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How do we incentivize players to play more games than the weekly minimal amount?


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I suspect the game is too mature now. Anyone who tries to pick up pvp now will give it an honest go, but soon leave when they realize they are competing against people who have been playing forever. Nobody likes grinding up from silver.; it’s just too hard to compete against established players. The high end game is now functionally a closed private club. You see the same names season after season. It’s a cool game, but who can be bothered to climb that mountain what with all the other amazing games out right now?

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By letting me rebuild a casual PvP guild and queuing with them for rewards and fun again?

Once we build a confident team comp from the experience of playing several games together we might be able to bring more competition to ATs rather than more cannon fodder.


Could also help with the recognition players deserve and prestigious guilds.. for example on myself, I respect the shit out of FEAR and MAF because those players always give me a good fight. If more players and guilds could play, then there would be more aspirations to ascend too, more reason to play and overall more population and a healthier playerbase both in numbers but also in attitude and competitiveness.


All from a little change, allowing team queue again.

I dunno, just a thought.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> By letting me rebuild a casual PvP guild and queuing with them for rewards and fun again?

> Once we build a confident team comp from the experience of playing several games together we might be able to bring more competition to ATs rather than more cannon fodder.


> Could also help with the recognition players deserve and prestigious guilds.. for example on myself, I respect the kitten out of FEAR and MAF because those players always give me a good fight. If more players and guilds could play, then there would be more aspirations to ascend too, more reason to play and overall more population and a healthier playerbase both in numbers but also in attitude and competitiveness.


> All from a little change, allowing team queue again.

> I dunno, just a thought.


I think just the opposite. There aren't enough team players to queue team vs team. So, ANET would have to give the teams solo players to farm. That would make the situation worse.


**A better idea would be a long term reward track, similar to the Year of the Ascension... but not quite that grindy.**

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Remove DuoQ and split ranked to SoloQ and TeamQ in **split** queues.


Making 2v2 a permanent Arena would be pretty cool too, instead of having it be some one-off thing.


That would definitely be a nice start before touching on balance, seeing as DuoQ is one of the main reasons why people get away with playing the bare minimum games while maintaining 80% winrates.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > By letting me rebuild a casual PvP guild and queuing with them for rewards and fun again?

> > Once we build a confident team comp from the experience of playing several games together we might be able to bring more competition to ATs rather than more cannon fodder.

> >

> > Could also help with the recognition players deserve and prestigious guilds.. for example on myself, I respect the kitten out of FEAR and MAF because those players always give me a good fight. If more players and guilds could play, then there would be more aspirations to ascend too, more reason to play and overall more population and a healthier playerbase both in numbers but also in attitude and competitiveness.

> >

> > All from a little change, allowing team queue again.

> > I dunno, just a thought.


> I think just the opposite. There aren't enough team players to queue team vs team. So, ANET would have to give the teams solo players to farm. That would make the situation worse.


> **A better idea would be a long term reward track, similar to the Year of the Ascension... but not quite that grindy.**


Theres not enough players for it because there's no option to do so. It's a very limited system.


One I can't change but also one I believe in to also adress the OP and other issues I won't dive into on this thread, put short for context to OP:

Allowing players to build and grow a community, that's directly linked to increasing the population.


Limitations reduce for a reason, it's why it's called limitations.

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Maybe just a attempt to fix people.will bring people back. If the game was competitive then things would be better but.. we have non stop win traders in every division and it gets worse going up. We have multiple bots for seasons now playing thousands of games with no response from the ones in charge. We have a boring game mode where speed is required much more then skill is. Finally we still have the occasional hacker.


I mean if they actually did care... things would improve and people would play more. My guilds and friends list of people is only 2 pages. I used to be about 6 click overs long. Game mode is dead due to lack of caring. Why try to fix it when people keep buying the flashy trash skins for cash they put out.

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If ANet actually cared about pvp in this game we wouldn't be having this kind of thread. They put minimal amount of work into pvp, so naturally the players only play as much as they can bear.


Why do I write bear? Because the meta is cancer, there's still only 1 game mode in ranked which bores people to death, the solo/team queue issue (people can't play in a team in a multiplayer game LUL) and the whole wintrader/afk stuff that seemingly never gets punished.


