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The epic PvP experience of a Thief.


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Recently got back into the game after quite a break. Decided to check how gw2 has changed over the last 2 years or so. So i jumped right back into my main class Thief. In this case Daredevil cuz Deadeye just seemed like a complete failure of a spec. And guess what? After all these 2 years.. i thought anet kinda nailed balancing classes.. but oh boy i was wrong. Basically you get judged and called names in every match. If you do your role well - it's alright. Team is silent. But if you do your role also good but your team messes up - all the blame goes on Thief. Peeps go decapping and roaming while being bunkers - your fault. Didn't manage to ress them while 1v3 - your fault. Went to mid cuz far was already camped by your bunker teammate scrapper - your fault. Tried to 1v1 someone - noob you arent supposed to 1v1... Just simple like that everyone bashing and putting all the blame on and on and on. Players are so original at finding excuses and puttin everythin on you. I've tried other classes tho but it didnt really feel fun. Once you go thief you cant really play any other classes. So i came to the conclusion after these 2-3 months of torturing myself.. Anet has killed this proffesion for good and players are very well aware of it hence they just put everythin on them. Oh god you should see the whispers when u play Thief. Its epic. U play any other class and its all good you are helpful and even carry others. But once Thief.. ppl get so toxic. Anyway..fastforward through those 3 months. Logged in. Played abit of PvP. Logged out - deleted everythin - made sure that GW2 is a lost cause - wont even regret it. So those who know what i mean.. fight on and demand re-balancing of PvP.. cuz now it's an epic failure. Braindead classes with their passive defenses are OP (which was the case even 2 yrs ago) and catering for the casuals is so real. Yet really active and full of potential classes are toned down. Oh so yea.. after 2 years.. nothing really changed. It probably went even more downhill. Respect to peeps who actually play PvP in this mess of a game.

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> @"Dave.6819" said:

> Recently got back into the game after quite a break. Decided to check how gw2 has changed over the last 2 years or so. So i jumped right back into my main class Thief. In this case Daredevil cuz Deadeye just seemed like a complete failure of a spec. And guess what? After all these 2 years.. i thought anet kinda nailed balancing classes.. but oh boy i was wrong. Basically you get judged and called names in every match. If you do your role well - it's alright. Team is silent. But if you do your role also good but your team messes up - all the blame goes on Thief. Peeps go decapping and roaming while being bunkers - your fault. Didn't manage to ress them while 1v3 - your fault. Went to mid cuz far was already camped by your bunker teammate scrapper - your fault. Tried to 1v1 someone - noob you arent supposed to 1v1... Just simple like that everyone bashing and putting all the blame on and on and on. Players are so original at finding excuses and puttin everythin on you. I've tried other classes tho but it didnt really feel fun. Once you go thief you cant really play any other classes. So i came to the conclusion after these 2-3 months of torturing myself.. Anet has killed this proffesion for good and players are very well aware of it hence they just put everythin on them. Oh god you should see the whispers when u play Thief. Its epic. U play any other class and its all good you are helpful and even carry others. But once Thief.. ppl get so toxic. Anyway..fastforward through those 3 months. Logged in. Played abit of PvP. Logged out - deleted everythin - made sure that GW2 is a lost cause - wont even regret it. So those who know what i mean.. fight on and demand re-balancing of PvP.. cuz now it's an epic failure. Braindead classes with their passive defenses are OP (which was the case even 2 yrs ago) and catering for the casuals is so real. Yet really active and full of potential classes are toned down. Oh so yea.. after 2 years.. nothing really changed. It probably went even more downhill. Respect to peeps who actually play PvP in this mess of a game.


Meanwhile people who never touched thief in their life's take on to forums and complain how its the strongest profession that single-handedly wins matches just on its own.


PS: It's the worse profession in existence for solo-que/solo winning matches.

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> Meanwhile people who never touched thief in their life's take on to forums and complain how its the strongest profession that single-handedly wins matches just on its own.


