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Hi I feel like we need to let you know why a lot of ppl quit gw2.


My personal reason is the inventory... some ppl like crafting and having to micro manage all that stuff, but this is hard to do when you have real life stuff going... logging in and managing my inventory is such a hassle. A lot of important stuff in it.


You have to deal with it for legendary and ascended stuff. No just .003 drops.


It was made that this is the only progression, other than story line, which is decent, but there are plot holes... That I don't even care about because it just does not pull me in. No romance, no childhood memories, just bam go whoop butt. Also no Guild Wars!


It should've been called Dragon Killer.


I would've liked to see more skills being Available to use at one time... 5 attacks, 3 utility, 1 heal, and 1 master...


So no crafting focused game.


Some actual Guild Wars. Or just in story line.


With any new package increase max Level, add new skills.


Better rewards for 6+ year veterans. Like a chance to roll legendaries, or something. Not a per cursor either.


Why can't we fly? Gliding is lame. Is it the barrier walls between places in the world?


Overall the game was good for 3 years. The hud, map, and ui is great. The world events is awesome, the jumping puzzles were cool, and challenging. The silvarie and dream realm thing is awesome, sucks nobody else has an alternating veil.


But after running around with max level every class, main being my mezmer. It gets stale, especially when loot is crafting mats I get all the time.


The skills, being adjusted back and forth and forcing players to choose and dedicate to certain traits is an easy way out. No extra buffs or anything after max level?


Also there are soo many races y'all could've done, but the racial bonuses sucked in the first place.


Thank you

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While I agree on a lot of things you wrote (bad writing, singular story focus on elder dragons, no guild wars, invisible barriers, lame skill system/not much variety in builds, not a lot of rewards for veteran players or a decent reward system overall), let me correct you on some stuff:

* We _can_ actually fly. See Griffon mount.

* They have recently adjusted drops to ease the inventory hassle (still not ideal, but better than before).

* Crafting is being worked on, so it will hopefully become more meaningful in the future.

* Legendary drops would be an interesting concept, but it doesn't fit into GW2's system as it is. Besides, you don't need legedaries as ascended gear is just as good stat-wise.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> There are actually guild wars in the story.


In Tyria's history, yes, but I assume the OP meant GvG battles as you used to have in GW1.


> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> The title isn't referring to a game mode


True that, but apparently the OP would like there to be GvG battles. Many players do miss that old game mode.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > There are actually guild wars in the story.


> In Tyria's history, yes, but the OP meant GvG battles as you used to have in GW1.


> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > The title isn't referring to a game mode


> True that, but apparently the OP would like there to be GvG battles. Many players do miss that old game mode.


Yea, i agree, i wouldn’t mind that GvG mode.


But in his main topic he says he wants Guild Wars game mode, or in the story.

>*Some actual Guild Wars. Or just in story line.*

So that, i said i meant it is in the story.


As for guild wars, i would prefer a system like Factions over literal guild wars, though.

The problem I expect is that actual guilds dedicated to guild wars will be elitary PvP’ists.

Not to say they shouldn’t be, but i fear the ‘lower class’ will be excluded from that content unless its a public mode like the Kurzicks and ~~cowa..~~Luxons were.

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> @"Midknight.7324" said:

> It was made that this is the only progression, other than story line, which is decent, but there are plot holes... That I don't even care about because it just does not pull me in. No romance, no childhood memories, just bam go whoop butt. Also no Guild Wars!

> I would've liked to see more skills being Available to use at one time... 5 attacks, 3 utility, 1 heal, and 1 master...

> With any new package increase max Level, add new skills.

> Why can't we fly? Gliding is lame. Is it the barrier walls between places in the world?

> The skills, being adjusted back and forth and forcing players to choose and dedicate to certain traits is an easy way out. No extra buffs or anything after max level?


I can see what you are getting at but some of what you are asking for goes against anets philosophy. One of anets teneants for gw2 is "Your max level geared character today is still your max level geared character tomorrow" or w/e. what your asking for is the addition of power creeping and grind, which goes against many of the current systems and basic structure in how gw2 has and is being developed. The have the form of initial end-game progression through agony in fractals, but the thing is with content such as raids, fractals, dungeons or the open world. For the most part excluding any majoy class balancing changes gw2 offers players the same level of power wether it be playing the content today or in six months time. In a sense this adds alot to the replayability to gw2 content as you will never hold the issue of "out-gearing" the content. In a way this is also seen in gw2 ability to adjust your stats and level to the area and content being run.


