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Take AR out of infusion

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Fractal god&godess title need some infusions.

* Mist Attunement 4 requires one each of agony reduction infusions +13, +14, +15, and +16.

* Respectively, those require spending 4k, 8k, 16k, and 32k AR+1 infusions

* Total spent: 61.44k infusions


By comparison, AR 150 can be achieved from seventeen AR+9 infusions per character, requiring ~4.3k AR+1 infusions, using the simplest (not the cheapest) method. Accordingly full Deroir costs, at most, the equivalent of outfitting 9-10 characters.



Mist Attunement 4 does include account bound AR of the sort the OP requests, a total of 20 AR. Ignoring the other costs, that's at best a reduction of costs from 4.3k AR+1 per toon (using seventeen AR+9 infusions) to 3.8k (using fifteen AR+9 infusions), i.e. spending 61k to reduce current spending by 0.5k AR+1.


That leaves ANet with two clear options:

* Make agony infusions worthless in a single day, by requiring a 1:1 replacement for account bound AR

* Put agony resistance cost out of reach of, well, everyone, by requiring 4-5 million agony infusions per account


The first option means the OP is wrong about being able to convert AR to shinies (as it would lose any economic value); the second option means the OP is wrong about whether it would even be affordable to anyone.

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> I always found it odd the 5+ stat also has a 5 AR stat

> why the 5 AR stat?

> What use does it have?

> If your gonna do fractals with it, it needs to be 9+

> 5+ AR is useless in T4 fractals

> So why does it exist then!!!?


Raids don't need AR, while additional 80 (somethign) stats can be somehow useful, so raid merchant has 5/5 infusions (lowest stats AR infusions) as it's the only way to get your gear to absolute top stats in game.

Hence most raids builds include 5/5 not 5/9 as for fractals.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Rico.6873" said:

> > I always found it odd the 5+ stat also has a 5 AR stat

> > why the 5 AR stat?

> > What use does it have?

> > If your gonna do fractals with it, it needs to be 9+

> > 5+ AR is useless in T4 fractals

> > So why does it exist then!!!?


> Raids don't need AR, while additional 80 (somethign) stats can be somehow useful, so raid merchant has 5/5 infusions (lowest stats AR infusions) as it's the only way to get your gear to absolute top stats in game.

> Hence most raids builds include 5/5 not 5/9 as for fractals.




> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> 18 slots x 5 = 90

> 90 + 20 (Agony Imp. 4) + 20 (Mist Att. 4) + 5 Rigorous Certainty + 15 Anguished Tear of Alba (10 base +5 from Fractal Mastery) = 150


> Why are +9 infusions needed?


> Simple answer: +5/5 are both remnants from the past as well as they offer choice in optimizing ones AR.


there is no differnce in raid gear and fractal gear, so why would u put no ar in raid gear if u will use the same set for fracs?

this only works for fractal gods, as can be seen in the post


if u only raid u could just use the wvw infusions those are far cheaper, and give u +5 stats aswell

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > > lol this still going? oh welp here i am again

> > > > > OP also fails to understand that those "shiny auras" he'd so like to mention are amonst the most valuable items in the game, just look at the prices.

> > > > >

> > > > > do you think it will only take 500 ar for an aura? no it will probably come close to 500 million, which again only a tiny % of the actual fractal playerbase will actually achieve

> > > > > he/she makes it sound like everyone will be able to get them, but the numbers on gw2efficiency don't lie. only a very miniscul part of the population is actually able to get those.

> > > > > lets strip everything from the value ebcause "i want it, and i want it now" mentality of some that have little to no patience

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > that would also mean rip crystal oasis meta, why do it when u have another way of getting the aura right?

> > > > > that would also mean rip tangled depths aura, why do it when u have another way of getting the aura right?

> > > > >

> > > > > and pretty much any boss/meta that is done just for the 0.00000000000000000001% on an infusion drop

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > but the best part! no more need for ascended gear, so anyone in his exotics will be able to join, there are no gearchecks, and kp can still be faked (have to kick a player atleast once a week)

> > > > > good that we have arcdps, those that are faking get exposed really fast. but that makes the fractal/raid community "toxic" right?

> > > > > as i'm not allowed to have a smooth clear, it's even forbidden. the fun of others is more important then my own

> > > >

> > > > Makes no sense acendend gear not necessary anymore bcs no AR ? People will only go for exotic gear but arc dps will catch them bcs they have less dps ....

