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Will the New Balance Patch = New Episode?

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The typical schedule goes as follows:

- First comes LW-episode without class balance (due in about 2 weeks according to the streams planned)

- Then 2 weeks after, saving that first tuesday for episode fixes, a minor balance pass is made before end of season.


However(!) the company has now gone through the restructure and on numerous occasion gone for a new approach regarding fresh content so you just might get it with the next LW release.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> The typical schedule goes as follows:

There's really very little typical in their scheduling except that

* Planned updates are nearly always on Tuesdays (historically, exceptions for some festivals & acts of nature)

* LS episodes are always preceded by a trailer, most often a week in advance, sometimes more.

* Balance, PvP seasons, and economic destabilization sometimes happen concurrently, sometimes not.


ANet tries to release content when it's ready, not to follow a pattern.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > The typical schedule goes as follows:

> There's really very little typical in their scheduling except that

> * Planned updates are nearly always on Tuesdays (historically, exceptions for some festivals & acts of nature)

> * LS episodes are always preceded by a trailer, most often a week in advance, sometimes more.

> * Balance, PvP seasons, and economic destabilization sometimes happen concurrently, sometimes not.


> ANet tries to release content when it's ready, not to follow a pattern.


What are you referring to? For the last season of living world we did not see a single balance pass simultaneously on episode releases, and everytime there's been one it's been 2 weeks minimum inbetween (given tuesday is their only window).


When I say balance pass I mean that the majority of the patch adresses class balance, of course every LW-release contains some bug fixes and tooltip corrections and potentially one very pressing meta change.


Just look at the table:

Episode 1 (Nov 28th, 2017)

Balance: 12.12.17

Episode 2 (March 6th, 2018)

Balance: 27.03.18

Episode 3 (June 26th, 2018)

Balance: 10.07.18

Episode 4 (Sept 18, 2018)

Balance: 02.10.18

Episode 5 (Jan 8th, 2019)

Balance: 22.01.19 (minor)


It's all here if you want to take a look for yourself:



Anet has in fact been very consistent in regards to LW vs balance releases, mainly because of how it lines up with the PvP season. However whether the balance pass coming up on tuesday was originally intended to be accompanied by the last episode I do not know, however it seems a little early for that to be the case. And with the word that they are working on a PvP/WvW themed festival I suspect this is more in preparation for exactly that, leaving us with another pass to look forward to a few weeks after ep 6 lands.

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They've been doing one living story chapter a week in the "welcome back" event. Next week is the current chapter, LS 4-5. I figure they'll let that be the focus for a week, then preview the final part of LS4 the week after to build some hype. So I'm expecting LS4-6 two weeks after the balance patch. That also gives them two weeks to squash any bugs from the balance patch before the final chapter hits. And I'm sure the final chapter will end with something to hype us up for LS5.


It seems logical to me, but I could easily be wrong.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> They've been doing one living story chapter a week in the "welcome back" event. Next week is the current chapter, LS 4-5. I figure they'll let that be the focus for a week, then preview the final part of LS4 the week after to build some hype. So I'm expecting LS4-6 two weeks after the balance patch. That also gives them two weeks to squash any bugs from the balance patch before the final chapter hits. And I'm sure the final chapter will end with something to hype us up for LS5.


> It seems logical to me, but I could easily be wrong.


Yeah, a lot of people were predicting the patch on the 30th, but with this sudden balance patch coming next week.. I really don't see them 1.) Finishing off their catching up series with episode 5, 2.) Revealing a trailer for the next episode. 3.) Releasing requiem. 4.) Releasing a balance patch.


Obviously they don't have to do all of those, and I'd love it if we got the episode on the 30th and a trailer this Tuesday, but I think the best case scenario at this point is that we get the final Requiem story next Tuesday with the Balance Patch, just in time for the welcome back to hit on episode 5. Then the trailer the following Tuesday and the episode after that.


I think best case, we maybe get a small teaser like we did with the mount about something else coming with this release, i.e. the new legendary, a small teaser of the zone or something.



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