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30s+ skill lag


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> @"Slanderman.9532" said:

> these lag complain threads are proof that anet cant or want to fix the lag. They havent said a single word for it because either they dont have the ppl capable of fixing the lag or they dont care. Why else would they be so dead silent on this matter?


Keep at it my man! If you complain enough something truly magical could happen.

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no anet post in wvw forum since april the 10th.

my best guess is that theyre letting wvw go while they work on restructuring, like they did with relinks. wvw was a ghost town for a good while there and i'm afraid that's whats gonna happen here. its certainly not gonna solve lag but they might do 2 for the price of one lol? idk how these things work just spitballin. maybe theyre giving amazons servers one last go before making another change, since I imagine its a big decision. to say they flat out don't care is false, they've done a ton of work on the game and are continuing to do so.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:



> Yeeah this is what people who is lying says when they get asked for proof but eitherway, the game is bad even on a i9 OCd at 5+Ghz game dips below 15 FPS in some fights sooooo i would say it is a problem with the game, yet this has nothing to do with skill lag, only an ignorant would say skill lag has anything to do with good or bad PC, lag is mostly on the servers arenanet runs the game on, not because they are necesary bad, but there is clearly a limit to the game engine where we are getting worse and worse skill lag everytime even tho the hardware the game is hosted on is probably miles better than has ever been, it all comes down to Arenanet adding more and more stuff to process and the game engine not being able to keep up, bottlenecking somewhere down the line, so we get worse and worse lag as they add new things to the game.


Agreed. Before reset our server was in a different pairing, and we were maybe in T4 and T3 sometimes, so the zergs weren't huge, and my oc'ed i7 at 4ghz with a 1070 vid would cruise no problem at high graphics and at least 50fps even in zerg fights. After this reset, we're in a different pairing and I think in T2....was in a huge zerg fight the other night....good 60+ on our side and 60+ on the other. Game play was ok, but then 40+ on the enemy side came in to reinforce, and the fps dropped to a stuttering mess.(I have 60mps fiber optics internet, so no issues there.)


I immediately logged and went back to roaming, as at least that was playable. So many of us knew that Warclaw would cause problems with the graphics load on their end, and it certainly has with the big zerg fights. Good thing I enjoy roaming more.


I believe it is definitely due to the old graphics engine that GW2 is running. If it was revamped to run on a more current graphics engine that actually used the gpu primarily, there wouldn't be these kinds of issues.


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> @"Teon.5168" said:

> I believe it is definitely due to the old graphics engine that GW2 is running. If it was revamped to run on a more current graphics engine that actually used the gpu primarily, there wouldn't be these kinds of issues.


That is because the game engine is working on Dx9 and they just refuse to update the game to Dx11 which another major game just did. Planetside 2 just upgraded to Dx11and that game is about as old as Gw2. Why because they know it will give them better performance for all players not just those with Dx11 capable machines. An a lot of games are upgrading to Dx11. Warframe did and countless others do as well.


One of the reasons why i do not play this game for long. I get random Fps drops even in an open world. Granted I am on a laptop..But regardless the lag spikes randomly in the world and Wvw just simply unplayable. The game itself needs an engine upgrade or they will continue to lose droves of people who simply can not deal with the awful lag that can be fixed easily with an engine upgrade.




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> @"Lord Azazel.8703" said:

> > @"Teon.5168" said:

> > I believe it is definitely due to the old graphics engine that GW2 is running. If it was revamped to run on a more current graphics engine that actually used the gpu primarily, there wouldn't be these kinds of issues.


> That is because the game engine is working on Dx9 and they just refuse to update the game to Dx11 which another major game just did. Planetside 2 just upgraded to Dx11and that game is about as old as Gw2. Why because they know it will give them better performance for all players not just those with Dx11 capable machines. An a lot of games are upgrading to Dx11. Warframe did and countless others do as well.


> One of the reasons why i do not play this game for long. I get random Fps drops even in an open world. Granted I am on a laptop..But regardless the lag spikes randomly in the world and Wvw just simply unplayable. The game itself needs an engine upgrade or they will continue to lose droves of people who simply can not deal with the awful lag that can be fixed easily with an engine upgrade.





Yup. Completely agree.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > Just buy a better PC.


> has nothing to do with it. even the best pc will run this game poor in a blob fight since the game engine is ancient



Sure does have something to do with it. I lagged bad in zvz fights before I upgraded my PC parts in late feb/early march (all low-mid parts...budget friendly) and my zvz has been running sooooo much better. I can actually do stuff (now when I stream ZvZ's...that may be a diff story lol)

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> Skill lag is _not_ a client engine problem. Changing the version of D3D in use will not improve performance. This is a _server side_ issue. ANet knows it and likely does not have the developers who originally worked on the server-side service in depth.


They can do better. Excuses are for losers

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> Skill lag is _not_ a client engine problem. Changing the version of D3D in use will not improve performance. This is a _server side_ issue. ANet knows it and likely does not have the developers who originally worked on the server-side service in depth.


I was under the impression Mike Obrien did the netcode, that was his contribution to WoW after all.. though I suppose running the company takes up his time now.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > Skill lag is _not_ a client engine problem. Changing the version of D3D in use will not improve performance. This is a _server side_ issue. ANet knows it and likely does not have the developers who originally worked on the server-side service in depth.


> I was under the impression Mike Obrien did the netcode, that was his contribution to WoW after all.. though I suppose running the company takes up his time now.


Netcode is part of it. Server-side code (the code that performs the calculations) is also part of it. This can only be multi-threaded so much. After all, skills must operate on a FIFO basis.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> It'd be nice to play wvw, but you can't even use skills


> This getting fixed or?...


This has been an issue for years IIRC. And because it's an ongoing issue for a long period of time, and them just adding new stuff and not balancing, do you believe they intend to fix anything?

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