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Berserker Overhaul next week!


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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............



> 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)



> but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.


> and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

> most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears


You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> but that's where you are wrong... it's not overperforming, neither the banner variant nor the "dps" variant (the "dps" variant sucks as dps). if condi war (without burst and slow dps buildup) has the same dps as power war (with alot more cc and instant full dps and even a small opening burst) then it's not balanced. Then the condi war is simply useless. You fail to understand that without banners condi zerker would not be meta for any boss.

> It was overpowered when warrior was the groups source of might aswell but those days are long gone. And 25k golem dps on a condi build with slow buildup and no burst whatsoever would mean A LOT less dmg on actual bosses... condi zerker with 25k dps is simply dead weight, that's not even up for debate, not even banners would save condi zerker from such a miserable state.


> Condi zerker, aswell as power zerker, should be super high up in the dps charts given that you now even sacrifice surviveability for it and **dps is literally the only thing berserker has going for it.**


> last thing... if you take wild blow your dps will fall down by quite a lot, because normally you only take shattering blow and with the nerfs to chrono in the last balance patches you don't have perma stab anymore in many groups. That means you kinda need the stab from shattering blow or headbutt is a 1.75 sec selfstun.


> it's pretty obvious that you don't play condi zerker otherwise you would not bring up these useless golem numbers and compare then directly to a power build and you would know that there is no dps difference between a condi zerker bs and a condi dps zerker.


Well ok... if you think I haven't played condi zerker, then so be it. Nice assumptions :) If I was not clear enough that I am talking about discipline condi dps BS berserker, saying it now, just in case.

I was comparing condi with power without having specific situations in mind to simplify things. Obviously, condi berserker is better for longer fights with less phases (like Cairn, MO, etc) and power is better elsewhere (fractals, etc).

I chose golem for sake of simplicity.


Stop acting like providing 4400 stats to 10 people (yourself included) overall permanently during fight AND dealing 34k DPS is not overperforming. AND it used to be 7820 stats to 10 people (yourself included), even better. I included how it used to be to highlight the idea of overperformance.

Arguments that something is not overperforming because without banners it would be useless is trivial. Yes, pure condi DPS berserker without banners is not overperforming because it has pretty meh burst for a DPS role but it also doesn't provide 4400 stats to 10 people...


Now the important thing is, that berserker builds will get more specified (or it seems so, so far), berserker will have to take as much rage skills as possible to prolong duration of berserk mode as long as possible. This way dps berserker won't be able to just take banners instead of signets and be overperforming like now (as offensive support and DPS at the same time). It is possible that tactics condi bs berserker will have better average dps than core warrior so it will not lack compared to core warrior in situations where it is used now. Precise testing is required of course, we shall see soon.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> I welcome the change as it's long overdue, but anet is moving in the wrong direction by reducing berserker's defensive capabilities. It's absolutely useless in PvP and WvW, and this would only further drag it down.


> If only they kitten read


Well, there are grandmaster traits that nicely tell which direction you want to build your berserker. You can get back 300 toughness by taking Eternal Champ trait, but you will not be able to take 20% damage bonus trait. Isn't this a good way to differentiate builds? You can go defense, adrenal health, healing signet and rousing resilience (that is very strong with Outrage) for interesting sustain. Also remember that by activating Berserk mode, you will get 3 stacks of Adrenal Health.


You can now also go pure glass cannon by going yolo and obliterate everything (which suits the elite spec theme pretty well), but at the same time being vulnerable. Seems to be reasonable trade off.

Of course it is soon to make conclusions since we don't know how strong reworked bursts will be, their aftercasts, etc.


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> @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> > > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............

> >

> >

> > 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)

> >

> >

> > but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.