As has already been pointed out flying is possible with the griffon and soon the skyscale. as a proud owner of the griffon I must say it is a very enjoyable form of flight, arguablity alot more interesting and enjoyable that traditonal flight you would see in many games.


Personally id like to commend gw2 on how it handles combat, it is generally unique among other mmos and your kind of wrong. For most classes you get 10 weapon skills, 3 utility, 1 heal and 1 elite. While classes like Elementalists get 20 weapon skills or revs get 2 heals, 2 elites and 6 utilities. I find gw2 simple at a galance with the seemingly limited skills but upon closer inspection the system has alot of depth to it.

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Thank you for explaining that stuff Ash. Diving and coming back up is not flying unless, the Griffin is ridiculous.


I'm saying this stuff not to offend anybody Turk. Like I said I like aspects of the game. Anet needs to here out the fans


Yes, wow is way better. What a 14 year game compared to a six year game on its last leg.


But gw2 has different things I like too. But they didn't listen to anybody, and went for cookie cutter easy management... that is why they are laying ppl off.


Akuma I get it. Yeap I delved into it too. Lots of awesome skills... but 6 years same thing. Period. and sure 10 weapon skills.

That you cannot interchange, morph, or enhance. For a mesmer I like the gs number 1, hate septer number 2. Hate that you can't pick and chose.


When it was announced no level cap increase I knew it was over.


Even eso knew to keep end game up. With the champion point system.


Gw2 just seems like a second job.

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> @"Midknight.7324" said:

> When it was announced no level cap increase I knew it was over.


> Even eso knew to keep end game up. With the champion point system.


> Gw2 just seems like a second job.

That's your preference. And then there's people like me who left more traditional MMOs because they are sick of having to grind dungeons, faction reputation, or whatever time and again because your gear gets invalidated every couple of months, and the only way to get decent gear again is to put lots of hours into grinding for it.


I get it, you prefer the illusion of progression those other MMOs give to you. I don't. I love the fact that I have a ton of characters to use in any kind of content that comes up, so I can choose to play the content I enjoy rather than the content that has a (mostly low) chance to drop the gear I need to even keep participating in endgame stuff. It's one of the main reason that keeps me playing GW2, one of the main reasons that made me quit my previous MMO years ago (despite having the far superior lore), and one of the main reasons why I just can't get into ESO, despite having tried again and again since beta.


To me, ESO feels like a second job because it makes me grind the same quests and skyshards again with each character I want to play, makes me grind rng drops from world bosses or dungeons for equipment sets after each balance patch, and more. GW2 is fun to me because I don't have to worry about that kind of stuff. I get equipment viable for endgame from pretty much anything I do in game, be it as direct drop, via trading (e.g. dungeon tokens for exotics), through crafting, or simply by exchanging the resources I gather for gold and buying my equipment on the trading post.


Just because you don't find one kind of game fun doesn't mean there's a sizeable enough number of people that do to keep the game healthy :) .

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Hard to understand some of the suggestions, I’m strongly against 6+years veterans like myself getting a free legendary. I already feel we having so many advantages in comparison to new player.


300% magic find

Plus all the karma and experience and gold boost we have.


Not even talking that we where able to get things way easier at start than they are now.


Gift of battle

Guild bank

AP points which are non obtainable for new players anymore

Skins which where cheap the time they came out now expensive I bought the Halloween shield for 100 gold I think.


Than the birthday gifts we get those can be very expensive dyes and depending on how many chars u own it’s easily 1000 gold worth of dye each year.

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To be honest I know plenty of people in the game who played since launch and those reasons aren’t really the solution of why people ether break. Or completely leave the game. And the reason is content.


When you play multiple years in game. Clear fractals daily, cleared dungeons multiple times to get runes or for fun. Clear raids, and all raid cms. What is there truly to do after? There’s Nothin to be honest unless, you are achievement player or are completing everything to 100%. Now let’s say people do get legendaries. Even though you truly do not (need) legendaries. What is there to do?


