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why did you make spirit weapons ground target?


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I did, and it's imo one of the best changes this patch.

Being able to precast them without target, the ability to position them more precisely for cleave and finally being able to use them on bosses with targeting issues like Conjured Amalgamate (or for open world, Octovine comes to mind) is a huge boon.

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I agree, i liked the auto target it made it better for since you didn't need to think where you were aiming, and it was easier to use since it just went for the target.


Some people argued that wanted ground targeting on them, for what ever reason?

But Spirit Sword doesn't need ground targeting since it doesn't really benefit for it that much, and its suppose to be a quick use attack against 1 foe.

It doesn't flow well with close combat weapons GS or Sword anymore. Having to ground target a close range foe like that doesn't feel right and feels off.


Hammer of Wisdom does slightly benefit since you can knock down several foes. But i prefer it with auto targeting, cause it follows. This change makes just makes it way harder to hit foes now, It's better to Bane Signet over the Hammer, it's kinda worthless to me now.


The other spirit weapons need ground targeting since one is a ward and the other healing, but the attacking ones didn't need this change.


Preferably I would have like the option of having ground targeting or auto targeting the foe that you are locked onto. But the default being auto targeting.

Make right clicking the skill ground targeting so you have two ways of using the move. So people we prefer the old way can still use it like that.


The spirit sword and Hammer of wisdom need to reverted back to how they were before this patch.

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ALOT of people had asked for this ever since they changed them to the ammo system if you look thru previous posts you'll see it came about once a month approximately. And Otto posted an example of how to change your targeting to help with using this


> @"otto.5684" said:

> One of the options in the game menu makes AOE skills with target area, target with one click at enemy’s location. That option should make it operate as it did before (but so will any AOE targetable skill). Also double clicking the mouse should make it target instantly.


> FYI, It always had 0.5 cast time. If you can do 100-200 APM it should be the same. If not (and not everyone can), the option change is for you.



I personally switch back and forth from this to normal ground targeting because it useful in both formats

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> @"crazyhusky.2985" said:

> I agree, i liked the auto target it made it better for since you didn't need to think where you were aiming, and it was easier to use since it just went for the target.


> Some people argued that wanted ground targeting on them, for what ever reason?

> But Spirit Sword doesn't need ground targeting since it doesn't really benefit for it that much, and its suppose to be a quick use attack against 1 foe.

> It doesn't flow well with close combat weapons GS or Sword anymore. Having to ground target a close range foe like that doesn't feel right and feels off.


> Hammer of Wisdom does slightly benefit since you can knock down several foes. But i prefer it with auto targeting, cause it follows. This change makes just makes it way harder to hit foes now, It's better to Bane Signet over the Hammer, it's kinda worthless to me now.


> The other spirit weapons need ground targeting since one is a ward and the other healing, but the attacking ones didn't need this change.


> Preferably I would have like the option of having ground targeting or auto targeting the foe that you are locked onto. But the default being auto targeting.

> Make right clicking the skill ground targeting so you have two ways of using the move. So people we prefer the old way can still use it like that.


> The spirit sword and Hammer of wisdom need to reverted back to how they were before this patch.


I dont use guard or spirit weapons for pve. But i have gotten to platinum with burn guard using spirit weapons and it feels so off now. Literally impossible to hit anything unless they are absolutely stationary now and thats not how people play at platinum.


People should have the option to decide if they want it ground target or "pick nearest target"

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This is basically a nerf to the one of two used spirit weapons. Other used already had ground targeting. Hammer is not gonna be used because of this more in PvP.


So basically just additional click i need to press to get the same output i did before with just one click.


Also, option change for ground targeting effects all skills you have. Which means you would have to switch it when you change builds, professions or play content with special action button like Shattered Observatory. So this change actually places additoonal inconveniance on you if you choose to change your options.


Overall just terrible change that wont make spirit weapons more used in competitive game modes. And that was the main reason for changing them in the first place

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> @"TallBarr.2184" said:

> > @"crazyhusky.2985" said:

> > I agree, i liked the auto target it made it better for since you didn't need to think where you were aiming, and it was easier to use since it just went for the target.

> >

> > Some people argued that wanted ground targeting on them, for what ever reason?

> > But Spirit Sword doesn't need ground targeting since it doesn't really benefit for it that much, and its suppose to be a quick use attack against 1 foe.

> > It doesn't flow well with close combat weapons GS or Sword anymore. Having to ground target a close range foe like that doesn't feel right and feels off.