> >

> > and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

> > most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears


> You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.


how do you plan on dealing with the headbutt selfcc?

unless you take outrage you will be suffering from 1 second selfstun (inbefore selfstun is also affected by paralyzation sigil just for the fun, anet knowing)


can't allways rely on stability from teammates


1 second not attacking, is, and can be, a huge dps loss esp the moment after the breakbar is broken, and you have severance proc for the ferocity, you want to switch to axe/axe and land axe 5 under severance and under peak performance. which is now delayed if you use headbut last, or waste mace skills if you use headbirst first (bar can be broken by others, as you the warrior were to slow)


also, say the breakbar pops up while you are out of berserker, you use headbutt and that wil lreduce your overall dps long-term because you coud not extend berserker duration now


mace burst is too important, just compare cc from core war to cc of spellbreaker boonstripper, it becomes clear fast


healskill will still be to the limit, not taking it for lets say blood reckoning will give the warrior pathetic burst

blood reckoning does give 30 adrenaline aswell, but the major part (refresh primal burst skill, and +2 sec berserker duration) would be wasted if you used it to fuel berserker


so utiliies would be:


heal: to the limit

uti 1: kick

uti 2: outrage

uti 3: shattering blow/wild blow


shattering blow would help with the headbutt selfstun, but as said before if you have to use both out of berserker this will drastically reduce your berserker uptime (4 seconds wasted)


wild blow would help with cc as it does 332 breakbar damage which is close to mace burst 3

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> > > > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............

> > >

> > >

> > > 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)

> > >

> > >

> > > but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.

> > >

> > > and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

> > > most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears

> >

> > You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.


> how do you plan on dealing with the headbutt selfcc?

> unless you take outrage you will be suffering from 1 second selfstun (inbefore selfstun is also affected by paralyzation sigil just for the fun, anet knowing)


> can't allways rely on stability from teammates


> 1 second not attacking, is, and can be, a huge dps loss esp the moment after the breakbar is broken, and you have severance proc for the ferocity, you want to switch to axe/axe and land axe 5 under severance and under peak performance. which is now delayed if you use headbut last, or waste mace skills if you use headbirst first (bar can be broken by others, as you the warrior were to slow)


> also, say the breakbar pops up while you are out of berserker, you use headbutt and that wil lreduce your overall dps long-term because you coud not extend berserker duration now


> mace burst is too important, just compare cc from core war to cc of spellbreaker boonstripper, it becomes clear fast


Well... headbutt into outrage is a 7 second extention to berserker form.

Something i would say is quite good.


If thats playable in PvE... time will tell but in PvP/WvW it should be usefull.



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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> > > > > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.

> > > >

> > > > and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

> > > > most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears

> > >

> > > You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.

> >

> > how do you plan on dealing with the headbutt selfcc?

> > unless you take outrage you will be suffering from 1 second selfstun (inbefore selfstun is also affected by paralyzation sigil just for the fun, anet knowing)

> >

> > can't allways rely on stability from teammates

> >

> > 1 second not attacking, is, and can be, a huge dps loss esp the moment after the breakbar is broken, and you have severance proc for the ferocity, you want to switch to axe/axe and land axe 5 under severance and under peak performance. which is now delayed if you use headbut last, or waste mace skills if you use headbirst first (bar can be broken by others, as you the warrior were to slow)

> >

> > also, say the breakbar pops up while you are out of berserker, you use headbutt and that wil lreduce your overall dps long-term because you coud not extend berserker duration now

> >

> > mace burst is too important, just compare cc from core war to cc of spellbreaker boonstripper, it becomes clear fast


> Well... headbutt into outrage is a 7 second extention to berserker form.

> Something i would say is quite good.


> If thats playable in PvE... time will tell but in PvP/WvW it should be usefull.




edited my post the moment you replied, so there it explains more what i meant

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> > > > > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.

> > > >

> > > > and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

> > > > most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears

> > >

> > > You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.

> >

> > how do you plan on dealing with the headbutt selfcc?

> > unless you take outrage you will be suffering from 1 second selfstun (inbefore selfstun is also affected by paralyzation sigil just for the fun, anet knowing)

> >

> > can't allways rely on stability from teammates

> >

> > 1 second not attacking, is, and can be, a huge dps loss esp the moment after the breakbar is broken, and you have severance proc for the ferocity, you want to switch to axe/axe and land axe 5 under severance and under peak performance. which is now delayed if you use headbut last, or waste mace skills if you use headbirst first (bar can be broken by others, as you the warrior were to slow)

> >

> > also, say the breakbar pops up while you are out of berserker, you use headbutt and that wil lreduce your overall dps long-term because you coud not extend berserker duration now

> >

> > mace burst is too important, just compare cc from core war to cc of spellbreaker boonstripper, it becomes clear fast


> Well... headbutt into outrage is a 7 second extention to berserker form.