Open world when you have done it dozens of times to farm the trinkets? Meta/world bosses to get the currency for your legendaries? Nothing. You completed everything in the end game. That is honestly the problem. (If) legendaries had a higher stat then that would make everyone in the game play a little longer then usual. But since it’s stat swappable on the fly, there’s really no good reason to have it.


If Anet gave more then just a map and story on each episode. (Which they are adding things) then veterans can come back. But only for a short time. If Anet gave a new raid boss, new fractal, new pvp map/ mode, wvw map/mode in a new episode then it is possible for people to come back.


If Anet doesn’t make new content besides story and map, that is the reason why people leave. Not because it’s a bad game, not because there’s here and there annoying things. But strictly because there’s not enough content for people who actually play every game mode in the game.


Anet needs to give gw2 a true goal for people to play longer and a end goal that is worth it for vets, and newcomers. For example, housing.


Housing/guild housing could make players play the game so much longer in the game if they truly design that feature well.


Daily raids, weekly/monthly raid cms.


Fractals paths just like dungeon paths.


There just needs to be more. And something valuable at the end that makes the grind worth while.




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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> There are actually guild wars in the story.

> In fact, the guild wars are a big reason the world is such a mess.

> The title isn't referring to a game mode, but rather a lore event that caused most of the mess in GW1, and had a big impact on all the mess in GW2


The original title was derived from the game mode. The lore event was written after the fact to justify the game mode.

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Are we going to get a link to steam charts to show that "everyone's quit"? I'm not sure where else one would get "this is why they're quitting".


Something that I've liked about this game since I started is the "drop in, drop out" mechanic: If I miss 6 months, I'm not going to miss anything other than LW stories that may or may not have released in my absence. As far as gameplay goes, barring any major changes to the classes themselves, I'm going to be able to play the setups I have and not have to worry about the next gear treadmill. If this is, indeed what you're looking for, there are plenty of games that offer that already.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> If Anet doesn’t make new content besides story and map, that is the reason why people leave. Not because it’s a bad game, not because there’s here and there annoying things. But strictly because there’s not enough content for people who actually play every game mode in the game.


> Anet needs to give gw2 a true goal for people to play longer and a end goal that is worth it for vets, and newcomers.


> ...


> There just needs to be more. And something valuable at the end that makes the grind worth while.

There are people that spend years of their free time playing jigsaw puzzles ... or solving crossword puzzles ... or lots of other kinds of games, both online and offline. Why does there have to be something "worth it" at the end of a game? And how do you even define "worth it"?


I've played this game for six and a half years, and for thousands of hours. And I still have more content to play than time to play it, more content to enjoy than I can even play, more goals to fulfill than I will fulfill in the foreseable future. And there are many players like me.


If you feel unsatisfied with this game because you no longer find enough goals to your liking, or too many things that annoy you, maybe it's less a game problem and more a problem of you (or your friends that drop out) reaching a point where you are saturated with what this game has to offer and need change. The good news is: if you take a break and play something else, this game will still be here in a few months or even years when you feel like checking back in, and it will even have a decent chunk of new content waiting for you by then.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > If Anet doesn’t make new content besides story and map, that is the reason why people leave. Not because it’s a bad game, not because there’s here and there annoying things. But strictly because there’s not enough content for people who actually play every game mode in the game.

> >

> > Anet needs to give gw2 a true goal for people to play longer and a end goal that is worth it for vets, and newcomers.

> >

> > ...

> >

> > There just needs to be more. And something valuable at the end that makes the grind worth while.

> There are people that spend years of their free time playing jigsaw puzzles ... or solving crossword puzzles ... or lots of other kinds of games, both online and offline. Why does there have to be something "worth it" at the end of a game? And how do you even define "worth it"?


> I've played this game for six and a half years, and for thousands of hours. And I still have more content to play than time to play it, more content to enjoy than I can even play, more goals to fulfill than I will fulfill in the foreseable future. And there are many players like me.


> If you feel unsatisfied with this game because you no longer find enough goals to your liking, or too many things that annoy you, maybe it's less a game problem and more a problem of you (or your friends that drop out) reaching a point where you are saturated with what this game has to offer and need change. The good news is: if you take a break and play something else, this game will still be here in a few months or even years when you feel like checking back in, and it will even have a decent chunk of new content waiting for you by then.


