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Increase radius for Gaze of Darkness

seraph shay.6170

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no-so-fun-fact. You can dodge Gaze of Darkness so that adds to the unreliability of the reveal. It's weird that AOEs like GOD, shouts, and wells can be dodged but I suppose that's done for balance. Makes no sense that you can dodge sound waves, or in terms of GOD, literally having Glint look in an area, and not being able to see simply because someone dodged but that's ANET. Having an increased radius will help for sure. I find Scrapper toolbelt reveal to be more reliable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"seraph shay.6170" said:

> I think the radius is too small for the 'reveal' feature to be useful. I almost never successfully reveal a hidden thief because they are too far away. Any thoughts?


Yeah, with its current radius, GoD is really only usable as a stealth-preventer rather than a stealth-revealer. That said, it's pretty effective in that regard...


Obviously, if they gave it a larger radius, no Rev would complain, haha... But personally, if they were to buff it, I'd rather they increased the duration of the reveal--there's no reason that it shouldn't be at least 6secs like almost every other reveal skill in the game is: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed


That extra second makes a big difference in securing a kill.

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Personally I think this skill is fine as is. 360 radius is already quite generous. Sure it can be hard to land the reveal, but the instant AoE blind and Vulnerability is already nice enough as is and justifies the skill's usage. Not to mention the stun-break. The bigger thing is that it is dodgeable, but even then, I think the counterplay is healthy and fair. It encourages aggressive and fast reactive use of the skill. I'd say you can really see the skill's potential when fighting Celestial Shadow Druids.

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It's hard to agree on that as others have mentioned. Unless you can do an hard read on the stealth, most of the time using close range CC's like Surge of the Mists or skills that tags after mid casting of Stealth combo fields or delayed like Shadow Meld, Frigid Blitz, Deathstrike or Phase Traversal will almost guaranteed you a reveal.


You always have Jade Winds as a safer bet too.

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Bear in mind that if you're already channeling the facet, it's instant cast. So yeah it's dodgeable, but if you combine it with a CC like Justine mentions it can still be quite hard to avoid.


These days you have to consider which elite spec the thief is using and their common builds. Core is usually S/D so stealth is usually not the problem, daredevil is hardly played since the swipe nerf, and while deadeye has a lot of stealth, if you dodge the first attack and force a restealth, there's a good chance that on the second attack the deadeye has only one or no dodges available and is hoping with immobs and range that he'll get a dodge back before you get to him. So if you camp staff and shiro for blocks and dodges while he's in stealth, and immediately port onto the deadeye as it leaves stealth and staff 5, weapon & legend swap, reveal and sword 2 & 3, there's a very good chance you'll kill him.

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