> > > >

> > > > Ok this one u solved urself

> > > >

> > > > Other auras are no value anymore because u can get auras from fractal ... nice straw man but nobody ever said that u get a confetti infusion from fractals.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Crying about prices that AR get to much value bcs Auras will cost so much while crying AR will loose all value.... okey

> > > >

> > > > Maybe u can talk on point and not made up panic stories to get ur propaganda vs my idea to run

> > >

> > > i am a straw man?

> > > you are hiding behind a vague idea, with little to no info and then when someone says something you use your own vague-ness as a bail out

> > > YOU never said which auras, and which not would be purchasable, so it's only safe to assume this includes every one since you did not mention a single one

> > > when i mentiuon an aura you are like "no i never said this one" that's true you didn't say a single thing

> > >

> > > ^ see? you are hiding, and using false info as an excuse..which is sad

> > >

> > > and yes, why would anyone (you are talking about newer players all the time, don't hide yet again on this aswell) go for ascended gear when they don't need it anymore with your ar-rework

> > > veterans, allready have ascended gear so they are completly unaffected

> > > new players won't need ascended gear, so they are complelty unaffected

> > >

> > > you are now using arcdps as a measure to find out who has ascended gear and who not?

> > >

> > > 1) not everyone uses arcdps

> > > 2) not everyone on ascended gear will perform like it "should"

> > > 3) not everyone in exotics can't perform good

> > >

> > > ^so what will you exactly check?

> > >

> > > and regarding the ar cost for those auras, don't you think it's only natural that the most expensive items in the game (auras) will cost a mountain of ar?

> > > how would you translate an item worth 10.000 gold to an ar cost. make it cost 1000 ar??? then everyone with a semi-budget, or does fractals on a daily base would have those within a week with the current +1 infusions ratio from dailies

> > >

> > > all i see and hear is you twisting your own idea/vision to back you up when someone disagrees with you

> > > that

> > > or, i want a shiny aura but i don't have enough gold so i'll ask for a simplified version.

> > >

> > > in every thread you keep changing your mind back and forth.

> > > - in thread a you are like : i want legendary armor with no unique skin, just for the qol stat change

> > > - then in the next thread you want the same skins as raid legendary has

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > Anet could solve that issue by making legendary armor available for each game mode. The raiders can be generous and let non raider farm it as well.

> > > Same skins as raid

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/887925#Comment_887925

> > >

> > > - in yet another thread you want legendary weapons aswell

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > I would add Legendary Weapons to it as well without special skins but swap able stats

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/887656#Comment_887656

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > you want alot but don't know what you want

> > >

> > > legendary gear? legendary weapons? unique skins? or just for "stat swapping" as you pointed out so often?

> > >

> > > i i i i, me myself and i

> > >

> > > oh, you can maybe also make a new thread for the new players about gathering tools. it's unfair that the new players don't have shiny aura effects when they gather with their copper harvesting tools, they also deserve shiny effects like those who forked out 1000 gems per piece

> > >

> > > i'm sure many new players would like that, we can maybe make iron ore a resource, or onions, that if you ate enough onions you can use the other onions to buy shiny gathering effects

> >

> > He does that a lot, in all modes. Even in wvw. I genuinely think it is some sort of trolling at this point.


> I did a post in wvw about mobility is needed and yes I got attacked a lot as well a month later we got Warclaw and u probably sitting on my suggestion every day when go wvw


> I also made a post of make all drops unidentifiable gear now it’s here


> Hope does it feel to talk to a troll who is so often right in the end?


and i'm not hating you, you did have some great ideas in this past


but on (fractal) legendary gear and this ar overhaul i simply don't support this..at all

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > > I wrote about 4 times already u can sell unused AR to get shiny infusion.

> > > > > > That's a common misconception about game economics.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If ANet made AR account bound the way you have outlined, unused AR would be worth nothing. The entire reason why AR+9 is still worth 7 gold today (compared to 40 gold in 2015) is that it's character bound. Unless ANet spends the time to figure out new sinks (a) every Fractal veterans investment in AR is lost and (b) rewards for completing fractals drop as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I said u consume ar and its account bound the one u don’t consume stays the same ...

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope that helps

> > > >

> > > > I exposes the continued misunderstanding of the consequences of making AR account bound. Take a veteran with one of each profession equipped with AR 125, ignoring those who overcap (for stats), to keep things simple. That amounts to eighteen AR+7 on each of nine characters. That cost them approximately 275 gold to enjoy their workaround of account bound AR.

> > > >

> > > > With you in charge of fractal rewards, each of veteran would use 1/9 of that to setup their new status and sell the remainder. The problem is: all of them would be selling that AR the same week (unless they were skritt out of luck and out of town that week). The supply would jump, while the demand would plummet... because no veteran would ever buy AR again and novices need only buy it once. So instead of having 245 gold to spend on shinies, they'd have closer to 5-10 gold, not even enough for ascended gear.