> PS: It's the worse profession in existence for solo-que/solo winning matches.


and i can really see how that looks to new players... (later on it's totally a different image but the damage of complaining is already done and Anet listens to new players). i think in a long run that's what happened. lots of casuals back in pre-HoT days were cryin bout Thief. so Anet slowly and surely toned it down so much that it became only a decap bot. yet another clue of who is anet catering their game to. all bout them passives and aoes. for peeps who like other classes its alright they aren't aware of this problem. but i knew so many thieves that quitted the game back in HoT days even (i joined the same train too). there's some kind of interesting thing bout em.. once you main them there's no way back. other classes become boring and too simplistic. so it becomes a decision between quitting the game not the decision between a class (flavor of the month). anyways.. no matter the thief. there's a different problem not just thief. the fact that Anet tries to promote passive OP specs rather then active ones that require focus and skill. that's the issue with their mentality. i mean i could literally log my scrapper in and hold point even 1v3 for ages while drinking coffee and cuddlin my cat.. what are we even talkin about then?



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I agree arenet has destroyed the class and agree once u play thief for yrs it's hard to play anything else but thankfully atleast for me herald exist and tho I like the theme playstyle more on thief I find gw2 more enjoyable on rev due to how badly theif has been ruined. I dont blame u tho if herald didnt exist I'd have uninstalled gw2 aswell which is ok there's alot of great games out there to play instead.

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Honestly I see people called noob or marked on many fights, recently (and I speak about unranked). Very few of them are thieves (also because there are less thieves playing sPvP, in comparison with 1 year ago for example, at least from my experience). But if you don't cap, you basically call the blame on yourself.

I think ppl are in general angrier and stressed, nothing against thieves in particular. People who play regularly and follow the balance patches, know how a class performs/is nerfed. If ppl keep complaining about thieves or mesmer is because they probably don't play much. Let it flow.

(just in case, I also used a Daredevil in PvP, but switched 6-7 months ago). People who get mad at you because you didn't ress 1 vs 3 are the best btw.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I agree arenet has destroyed the class and agree once u play thief for yrs it's hard to play anything else but thankfully atleast for me herald exist and tho I like the theme playstyle more on thief I find gw2 more enjoyable on rev due to how badly theif has been ruined. I dont blame u tho if herald didnt exist I'd have uninstalled gw2 aswell which is ok there's alot of great games out there to play instead.


yup.. i've tried rev too. seemed fun tbh but it still lacked somethig that thief has. well that's the issue.. there are no good options when it comes to MMOs. for the past like 6-7 years only gw2 and eso are the real options. unless ofcz giving up on the genre overall and playin somethin like FPS'es or BR's.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Honestly I see people called noob or marked on many fights, recently (and I speak about unranked). Very few of them are thieves (also because there are less thieves playing sPvP, in comparison with 1 year ago for example, at least from my experience). But if you don't cap, you basically call the blame on yourself.

> I think ppl are in general angrier and stressed, nothing against thieves in particular. People who play regularly and follow the balance patches, know how a class performs/is nerfed. If ppl keep complaining about thieves or mesmer is because they probably don't play much. Let it flow.

> (just in case, I also used a Daredevil in PvP, but switched 6-7 months ago)


i really tried to force myself to switch. but yea.. as i've said.. once you go thief there's no way back. only either u quit the game or you keep torturing yourself. it happens on other classes very rarely tho.. i still had like 4 years of experience so on any other class i was doin quite a decent job cuz of knowledge of mechanics in general/basics.. so never really got blamed. for example take FB. with FB you can literally carry the whole match and sometimes ppl even whisper you how good you did in carrying the noobs. or Scrapper. there's no need even commenting bout scrapper how OP it is. so idk.. i think when it comes to experienced team vs. experienced team.. only Thieves get the hate. between new players tho yea.. i can see that any class could get the hate just cuz why not.