> Something i would say is quite good.


> If thats playable in PvE... time will tell but in PvP/WvW it should be usefull.




long story short; this will be good for while in berserk (+7 seconds) but you don't get to chose when a breakbar pops up. some are % based and some are visually recovering so you can anticipate

but over the ratio on how fast your group depleyes target health by x% untill evetually the breakbar pops up you have little saying in that


that, could drastically alter a rotation/berserk upkeep


hope i'm clear enough

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> > > > > > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.

> > > > >

> > > > > and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

> > > > > most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears

> > > >

> > > > You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.

> > >

> > > how do you plan on dealing with the headbutt selfcc?

> > > unless you take outrage you will be suffering from 1 second selfstun (inbefore selfstun is also affected by paralyzation sigil just for the fun, anet knowing)

> > >

> > > can't allways rely on stability from teammates

> > >

> > > 1 second not attacking, is, and can be, a huge dps loss esp the moment after the breakbar is broken, and you have severance proc for the ferocity, you want to switch to axe/axe and land axe 5 under severance and under peak performance. which is now delayed if you use headbut last, or waste mace skills if you use headbirst first (bar can be broken by others, as you the warrior were to slow)

> > >

> > > also, say the breakbar pops up while you are out of berserker, you use headbutt and that wil lreduce your overall dps long-term because you coud not extend berserker duration now

> > >

> > > mace burst is too important, just compare cc from core war to cc of spellbreaker boonstripper, it becomes clear fast

> >

> > Well... headbutt into outrage is a 7 second extention to berserker form.

> > Something i would say is quite good.

> >

> > If thats playable in PvE... time will tell but in PvP/WvW it should be usefull.

> >

> >


> long story short; this will be good for while in berserk (+7 seconds) but you don't get to chose when a breakbar pops up. some are % based and some are visually recovering so you can anticipate

> but over the ratio on how fast your group depleyes target health by x% untill evetually the breakbar pops up you have little saying in that


> that, could drastically alter a rotation/berserk upkeep


> hope i'm clear enough


To be perfectly honest.

To this Point Berserker feels like a Alpha Version of a Elite Spec.

With the comming Changes, it gets into Beta.


Atleast we have something playable know and Anet can go from there.

Maybe we see a Final release version in 2-3 balance patches.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> The change seem good on the damage side for power builds (not sure for condi). On the sustain side, the changes are mediocre and that is where berserker already struggles. 10% more healing and 300 toughness are noting compared to what you get from SB or defense line (if you play core).


> It is still not clear how this will play out. Honestly, I think this is too much unnecessary work. Berserker could have been fixed for both PvP and PvE with a quarter of the effort that Anet seems to be putting into this. Reminds of the herald remake. Too much work for nothing.


Maybe Berserker is not suppose to have sustain of Spellbreaker? Maybe Anet wants Spellbreaker to remain as possible choice and not make Berserker straight better and more used.


I see no issue with Berserker not having as high sustain as Spellbreaker.

And in fact, there may be possibly very good sustain. You could go defense -> adrenal health + healing signet + defy pain + rousing resilience (that is very strong with Outrage) for interesting sustain. Every time you break out of stun with Outrage, you will get nice healing, 1000 toughness for 8 seconds and 5 seconds prolonged berserk mode. Add reworked berserker traits to it (300 toughness back, 10% more incloming healing, etc).


I personally can't wait to test out strength/discipline/berserker max dps rifle build in WvW :D I just hope that after activating berserk mode, we won't have to generate additional 10 adrenaline to fill primal burst gauge and then being able to use the burst. That would be sooooo sad.

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The changes seem to be really good for pve, since now berserker is tied to the raid balance and relies heavily on the support and feels really bad anywhere else since it feels really slow without help, core and spellbreaker are way better in open world and fractals cause they are somewhat self sufficient.

