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> @"Rexts.8037" said:

> At least I have predicted one right.

> [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/862396#Comment_862396](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/862396#Comment_862396 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/862396#Comment_862396")



From what I'm reading, it's still blockable, but no longer coded as a projectile.

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There's actually some changes that were suggested.

If I remember correctly, someone suggested a change to darkfield combo finishers

We also all wanted a change for focus 4

And from my perspective: that gs5 was destroyed by Projectile Block or reflect was a bug. As they aren't really projectiles to me. Also we'll see if gs5 is finally fixed in all places and if we still can pull enemies off of walls xD


But in these 3 points, GOOD JOB ANET! Hearing out what community wants :)

Also I like it very much, that we can see the patch notes before they go live.


And something I want to add to the souleater discussion: I don't think it would be too op, if it healed you in shroud. First it's hard to stick to other classes. And second: you would have to do 10k DPS in order to heal for 500per second.


Right now you have to build pretty tanky, else anything oneshots you, maybe this allows you to go a little bit more glassy again?


We'll see

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> There's actually some changes that were suggested.

> If I remember correctly, someone suggested a change to darkfield combo finishers


I did... However, I must say that the torment thingy wasn't even in my mind when I suggested the changes. Seriously, since scourge they are overdoing it with torment, it's like they are suddenly making it the necromancer's condition after years of saying that it's bleed.


The initial suggestion for _dark aura_ was damageless but getting hit would have resulted in weakening the one attacking.


NB.: This _dark aura_ also make it more difficult for other combo related changes suggestions that I proposed to happen. Which is why this change is somehow bittersweet from my point of view.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > If you want sustain, you are not going to play Necro or especially Reaper.

> > > You would sacrifice way to much damage to get fairly lacklustre sustain.

> > I kill any berserker or marauder reaper on this planet with a soldier/berserker gear mix. Glass reaper is trash and hardcountered by power builds on any other class. People running this garbage is the main reason why everyone complains about sustain issues on reaper.


> The issue Reaper has is getting CC locked and bursted. Non of your Blood Magic and Blighters Boon sustain counters that, while Burst Reapers at least have a fighting chance if they can CC lock and burst the opponent first.


> Plus Paladins Amulet is pretty commonly run on Burst Reapers.

> Not sure why anyone would run Reaper full Zerker.


> The only thing that can protect you against the power bursts going around these days is duration blocks or invulns, otherwise it's counter CC and burst. You just got to make sure you do that first and play around most other specs having access to those counters, especially when it comes to committing to when to go into Shroud.

> Healing a few hundred HP per second does nothing to counter repeated 10-20k bursts coupled with chain CC, while taking that "sustain" severely diminishes your capability of punishing those downtimes of hard defenses in opposing players.


**Before I write the following I just want to add a little disclaimer - I'm not necessarily disagreeing with what I'm responding to here. Just pointing a few things out and sharing my own experience from a solo/small scale WvW perspective.**


Damage avoidance is an equally strong method of negating CC's and heavy burst. That may sound like an unreasonable point given it's Necromancer we're discussing, but in an open world like WvW it isn't a moot point either. There are lots of places to kite and juke especially with creative use of Spectral Walk, Flesh Wurm or Sand Swell.


This of course is assuming you're not in a wide open field with nothing but air between you and your opponent(s). Which if you're perceptive, shouldn't often happen anyway (though of course being taken off guard happens to everyone from time to time).


With corrupts, Fears, soft and hard CC's, Necro can be an extremely difficult thing to pin down if they properly abuse terrain and jukes. Even for things with instant teleports like Thief, Guardian, Revenant or Mesmer, you can force their defenses if you make them play on your terms.


I understand that terrain isn't a Necromancer mechanic, but it is a key skill to practice understanding if you want to succeed as a Necro in solo/small scale scenarios. This is why in PvP, good Necros will instantly kite and know the proper places to do so when engaging anything on their own. You should always be thinking about ways to make your opponent chase you or come to you.


Doing these things properly; positioning, knowing when/where to kite, how to use your corrupts and soft/hard CC's, can make playing even fully offensive builds like zerk doable. I'm not saying it's possible to always know what's happening in every direction however, of course some times you'll get blind sided or outplayed. What I mean is that a small tree or a _No Valid Path_ location can be just as strong as blocks or invulns. Couple that with proper juking via SWalk, Wurm or Swell, and you can easily compete with builds/professions that have stronger mechanics.