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> @"Dave.6819" said:

> Recently got back into the game after quite a break. Decided to check how gw2 has changed over the last 2 years or so. So i jumped right back into my main class Thief. In this case Daredevil cuz Deadeye just seemed like a complete failure of a spec. And guess what? After all these 2 years.. i thought anet kinda nailed balancing classes.. but oh boy i was wrong. Basically you get judged and called names in every match. If you do your role well - it's alright. Team is silent. But if you do your role also good but your team messes up - all the blame goes on Thief. Peeps go decapping and roaming while being bunkers - your fault. Didn't manage to ress them while 1v3 - your fault. Went to mid cuz far was already camped by your bunker teammate scrapper - your fault. Tried to 1v1 someone - noob you arent supposed to 1v1... Just simple like that everyone bashing and putting all the blame on and on and on. Players are so original at finding excuses and puttin everythin on you. I've tried other classes tho but it didnt really feel fun. Once you go thief you cant really play any other classes. So i came to the conclusion after these 2-3 months of torturing myself.. Anet has killed this proffesion for good and players are very well aware of it hence they just put everythin on them. Oh god you should see the whispers when u play Thief. Its epic. U play any other class and its all good you are helpful and even carry others. But once Thief.. ppl get so toxic. Anyway..fastforward through those 3 months. Logged in. Played abit of PvP. Logged out - deleted everythin - made sure that GW2 is a lost cause - wont even regret it. So those who know what i mean.. fight on and demand re-balancing of PvP.. cuz now it's an epic failure. Braindead classes with their passive defenses are OP (which was the case even 2 yrs ago) and catering for the casuals is so real. Yet really active and full of potential classes are toned down. Oh so yea.. after 2 years.. nothing really changed. It probably went even more downhill. Respect to peeps who actually play PvP in this mess of a game.


If you enjoy playing thief, play thief don't mind the others... If it helps, switch status to offline and continue playing... Ppl nowadays seem to get annoyed and stressed so quickly and blame others (may be due to summer season? Idk :p jk )

My friends seem to enjoy playing thief and they try various builds and seem to have fun in PVP... Not like thief is unplayable to them at least...


If they still verbal abuse you in map chat, idk, no other effective means to tackle it... Maybe report them and add friend and avoid them in queues but if they switched state to offline, you can't figure it out I think


Don't delete characters without thinking through :p you might've spent so much time clothing the character, crafting legy and list of friends in friends list to hang out with in tyria


If PVP stresses you out, try some pve in HOT maps near some serene scenery graphics... Do some roleplay in LA and some other nonsensical stuff ;) then go pvp after a day or two

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yea.. respect for the guy.. but even he agrees that Thief is in a very bad spot right now. it went from being a 1v1 god to a +1 / decapper bot. if anyone mained a thief back in like 2013-2014 knows how good it was. and now compare it to 2019.

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> If you enjoy playing thief, play thief don't mind the others... If it helps, switch status to offline and continue playing... Ppl nowadays seem to get annoyed and stressed so quickly and blame others (may be due to summer season? Idk :p jk )

> My friends seem to enjoy playing thief and they try various builds and seem to have fun in PVP... Not like thief is unplayable to them at least...


> If they still verbal abuse you in map chat, idk, no other effective means to tackle it... Maybe report them and add friend and avoid them in queues but if they switched state to offline, you can't figure it out I think


> Don't delete characters without thinking through :p you might've spent so much time clothing the character, crafting legy and list of friends in friends list to hang out with in tyria


too late for that mate. i dont really mind tho i've given the last chance.. i just wanted to make sure 100% the state of PvP before deleting. i've encountered such guys like u've mentioned. they used to bash me for saying thief is bad but i've noticed its mostly new players who still have the hype alive in them. and then when u go dueling 1v1 with them they realise it's experience talking not some random newcomer. it might sound really cocky but thats true. i've noticed people who played thief 3 to 6 months are still hella positive and they dont mind.. i kinda envy them. good for your mates that are still playin it and enjoying it. but they should've experienced the thief back in 2014 :P now those were the days.