Is it lack of resources? Terrible management? No vision? What stops them from making this game the best it could be?

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> It’s a cool game, but who can be bothered to climb that mountain what with all the other amazing games out right now?


I'd like to know which other "amazing games" are out there that don't require grinding and have an amazing combat system.

Honest question here.

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For starters you need to bring classes closer together in terms of power; the lower speccs are too far from median, and the higher speccs are very far from median, in fact, it is very difficult to draw the line to where "median" even is at this point. On one end you have eles in general, on the other, you have holo, soulbeast, spellbreaker, mirage, scrapper, sw/d thief.



Give everyone equal rule sets; https://imgur.com/tmgvm54, https://imgur.com/ljFM5zU . Stuff like this should not happen, where the "#1 ranked" player in the server get another premade, and then matched agaisnt people 300-400 points below them, of couse them using voice chat probably, vs a bunch of soloQ only people. These players abuse the system by queueing up with alts with artificially low MMR ~~so they get matched agaisnt low ranked people for easy wins~~ for "faster queue times". Im pretty sure I had some gold people in that match.



Do PvP events to bring the PvE crowd. Seriously guys, you WANT and NEED these folks, because right now the mode is pretty dry out. How do you do this? give people the one thing you have starved them from for the last 4 years; AP, LOTS of AP.



Bring in 2v2 arenas. It was what got me hooked in WoW, and what got most of my friends that were into PvP hooked in that game. It was successful here too. It is also a good way to give a way out to those who want to play with friends in PvP..... and those that are abusing the system wont be able to use that excuse anymore. On the long run these people might play 5v5 too, or maybe dont, doesnt matter, at least the mode gets some attention and that works since it will be in the back of people's minds.


Right now PvP is a meme for GW2's reddit, lets unmake it so.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Could also help with the recognition players deserve and prestigious guilds.. for example on myself, I respect the kitten out of FEAR and MAF because those players always give me a good fight. If more players and guilds could play, then there would be more aspirations to ascend too, more reason to play and overall more population and a healthier playerbase both in numbers but also in attitude and competitiveness.


Thanks for the shout-out mate <3

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> Make the game actually fun... well tbh that's too late. Pre-HoT 2015 isn't coming back probably.

yeah i agree those few months before hot were perfect balance has been way out of wack ever since but just because of the nature of things having to pay into expansion and other stuff its not going back to the way it was its too far gone... but im insane and like the core combat system underneath all the poo and put up with it but as i said im insane and no one else should unless they are insane too oh i should mention im 100% solo q i say that because im sure duo and up have an easier time putting up with it for various reasons...


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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Could also help with the recognition players deserve and prestigious guilds.. for example on myself, I respect the kitten out of FEAR and MAF because those players always give me a good fight. If more players and guilds could play, then there would be more aspirations to ascend too, more reason to play and overall more population and a healthier playerbase both in numbers but also in attitude and competitiveness.


> Thanks for the shout-out mate <3


Everyone but you!!!

Jokes... :heart:


If you're in one of those guilds then yea, you guys are awsome and like the only challenging people left in the game to fight, seems like most of you guys have played for years judging from the way you guys handle your classes and duels/fights. I actually have to pay attention in those fights, gives me a good thrill.


Recruit me to your guilds lmao Ill be the guy everyone can beat on after we bout here haha

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> It's not "How" but "Why".

> I mean, if they are comfortable with that time spent in PvP, why should we change it? Let them have fun the way they want.


I may be going down the odd path here, but I don't think the most common goal of playing a game should be to play the least amount of that game as possible.


Obv people not playing the game as comfortable4 with the time (not) spent in PvP too...or the game in general. By no means does that indicate Anet should shrug their shoulders and make like jolly saints whose game lives off donations or something, either.

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People saying we shouldn't have a team queue bc no population for it are not thinking further I think. Right now instead we have premades stomping pugs and bc there's little opportunity outside of ATs, no one can constantly practice team play either. Idk I think if it's built, at worst solo q will be pure (which is great), and at best people would now have the option to really practice together as teams in the team queue and the population would grow bc there's something to grow into.

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