This is why I disagree on the point of glass Reaper being "garbage." In an open field, absolutely. A more durable Necro will have a much greater advantage and enough damage mitigation to fight back. But even then, you're still vulnerable to hard kiting and blocks or invulns denying your pressure. In a more ideal location, I think the difference between glass and bruiser is much less significant. A glass core Necro can push 10k+ Life Blasts and even higher Spinal Shivers. A glass Reaper can land auto attacks for equally as much as well as Shroud 2, 4, 5 and Greatsword 2 and 3 all being capable of reaching as high as 20k+. And of course Ghastly Claws which I've personally seen go as high as 30k.


Necro suffers from a severe lack of scaling defenses and instant/low cooldown mobility. Things we're all well aware of. On flat terrain, it's going to lose 9 times out of 10 to something with the utilities it doesn't have. But I don't know why this is being cited as the circumstances when it shouldn't often happen unless you're naive enough to be floating around in the middle of a map. A bruiser build is flat out better in this situation and handles outnumbered fights better due to having more durability. But in my opinion, a glass build is equally viable assuming you do much of what I've stated above.


For the record, I typically play a Demolisher amulet inspired build in WvW either solo or small scale. Sometimes I also play a YOLO build with a mixture of Marauder/Berserker and I have roughly equal success regardless of what I play. The more durable build is only preferable because it stands a better chance in 1v1's if I don't have proper terrain on my side.


I say all of this for less experienced Necro's to consider and to expand on the previous comments. I just want to be clear that I'm only disagreeing with a few things as I know how tone can be misinterpreted in these kinds of discussions since text doesn't have it.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> finally a focus 4 rework. im stoked. that plus locust swarm change looks like the best changes. soul eater looks good but I will still choose decimate defenses.


> edit

> wait. if soul eater works in and out of shroud, im definitely running with that from now on.


Granted that focus 4 damage become life siphon (which do not crit), we can already forget about the off hand weapon being a "damage" weapon, which make torch the one and only damage off hand weapon of the necromancer.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > finally a focus 4 rework. im stoked. that plus locust swarm change looks like the best changes. soul eater looks good but I will still choose decimate defenses.

> >

> > edit

> > wait. if soul eater works in and out of shroud, im definitely running with that from now on.


> Granted that focus 4 damage become life siphon (which do not crit), we can already forget about the off hand weapon being a "damage" weapon, which make torch the one and only damage off hand weapon of the necromancer.


And torch is only relevant for the scourge. Its still a question of focus or warhorn for reaper offset.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > finally a focus 4 rework. im stoked. that plus locust swarm change looks like the best changes. soul eater looks good but I will still choose decimate defenses.

> > >

> > > edit

> > > wait. if soul eater works in and out of shroud, im definitely running with that from now on.

> >

> > Granted that focus 4 damage become life siphon (which do not crit), we can already forget about the off hand weapon being a "damage" weapon, which make torch the one and only damage off hand weapon of the necromancer.


> And torch is only relevant for the scourge. Its still a question of focus or warhorn for reaper offset.


For me, greatsword will always need a ranged set on weapon swap so axe/focus is my default selection. Focus also has the chill on Spinal Shivers.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > finally a focus 4 rework. im stoked. that plus locust swarm change looks like the best changes. soul eater looks good but I will still choose decimate defenses.

> >

> > edit

> > wait. if soul eater works in and out of shroud, im definitely running with that from now on.


> Granted that focus 4 damage become life siphon (which do not crit), we can already forget about the off hand weapon being a "damage" weapon, which make torch the one and only damage off hand weapon of the necromancer.


Depends on if it siphons health like life steal or if I siphons health like the skill life siphon.


Either way interested on seeing the values on these skills.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > finally a focus 4 rework. im stoked. that plus locust swarm change looks like the best changes. soul eater looks good but I will still choose decimate defenses.

> > > >

> > > > edit

> > > > wait. if soul eater works in and out of shroud, im definitely running with that from now on.

> > >

> > > Granted that focus 4 damage become life siphon (which do not crit), we can already forget about the off hand weapon being a "damage" weapon, which make torch the one and only damage off hand weapon of the necromancer.

> >

> > And torch is only relevant for the scourge. Its still a question of focus or warhorn for reaper offset.


> For me, greatsword will always need a ranged set on weapon swap so axe/focus is my default selection. Focus also has the chill on Spinal Shivers.


while im a pver, i use gs, with axe+warhorn on swap. But im really curious to how focus turns out. Feeling tempted to make binding of ipos instead of verdarach.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> There's actually some changes that were suggested.

