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When was the prime of WvW and why did you enjoy it?


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> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> For me, it was right after they laucnehd GW2, when Henge of Denravi was an unstoppable monster in NA region. I don't know where these guys came from. They were so f-ing hard to play against. I don't think it had much to do with the fairness/balance/skill/competivenss or anything, it was just that... every bordlerand was full 24/7.


Agreed... The first weeks, before people started cheesing the game was when WvW felt the best... When you actually felt good for upgrading a castle and defending it against twice your numbers despite it leaving you in financial ruin back then... Because yeah, upgrading a whole keep costed as much as a couple character slots...

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > When I still had Sigils of Demon Summoning. Now it's devoid of purpose since I have to use builds and items that make sense.

> >

> > D:


> you and your demon summoning lol.

> just stahp.


Not until I get what I want, and also I have already verified my inactivity in WvW is a direct result to that rune/sigil update. Proven by the religion that is Dwayna's Grace. Keke.



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Before the stability nef> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> Started playing wvw like 1 year after release, pretty much the time before hot was released, shortly before stability was changed to stacks (think that was shortly before hot).

> When warerfields were blasted to heal the zerg, when you ran worker hammer sword/horn warrior. Had a blast.


^This. Tanktrains were the best.

Now it's horrible PoF powercreep one-shot crap. Such a shame.


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> The worst part of the balance changes, namely stab and condi were made because uhh.... special types in pve wanted their builds to be buffed so they'd stop being kicked for being bad from instances. It didn't work and they still got kicked, and all we had was ruined wvw as collateral damage. This is not uncommon but in addition to everything else, made it particularly bad.

Conditions were changed because condition builds were complete and utter garbage back then.


Also, iirc the change to how stability worked was specifically aimed at WvW (and to a lesser extent PVP), PVE had nothing to do with it.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > The worst part of the balance changes, namely stab and condi were made because uhh.... special types in pve wanted their builds to be buffed so they'd stop being kicked for being bad from instances. It didn't work and they still got kicked, and all we had was ruined wvw as collateral damage. This is not uncommon but in addition to everything else, made it particularly bad.

> Conditions were changed because condition builds were complete and utter garbage back then.


> Also, iirc the change to how stability worked was specifically aimed at WvW (and to a lesser extent PVP), PVE had nothing to do with it.


Are you sure it wasn't nerfed for the introduction of the Breakbar mechanic on PvE bosses??

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > The worst part of the balance changes, namely stab and condi were made because uhh.... special types in pve wanted their builds to be buffed so they'd stop being kicked for being bad from instances. It didn't work and they still got kicked, and all we had was ruined wvw as collateral damage. This is not uncommon but in addition to everything else, made it particularly bad.

> Conditions were changed because condition builds were complete and utter garbage back then.


..... in pve. The 25 stack limit made multiple condi users irrelevant against bosses, especially world bosses. Now that you can stack 1000 bleeds on a boss, it is no longer the case. Against players, how could that have been an issue? 25 stacks of anything is enough to kill them.

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2013 May (first time I entered WvW) -> 2015 June (Build system change pre-hot/November).


That was 2 years I did almost nothing but play WvW.


Still loved the day after the 2015 patch because it had some of the dumbest bugs ever (Guardian stackable symbol +X% damage, and shouts lost their target limit 5, so I could shout entire zergs with the trait that healed me for each boon I gave I was invincible in zergs) But once HoT hit, I started really hating on the build system and the power-creep. 2 great years, RIP WvW.

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The prime of WvW will always be the vanilla days pre-hot...its pretty simple.

WvW mattered back then server pride, bonuses, tournaments, used to defend a tower on ebg for hours with the hvoc grp awesome times.


What people haven't mentioned so far, when megaservers happened for pve and we lost our playing mostly just with our servermates creating that double server bound on pve bosses and recruitement (except guesting) was the beginning of the decline and first identity loss.

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> @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> The prime of WvW will always be the vanilla days pre-hot...its pretty simple.

> WvW mattered back then server pride, bonuses, tournaments, used to defend a tower on ebg for hours with the hvoc grp awesome times.


> What people haven't mentioned so far, when megaservers happened for pve and we lost our playing mostly just with our servermates creating that double server bound on pve bosses and recruitement (except guesting) was the beginning of the decline and first identity loss.


