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SoulBeast Pew-Pew is out of hand


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I have two points . . :


1) Dying really just isn't that big of a deal. Waypoint, run back, who cares . . ?


2) The other person is right, they're not that hard to kill and I'm def nothing special pvp. It's just like any other gank class. Yes it's broken so the ppl who are good at it run around and kill ppl without getting into any fights. But there are so few ppl that are good at it and it's so satisfying to kill all the ppl who thought the broken build was going to let them run around and kill ppl without getting into fights it's worth it to me :)

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> 2) The other person is right, they're not that hard to kill and I'm def nothing special pvp. It's just like any other gank class. Yes it's broken so the ppl who are good at it run around and kill ppl without getting into any fights. But there are so few ppl that are good at it and it's so satisfying to kill all the ppl who thought the broken build was going to let them run around and kill ppl without getting into fights it's worth it to me :)


SoulBeast is very hard to kill. Aside from significant terrain advantages (water, walls, doors or in a pack of friendlies), they have a myriad of defensive capabilities including stealth, invulnerability, multiple long range jumps and significant condi mitigation. All of which is fine but adding on one of the hardest hitting skills in the game at the longest range in the game and on a fairly short cooldown with vuln stacking falls into the absurd category.

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:


> SoulBeast is very hard to kill. Aside from significant terrain advantages (water, walls, doors or in a pack of friendlies), they have a myriad of defensive capabilities including stealth, invulnerability, multiple long range jumps




> and significant condi mitigation.




gotta choose hard hitting or sustain, not both.



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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> All that needs to be done is to have the damage modifier from "Sic 'Em!" reduced either to 5% or 10%. Ranger in general has enough damage modifiers as is. It really does not need +40% on a single skill.


when I mentioned this earlier people were like "what are you talking about, bruh".


but it's not just Sic'Em that is the problem. Multiple traits that allow the Soulbeast to reach without Sic'Em over 4k power, 260% ferocity and 70% accuracy. that is the real issue.


![](https://i.imgur.com/r9o5o0M.png "")


this here is my soulbeast with bloodlust sigil, not ruins, without might stacks and Sic'Em, enjoy.


btw, we need a new mount.

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > All that needs to be done is to have the damage modifier from "Sic 'Em!" reduced either to 5% or 10%. Ranger in general has enough damage modifiers as is. It really does not need +40% on a single skill.


> when I mentioned this earlier people were like "what are you talking about, bruh".


> but it's not just Sic'Em that is the problem. Multiple traits that allow the Soulbeast to reach without Sic'Em over 4k power, 260% ferocity and 70% accuracy. that is the real issue.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/r9o5o0M.png "")


> this here is my soulbeast with bloodlust sigil, not ruins, without might stacks and Sic'Em, enjoy.


> btw, we need a new mount.


Can do the same with Warrior, Revenant, Necro, Ele and I think Guard as well. Heck, I can get 100% crit chance on Reaper with less than 50% base crit chance.


Not disagreeing that Soulbeast has a lot of modifiers, as I'd said in the initial comment, but it isn't the issue. The screenshot tells me you're merged with your pet, probably using food, Signet of the Wild, Honed Axes and with 25 stacks of Bloodlust. That means either you're not using Stone Signet and potentially have two stunbreaks, or you are and only have one. It also means you're using Axe in the screenshot which means your Ferocity would be quite a bit less while in Longbow and your stats overall would be significantly less while not merged.


I assure you I could reach some near equally ridiculous stats with various other professions. Ele can reach over 5k Power for example. So although yes it's true, Soulbeast has a heap of stat modifiers, I still think "Sic 'Em!" is the primary issue. I don't recall ever hitting anyone who wasn't an uplevel or naked for anything higher than a 6k Long Range Shot (average 4 - 5k, 3k or so on someone who's not full glass) without having "Sic 'Em!" active. And I've been playing a full glass Ranger for years.


I think you _can_ get some crazy bursts without "Sic 'Em!" but it would require much greater risks and conditions being met to do so. In which case I'd say that'd be a lot more balanced.

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> I assure you I could reach some near equally ridiculous stats with various other professions. Ele can reach over 5k Power for example.


I’m calling balderdash. Prove that you can reach any stats near that level on an Ele. Take a snapshot without any digital shenanigans and post it here. I’ll wait.

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Jep, Soulbeast is out of control... was with my necro on the borderlands, sitting on my mount, as two soulbeast appeat and shot me to death within half a second(!). That means the almost 11000 HP from my mount, plus over 28k health of my necro (with trailblaizers armor), down in a fraction of a second. That's not normal.

And necros are nerfed again and again...

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> @"dascott.6078" said:

> Exactly! If you can close the distance to them before they stealth/blast/pewpew you down, you have a chance. Otherwise it’s all over before you realize what hit you.


This is mostly done through map awareness (something I am still working on myself as I like to jump in outnumbered fights lol)

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > All that needs to be done is to have the damage modifier from "Sic 'Em!" reduced either to 5% or 10%. Ranger in general has enough damage modifiers as is. It really does not need +40% on a single skill.

> >

> > when I mentioned this earlier people were like "what are you talking about, bruh".

> >

> > but it's not just Sic'Em that is the problem. Multiple traits that allow the Soulbeast to reach without Sic'Em over 4k power, 260% ferocity and 70% accuracy. that is the real issue.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/r9o5o0M.png "")

> >

> > this here is my soulbeast with bloodlust sigil, not ruins, without might stacks and Sic'Em, enjoy.

> >

> > btw, we need a new mount.


> Can do the same with Warrior, Revenant, Necro, Ele and I think Guard as well. Heck, I can get 100% crit chance on Reaper with less than 50% base crit chance.