> If I remember correctly, someone suggested a change to darkfield combo finishers

> We also all wanted a change for focus 4

> And from my perspective: that gs5 was destroyed by Projectile Block or reflect was a bug. As they aren't really projectiles to me. Also we'll see if gs5 is finally fixed in all places and if we still can pull enemies off of walls xD


> But in these 3 points, GOOD JOB ANET! Hearing out what community wants :)


Let's not give so much credit ... at some point, there are so many suggestions that Anet has to hit on **some** of them once in a while.



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:


> while im a pver, i use gs, with axe+warhorn on swap. But im really curious to how focus turns out. Feeling tempted to make binding of ipos instead of verdarach.


I recently made Verdarach and although I didn't much like it at first due to the absurd size, it quickly grew on me. Especially as a Necromancer because when you enter or exit Shroud, a spectral trio of Reapers will rush out from behind you (the weapon draw effect). It's freaking awesome and looks really great with Frostfang. One being ice and the other giving a foggy aura + being themed around Grenth.


Ipos is probably one of the nicest legendarys to date IMO but which ever you choose you should be very happy with either (:

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:


> > while im a pver, i use gs, with axe+warhorn on swap. But im really curious to how focus turns out. Feeling tempted to make binding of ipos instead of verdarach.


> I recently made Verdarach and although I didn't much like it at first due to the absurd size, it quickly grew on me. Especially as a Necromancer because when you enter or exit Shroud, a spectral trio of Reapers will rush out from behind you (the weapon draw effect). It's freaking awesome and looks really great with Frostfang. One being ice and the other giving a foggy aura + being themed around Grenth.


> Ipos is probably one of the nicest legendarys to date IMO but which ever you choose you should be very happy with either (:


I see. I got astralaria as the axe. But i guess it depends on how skills turns it this tuesday.

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> @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > ### General

> >

> > Necromancers have some solid roles right now across each game type.




*takes deep breath*




viable and good roles? no, technically any kind of build can be a "role" whether it is viable/good is another thing, I find it JUST PERFECT they didn't say

"Necromancers have some solid VIABLE roles right now across each game type."


more joke balancing that wont help necro that much and every other class in the game will outshine it still in all roles other then boon corrupt (but there is still boon strip)

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > > ### General

> > >

> > > Necromancers have some solid roles right now across each game type.




> *takes deep breath*




> viable and good roles? no, technically any kind of build can be a "role" whether it is viable/good is another thing, I find it JUST PERFECT they didn't say

> "Necromancers have some solid VIABLE roles right now across each game type."


> more joke balancing that wont help necro that much and every other class in the game will outshine it still in all roles other then boon corrupt (but there is still boon strip)


Necro is meta in PvP and WvW, solid in PvE. I am not going to vouch for PvP/WvW much because I haven't played it seriously for awhile but I doubt anybody will dispute that. I can vouch necro be decent at PvE, this include things like power reaper, heal scourge and condi scourge. I wrote this before and I will write it again, is exactly people like you who are the exact reason why some group still persist in this folly of "necros are literally useless never use them". Stop it; seriously. It makes people who actually play necro like a petulant child.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > > ### General

> > >

> > > Necromancers have some solid roles right now across each game type.




> *takes deep breath*




> viable and good roles? no, technically any kind of build can be a "role" whether it is viable/good is another thing, I find it JUST PERFECT they didn't say

> "Necromancers have some solid VIABLE roles right now across each game type."


> more joke balancing that wont help necro that much and every other class in the game will outshine it still in all roles other then boon corrupt (but there is still boon strip)


After around 2 years of buffs, Necro does actually have viable builds across all major game modes currently.

I think the issue is that it's not quite what a lot of Necro players want, and a lot of people are still waiting for a really solid DPS Necro in endgame PvE content (on more than a select few bosses or meme comps), as right now it's only somewhat common spot there is the offhealer in Raids, which is kind of a take whatever you want slot, which doesn't quite satisfy everybody.

As much as I like to play Carry Scourge, mostly because it just gives me an opportunity to play Necro in the content I enjoy without feeling like I'm gimping myself or my group, I can't say it's an entirely satisfying situation.


But the statement isn't wrong.



And yes, specs like Power Reaper and Condi Scourge are technically viable in most endgame content, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, that after half a decade of essentially being completely excluded on their favourite profession, Necro mains want more than just a "fiiine, you can play Necro if you really want to, but can't you just bring your x, y or z?", and instead of just being just indulged, actually want to feel needed/valued on their favourite profession.