> > > >

> > > > Worse, all the AR that currently drops from fractals would be worth the same as Mini Professor Mews, meaning that fractals would become less rewarding.

> > > >

> > > > tl;dr If ANet made AR account bound the way you have outlined, unused AR would be worth nothing.

> > > > Hope that helps you.

> > >

> > > U know that anet easily can put an AR sink in like we had with leather. That’s why I said u can buy auras with them plus the value of AR is already spiral down according to ur all veterans are capped arguments. My proposal would give infinite uses of ar instead.

> > >

> > > Auras/ skin etc compare to AR infusion only

> >

> > Sure they can ... but why would they make this change ... just to have your idea make sense? if your idea needs a whole bunch of back up ideas to 'fix' it, then that's hardly a way to sell your idea to change something that already works.


> First Anet stated already they regret putting AR on armor so what’s ur point about my idea makes no sense ?


> Anet has technically difficulties to change that system that’s all. Nothing about idea it’s about investment of time to fix a mistake.


> So don’t try to pretend the idea is new and outrages without logic.


> How about u tell me what is fun on the AR system now ?


I'm not going to tell you what fun it is because fun isn't the only reason to change or not change things. I'm not pretending the idea is new and outrages without logic. EVERYTHING about your idea is an investment in Anet's time to change it; that's just absurd to think it won't cost Anet time to implement a whole new AR system.


I think I was pretty clear; if your idea needs a handful of backup ideas to make it work, it's not likely going to happen because it's just easier to leave it as it is. The fact is that despite the negative things about it, it works and the reason to change is needs to be a little better than what's being offered here.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Rico.6873" said:

> > I always found it odd the 5+ stat also has a 5 AR stat

> > why the 5 AR stat?

> > What use does it have?

> > If your gonna do fractals with it, it needs to be 9+

> > 5+ AR is useless in T4 fractals

> > So why does it exist then!!!?


> Raids don't need AR, while additional 80 (somethign) stats can be** somehow useful,** so raid merchant has 5/5 infusions (lowest stats AR infusions) as it's the only way to get your gear to absolute top stats in game.

> Hence most raids builds include 5/5 not 5/9 as for fractals.


I really cant see any use in the all around 80 Agony Resistance, eventually you will want it to 150 and there is no way to upgrade it to a 9....

At least as far as I know, if the 5 AR with stat CAN be upgraded to a 9 AR with stats then its alright with me.

But without the upgrade option the 5 AR stat is wasted on Raid upgrade infusions


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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Rico.6873" said:

> > > I always found it odd the 5+ stat also has a 5 AR stat

> > > why the 5 AR stat?

> > > What use does it have?

> > > If your gonna do fractals with it, it needs to be 9+

> > > 5+ AR is useless in T4 fractals

> > > So why does it exist then!!!?

> >

> > Raids don't need AR, while additional 80 (somethign) stats can be** somehow useful,** so raid merchant has 5/5 infusions (lowest stats AR infusions) as it's the only way to get your gear to absolute top stats in game.

> > Hence most raids builds include 5/5 not 5/9 as for fractals.


> I really cant see any use in the all around 80 Agony Resistance, eventually you will want it to 150 and **there is no way to upgrade it to a 9**....

> At least as far as I know, if the 5 AR with stat CAN be upgraded to a 9 AR with stats then its alright with me.

> But without the upgrade option the 5 AR stat is wasted on Raid upgrade infusions



You are incorrect.


You can upgrade +5/5s into +5/7 and then into +5/9s if so desired https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mighty_5_Agony_Infusion


As mentioned earlier, you do not NEED +9s.


The raid +5/5s allow raiders to get their fractal +5/5s, +5/7s or +5/9s via raid tokens if they so desire.

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I hate the separate AR and wvw +% damage to/from guards system. Hate it with a passion ever since it was made.


Just makes switching between fractals and wvw unnecessarily awkward and waste of time/effort to swap all these. It's half the reason I binge fractals when wanting rewards in the past, then dump all the infusions and not touch them - too much hassle to swap constantly just to do t4 dailies...


I don't care how it's done, but would be overjoyed to see both these streamlined into a single infusion system that can be used across all game modes.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I hate the separate AR and wvw +% damage to/from guards system. Hate it with a passion ever since it was made.


> Just makes switching between fractals and wvw unnecessarily awkward and waste of time/effort to swap all these. It's half the reason I binge fractals when wanting rewards in the past, then dump all the infusions and not touch them - too much hassle to swap constantly just to do t4 dailies...


