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Warhorn 5 and Focus 4...


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I’m not a fan of the changes either...they aren’t bad changes, but they aren’t that good either.


Focus 4 feels less rewarding, it’s still some sort of missle and it seems to not work as often as I like to think it is.


War horn 5....I like the lifesteal...but I’m not a fan of the duration decrease because it means I have to use it in the midst of the fight rather than precasting it. As a reaper, positioning is everything, and to position yourself in the fight to gain those benefits...


I won’t complain...just feels like nothin has really changed...although I am enjoying soul Eater very much, and using it with Blood magic is really fun.

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Focus 4 is actually better than you think because even though it lost damage as life steal, it also now go through blocks as well. I think it needs of a projectile speed increase and is a solid pvp weapon.


Warhorn 5 is bad, the issue with it in PvP mainly because you used it before 1 to clear blinds, 2 to generate a bit of LF, 3 movement speed. I think they lowered the duration but increased the tick in order trying to concentrate the damage but doesn't realize life siphon scale extremely poorly in terms of damage. I am ok with weapons not used in PvE but the issue right now is that neither offhands are used in PvE in terms of damage. So if focus is the PvP weapon, warhorn can be the pve weapon. Changing it to normal damage is probably the simplest way or completely rework the life siphon damage formula but that's probably a bigger pain than a number type change.

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> Focus 4 is actually better than you think because even though it lost damage as life steal, it also now go through blocks as well. I think it needs of a projectile speed increase and is a solid pvp weapon.


> Warhorn 5 is bad, the issue with it in PvP mainly because you used it before 1 to clear blinds, 2 to generate a bit of LF, 3 movement speed. I think they lowered the duration but increased the tick in order trying to concentrate the damage but doesn't realize life siphon scale extremely poorly in terms of damage. I am ok with weapons not used in PvE but the issue right now is that neither offhands are used in PvE in terms of damage. So if focus is the PvP weapon, warhorn can be the pve weapon. Changing it to normal damage is probably the simplest way or completely rework the life siphon damage formula but that's probably a bigger pain than a number type change.


Ya I think if they just changed the duration back to what it was, it would be fine, even with the radius decrease.


If they don’t want to give us back the duration at least give it a much larger radius (240-360)


I haven’t really tested the lifebsiphon in shroud, but word on the street says it doesn’t siphon health in shroud....bummer



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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > Focus 4 is actually better than you think because even though it lost damage as life steal, it also now go through blocks as well. I think it needs of a projectile speed increase and is a solid pvp weapon.

> >

> > Warhorn 5 is bad, the issue with it in PvP mainly because you used it before 1 to clear blinds, 2 to generate a bit of LF, 3 movement speed. I think they lowered the duration but increased the tick in order trying to concentrate the damage but doesn't realize life siphon scale extremely poorly in terms of damage. I am ok with weapons not used in PvE but the issue right now is that neither offhands are used in PvE in terms of damage. So if focus is the PvP weapon, warhorn can be the pve weapon. Changing it to normal damage is probably the simplest way or completely rework the life siphon damage formula but that's probably a bigger pain than a number type change.


> Ya I think if they just changed the duration back to what it was, it would be fine, even with the radius decrease.


> If they don’t want to give us back the duration at least give it a much larger radius (240-360)


> I haven’t really tested the lifebsiphon in shroud, but word on the street says it doesn’t siphon health in shroud....bummer




The siphon's not going to matter much. Is around 390 over the entire duration for 1 person. If you land all 10 ticks on 5 people for it to matter then is going to be a miracle not to mention focus is better at life force gen too. I think focus is a fine pvp weapon with some projectile speed, going through blocks is pretty nice. Warhorn right now is mostly used for breakbar and swiftness only. If it did normal scaling damage then it would be fine because sometimes it was difficult before to land all 10 hits in over 10 seconds in PvE. So the shorter duration is actually fine in my book, it just needs to do damage.

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> Focus 4 is actually better than you think because even though it lost damage as life steal, it also now go through blocks as well. I think it needs of a projectile speed increase and is a solid pvp weapon.


I don't know where you got that focus 4 goes through block, because it does not. I've test it vs shield block of warrior and engineer (which for some reason does not reflect), on guardian shield 5 it gets blocked just like a projectile. Need to test it vs fb anti projectile dome and scrapper one, I cannot comment on those 2 if goes through or not.


Yes the rework are underwhelming to say the least.

This was a good occasion to revamp life steal, but Anet failed at it. Life steal on focus 4 is too low and also the projectile is too slow. The lf gain is decent.