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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > > > ### General

> > > >

> > > > Necromancers have some solid roles right now across each game type.

> >


> >

> > *takes deep breath*

> >


> >

> > viable and good roles? no, technically any kind of build can be a "role" whether it is viable/good is another thing, I find it JUST PERFECT they didn't say

> > "Necromancers have some solid VIABLE roles right now across each game type."

> >

> > more joke balancing that wont help necro that much and every other class in the game will outshine it still in all roles other then boon corrupt (but there is still boon strip)


> After around 2 years of buffs, Necro does actually have viable builds across all major game modes currently.

> I think the issue is that it's not quite what a lot of Necro players want, and a lot of people are still waiting for a really solid DPS Necro in endgame PvE content (on more than a select few bosses or meme comps), as right now it's only somewhat common spot there is the offhealer in Raids, which is kind of a take whatever you want slot, which doesn't quite satisfy everybody.

> As much as I like to play Carry Scourge, mostly because it just gives me an opportunity to play Necro in the content I enjoy without feeling like I'm gimping myself or my group, I can't say it's an entirely satisfying situation.


> But the statement isn't wrong.


> /E:

> And yes, specs like Power Reaper and Condi Scourge are technically viable in most endgame content, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, that after half a decade of essentially being completely excluded on their favourite profession, Necro mains want more than just a "fiiine, you can play Necro if you really want to, but can't you just bring your x, y or z?", and instead of just being just indulged, actually want to feel needed/valued on their favourite profession.



you hit the nail on the head sir, yes these builds DO EXIST and they CAN DO SOMETHING, but 99% of the time you would be better bringing X character instead using X build to just do more in terms of dmg/utility etc. right now necro brings nothing special to the table except boon corrupt and that is only good in PVP/WVW and they are not even OP MEGA META, its mainly only viable because of grouping and boon stacking with condi corrupt being only slightly better then boon removal. its not meta because of the class itself being good it is only meta somewhat in these game modes to be used as a boon corrupt bot because of how often boons are being re-applied in these game modes. but try solo necro/reaper/scourge and you are gonna have a bad time against a lot of classes and don't EVEN get me started on PVE.

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Luckily, for me, I play necro because I love the class and the gameplay in all modes. I don't care what anyone else wants for their raids or pve tea times. I say, play what you want and whatever makes you have the most fun in the game. These buffs are going to be incredible for my reaper, and I can't wait! If you find yourself facing a group that whines about what class you're playing, regardless of what it is, either find a new group or a new game mode. Let the elitists have their fun... you'll never improve on your favorite class if you never get to play it because someone else tells you how to play.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > > > > ### General

> > > > >

> > > > > Necromancers have some solid roles right now across each game type.

> > >


> > >

> > > *takes deep breath*

> > >


> > >

> > > viable and good roles? no, technically any kind of build can be a "role" whether it is viable/good is another thing, I find it JUST PERFECT they didn't say

> > > "Necromancers have some solid VIABLE roles right now across each game type."

> > >

> > > more joke balancing that wont help necro that much and every other class in the game will outshine it still in all roles other then boon corrupt (but there is still boon strip)

> >

> > After around 2 years of buffs, Necro does actually have viable builds across all major game modes currently.

> > I think the issue is that it's not quite what a lot of Necro players want, and a lot of people are still waiting for a really solid DPS Necro in endgame PvE content (on more than a select few bosses or meme comps), as right now it's only somewhat common spot there is the offhealer in Raids, which is kind of a take whatever you want slot, which doesn't quite satisfy everybody.

> > As much as I like to play Carry Scourge, mostly because it just gives me an opportunity to play Necro in the content I enjoy without feeling like I'm gimping myself or my group, I can't say it's an entirely satisfying situation.

> >

> > But the statement isn't wrong.

> >

> > /E:

> > And yes, specs like Power Reaper and Condi Scourge are technically viable in most endgame content, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, that after half a decade of essentially being completely excluded on their favourite profession, Necro mains want more than just a "fiiine, you can play Necro if you really want to, but can't you just bring your x, y or z?", and instead of just being just indulged, actually want to feel needed/valued on their favourite profession.