That’s because not everyone is satisfied with regular achievements, collections. The fact that the players who play hours and put there time into the game with harder content. Arenanet doesn’t cater to those people. They cater to the people who think that it’s fun to do the same story 4-5 times to finish the achievements in the story when it brings 0 value back to you but points. Sure you have the achievement chests but over time these achievement chests are not worth 1-2 hours for 1 point achievement.


The fact that collection weapons are there but why would you consider the collection content if you can get the same stat just different skin from raiding, fractals?


It’s not that I’m not satisfied. It’s the fact that Anet chooses to give the content for the for open world people and not give as much content to those who grind for the harder content.


When I mean worth it, is because every person on this game takes there time to play this game. Legendaries are not worth people’s time for it to be stat swappable on the fly. 2k gold for the same stat. Yet it’s the only true thing people look forward to.


All I’m saying is for people to keep on coming as veteran who plays (all) content. There needs to be more rewards, more end game content of raids, fractals. Legendaries that are a higher stat. Housing. Because In the end we are putting out our time in the game. Our time should be valued to how we play the game. And we should be rewarded equally in the effort of what we put in.


There’s truly not much in the end game as people think. Collections, achievements shouldn’t be the only thing people look forward to as end game.


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People leave MMO's because boredom, real life, no time (RL stuff)

People are going to leave GW2, as people leave many other MMO's. They sometimes come back & see not much has changed so they stay away longer until something appeals to them then they leave after they've rode that hype train OR they come back & too much has changed so they get overwhelmed & leave.

GW2 has changed alot but then it hasn't, but it will certainly be overwhelming to players joining in recent times.


I'm taking a step back from GW2 & playing other MMO's - for me it's because there seems to be a lack of caring & delayed/ broken promises to WvW. WvW is a PvE fest of tower capping & no real incentive to Guild Fights. There is a Holy Trinity of classes in WvW as much as people do not want to admit it. It's Heal Guardian & Mixed stat Necro/ Heal Engi/ Revenant for those large fights. For everything else (like AFKing, Tower Capping), it's whatever you want - but most people run away on their ugly warclaw.

My other favorite thing to do in GW2 is make beautiful/ fashion ready characters- but the character creator in Gw2 is lacking but not as much as other MMO's. Much of the Cosmetic Content in GW2 when it comes to customizable makeup- Actual good hairstyles/ Beards/ tattoos/ Scars + Armor skins: Is _Very_ Dry lately.

For someone who has little interest in PvE because I've been there, done just about everything there is to do -jump puzzles, raids, fractals, vanilla dungeons that were left behind, masteries- there really isn't much that doesn't feel like a chore, especially when it comes to WvW.

I want to say it feels like a change is coming to GW2 but I've been shafted several years now where there is a small hype then after a week, it's gone. It's been that cycle for quite some time so I no longer get my hopes up.

As a veteran, No; I do not want to be gifted or granted a legendary, I do not like casual handouts. I want lasting content that just makes you in AWE, I want better hairstyles & beards, I want most of all: Challenge in WvW. Content for guild fights that is endorsed, Actual Guilds PvPing & being the most emphasised thing in WvW. It's probably not going to happen correctly in this MMO.

For me, GW2 is being shelved because I'm burnt out from 6+ years- but that's going to happen to all veterans at some point.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> There’s truly not much in the end game as people think. Collections, achievements shouldn’t be the only thing people look forward to as end game.

How about playing because you enjoy what you're doing? Sometimes I wonder if this really is an old-fashioned concept, but just like I enjoy sitting down with a jigsaw puzzle for a couple of hours, I also enjoy going around the world of Tyria. Collections and achievements kind of happen as a by-product of having fun, but if they were the only (or even main) reason I played this game, then I'd stop and find something else to do that I truly enjoy.


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People for many reasons quit MMOs.

This one is about my 9th MMO, started may years ago with Anarchy Online.

They are just online games which are designed to consume your time for a while.

When you find they dont meet your needs or are no longer fun you leave and do something else.

There seems to be some kind of obsession with GW2 that I have to play this game forever, and Anet has to make the game so that I keep liking it forever.


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