourself, and use proper nomenclature, and your post is useless because it'll always be based on opinion and bias, and most people playing this game couldn't tell an op character from a dead mouse if their life depended on it.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > OP starts off with a wrong assumption, making the whole post pretty much invalid...

> > > A broken class is either the one that's too strong or the one that's too weak. Anything that isn't working well is broken by definition.

> >

> > Incorrect. Broken can mean either overpowered or nonfunctional (approximately) in a gaming context, and I start by defining "broken" as pertains to this thread specifically to avoid semantic confusions, such at those outlined in your post. What you critise as a fault is actually a strength of the post in order to reduce ambiguity.


> No, that actually just outlines your inability to articulate english, since what you're looking for is defined by the term "overpowered"...

1. Broken was used in reference to the recent "failed" poll. Hence the "REAL" in the title as well.

2. There is a certain element of clickbait to it.

3. Broken is common slang in gaming communities for overpowered or extremely powerful and in context is well-understood by everyone, including yourself had you not decided to nitpick. I hate to reference non-credible sources but when it comes to the linguistics of gaming or internet slang I deem it appropriate, so here you go:




> Anyway this can and has been debated ad-nauseum,

Yes, most things can. Though I am simply responding to your accusations.

> and deciding by vote is a moot point since it'll always be a biased proposition.

> Until you establish proper standards to what constitutes an overpowered class, then there's no way to get an objective answer.

Balancing PvP modes in complex games such as gw2 is always going to be subjective and contingent on biases. There is absolutely no way around it. Polls don't reveal which option is correct or truthful. Yet I propose that this thread serves several purposes:

1. Gauging community reactions and attitudes towards builds that are commonly regarded as strong or part of the meta.

2. Fun, enjoyment, general interest.

> Its the old Scourge situation all over, it was a pretty well balanced class, but because of player's inability to adapt their builds and choices it was dominant, and thus perceived as overpowered, and got ineffectually balanced to a point where it's still dominant in PvP, but fairly weak in PvE.

Yes, you are adding another value judgement to the sea of subjective perspectives which you are criticizing.


> TLDR: You should try to work on how you express yourself, and use proper nomenclature,

This has been disproven in the previous post together with the beginning of this one.

> and your post is useless because it'll always be based on opinion and bias, and most people playing this game couldn't tell an op character from a dead mouse if their life depended on it.

You misunderstand the purpose and value of the post, then add your opinion while berating others for doing so "incorrectly" (more detailed replies above).


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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> Those are some impressive numbers for Condi Mirage considering the nerfs last patch brought it to level with most of the other duelist builds.


> Three way tie imo: scrapper, herald, and chronobunk or maybe chrono in general. I'm voting scrapper because I see scrappers almost every game, and sometimes they hold 1v3's, and that; imho, just shouldn't be a thing regardless of skill.


Scrapper is literally a meme. Not overperforming at all,just not properly balanced and competent players will easily find a way around it without much effort

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > This just in:

> >

> > ThE kNoWlEdGeAbLe CoMmUnITy declares condi-Mirage still Anet's favorite child.

> >

> > In other news, truly overpowered specs continue avoiding proper nerfs.


> I mean, at some point people need to stop pushing for nerfing mirage.


> ....right?


I agree, other classes need the attention more.

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