> >

> > Hammer of Wisdom does slightly benefit since you can knock down several foes. But i prefer it with auto targeting, cause it follows. This change makes just makes it way harder to hit foes now, It's better to Bane Signet over the Hammer, it's kinda worthless to me now.

> >

> > The other spirit weapons need ground targeting since one is a ward and the other healing, but the attacking ones didn't need this change.

> >

> > Preferably I would have like the option of having ground targeting or auto targeting the foe that you are locked onto. But the default being auto targeting.

> > Make right clicking the skill ground targeting so you have two ways of using the move. So people we prefer the old way can still use it like that.

> >

> > The spirit sword and Hammer of wisdom need to reverted back to how they were before this patch.


> I dont use guard or spirit weapons for pve. But i have gotten to platinum with burn guard using spirit weapons and it feels so off now. Literally impossible to hit anything unless they are absolutely stationary now and thats not how people play at platinum.


> People should have the option to decide if they want it ground target or "pick nearest target"


I agree with there. choice is better

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> This is basically a nerf to the one of two used spirit weapons. Other used already had ground targeting. Hammer is not gonna be used because of this more in PvP.


> So basically just additional click i need to press to get the same output i did before with just one click.


> Also, option change for ground targeting effects all skills you have. Which means you would have to switch it when you change builds, professions or play content with special action button like Shattered Observatory. So this change actually places additoonal inconveniance on you if you choose to change your options.


> Overall just terrible change that wont make spirit weapons more used in competitive game modes. And that was the main reason for changing them in the first place


Bane signet will picked over the spirit Hammer

5 more secs of cooldown, but it has 1 more second of knockdown, not easy to tell when to dodge it and when its off Cooldown you get a Power boost.

also have 1200 range over the 900 range the range hammer has.


Thats another thing why do the spirit weapons only 900 range rather than the normal 1200 max on most ulity skills? it seems odd they have 900 and not 1200?


This change pretty much has killed them all together for me. I don't know what to use now i dislike the ground targeting on close combat. it's why i used spirit sword over the other ulity skills because I didn't have to worry about the targeting.


They need to revert back the spirit sword and spirit Hammer, also extend their range to range 1200.

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Doesn't anybody else use Toggle Snap Ground Target:Toggle the snap ground target to current target option. It basically gives you the old functionality from before I've used forever on things like Scepter Symbol of Punishment which is ground target but then when I don't want it toggle it off so I lead a target or get as large a number in the circle without centering it on anyone target. It gives you the choice please tinker with your targeting and such to find what is best for you

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I get a feeling a lot of people complaining about things like extra clicks don't use what imo are must use options like **fast casting**.


In **general options** you will see an option for **"Ground Targeting"**, where I would heavily recommend using **"Fast with Range Indicator"**, as well as further down below I recommend **"Lock Ground Target at Maximum Skill Range"**.


This vastly improves the speed at which you can use ground targeted skills (instantly with one click), while still giving you easy control over where to place it, by holding down the button as you are aiming it, if so desired.


With that in mind, this is a purely positive change for especially Sword of Justice but also Hammer of Wisdom, making it a lot more versatile and easier to use across the game, without impacting speed/rotation.


This, unlike "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" is something I would universally recommend using on all classes and gamemodes, so no need to switch around options.

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> @"crazyhusky.2985" said:

> I agree, i liked the auto target it made it better for since you didn't need to think where you were aiming, and it was easier to use since it just went for the target.


You can still make ground targeting auto on your current target ... it's in the game options ... you can even keybind toggling auto targetting on and off if you like.



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Kinda like the change kinda not care spirit weapons feel like some RP tools only still.

Some trait could make them better like make them unblockable or faster cast times than ppl could spec into spirit forge guardian to have some more build diversity


Ps as I know from the past next patch those will be changed again.


Spirit weapon uselessness since 2012

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I like how i explicitly explained why ground targeting option being available is not a good excuse for skill design yet everyone keeps bringing it up.


If you have to change your game option in order to get the same output as before, for one specific class, its not a good game design. Especially if it also effects other skills that you dont want to be changed. And double especially if it dosnt make the skills changed better or more used, nor does it effect your output in any significant way. Game just placed additional marginal burden, but didnt introduce any real benefit

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Just to be clear it's not one specific class the options for ground targeting is used by any class that has ground targeting skills , I've been using since they were made available a couple of years ago for my Necro for the Staff Marks and also for Wells , just set the toggle to snap to ground targeting (in my case I use left control key) so I can swap in and out of it on the fly while I'm fighting . Here is a example situation if you will: Dealing with a contested Cap point and there a multiple enemies in and around the Cap, well if I have it targeted to one individual I could hit him or not but if I have just instead have it centered on the Cap as a whole a possibly have better chance of hitting more them it varies also in WvW I can now hit an enemy up on the tower that I couldn't hit before it isn't going to prefect but found I am getting better hits in than before (I have Targeting set to Fast tageting and the Toggle snap ground targeting so I can switch at will) but that is just me.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> I like how i explicitly explained why ground targeting option being available is not a good excuse for skill design yet everyone keeps bringing it up.