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Unfortunately throughout the years arwnanet neutered thief ability to engage in any real 1v1 with a equal skilled player without being at a disadvantage. They continually nerfed its dual capabilities and promoted high burst playstyles thru one trick cheese builds like perma stealth mbs etc and thru improper nerfs forced alot of theif players to rely on these cheese build/playstyles to be effective,as boring as it is to do same tactic over and over no one likes to continually die and not get downs. Than to make things worse the playstyle arenanet promoted thru thoughtless nerfs happen to be playstyles that promote the most salt continually increasing the nerfs theif crys of non thief players,its a viscous circle leading to today's iteration of thief. Yaaaay lol also to afdd thiefs not in a unviable spot balance wise really it's just other classes are so strong now with powercreep,classes have too much sustain, burst and mobility for the thief to stand a chance these days. It's like arenanet balanced thief with only one shot cheese high burst back stabs etc to deal with the powercrept classes while toning down its other methods to fight successfully all the while adding to other classes to deal with the high burst cheese builds than they start hitting the cheese thief builds leaving them with very little.its a mess lol

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> @"Dave.6819" said:

> yea.. respect for the guy.. but even he agrees that Thief is in a very bad spot right now. it went from being a 1v1 god to a +1 / decapper bot. if anyone mained a thief back in like 2013-2014 knows how good it was. and now compare it to 2019.


The 2014 build can be used in 2019

Just equip Panic strike + Basilisk Poison + and dont get any defensive traits

Because you lost 2k damage from the d/d 5th skill + 2k from the crit Mug , you can suppliment with some auto attacks


But try to ask your enemies to unequip any Toughness gear they have , so we can who is the fastest pistol in the Wild West :)


PPl start using Toughness only after the pros used them the World Tournament Series + 10k dollar prizes tourmanents (7-8 months before and after the Hot launch

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> The 2014 build can be used in 2019

> Just equip Panic strike + Basilisk Poison + and dont get any defensive traits

> Because you lost 2k damage from the d/d 5th skill + 2k from the crit Mug , you can suppliment with some auto attacks


> But try to ask your enemies to unequip any Toughness gear they have .

> PPl start using Toughness only after the pros used them the World Tournament Series + 10k dollar prizes tourmanents (7-8 months before and after the Hot launch


not only toughness tho. look at aoes/stability/condi/invuln/blocks that other classes have these days. it would be fun to actually try an old D/D SA+Trick+DA to see how thief actually redundant is compared to its old playstyle of a duelist. imagine now going against scrapper with D/D SA/Trick/DA or DDevil.. oh boy u'll feel so useless in that situation it's beyond humiliatin.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Dave.6819" said:

> > Recently got back into the game after quite a break. Decided to check how gw2 has changed over the last 2 years or so. So i jumped right back into my main class Thief. In this case Daredevil cuz Deadeye just seemed like a complete failure of a spec. And guess what? After all these 2 years.. i thought anet kinda nailed balancing classes.. but oh boy i was wrong. Basically you get judged and called names in every match. If you do your role well - it's alright. Team is silent. But if you do your role also good but your team messes up - all the blame goes on Thief. Peeps go decapping and roaming while being bunkers - your fault. Didn't manage to ress them while 1v3 - your fault. Went to mid cuz far was already camped by your bunker teammate scrapper - your fault. Tried to 1v1 someone - noob you arent supposed to 1v1... Just simple like that everyone bashing and putting all the blame on and on and on. Players are so original at finding excuses and puttin everythin on you. I've tried other classes tho but it didnt really feel fun. Once you go thief you cant really play any other classes. So i came to the conclusion after these 2-3 months of torturing myself.. Anet has killed this proffesion for good and players are very well aware of it hence they just put everythin on them. Oh god you should see the whispers when u play Thief. Its epic. U play any other class and its all good you are helpful and even carry others. But once Thief.. ppl get so toxic. Anyway..fastforward through those 3 months. Logged in. Played abit of PvP. Logged out - deleted everythin - made sure that GW2 is a lost cause - wont even regret it. So those who know what i mean.. fight on and demand re-balancing of PvP.. cuz now it's an epic failure. Braindead classes with their passive defenses are OP (which was the case even 2 yrs ago) and catering for the casuals is so real. Yet really active and full of potential classes are toned down. Oh so yea.. after 2 years.. nothing really changed. It probably went even more downhill. Respect to peeps who actually play PvP in this mess of a game.