For pvp, spellbreaker will still be better, since it carved its niche of side node duelist, but berserker might be really good for teamfights with all the aoe skills and i hope it has the damage to be viable for the position and since it has the drawbacks and it will require support, if that is the case it will push more teamfight variation than the current kings scourge firebrand.

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I love you ArenaNet for these changes, they are absolute phenomenal i am playing berserker both power and condition and i could asure you those changes will make this spec a top damage spec on a warrior.

First of thing, berserker mode activation counting as 3 charge primal burst is just excellent, before you had nothing but 1 charge and this after using primal burst after activating berserker mode, an aoe damage is just addition to the 21% damage boost you will get from berserker power trait.

I love bursts skills changes.

Smoothing out hammer burst

Making greatsword burst kind of unique

Deleting that useless decapitate on axe into something that will be useful in pvp

And rage skills changes are probably the best part, because you FINALLY could use them without losing too much, woah! The adrenaline gain from these skills was 100% useless, since on berserker mode you would refill the adrenaline bar with just hitting anything before your primal burst skill will get up. There was literally no point in using any of those, because if you wanted a CC skill you would be better with physical skills due to the peak performance trait bonus damage you get. With mixing those two together for different purposes you could now effectively use physical and rage skills together with no guilt that you sacrifice using them for something.

Sundering leap smoothed out ?, headbutt giving 5 sec berserker duration, wildblow giving 8 sec furry.

Trait changes in the tree is just plain free damage, entering berserker mode will give you 300 power, 20% bonus damage +21% for 15 sec and a super speed for 3 sec, cant imagine Savage leap > berserk > whirling axe damage in pvp, this thing will be over 9000.

Cant wait for those.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> The changes seem to be really good for pve, since now berserker is tied to the raid balance and relies heavily on the support and feels really bad anywhere else since it feels really slow without help, core and spellbreaker are way better in open world and fractals cause they are somewhat self sufficient.

> For pvp, spellbreaker will still be better, since it carved its niche of side node duelist, but berserker might be really good for teamfights with all the aoe skills and i hope it has the damage to be viable for the position and since it has the drawbacks and it will require support, if that is the case it will push more teamfight variation than the current kings scourge firebrand.


And I think that actually makes sense with both specs identities.

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > but that's where you are wrong... it's not overperforming, neither the banner variant nor the "dps" variant (the "dps" variant sucks as dps). if condi war (without burst and slow dps buildup) has the same dps as power war (with alot more cc and instant full dps and even a small opening burst) then it's not balanced. Then the condi war is simply useless. You fail to understand that without banners condi zerker would not be meta for any boss.

> > It was overpowered when warrior was the groups source of might aswell but those days are long gone. And 25k golem dps on a condi build with slow buildup and no burst whatsoever would mean A LOT less dmg on actual bosses... condi zerker with 25k dps is simply dead weight, that's not even up for debate, not even banners would save condi zerker from such a miserable state.

> >

> > Condi zerker, aswell as power zerker, should be super high up in the dps charts given that you now even sacrifice surviveability for it and **dps is literally the only thing berserker has going for it.**

> >

> > last thing... if you take wild blow your dps will fall down by quite a lot, because normally you only take shattering blow and with the nerfs to chrono in the last balance patches you don't have perma stab anymore in many groups. That means you kinda need the stab from shattering blow or headbutt is a 1.75 sec selfstun.

> >

> > it's pretty obvious that you don't play condi zerker otherwise you would not bring up these useless golem numbers and compare then directly to a power build and you would know that there is no dps difference between a condi zerker bs and a condi dps zerker.


> Well ok... if you think I haven't played condi zerker, then so be it. Nice assumptions :) If I was not clear enough that I am talking about discipline condi dps BS berserker, saying it now, just in case.

> I was comparing condi with power without having specific situations in mind to simplify things. Obviously, condi berserker is better for longer fights with less phases (like Cairn, MO, etc) and power is better elsewhere (fractals, etc).

> I chose golem for sake of simplicity.


> Stop acting like providing 4400 stats to 10 people (yourself included) overall permanently during fight AND dealing 34k DPS is not overperforming. AND it used to be 7820 stats to 10 people (yourself included), even better. I included how it used to be to highlight the idea of overperformance.