> If you have to change your game option in order to get the same output as before, for one specific class, its not a good game design. Especially if it also effects other skills that you dont want to be changed. And double especially if it dosnt make the skills changed better or more used, nor does it effect your output in any significant way. Game just placed additional marginal burden, but didnt introduce any real benefit


These are widely used options, regardless of profession or game mode, and objectively better than the baseline settings.

The only reason they are not baseline, I believe, is because those features weren't in the game at launch, and Anet never adjusted base options since.

Switch over to them, experience the improved gameplay options they added post launch, and there is no need to adjust anything further.


That aside, this change does make the skills better and more useable.

This change did introduce a real benefit, without really placing a marginal burden.


That's the whole point of the change, and why it was requested ever since they reworked Spirit Weapons into their current state.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> These are widely used options, regardless of profession or game mode, and objectively better than the baseline settings.


They are not objectively better. They might be better for you. For some players they are better in certain situations, and not in other situations. For some players they are not better at all.


> @"Asum.4960" said:

> The only reason they are not baseline, I believe, is because those features weren't in the game at launch, and Anet never adjusted base options since.

> Switch over to them, experience the improved gameplay options they added post launch, and there is no need to adjust anything further.


Thank you for your patronizing and condescending tone. I cant believe it never occur to me to try them out. Oh wait it did. And I found out that it works great for me in some situations, and not so great in some other situations.


Even if it didn't have it's issues, the idea that you have to change game options to get the same output as before is bad design philosophy.


> @"Asum.4960" said:

> That aside, this change does make the skills better and more useable.


What? Where? They are used absolutely the same way as they were before. Did hammer suddenly become new thing in PvP? No it did not. They are used in the same capacity and in the same content as they did before.


> @"Asum.4960" said:

> This change did introduce a real benefit, without really placing a marginal burden.


What benefit? Nobody changed their build because of this. Spirit Weapons are not seeing new and improved usage in game modes. Nothing changed in how they are used. And burden is that an already slow profession now has additional button in their rotation which can only be bypassed by changing game options and modifying your AOE placement gameplay. And all of that for nothing.




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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > These are widely used options, regardless of profession or game mode, and objectively better than the baseline settings.


> They are not objectively better. They might be better for you. For some players they are better in certain situations, and not in other situations. For some players they are not better at all.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > The only reason they are not baseline, I believe, is because those features weren't in the game at launch, and Anet never adjusted base options since.

> > Switch over to them, experience the improved gameplay options they added post launch, and there is no need to adjust anything further.


> Thank you for your patronizing and condescending tone. I cant believe it never occur to me to try them out. Oh wait it did. And I found out that it works great for me in some situations, and not so great in some other situations.


> Even if it didn't have it's issues, the idea that you have to change game options to get the same output as before is bad design philosophy.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > That aside, this change does make the skills better and more useable.


> What? Where? They are used absolutely the same way as they were before. Did hammer suddenly become new thing in PvP? No it did not. They are used in the same capacity and in the same content as they did before.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > This change did introduce a real benefit, without really placing a marginal burden.

> >

> What benefit? Nobody changed their build because of this. Spirit Weapons are not seeing new and improved usage in game modes. Nothing changed in how they are used. And burden is that an already slow profession now has additional button in their rotation which can only be bypassed by changing game options and modifying your AOE placement gameplay. And all of that for nothing.





The options I suggested simply take out the additional click you were complaining about. You can still aim and place AoE's the same way by holding down the button for the skill, or instantly place them.

There is no real drawback to using those options, while providing plenty of benefit.

In which situation exactly isn't that better?


The Spirit Weapons have more gameplay applications now, be it anticipating movement of a mob or player and placing the weapons in such a way that they will walk into the effect, instead of out of it, by the time it triggers, being able to cast the weapons on various encounters with targeting issues in the game where they previously couldn't be used effectively, casting them on spawn locations to damage mobs before they actually become visible and targetable in various locations such as Fractals, and much more.