> I don't care how it's done, but would be overjoyed to see both these streamlined into a single infusion system that can be used across all game modes.


but why would you even need wvw infusions, in wvw

are you dying to veteran sentries?


regular infusion work just fine


wvw infusions only work for npc's in wvw, those are of no concern anyway

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > I hate the separate AR and wvw +% damage to/from guards system. Hate it with a passion ever since it was made.

> >

> > Just makes switching between fractals and wvw unnecessarily awkward and waste of time/effort to swap all these. It's half the reason I binge fractals when wanting rewards in the past, then dump all the infusions and not touch them - too much hassle to swap constantly just to do t4 dailies...

> >

> > I don't care how it's done, but would be overjoyed to see both these streamlined into a single infusion system that can be used across all game modes.


> but why would you even need wvw infusions, in wvw

> are you dying to veteran sentries?


> regular infusion work just fine


> wvw infusions only work for npc's in wvw, those are of no concern anyway


Because when you're 1v3 in an enemy camp, to name one of a myriad of scenarios, it can be the difference between you winning or eating dirt. There are more than just npcs...


While it's not crucial, every little advantage allows you to take on more challenging situations.


Also guard killer endurance regain is stupidly overpowered mechanic - the more efficiently it can be got, the better.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > I hate the separate AR and wvw +% damage to/from guards system. Hate it with a passion ever since it was made.

> > >

> > > Just makes switching between fractals and wvw unnecessarily awkward and waste of time/effort to swap all these. It's half the reason I binge fractals when wanting rewards in the past, then dump all the infusions and not touch them - too much hassle to swap constantly just to do t4 dailies...

> > >

> > > I don't care how it's done, but would be overjoyed to see both these streamlined into a single infusion system that can be used across all game modes.

> >

> > but why would you even need wvw infusions, in wvw

> > are you dying to veteran sentries?

> >

> > regular infusion work just fine

> >

> > wvw infusions only work for npc's in wvw, those are of no concern anyway


> Because when you're 1v3 in an enemy camp, to name one of a myriad of scenarios, it can be the difference between you winning or eating dirt. There are more than just npcs...


> While it's not crucial, every little advantage allows you to take on more challenging situations.


> Also guard killer endurance regain is stupidly overpowered mechanic - the more efficiently it can be got, the better.


if you win 1vs3 (+ those 3 having several veteran guards) then you would have won anyway as it means those 3 are beyond clueless on what to do lol

probably some pve people trying to do wvw dailies, in their whatever dps build


i fought the same, landing a 13k arcing slice when there were rezzing, yea didn't end well, 3 downs then juicy whispers "cheater cheater"

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > I hate the separate AR and wvw +% damage to/from guards system. Hate it with a passion ever since it was made.

> > > >

> > > > Just makes switching between fractals and wvw unnecessarily awkward and waste of time/effort to swap all these. It's half the reason I binge fractals when wanting rewards in the past, then dump all the infusions and not touch them - too much hassle to swap constantly just to do t4 dailies...

> > > >

> > > > I don't care how it's done, but would be overjoyed to see both these streamlined into a single infusion system that can be used across all game modes.

> > >

> > > but why would you even need wvw infusions, in wvw

> > > are you dying to veteran sentries?

> > >

> > > regular infusion work just fine

> > >

> > > wvw infusions only work for npc's in wvw, those are of no concern anyway

> >

> > Because when you're 1v3 in an enemy camp, to name one of a myriad of scenarios, it can be the difference between you winning or eating dirt. There are more than just npcs...

> >

> > While it's not crucial, every little advantage allows you to take on more challenging situations.

> >

> > Also guard killer endurance regain is stupidly overpowered mechanic - the more efficiently it can be got, the better.


> if you win 1vs3 (+ those 3 having several veteran guards) then you would have won anyway as it means those 3 are beyond clueless on what to do lol

> probably some pve people trying to do wvw dailies, in their whatever dps build


> i fought the same, landing a 13k arcing slice when there were rezzing, yea didn't end well, 3 downs then juicy whispers "cheater cheater"


But when eg it's an intense 1v2 against good players I'll take any advantage - if it means getting free endurance etc. Had that situation with a druid/boonbeast the other day in their camp. And again today vs good slb/core war which I eventually kited out of the camp after some time.


We could debate the infinite spectrum of scenarios but whatever the case I stand by my opinion that maximising any advantage, such as from infusions, will have a beneficial consequence in at least one situation. At the minimum the reduced ttk (or damage taken, for people running those infusions) on guards is a nice quality of life bonus.


