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How would season 5 masteries even work?

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It is pretty much accepted by everyone that we will go straight from season 4 to season 5 but one thing is bugging me: mastery points.


I know it may seem a little thing but in 3 and 4 the points were the same as the ones in the expansion. With no expansion yet to draw on it will change the whole dynamics of how many points you have at what time. Then you will need a glut of them all at once when we do expansion 3.


Another option is it uses the same 'color' as season 4 but that has problems too.


[edit: As you might guess I am more of someone who focuses on details rather than big pictures.]

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The easiest way to gain new mastery points (if we get any, which we currently can't say), is to expand the Core Tyria Mastery points for Season 5. There is a surplus of Core mastery points already on the table, so each new LS map (if we get any) will just have to add the extra points required for the mastery tier, so each "new player" (who has just the HoT or the PoF expansion) can catch up, if he has no surplus.

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Why can't it use PoF mastery points? (Or Core or HoT mastery points?)


Alternatively since they're saying Season 5 will be the start of introducing expansion style features through the Living World maybe it could have a new set of mastery points just used for Season 5 and maybe other Living World seasons in future.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> As mentioned above, nothing stops Anet from creating a couple expansion-like maps in a completely new area with LS5, along with the respective masteries. Besides themselves that is.


Exactly, they are going into unknown territory. So its hard to know what we are going to get. Like if they might be trying to shake up the current living story format with a different approach since its not 'bound' to an expansion pack as foundation.

I for one cant imagine a continued focus on mounts, a dragon mount is a fantastic capstone to a mounts collection.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Alternatively since they're saying Season 5 will be the start of introducing expansion style features through the Living World maybe it could have a new set of mastery points just used for Season 5 and maybe other Living World seasons in future.


Living World Mastery points - makes perfect sense.


Just because ANET did something in the past, doesn't mean they will always do it in the future. For all we know, Season 5 and on may not even use the mastery system?


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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> The easiest way to gain new mastery points (if we get any, which we currently can't say), is to expand the Core Tyria Mastery points for Season 5. There is a surplus of Core mastery points already on the table, so each new LS map (if we get any) will just have to add the extra points required for the mastery tier, so each "new player" (who has just the HoT or the PoF expansion) can catch up, if he has no surplus.


It depends on what you do in core.

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