Just because you are not engaged enough with the gameplay systems in place to understand how this change drastically improves the useability of Spirit weapons doesn't mean it's a bad change, neither do quality of life improvements such as this have to alter builds in any way. Their aim is to improve the usability of existing builds already utilizing the now improved skills, providing a better experience with them. They succeeded at that.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> I like how i explicitly explained why ground targeting option being available is not a good excuse for skill design yet everyone keeps bringing it up.


> If you have to change your game option in order to get the same output as before, for one specific class, its not a good game design. Especially if it also effects other skills that you dont want to be changed. And double especially if it dosnt make the skills changed better or more used, nor does it effect your output in any significant way. Game just placed additional marginal burden, but didnt introduce any real benefit


The point is, if you can click fast enough the change is an upgrade, since you can target the where the skill lands (major upgrade in PvP). If you do not, the auto AOE should help you, and you probably needed for all skills on all classes.


The AOE target makes the skill much better for players with high efficiency. There is no doubt about that.





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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > These are widely used options, regardless of profession or game mode, and objectively better than the baseline settings.


> They are not objectively better. They might be better for you. For some players they are better in certain situations, and not in other situations. For some players they are not better at all.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > The only reason they are not baseline, I believe, is because those features weren't in the game at launch, and Anet never adjusted base options since.

> > Switch over to them, experience the improved gameplay options they added post launch, and there is no need to adjust anything further.


> Thank you for your patronizing and condescending tone. I cant believe it never occur to me to try them out. Oh wait it did. And I found out that it works great for me in some situations, and not so great in some other situations.


> Even if it didn't have it's issues, the idea that you have to change game options to get the same output as before is bad design philosophy.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > That aside, this change does make the skills better and more useable.


> What? Where? They are used absolutely the same way as they were before. Did hammer suddenly become new thing in PvP? No it did not. They are used in the same capacity and in the same content as they did before.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > This change did introduce a real benefit, without really placing a marginal burden.

> >

> What benefit? Nobody changed their build because of this. Spirit Weapons are not seeing new and improved usage in game modes. Nothing changed in how they are used. And burden is that an already slow profession now has additional button in their rotation which can only be bypassed by changing game options and modifying your AOE placement gameplay. And all of that for nothing.






Skip to 19:20, being able to ground target soj makes a world of difference

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > These are widely used options, regardless of profession or game mode, and objectively better than the baseline settings.


> They are not objectively better. They might be better for you. For some players they are better in certain situations, and not in other situations. For some players they are not better at all.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > The only reason they are not baseline, I believe, is because those features weren't in the game at launch, and Anet never adjusted base options since.

> > Switch over to them, experience the improved gameplay options they added post launch, and there is no need to adjust anything further.


> Thank you for your patronizing and condescending tone. I cant believe it never occur to me to try them out. Oh wait it did. And I found out that it works great for me in some situations, and not so great in some other situations.


> Even if it didn't have it's issues, the idea that you have to change game options to get the same output as before is bad design philosophy.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > That aside, this change does make the skills better and more useable.


> What? Where? They are used absolutely the same way as they were before. Did hammer suddenly become new thing in PvP? No it did not. They are used in the same capacity and in the same content as they did before.


> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > This change did introduce a real benefit, without really placing a marginal burden.

> >

> What benefit? Nobody changed their build because of this. Spirit Weapons are not seeing new and improved usage in game modes. Nothing changed in how they are used. And burden is that an already slow profession now has additional button in their rotation which can only be bypassed by changing game options and modifying your AOE placement gameplay. And all of that for nothing.




Actually, I am now using some of the skills because of the ground targeting whereas I didn’t before.


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > I like how i explicitly explained why ground targeting option being available is not a good excuse for skill design yet everyone keeps bringing it up.

> >

> > If you have to change your game option in order to get the same output as before, for one specific class, its not a good game design. Especially if it also effects other skills that you dont want to be changed. And double especially if it dosnt make the skills changed better or more used, nor does it effect your output in any significant way. Game just placed additional marginal burden, but didnt introduce any real benefit


> The point is, if you can click fast enough the change is an upgrade, since you can target the where the skill lands (major upgrade in PvP). If you do not, the auto AOE should help you, and you probably needed for all skills on all classes.


> The AOE target makes the skill much better for players with high efficiency. There is no doubt about that.



So you are using it in PvP now i assume?


> @"Asum.4960" said:

> The options I suggested simply take out the additional click you were complaining about. You can still aim and place AoE's the same way by holding down the button for the skill, or instantly place them.

> There is no real drawback to using those options, while providing plenty of benefit.

> In which situation exactly isn't that better?