Bottom line is why not have them - if on the flipside the only reason is convenience to not have to swap for fractals.

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AR would be better as an account bound system, since it'd make easier for players to switch characters.

But it'll take time to change the system.


First, AR would still need to require ascended gear as it provides extra stats and armor. If it was available with exotic gear, people would enter higher tier fractals being less prepared than usual. So account AR could scale to the number of ascended items equipped (2h weapons would count as 2 items, of course).


Second, infusions should still exist and have uses, even if it's just +5 stats, since there's other kinds of infusions other than AR, like the WvW ones.

That or we'd also need need a rework for those too, like an "Ascended Gear Mastery" for WvW that gives access to the infusion bonuses as account bonuses with a progression system.


And it'd be better if the infusion visuals were unlockable. So you could either bring them in your gear, or equip them in the wardrobe. But it'd be preferable if they could not be stacked too much. I'd go with just 6 slots for extra visuals, and limiting visuals to 6 slots, giving preference to the account slots, amulet, back, chest, legs, head and shoulders. Past 6 visual effects, the rest would not show.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > > I hate the separate AR and wvw +% damage to/from guards system. Hate it with a passion ever since it was made.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just makes switching between fractals and wvw unnecessarily awkward and waste of time/effort to swap all these. It's half the reason I binge fractals when wanting rewards in the past, then dump all the infusions and not touch them - too much hassle to swap constantly just to do t4 dailies...

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't care how it's done, but would be overjoyed to see both these streamlined into a single infusion system that can be used across all game modes.

> > > >

> > > > but why would you even need wvw infusions, in wvw

> > > > are you dying to veteran sentries?

> > > >

> > > > regular infusion work just fine

> > > >

> > > > wvw infusions only work for npc's in wvw, those are of no concern anyway

> > >

> > > Because when you're 1v3 in an enemy camp, to name one of a myriad of scenarios, it can be the difference between you winning or eating dirt. There are more than just npcs...

> > >

> > > While it's not crucial, every little advantage allows you to take on more challenging situations.

> > >

> > > Also guard killer endurance regain is stupidly overpowered mechanic - the more efficiently it can be got, the better.

> >

> > if you win 1vs3 (+ those 3 having several veteran guards) then you would have won anyway as it means those 3 are beyond clueless on what to do lol

> > probably some pve people trying to do wvw dailies, in their whatever dps build

> >

> > i fought the same, landing a 13k arcing slice when there were rezzing, yea didn't end well, 3 downs then juicy whispers "cheater cheater"


> But when eg it's an intense 1v2 against good players I'll take any advantage - if it means getting free endurance etc. Had that situation with a druid/boonbeast the other day in their camp. And again today vs good slb/core war which I eventually kited out of the camp after some time.


> We could debate the infinite spectrum of scenarios but whatever the case I stand by my opinion that maximising any advantage, such as from infusions, will have a beneficial consequence in at least one situation. At the minimum the reduced ttk (or damage taken, for people running those infusions) on guards is a nice quality of life bonus.


> Bottom line is why not have them - if on the flipside the only reason is convenience to not have to swap for fractals.


you do have points, but you are pushing them too hard


"good players" then later you say "druid + soulbeast 1 vs 2" if those were good, you'd stand zero chance as wvw boonbeast is the most broken build there is atm in the hands of even the slightiest killed player there is absolutly no way you will win that in a 1 vs 2


unless you play some new and secret god-tier build that no one has heard of yet


if you talk about "good"druid there is only 1 decent build namely this one http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJAWTjEqQDLWyCusAXLWmEMnJ3sKzB/TLqP1mAwjbCUizTD-j1xHABvr+jyPAgeU+BwlAol9HYSJ43HBQXAA-w

can be played with longbow, or axe/horn


i really fail to understand how such a druid (you did say good) AND a soulbeast manage to die in their own camp


wvw for me lately is a bunch of unranked (below bronze) or bronze dudes trying to "gank" you, and failing because they don't know the wvw meta

"how did a core war kill me, elite specs should allways win" <<<==== serious whispered to me


but yup, lets just end here too late in the night for slinging back "yes i can" no you can't"

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > > > I hate the separate AR and wvw +% damage to/from guards system. Hate it with a passion ever since it was made.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just makes switching between fractals and wvw unnecessarily awkward and waste of time/effort to swap all these. It's half the reason I binge fractals when wanting rewards in the past, then dump all the infusions and not touch them - too much hassle to swap constantly just to do t4 dailies...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't care how it's done, but would be overjoyed to see both these streamlined into a single infusion system that can be used across all game modes.