> The screenshot tells me you're merged with your pet, probably using food, Signet of the Wild, Honed Axes and with 25 stacks of Bloodlust. That means either you're > not using Stone Signet and potentially have two stunbreaks, or you are and only have one. It also means you're using Axe in the screenshot which means your

> Ferocity would be quite a bit less while in Longbow and your stats overall would be significantly less while not merged.

you're correct in some, but wrong in some things. I have one stun break, I'm not using axe, I'm merged with my pet but using LB / GS and ferocity is on 260% with the trait for axe and additional ferocity. I don't know if that's a bug, but that's the result regardless do I equip LB or GS.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > All that needs to be done is to have the damage modifier from "Sic 'Em!" reduced either to 5% or 10%. Ranger in general has enough damage modifiers as is. It really does not need +40% on a single skill.

> >

> > when I mentioned this earlier people were like "what are you talking about, bruh".

> >

> > but it's not just Sic'Em that is the problem. Multiple traits that allow the Soulbeast to reach without Sic'Em over 4k power, 260% ferocity and 70% accuracy. that is the real issue.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/r9o5o0M.png "")

> >

> > this here is my soulbeast with bloodlust sigil, not ruins, without might stacks and Sic'Em, enjoy.


> Can do the same with Warrior, Revenant, Necro, Ele and I think Guard as well. Heck, I can get 100% crit chance on Reaper with less than 50% base crit chance.


No you can't.


The stat total for SB is higher than any other profession when in beast mode. I rolled one this week to play with and it's crazy stupid. Lot's of fun, but yeah...


Don't believe me? Pick any profession and roll whatever stats you can. I'll come back with more on a SB. It's from the Beast Mastery trait line and the pet when in beast mode. Add in damage modifiers (and there's a ton... +dmg with health, +dmg with ferocity boon, Sic'em, more ferocity, more crit), and it's insane. Just plug the data into an effective power calculator and nothing else will match.

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lol @ anyone claiming to main ranger for years and not hitting targets for more than 5-6k with sic 'em active.

I run an almost identical build as this dude in the video and 15k longbow autos are common (from a convenient cheesy 0 effort 1500 + range ), I always log on my ranger whenever i want the easiest low effort kills possible.

Around 4k power with might stacks and 309% critical damage with ferocity sigil omegaLUL

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> I run an almost identical build as this dude in the video and 15k longbow autos are common


So you're completely glass and per the video the best you're going to be doing is roamstomping randys of various skill levels unaware 1v1. In any scenario where you're the one caught out, you're the one whos going to be tasting the floor or running away hoping you can set up your combo somehow.


Also it'd be a shame if someone reflected your arrows back at you... or your teammates. Or dodged/blocked the attack of opportunity Long Range Shot. Or wasted it on Rapid Fire without the former's range modifier as most soulbeasts do. There went your cheese damage.


It's a one trick pony and the longbow variant is actually inferior to the axe/warhorn combo used in the vid. It's strong but it's not OP. It's a pubstomper. Any half-competent player knows this variant of soulbeast is glass and can be shattered and their combo negated in a number of ways.

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People make the mistake to run away from long bows. That causes an additional advantage for them. You gotta close in on rangers, step right on their feet, don't allow them to play their advantages. I play thief and I find it no more difficult to fight rangers than other classes, but I have 3 dodges and I'm faster and I can pull them from walls. Stay at range against necros, close in on rangers and use cleave for mesmers and your survivability increases.

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What's out of hand is the Scourge ,Firebrand Meta .And your just Mad because people found a way to upset that precious meta .Its not the SB that's over powered it that you are under armored. Dump the Meta and put some cloths on . I want to see more Soul beasts in WvW so we can trash this ridiculous Scourge bomb Boon share Meta . You accuse Rangers of the least effort for the reward ? Look in the mirror .Scourge , Firebrand, Holosmith and Mirage take the least effort in game .

Rangers/Soul Beast have to dump every thing into power and precision with little defense and no chance of survival if they mess up the skill chain.And that's just to crack the defenses of the current Meta cheese builds .Ya that's right , the current Meta is total cheese at the highest level this game has ever encountered .

I'm proud of all the rangers, soul beast and druids out there because at least they have to use a great deal of effort and skill to play decently.

So kitten you and the horse you rode in on !

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> What's out of hand is the Scourge ,Firebrand Meta .And your just Mad because people found a way to upset that precious meta .Its not the SB that's over powered it that you are under armored. Dump the Meta and put some cloths on . I want to see more Soul beasts in WvW so we can trash this ridiculous Scourge bomb Boon share Meta . You accuse Rangers of the least effort for the reward ? Look in the mirror .Scourge , Firebrand, Holosmith and Mirage take the least effort in game .

> Rangers/Soul Beast have to dump every thing into power and precision with little defense and no chance of survival if they mess up the skill chain.And that's just to crack the defenses of the current Meta cheese builds .Ya that's right , the current Meta is total cheese at the highest level this game has ever encountered .

> I'm proud of all the rangers, soul beast and druids out there because at least they have to use a great deal of effort and skill to play decently.

> So kitten you and the horse you rode in on !


Check out the videos, if you think hitting for 50k+ means "run more armor" you need a better grasp of how math works. That would one shot anyone.


You can also see all of the mobility and invulns, that should not be available to a class that hits that hard.


Sic em needs dropped to 10%

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> Gain Quickness, press button, kill most players from a ridiculous range often from a wall. With 3500 toughness and 18k health, you might survive. Even dodging it leaves a > player one 5k auto shot away from death. It is the least skilled way to get easy kills.


No, the least skilled way to get kills by far is scourge. Press a button .. run into opponent(s). Get over it. Defending from a wall is an extremely dangerous proposition to start with.



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