Yeah in those days I would stay up an hour later and work with a group of early morning NA people to take everything back on our BL that had been ravaged the night before because I want our server to have a fighting chance the next day. And I put off moving from ET to SOS for teo months with my guild because I felt I was betraying everyone in ET, both in WVW and those new players trying to get a handle on things in an undet populated server. Some day I was just roam maps helping new people and randomly sending them upgraded bags when I could afford it because I felt very much like they joined ETs small, but hardcore family. Now none of that seems important, if it ever was.

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> Before HOT definitely and to be precise before the June 2015 trait system overhaul which started the trend of removing build diversity and catering even more to casuals.


> Im with you 100% @"Hitman.5829"


> what was great pre June 2015 was you could pick 2 master traits if you didnt like any of the GM traits, or 2 master adept traits if you didnt like the master ones in each trait line. The build diversity was awesome.


Yep, those were the good old days. It is sad that a company such as Anet does not even ask advice from the players before they start working on something that will change game-play completely in the wrong direction.

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> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> For me, it was right after they laucnehd GW2, when Henge of Denravi was an unstoppable monster in NA region. I don't know where these guys came from. They were so f-ing hard to play against. I don't think it had much to do with the fairness/balance/skill/competivenss or anything, it was just that... every bordlerand was full 24/7.


when gw2 was gw2. (core obviously)

then hot came it was somewhat okay.

then PoF came it became crap

then mounts came and it turned into garbage.


yes i still play from time to time now but cant really say i enjoy it like i used to do.

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the year before HoT came out. The game had the best balancing by far at that time and every build had meaningfull cds and counterplay. Also the ground target spam was much less, aswell as much lower dmg and sustain. Only duration stacking condis, no resistance and overall far less ability spam made this game alot better imo.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > Before HOT definitely and to be precise before the June 2015 trait system overhaul which started the trend of removing build diversity and catering even more to casuals.

> >

> > Im with you 100% @"Hitman.5829"

> >

> > what was great pre June 2015 was you could pick 2 master traits if you didnt like any of the GM traits, or 2 master adept traits if you didnt like the master ones in each trait line. The build diversity was awesome.


> Yep, those were the good old days. It is sad that a company such as Anet does not even ask advice from the players before they start working on something that will change game-play completely in the wrong direction.


This is ironic, as most of the things in HOT came from ANet asking what players wanted forward. Even the Desert BL is based on player feedback on what they wanted for a wvw map.


Keeps making me question if ANet just can't stack the cards right, or if players just really don't know what they really want! (Actually, I'm leaning toward the later.)

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > > Before HOT definitely and to be precise before the June 2015 trait system overhaul which started the trend of removing build diversity and catering even more to casuals.

> > >

> > > Im with you 100% @"Hitman.5829"

> > >

> > > what was great pre June 2015 was you could pick 2 master traits if you didnt like any of the GM traits, or 2 master adept traits if you didnt like the master ones in each trait line. The build diversity was awesome.

> >

> > Yep, those were the good old days. It is sad that a company such as Anet does not even ask advice from the players before they start working on something that will change game-play completely in the wrong direction.


> This is ironic, as most of the things in HOT came from ANet asking what players wanted forward. Even the Desert BL is based on player feedback on what they wanted for a wvw map.


> Keeps making me question if ANet just can't stack the cards right, or if players just really don't know what they really want! (Actually, I'm leaning toward the later.)


It's the second.

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Definitely pre hot. The stability Nerf was a really bad idea. Also the death of servers didn't help very much, servers we're often what made me log in, the rivalries the politics the ever-changing , yeah matches stagnant after a while but there is always the chance that some guilds would move or something server would rise from the bottom to overthrow the one above, it was good times. I think Discord helped to separate the servers, with one TeamSpeak per server people had to get along, now everyone just creates their own Discord and doesn't have to deal with the plebs


Edit. Apologies for the jumbled paragraph, speech to text while driving is always an adventure

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It was when they had your rank locked in to the character you were playing. When they did the account wide WvW rank it became easier for players to abandon one character and switch to one with a fixed build which happened to be primed for WvW rather than finding ways to make their existing character work better. That was when the zergs did the mass migration to the best build and it became a true zerg of clones. It really killed the bring what you got feel and turned into a bunch of clones. Casual roaming died that day.

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> @"Malavian.4695" said:

> It was when they had your rank locked in to the character you were playing. When they did the account wide WvW rank it became easier for players to abandon one character and switch to one with a fixed build which happened to be primed for WvW rather than finding ways to make their existing character work better. That was when the zergs did the mass migration to the best build and it became a true zerg of clones. It really killed the bring what you got feel and turned into a bunch of clones. Casual roaming died that day.


Oh darn. I would've loved that now. Would make smurfing a lot easier.

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