> > > > >

> > > > > but why would you even need wvw infusions, in wvw

> > > > > are you dying to veteran sentries?

> > > > >

> > > > > regular infusion work just fine

> > > > >

> > > > > wvw infusions only work for npc's in wvw, those are of no concern anyway

> > > >

> > > > Because when you're 1v3 in an enemy camp, to name one of a myriad of scenarios, it can be the difference between you winning or eating dirt. There are more than just npcs...

> > > >

> > > > While it's not crucial, every little advantage allows you to take on more challenging situations.

> > > >

> > > > Also guard killer endurance regain is stupidly overpowered mechanic - the more efficiently it can be got, the better.

> > >

> > > if you win 1vs3 (+ those 3 having several veteran guards) then you would have won anyway as it means those 3 are beyond clueless on what to do lol

> > > probably some pve people trying to do wvw dailies, in their whatever dps build

> > >

> > > i fought the same, landing a 13k arcing slice when there were rezzing, yea didn't end well, 3 downs then juicy whispers "cheater cheater"

> >

> > But when eg it's an intense 1v2 against good players I'll take any advantage - if it means getting free endurance etc. Had that situation with a druid/boonbeast the other day in their camp. And again today vs good slb/core war which I eventually kited out of the camp after some time.

> >

> > We could debate the infinite spectrum of scenarios but whatever the case I stand by my opinion that maximising any advantage, such as from infusions, will have a beneficial consequence in at least one situation. At the minimum the reduced ttk (or damage taken, for people running those infusions) on guards is a nice quality of life bonus.

> >

> > Bottom line is why not have them - if on the flipside the only reason is convenience to not have to swap for fractals.


> you do have points, but you are pushing them too hard


> "good players" then later you say "druid + soulbeast 1 vs 2" if those were good, you'd stand zero chance as wvw boonbeast is the most broken build there is atm in the hands of even the slightiest killed player there is absolutly no way you will win that in a 1 vs 2


> unless you play some new and secret god-tier build that no one has heard of yet


> if you talk about "good"druid there is only 1 decent build namely this one http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJAWTjEqQDLWyCusAXLWmEMnJ3sKzB/TLqP1mAwjbCUizTD-j1xHABvr+jyPAgeU+BwlAol9HYSJ43HBQXAA-w

> can be played with longbow, or axe/horn


> i really fail to understand how such a druid (you did say good) AND a soulbeast manage to die in their own camp



> but yup, lets just end here too late in the night for slinging back "yes i can" no you can't"


I'll just answer this point briefly so as not to derail the thread too much - by good I mean not fodder - but obviously not great. I've only run into one great soulbeast 1v1 earlier today that gave me a run for money (and obviously by great I don't mean "outstanding" because it should be able to beat mirage and it didn't).


Truth is - as much as I don't want to admit it to avoid further nerfs - IH on mirage with wvw stats/gear/food etc is oppressive to the point that very few builds and players can deal with it in 1v1 or sometimes 2, unless extremely cheese like full bunker scrapper or outstanding player of which I meet on average like 1 every lunar cycle if I'm lucky and even then it's a toss of a coin.


Oh for the record the druid was a staff bruiser and didn't die - they stealthed and ran. The slb just got careless after a long time (yes guards respawned a few times... was one of those long marathon fights of trying to coordinate big enough burst multiple times to break through) of back/forth.


Anyway as you say, we've stated our points and I don't want to banter over something so trivial, despite how I may have come across. I do strongly believe streamlining the infusions into a single system will be good for the game, as I see agony as a contrived gating system that just says "you aren't allowed to do this level of fractal without this much agony".

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It's really moot whether WvWarriors _need_ +stat infusions or not, whether raiders need them or not.

>! (Spoiler alert: no one "needs" them; it's an expensive hobby that is also of some minor utility).


The point is that the existing system works, even if it's clunky and annoying.

Before committing to an alternative, ANet is going to need to make sure the proposed mechanic is less clunky/annoying, that its market benefit makes the market disruption worthwhile, that it has long term benefits for the game. Is it worth the time (design, prototype, code, implement, support)?


Not a single person in the thread is defending the current system as great, let alone the best we can envision. Instead, we are pointing out that it's not as easy as just waving hands and saying, "make it go away." If it were, we'd already be using the new system.