> >


> you hit the nail on the head sir, yes these builds DO EXIST and they CAN DO SOMETHING, but 99% of the time you would be better bringing X character instead using X build to just do more in terms of dmg/utility etc. right now necro brings nothing special to the table except boon corrupt and that is only good in PVP/WVW and they are not even OP MEGA META, its mainly only viable because of grouping and boon stacking with condi corrupt being only slightly better then boon removal. its not meta because of the class itself being good it is only meta somewhat in these game modes to be used as a boon corrupt bot because of how often boons are being re-applied in these game modes. but try solo necro/reaper/scourge and you are gonna have a bad time against a lot of classes and don't EVEN get me started on PVE.


None of that matters though ... a class doesn't need to be the best at a thing or unique at something to be good overall. You're just still bitter because you don't like how condi necro plays. You're bitter attitude is not going to influence change. Besides, nothing you said here changes the statements people have made about necor's place in the game. If your approach to choosing classes is about who's better at bringing X, then it is YOU being the one restricting how you play; that's meta think and you **choose** to think that way; the game doesn't force you do it. #stayangry

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > > > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > > > > > ### General

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Necromancers have some solid roles right now across each game type.

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > *takes deep breath*

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > viable and good roles? no, technically any kind of build can be a "role" whether it is viable/good is another thing, I find it JUST PERFECT they didn't say

> > > > "Necromancers have some solid VIABLE roles right now across each game type."

> > > >

> > > > more joke balancing that wont help necro that much and every other class in the game will outshine it still in all roles other then boon corrupt (but there is still boon strip)

> > >

> > > After around 2 years of buffs, Necro does actually have viable builds across all major game modes currently.

> > > I think the issue is that it's not quite what a lot of Necro players want, and a lot of people are still waiting for a really solid DPS Necro in endgame PvE content (on more than a select few bosses or meme comps), as right now it's only somewhat common spot there is the offhealer in Raids, which is kind of a take whatever you want slot, which doesn't quite satisfy everybody.

> > > As much as I like to play Carry Scourge, mostly because it just gives me an opportunity to play Necro in the content I enjoy without feeling like I'm gimping myself or my group, I can't say it's an entirely satisfying situation.

> > >

> > > But the statement isn't wrong.

> > >

> > > /E:

> > > And yes, specs like Power Reaper and Condi Scourge are technically viable in most endgame content, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, that after half a decade of essentially being completely excluded on their favourite profession, Necro mains want more than just a "fiiine, you can play Necro if you really want to, but can't you just bring your x, y or z?", and instead of just being just indulged, actually want to feel needed/valued on their favourite profession.

> > >

> >

> > you hit the nail on the head sir, yes these builds DO EXIST and they CAN DO SOMETHING, but 99% of the time you would be better bringing X character instead using X build to just do more in terms of dmg/utility etc. right now necro brings nothing special to the table except boon corrupt and that is only good in PVP/WVW and they are not even OP MEGA META, its mainly only viable because of grouping and boon stacking with condi corrupt being only slightly better then boon removal. its not meta because of the class itself being good it is only meta somewhat in these game modes to be used as a boon corrupt bot because of how often boons are being re-applied in these game modes. but try solo necro/reaper/scourge and you are gonna have a bad time against a lot of classes and don't EVEN get me started on PVE.


> None of that matters though ... a class doesn't need to be the best at a thing or unique at something to be good overall. You're just still bitter because you don't like how condi necro plays. You're bitter attitude is not going to influence change. Besides, nothing you said here changes the statements people have made about necor's place in the game. If your approach to choosing classes is about who's better at bringing X, then it is YOU being the one restricting how you play; that's meta think and you **choose** to think that way; the game doesn't force you do it. #stayangry


because playing the game and us say losing at raid bosses due to like 10% or so, around that much health is left after every wipe and you are on a necro. I will for sure think to myself "I am crippling this team for CHOOSING to play necro, I COULD EASILY play ANOTHER CLASS get MORE VALUE and we can beat this." that is an AWFUL FEELING to know that because of your class choice YOU ARE crippling the team. I play overwatch and there is people who one trick heroes, some one tricks are better then others who don't one trick but they NEVER SWAP, some one tricks are very good at their ONE hero that they easily outshine others who would fill on that hero but trade flexibility. now lets try to imagine something, I would HONESTLY prefer a WARRIOR 1 trick player (someone who ONLY plays warrior and NO OTHER CLASS, which means they are great at their rotations etc) then a necro 1 trick. Necro 1 tricks are very much like a torb or sym or bastion 1 trick, YES THEY CAN PLAY AND DO WELL in CERTAIN situations but overhall HAMPER the team with their choice to NEVER SWAP even if being countered. now say the WARRIOR 1 trick is like a Ana 1 trick atm. a VERY versatile and META hero that even if they one trick they will usually not hamper the team because of JUST HOW GOOD THT HERO IS. playing necro in PvE, you are crippling your team and if you are playing anything else other then boon corrupt bot in PvP/WvW you are also doing the same, being a liability that another class would do better completely. now I know what you are gonna say "winning doesn't matter just play the game" do you have fun loseing? wiping at bosses? just constantly dieing? feeling useless? feeling like you hardly contribute anything while you see your team do so much? sounds fun