> Meanwhile people who never touched thief in their life's take on to forums and complain how its the strongest profession that single-handedly wins matches just on its own.



> PS: It's the worse profession in existence for solo-que/solo winning matches.



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The price for superior mobility is the lack of fight presence (basically the opposite to the necro class).


People don't see you join the brawl and stand your ground right next to them = people will blame you for the loss! End of story!


In fact a thief in the team becomes a liability (compared to any other class) the moment the opposing team puts a bunker on far. Onedimensional class design at its best.


Don't solo Q on teef! I don't do that since 2k15. That's nothing new, seriously!

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Dave.6819" said:

> > > Recently got back into the game after quite a break. Decided to check how gw2 has changed over the last 2 years or so. So i jumped right back into my main class Thief. In this case Daredevil cuz Deadeye just seemed like a complete failure of a spec. And guess what? After all these 2 years.. i thought anet kinda nailed balancing classes.. but oh boy i was wrong. Basically you get judged and called names in every match. If you do your role well - it's alright. Team is silent. But if you do your role also good but your team messes up - all the blame goes on Thief. Peeps go decapping and roaming while being bunkers - your fault. Didn't manage to ress them while 1v3 - your fault. Went to mid cuz far was already camped by your bunker teammate scrapper - your fault. Tried to 1v1 someone - noob you arent supposed to 1v1... Just simple like that everyone bashing and putting all the blame on and on and on. Players are so original at finding excuses and puttin everythin on you. I've tried other classes tho but it didnt really feel fun. Once you go thief you cant really play any other classes. So i came to the conclusion after these 2-3 months of torturing myself.. Anet has killed this proffesion for good and players are very well aware of it hence they just put everythin on them. Oh god you should see the whispers when u play Thief. Its epic. U play any other class and its all good you are helpful and even carry others. But once Thief.. ppl get so toxic. Anyway..fastforward through those 3 months. Logged in. Played abit of PvP. Logged out - deleted everythin - made sure that GW2 is a lost cause - wont even regret it. So those who know what i mean.. fight on and demand re-balancing of PvP.. cuz now it's an epic failure. Braindead classes with their passive defenses are OP (which was the case even 2 yrs ago) and catering for the casuals is so real. Yet really active and full of potential classes are toned down. Oh so yea.. after 2 years.. nothing really changed. It probably went even more downhill. Respect to peeps who actually play PvP in this mess of a game.

> >

> > Meanwhile people who never touched thief in their life's take on to forums and complain how its the strongest profession that single-handedly wins matches just on its own.

> Examples?

> >

> > PS: It's the worse profession in existence for solo-que/solo winning matches.




Examples will not be given as I am not ***** enough to call people out

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > @"Dave.6819" said:

> > > > Recently got back into the game after quite a break. Decided to check how gw2 has changed over the last 2 years or so. So i jumped right back into my main class Thief. In this case Daredevil cuz Deadeye just seemed like a complete failure of a spec. And guess what? After all these 2 years.. i thought anet kinda nailed balancing classes.. but oh boy i was wrong. Basically you get judged and called names in every match. If you do your role well - it's alright. Team is silent. But if you do your role also good but your team messes up - all the blame goes on Thief. Peeps go decapping and roaming while being bunkers - your fault. Didn't manage to ress them while 1v3 - your fault. Went to mid cuz far was already camped by your bunker teammate scrapper - your fault. Tried to 1v1 someone - noob you arent supposed to 1v1... Just simple like that everyone bashing and putting all the blame on and on and on. Players are so original at finding excuses and puttin everythin on you. I've tried other classes tho but it didnt really feel fun. Once you go thief you cant really play any other classes. So i came to the conclusion after these 2-3 months of torturing myself.. Anet has killed this proffesion for good and players are very well aware of it hence they just put everythin on them. Oh god you should see the whispers when u play Thief. Its epic. U play any other class and its all good you are helpful and even carry others. But once Thief.. ppl get so toxic. Anyway..fastforward through those 3 months. Logged in. Played abit of PvP. Logged out - deleted everythin - made sure that GW2 is a lost cause - wont even regret it. So those who know what i mean.. fight on and demand re-balancing of PvP.. cuz now it's an epic failure. Braindead classes with their passive defenses are OP (which was the case even 2 yrs ago) and catering for the casuals is so real. Yet really active and full of potential classes are toned down. Oh so yea.. after 2 years.. nothing really changed. It probably went even more downhill. Respect to peeps who actually play PvP in this mess of a game.

> > >

> > > Meanwhile people who never touched thief in their life's take on to forums and complain how its the strongest profession that single-handedly wins matches just on its own.

> > Examples?

> > >

> > > PS: It's the worse profession in existence for solo-que/solo winning matches.

> >

> >


> Examples will not be given as I am not ***** enough to call people out


Seems legit.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The price for superior mobility is the lack of fight presence (basically the opposite to the necro class).


> People don't see you join the brawl and stand your ground right next to them = people will blame you for the loss! End of story!


> In fact a thief in the team becomes a liability (compared to any other class) the moment the opposing team puts a bunker on far. Onedimensional class design at its best.


> Don't solo Q on teef! I don't do that since 2k15. That's nothing new, seriously!


exactly. so you can imagine the hate thief gets with solo q. i've had numerous of matches where scrappers/scourges/spellbreakers went to far and then i'm like "okey... should i just go afk or what?"... and then ofcz the blame goes on thief cuz i have no place in a match anymore.

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**I agree with the OP on everything**

I also came back to the game after a 2 years break just for seeing nothing changed.

Thief is unplayable now even for the best players. and also it's not fun when your only role in a PvP match is to decap empty nodes.

Anet should promote active play over passive, but instead is nerfing to the ground everything that requires a bit of skill.

Good job

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The mobility is questionable now with how fast some classes can move. In the arena, many can hawk you down. For example:



* Mirage is blink, jaunt, axe skills. Did I mention they can cripple you while putting on all the face melting conditions.

* Ranger is pew pew pew. He don't need to catch up. But, he can with his greatsword, and super speed if he aint got a bow. His pet will have no mercy either. By time you get to point, you can't decap because they are already there to stop you.

* Warrior can chase you down with his weapon skill and he is moving 25% faster. Whew! At least you got short bow to port to safety, but you didnt decap cause he got there just in time.

* Holosmith starts his chase, leaps leaps leaps, gores stealth and somehow has superspeed. You got the decap? No, CC chain from out of hell and killing damage outta stealth. No decaps for you

* Rune of speed - some slow but hard hitting classes have found use for this plus a few utilities that make their lack of mobility claims questionable.


**Did I mention that those above can move quick enough to decap, but they also stand a chance to 1 v 1 and fight back, some can even 1 v 2 and live. Sounds fair right? Not to me....not one dang bit.**


Tanks and Bunker or Anyone really

* how many classes can you kill alone in a reasonably short amount of time with skill?


Plus One:


* more like plus half.

* everyone has a form of defense and big hit potential. some hit really hard because they are "not mobile" - questionable

* thief defense is dodge? evade in weapon. mis-timed dodge is fatal to thief. not an excuse for pitiful damage.



Damage on others should be toned way down. If they have boon fart, blocking, more health, access to mobility boost, and stealth they should have damaged toned down to match the mantra of thief.



Warrior is like the only class that I think should be able to do what it does in terms of damage because they have to walk everywhere and they dont have stealth or boon farts.

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