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Well given wvw infusions are account bound they could offload this into a separate mastery system/unique set of talent trees that force a choice between +/-% or other new bonuses they think up, offer partial refund in whatever account bound currency for infusions, leaving Agony resist infusions alone as the only option to slot for gear.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Well given wvw infusions are account bound they could offload this into a separate mastery system/unique set of talent trees that force a choice between +/-% or other new bonuses they think up, offer partial refund in whatever account bound currency for infusions, leaving Agony resist infusions alone as the only option to slot for gear.


I suppose they go do away with the +% bonuses for WvW as to reduce the convolution of the system.


The general approach would be:

- give players the opportunity to refund their WvW infusions for laurels spent or skirmish tickets spent (interesting enough, this could be difficult since I doubt the game tracks how the infusion was purchased, more at the bottom)

- reduce WvW infusions to stat bonus only, purchasable as before for laurels


This would put WvW and regular stat infusions on a similar level, both purchasable for 5 laurels.


**WvW Infusion via Laurels and Skirmish Tickets**

Given how WvW infusions are purchasable vie either laurels or skirmish tickets (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mighty_WvW_Infusion), allowing players to sell back infusions adds the risk of making laurels and skirmish tickets interchangeable. This would cause a short term upset to the economy and/or a short term boost in skirmish tickets gained for some individuals (since laurel purchased infusions would be convertible to skirmish tickets). While I do not believe this to be game breaking, it is something which would need to be considered.


An even more interesting approach would be to consider making both currencies interchangeable permanently (though then we'd have to do the same for spvp). Given the weekly cap of 365 skirmish tickets, that would equate to 365x4 = 1,460 tickets per month and given top rates 1,460/45 = 32.4 = 162.2 extra laurels per month (way up from the current 55 available).


Or the other way around, at 55 laurels per 28 days, that would equal 55/5x45 = 495 skirmish tickets per month for laurels.


Major problem would obviously the massive amounts of both currencies already available.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Well given wvw infusions are account bound they could offload this into a separate mastery system/unique set of talent trees that force a choice between +/-% or other new bonuses they think up, offer partial refund in whatever account bound currency for infusions, leaving Agony resist infusions alone as the only option to slot for gear.


> I suppose they go do away with the +% bonuses for WvW as to reduce the convolution of the system.


> The general approach would be:

> - give players the opportunity to refund their WvW infusions for laurels spent or skirmish tickets spent (interesting enough, this could be difficult since I doubt the game tracks how the infusion was purchased, more at the bottom)

> - reduce WvW infusions to stat bonus only, purchasable as before for laurels


> This would put WvW and regular stat infusions on a similar level, both purchasable for 5 laurels.


> **WvW Infusion via Laurels and Skirmish Tickets**

> Given how WvW infusions are purchasable vie either laurels or skirmish tickets (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mighty_WvW_Infusion), allowing players to sell back infusions adds the risk of making laurels and skirmish tickets interchangeable. This would cause a short term upset to the economy and/or a short term boost in skirmish tickets gained for some individuals (since laurel purchased infusions would be convertible to skirmish tickets). While I do not believe this to be game breaking, it is something which would need to be considered.


> An even more interesting approach would be to consider making both currencies interchangeable permanently (though then we'd have to do the same for spvp). Given the weekly cap of 365 skirmish tickets, that would equate to 365x4 = 1,460 tickets per month and given top rates 1,460/45 = 32.4 = 162.2 extra laurels per month (way up from the current 55 available).


> Or the other way around, at 55 laurels per 28 days, that would equal 55/5x45 = 495 skirmish tickets per month for laurels.


> Major problem would obviously the massive amounts of both currencies already available.


this would be dramatic for me as i'm sitting at more then 21k skirmish tickets, so that's a potential goldmine if they could be converted to laurels

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > Well given wvw infusions are account bound they could offload this into a separate mastery system/unique set of talent trees that force a choice between +/-% or other new bonuses they think up, offer partial refund in whatever account bound currency for infusions, leaving Agony resist infusions alone as the only option to slot for gear.

> >

> > I suppose they go do away with the +% bonuses for WvW as to reduce the convolution of the system.

> >

> > The general approach would be:

> > - give players the opportunity to refund their WvW infusions for laurels spent or skirmish tickets spent (interesting enough, this could be difficult since I doubt the game tracks how the infusion was purchased, more at the bottom)

> > - reduce WvW infusions to stat bonus only, purchasable as before for laurels

> >

> > This would put WvW and regular stat infusions on a similar level, both purchasable for 5 laurels.

> >

> > **WvW Infusion via Laurels and Skirmish Tickets**

> > Given how WvW infusions are purchasable vie either laurels or skirmish tickets (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mighty_WvW_Infusion), allowing players to sell back infusions adds the risk of making laurels and skirmish tickets interchangeable. This would cause a short term upset to the economy and/or a short term boost in skirmish tickets gained for some individuals (since laurel purchased infusions would be convertible to skirmish tickets). While I do not believe this to be game breaking, it is something which would need to be considered.