also im not saying that you are a ana 1 trick for playing warrior all the time or bastion/torb/sym one trick for playing necro, I am just relating a very versatile hero to a versatile class while a overall UNDERPERFORMING character such as necro is being compared to heroes that are VERY limiting to the team just because of their design

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > > > > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > > > > > > ### General

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Necromancers have some solid roles right now across each game type.

> > > > >


> > > > >

> > > > > *takes deep breath*

> > > > >


> > > > >

> > > > > viable and good roles? no, technically any kind of build can be a "role" whether it is viable/good is another thing, I find it JUST PERFECT they didn't say

> > > > > "Necromancers have some solid VIABLE roles right now across each game type."

> > > > >

> > > > > more joke balancing that wont help necro that much and every other class in the game will outshine it still in all roles other then boon corrupt (but there is still boon strip)

> > > >

> > > > After around 2 years of buffs, Necro does actually have viable builds across all major game modes currently.

> > > > I think the issue is that it's not quite what a lot of Necro players want, and a lot of people are still waiting for a really solid DPS Necro in endgame PvE content (on more than a select few bosses or meme comps), as right now it's only somewhat common spot there is the offhealer in Raids, which is kind of a take whatever you want slot, which doesn't quite satisfy everybody.

> > > > As much as I like to play Carry Scourge, mostly because it just gives me an opportunity to play Necro in the content I enjoy without feeling like I'm gimping myself or my group, I can't say it's an entirely satisfying situation.

> > > >

> > > > But the statement isn't wrong.

> > > >

> > > > /E:

> > > > And yes, specs like Power Reaper and Condi Scourge are technically viable in most endgame content, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, that after half a decade of essentially being completely excluded on their favourite profession, Necro mains want more than just a "fiiine, you can play Necro if you really want to, but can't you just bring your x, y or z?", and instead of just being just indulged, actually want to feel needed/valued on their favourite profession.

> > > >

> > >

> > > you hit the nail on the head sir, yes these builds DO EXIST and they CAN DO SOMETHING, but 99% of the time you would be better bringing X character instead using X build to just do more in terms of dmg/utility etc. right now necro brings nothing special to the table except boon corrupt and that is only good in PVP/WVW and they are not even OP MEGA META, its mainly only viable because of grouping and boon stacking with condi corrupt being only slightly better then boon removal. its not meta because of the class itself being good it is only meta somewhat in these game modes to be used as a boon corrupt bot because of how often boons are being re-applied in these game modes. but try solo necro/reaper/scourge and you are gonna have a bad time against a lot of classes and don't EVEN get me started on PVE.

> >

> > None of that matters though ... a class doesn't need to be the best at a thing or unique at something to be good overall. You're just still bitter because you don't like how condi necro plays. You're bitter attitude is not going to influence change. Besides, nothing you said here changes the statements people have made about necor's place in the game. If your approach to choosing classes is about who's better at bringing X, then it is YOU being the one restricting how you play; that's meta think and you **choose** to think that way; the game doesn't force you do it. #stayangry


> because playing the game and us say losing at raid bosses due to like 10% or so, around that much health is left after every wipe and you are on a necro. I will for sure think to myself "I am crippling this team for CHOOSING to play necro, I COULD EASILY play ANOTHER CLASS get MORE VALUE and we can beat this." that is an AWFUL FEELING to know that because of your class choice YOU ARE crippling the team.


The sad part is that if that happens, it's not because you are playing a necro and the proof is that people raid with necros successfully all the time. Even so, if you want believe the things you are saying here and think you need to appeal this strongly to the meta mentality, you need to make the choices that inline with that thinking.

> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> You guys sure are tormented by just a little difference in dps, and I couldnt care if i dont play an optimal char. It does not matter. I play it because i like it.


Seriously ... this is exactly the reality. xxNecroxx is sensationalizing every time he posts. Frankly, if the raids do as poorly as he says when he plays necro and it's related to him being on his necro, it says more about his ability to play than it does about the class.

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