Also we're going to talk about, how it the lamest rework ever? They took staff auto, scale it up a bit by dimension and call it day, like really?

War horn 5 lost cripple for no reason, the single target life siphon is just bad mediocre on multiple(because let's be honest if you are vs 5 target warhorn won't help you stay alive at all), you have to trait for banshee wail to have a mediocre sustain out of it.


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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > Focus 4 is actually better than you think because even though it lost damage as life steal, it also now go through blocks as well. I think it needs of a projectile speed increase and is a solid pvp weapon.


> I don't know where you got that focus 4 goes through block, because it does not. I've test it vs shield block of warrior and engineer (which for some reason does not reflect), on guardian shield 5 it gets blocked just like a projectile. Need to test it vs fb anti projectile dome and scrapper one, I cannot comment on those 2 if goes through or not.


> Yes the rework are underwhelming to say the least.

> This was a good occasion to revamp life steal, but Anet failed at it. Life steal on focus 4 is too low and also the projectile is too slow. The lf gain is decent.

> Also we're going to talk about, how it the lamest rework ever? They took staff auto, scale it up a bit by dimension and call it day, like really?

> War horn 5 lost cripple for no reason, the single target life siphon is just bad mediocre on multiple(because let's be honest if you are vs 5 target warhorn won't help you stay alive at all), you have to trait for banshee wail to have a mediocre sustain out of it.



Nope you are right, I was told that it did went through so I believed it.


Regardless after playing it in pvp I think is a solid skill still, it just need a projectile increase. People already used to take focus just because of 5 and 4 was mostly a filler, this now it actually provide solid LF regen. It just needs to actually land.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > Seems like the two condi offhands (torch and dagger) are now also the highest power damage offhands. Rather humourous if you ask me.


> I would consider going Scepter/Focus for Condi Reaper because LF regen is nice.


Agree - focus LF gen is good for condi builds, now.

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The biggest deal about Warhorn 5 for PvP was it's ability to trigger Blinds on you and Aegis on enemies, preventing you from wasting your slow big hits on Reaper on that instead.

With half the duration it feels pretty limp over all in terms of being able to precast it and how long it does that primary job, making it just worse than before.

It being life Siphon is also just a damage nerf, especially when using it just before going into Shroud for the increased crit chance and Ferocity, without it being any sort of sustain buff, considering it heals for like 30 HP a tick. If that was 10 times as high, maybe I could see the point.


Focus on the other hand still feels pretty clunky and slow considering it's all single target.

Just like GS 5, I wish they would speed up Focus 4 by a lot (or not make it a projectile of sorts at all), and have a look at cast time and aftercast of both Focus 4 and 5.


Necro offhands, aside from Torch on Scourge, seem just very unappealing altogether.

Neither Focus nor Warhorn feel like they have a proper identity now, either for PvE nor PvP.

At this point I'm actually considering just running Dagger offhand for PvP, for some AoE Weakness, corrupt and some condi clear.

Although the unblockable daze on Warhorn to break out Warriors of their Shield 5 and such is just so important, so idk, then again, I'm already running Nothing can Save you.

Just all seems like a choice between a whole lot of meh.

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For me focus seems fine, needs only some extra tuning, like faster speed, better lifesteal. What bothers me the most is warhorn loosing all the synergies it had with its design or traits. Speed and cripple made sense for melee weapon, you get closer sooner and for enemies its harder to escape (where longer duration and bigger aoe also made more sense). And if we take atm siphon lifesteal heal not working in shroud is bug, it still looses all other blood traitline siphons (wouldnt mind if new w5 siphon would be only extra, because the healing is similar). Also since its life steal dmg it cant crit and if you also take curses you dont get any bleeds from crit. And less bleeds means its harder to trigger minor healing signet trait + less dmg. Seems like it was reworked by someone who never seriously played necromancer.

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The changes to focus seem ok but not a buff. The regen was something I used to ignore because I sometimes did not need it or was going into shroud.


Focus still feels like an open world PvE weapon so no surprises there but the increase in LF makes it attractive for scepter builds. The loss of the bouncing attack also helps align the weapon for scepter or axe but I did use the cleave aspect of Reaper's Touch in open world to enter combat with a crowd while trying to close the gap.


The change does not seem too advantageous for competitive play, though.

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Warhorn 5 no longer procs things like






So it was a trade off to be honest. Certain classes could easily abuse warhorn 5.

Focus for is down right better in terms of utility and there is no arguing that the life force gain and reworked skill that is promised to work consistently is far nicer than a skill that could do more damage but was unstable / clunky at anything over 400 range when the skill allows for 1200 range.

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