> >

> > An even more interesting approach would be to consider making both currencies interchangeable permanently (though then we'd have to do the same for spvp). Given the weekly cap of 365 skirmish tickets, that would equate to 365x4 = 1,460 tickets per month and given top rates 1,460/45 = 32.4 = 162.2 extra laurels per month (way up from the current 55 available).

> >

> > Or the other way around, at 55 laurels per 28 days, that would equal 55/5x45 = 495 skirmish tickets per month for laurels.

> >

> > Major problem would obviously the massive amounts of both currencies already available.


> this would be dramatic for me as i'm sitting at more then 21k skirmish tickets, so that's a potential goldmine if they could be converted to laurels


Yes, this falls under one time disruptions. 21k skirmish tickets would translate into:


21,000/45x5= 2,333.3 laurels


Which in turn, at a rate of around 70 silver per laurel (assuming this remains stable in the short term after such a change, which it wouldn't but let's make it simple math) would result in: 2,333x.7 = **1,633 gold**.


That might sound like a lot, but given how long it took to acquire those 21k skirmish tickets (minimum of 58 weeks worth of 365 per week), is it really? It would be a nice gold influx for WvW players who do not enjoy to pve and have no use for their skirmish tickets I guess.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> AR would be better as an account bound system, since it'd make easier for players to switch characters.

> But it'll take time to change the system.


> First, AR would still need to require ascended gear as it provides extra stats and armor. If it was available with exotic gear, people would enter higher tier fractals being less prepared than usual. So account AR could scale to the number of ascended items equipped (2h weapons would count as 2 items, of course).


> Second, infusions should still exist and have uses, even if it's just +5 stats, since there's other kinds of infusions other than AR, like the WvW ones.

> That or we'd also need need a rework for those too, like an "Ascended Gear Mastery" for WvW that gives access to the infusion bonuses as account bonuses with a progression system.


> And it'd be better if the infusion visuals were unlockable. So you could either bring them in your gear, or equip them in the wardrobe. But it'd be preferable if they could not be stacked too much. I'd go with just 6 slots for extra visuals, and limiting visuals to 6 slots, giving preference to the account slots, amulet, back, chest, legs, head and shoulders. Past 6 visual effects, the rest would not show.


thats another good point infusion visuals should be put into the novelity slots

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Well given wvw infusions are account bound they could offload this into a separate mastery system/unique set of talent trees that force a choice between +/-% or other new bonuses they think up, offer partial refund in whatever account bound currency for infusions, leaving Agony resist infusions alone as the only option to slot for gear.


> I suppose they go do away with the +% bonuses for WvW as to reduce the convolution of the system.


> The general approach would be:

> - give players the opportunity to refund their WvW infusions for laurels spent or skirmish tickets spent (interesting enough, this could be difficult since I doubt the game tracks how the infusion was purchased, more at the bottom)

> - reduce WvW infusions to stat bonus only, purchasable as before for laurels


> This would put WvW and regular stat infusions on a similar level, both purchasable for 5 laurels.


> **WvW Infusion via Laurels and Skirmish Tickets**

> Given how WvW infusions are purchasable vie either laurels or skirmish tickets (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mighty_WvW_Infusion), allowing players to sell back infusions adds the risk of making laurels and skirmish tickets interchangeable. This would cause a short term upset to the economy and/or a short term boost in skirmish tickets gained for some individuals (since laurel purchased infusions would be convertible to skirmish tickets). While I do not believe this to be game breaking, it is something which would need to be considered.


> An even more interesting approach would be to consider making both currencies interchangeable permanently (though then we'd have to do the same for spvp). Given the weekly cap of 365 skirmish tickets, that would equate to 365x4 = 1,460 tickets per month and given top rates 1,460/45 = 32.4 = 162.2 extra laurels per month (way up from the current 55 available).


> Or the other way around, at 55 laurels per 28 days, that would equal 55/5x45 = 495 skirmish tickets per month for laurels.


> Major problem would obviously the massive amounts of both currencies already available.


How about direct exchange for "skill points" in a separate talent system to contain these wvw % bonuses? One infusion for one point or something - so a full set of infusions would buy a full set of points. Excess could be converted to spirit shards or just given decent vendor value direct for coin (obviously not too much).


Just thinking if a separate mastery system was created how the account bound infusions could be given some value as not to make them a waste of currency in hindsight.

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