> Arguments that something is not overperforming because without banners it would be useless is trivial. Yes, pure condi DPS berserker without banners is not overperforming because it has pretty meh burst for a DPS role but it also doesn't provide 4400 stats to 10 people...


> Now the important thing is, that berserker builds will get more specified (or it seems so, so far), berserker will have to take as much rage skills as possible to prolong duration of berserk mode as long as possible. This way dps berserker won't be able to just take banners instead of signets and be overperforming like now (as offensive support and DPS at the same time). It is possible that tactics condi bs berserker will have better average dps than core warrior so it will not lack compared to core warrior in situations where it is used now. Precise testing is required of course, we shall see soon.


bs version is 33k and stop acting like 33k dps with no burst and slow buildup is anywhere near a power dps build with the same numbers. Berserker is a dps spec and needs to do dmg for it to be viable. End of story. Problem is that the non golem dps it provides is simply only mediocre. Luckily core warrior has two utility spells that keep one single warrior in raids because the condi berserker "dps" spec with its 34k dps does not. Every mightstacker provides 3750 stats with a SINGLE boon in a 5 man group... that's only slightly less than banners do in a 10 man group so there is really no problem here.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> bs version is 33k and stop acting like 33k dps with no burst and slow buildup is anywhere near a power dps build with the same numbers. Berserker is a dps spec and needs to do dmg for it to be viable. End of story. Problem is that the non golem dps it provides is simply only mediocre. Luckily core warrior has two utility spells that keep one single warrior in raids because the condi berserker "dps" spec with its 34k dps does not. Every mightstacker provides 3750 stats with a SINGLE boon in a 5 man group... that's only slightly less than banners do in a 10 man group so there is really no problem here.


Hmm... there seems to be some misunderstanding. I am not talking about condi dps build outperforming. I am talking about discipline condi banner build that is outperforming. Or you want this banner build to deal similar/same dps as DPS builds of other professions?

EDIT: It does not matter anymore, since the incoming berserker rework will affect pretty much everything. We just have to wait and see.

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Terrible. What is this? Just...why?


So, for pve I guess these are good changes, but for pvp it is a DISASTER. Sure the damage boost is nice and all, BUT....look at all that warriors lose out on in the process: toughness penalty, adrenaline through rage skills, f1 skills, most of all: a cast time. The existence of a cast time means that berserk mode can now be interrupted. Mark my words, berserker warrior will be kited to DEATH by ranged classes. Once people see the obvious big, red glow, pew-pew rangers, short-bow revenants and deadeyes will focus it and down it in seconds. Berserker was already squishy enough, now it's even weaker in all terms except for damage.


Berserker was dead in pvp, now it's freakin BURIED.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Terrible. What is this? Just...why?


> So, for pve I guess these are good changes, but for pvp it is a DISASTER. Sure the damage boost is nice and all, BUT....look at all that warriors lose out on in the process: toughness penalty, adrenaline through rage skills, f1 skills, most of all: a cast time. The existence of a cast time means that berserk mode can now be interrupted. Mark my words, berserker warrior will be kited to DEATH by ranged classes. Once people see the obvious big, red glow, pew-pew rangers, short-bow revenants and deadeyes will focus it and down it in seconds. Berserker was already squishy enough, now it's even weaker in all terms except for damage.


> Berserker was dead in pvp, now it's freakin BURIED.


Berserker was awful, so they change it to make it more interesting. You can't tell if it's any good or not until we get some numbers and people start playing it to try.

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I'm appreciative to ANet for FINALLY giving Berserker some attention. I think they did a pretty good job with sticking to the theme. I like the idea of trading offense for defense and giving a chance to extend the duration of Berserk mode.

HOWEVER, the cast time for entering Berserk sounds terrible!!

And if they're going to rework the Rage skills, why didn't it result in something useful? Or maybe, just maybe, the animation rework with Sundering Leap will let it be cast while moving? At least they left Shattering Blow in its already good state.

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It's not as if I didn't expect a rework to happen. I believe that everyone would have to see the Cooldowns and how this plays out before making any judgments. My greatest concern is the amount of 'channel' being put into Berserker, I could see interrupts denying Berserk from going off.