I never said its not the benefit if you do select the different game options setting. I said that without it is a drawback. And changing options in order for a skill to work smoothly is bad design philosophy. Especially if the game option changes also other skills which you do not wish to be changed


> The Spirit Weapons have more gameplay applications now, be it anticipating movement of a mob or player and placing the weapons in such a way that they will walk into the effect, instead of out of it, by the time it triggers, being able to cast the weapons on various encounters with targeting issues in the game where they previously couldn't be used effectively, casting them on spawn locations to damage mobs before they actually become visible and targetable in various locations such as Fractals, and much more.



Neme mobs that you would use Spirit Weapons against in PvE that are on fixed trajectory. Of the top of my head its ice elemental on Snowblind fractal and Shaman in the Volcano fractal. This idea that you would use them by anticipating movement of mobs in PvE seems extremely odd considering AI of the game. There was never need to anticipate movement of the mobs because PvE of this game isn't designed in such a way. The game simply isn't designed in such a way that you have to often anticipate the movement of your enemies.


And still, the argument about PvP again makes no sense since this does not make them usable in PvP as it doesn't solve their core issue for PvP. You are just naming theoretical implications of the change and completely ignore how the game is actually played.


> @"Asum.4960" said:

> Just because you are not engaged enough with the gameplay systems in place to understand how this change drastically improves the useability of Spirit weapons doesn't mean it's a bad change, neither do quality of life improvements such as this have to alter builds in any way. Their aim is to improve the usability of existing builds already utilizing the now improved skills, providing a better experience with them. They succeeded at that.


Disagreeing with you doesn't mean that someone doesn't not understand what is going on. Implying that someone has no idea what they are talking about because they disagree with you on the other hand does mean bad debating skills.



> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:




> Skip to 19:20, being able to ground target soj makes a world of difference


Thanks for linking this. I have to admit I honestly wasn't having WvW in mind when thinking about these changes. And I would agree that in WvW it does make very tangible difference

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> I never said its not the benefit if you do select the different game options setting. I said that without it is a drawback. And changing options in order for a skill to work smoothly is bad design philosophy. Especially if the game option changes also other skills which you do not wish to be changed


Again, the option I suggested does not alter the way any AoE's are aimed or placed, except for removing that additional click you were complaining about.

Utilizing available game options to solve personal problems with the gameplay that you are experiencing is hardly bad design philosophy.

You have a problem and the game offers a solution, that's good game design.


If you are playing a dps DH, the only build currently utilizing one of the affected skills in Sword of Justice, you already have to deal with the mechanic of ground targeted AoE's in form of things like Symbol of Punishment on Scepter. So you are already handicapping yourself by not utilizing fast casting regardless of this change or not, while utilizing fast casting would improve your performance either way as well.

Now you just benefit from it even more, while gaining additional flexibility in how you can use Spirit Weapons on top of that.

It's a win win.


> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> Neme mobs that you would use Spirit Weapons against in PvE that are on fixed trajectory. Of the top of my head its ice elemental on Snowblind fractal and Shaman in the Volcano fractal. This idea that you would use them by anticipating movement of mobs in PvE seems extremely odd considering AI of the game. There was never need to anticipate movement of the mobs because PvE of this game isn't designed in such a way. The game simply isn't designed in such a way that you have to often anticipate the movement of your enemies.


And yet you have the option now to do so where you didn't before, should the rare occasion arise (which including anticipating pulls and such isn't all that rare).

What's the issue again?


> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> And still, the argument about PvP again makes no sense since this does not make them usable in PvP as it doesn't solve their core issue for PvP. You are just naming theoretical implications of the change and completely ignore how the game is actually played.


They are more useable in PvP scenarios now, especially WvW.

That doesn't change the fact that they just aren't very good skills especially for things like conquest in nature.

Making QoL changes to a skill to make it more useable in the areas where it's already used doesn't serve the purpose to change their viability in other game modes.

Not every skill has to be good in every game mode or situation. That hardly justifies not making any improvements to such skills, does it?

They never expressed making Spirit Weapons a meta choice in sPvP as design goal with this change, so I'm not sure what you are on about with that.


> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> Disagreeing with you doesn't mean that someone doesn't not understand what is going on. Implying that someone has no idea what they are talking about because they disagree with you on the other hand does mean bad debating skills.


No, what you are saying does though.

This is hardly a debate. You stated having an issue, I presented you with a one click solution available ingame, and you rather keep complaining about the easily solved issue rather than utilizing the presented solution, all while making up perceived issues this patch was not intended to address in the first place, such as viability of Spirit Weapons in PvP.

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