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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Terrible. What is this? Just...why?


> So, for pve I guess these are good changes, but for pvp it is a DISASTER. Sure the damage boost is nice and all, BUT....look at all that warriors lose out on in the process: toughness penalty, adrenaline through rage skills, f1 skills, most of all: a cast time. The existence of a cast time means that berserk mode can now be interrupted. Mark my words, berserker warrior will be kited to DEATH by ranged classes. Once people see the obvious big, red glow, pew-pew rangers, short-bow revenants and deadeyes will focus it and down it in seconds. Berserker was already squishy enough, now it's even weaker in all terms except for damage.


> Berserker was dead in pvp, now it's freakin BURIED.


He will have the same armor as light armor classes do.

Does it make them 100% useless?

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"Berserk mode is no longer instant and has a casting time."

making warrior more slow to play! jesus Christ! Anet please stop with this madness. Why don't you make steal with cast time? Why don't you make engineer with cast time, why is necro not on cast time? why are elementalist F1,2,3,4 not on cast time?


Why is revenant F2 not on cast time? Every single warrior patch they make it worse and worse!

Does this mean that berserker can now be interrupted? if so you need to go to hell!


This is what we get for asking a rework on berserker. They rework it allright, but in the wrong way!

From now on, if you are a warrior just shut your mouth and don't ask for anything good for the warrior or else they EFF things up more.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> "Berserk mode is no longer instant and has a casting time."

> making warrior more slow to play! jesus Christ! Anet please stop with this madness. Why don't you make steal with cast time? Why don't you make engineer with cast time, why is necro not on cast time? why are elementalist F1,2,3,4 not on cast time?


> Why is revenant F2 not on cast time? Every single warrior patch they make it worse and worse!

> Does this mean that berserker can now be interrupted? if so you need to go to hell!


> This is what we get for asking a rework on berserker. They rework it allright, but in the wrong way!

> From now on, if you are a warrior just shut your mouth and don't ask for anything good for the warrior or else they EFF things up more.


I think the reason for the casttime is that B-Form is now a regular Burst Skill.


This means that all Traits that work with Bursts also have to work with B-Form.

That could be the reason why entering B-Form is an attack now. ( You do aoe dmg around you)

Because hitting an opponent is required to trigger the effects of Burst Traits.


But this would (or could) be the reason for the cast time.


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people will just threat berserker as it was rampage lol


see the red glowing warrior? kite it out, he can't perma upkeep berserk, and once it is in cooldown he has no burst skills so no adrenal health, no berserkers power, nothing


lets see how will a warrior will do without arcing slice, i doubt it will be impressive.




this also killed berserker in wvw roaming, decapitate was a nice skill for downed pressure, now it will just hit 1 target

vs baddies u could ecapitate, switch gs, burst and you had 2/3 revivers down on the ground read to be finnished..now not possible anymore

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> @"KelyNeli.4516" said:

> > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > Terrible. What is this? Just...why?

> >

> > So, for pve I guess these are good changes, but for pvp it is a DISASTER. Sure the damage boost is nice and all, BUT....look at all that warriors lose out on in the process: toughness penalty, adrenaline through rage skills, f1 skills, most of all: a cast time. The existence of a cast time means that berserk mode can now be interrupted. Mark my words, berserker warrior will be kited to DEATH by ranged classes. Once people see the obvious big, red glow, pew-pew rangers, short-bow revenants and deadeyes will focus it and down it in seconds. Berserker was already squishy enough, now it's even weaker in all terms except for damage.

> >

> > Berserker was dead in pvp, now it's freakin BURIED.


> He will have the same armor as light armor classes do.

> Does it make them 100% useless?


lol was your comment serious? are you actually comparing mirage/chrono and scourge/reaper to a berserk warrior? Those classes have either alot more mobility or flat out invulnerability/blocks or bring enormous amounts of cleave and aoe dmg with them. plus they can kite because they are ranged and the warrior is melee lol... what does berserker bring into a teamfight? weakness and the berserker can gtfo while being oneshotted by the next thief instacast attack from 1000 range.

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