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Is it possible to expand the preview feature?

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Not sure if this has been addressed before, but I'm wondering if it's possible to expand the preview feature to now include:


1. Mount Skins - show our character sitting idle on the mount as well as mid mount animation (eg Springer Jumping)

2. Weapon Skins - beyond Stowed and Wielded, could we also get attack animations, even if only key "1", so we can see them on our characters in action

3. Dye - ability to dye skins/outfits/mount skins. Currently previewed equipment skins will use the dye selections of your equipped armor, but that doesn't help with mount skins


When I consider the cost associated specifically with some BL weapon skins, Legendary Weapons and Mount Skins, what looks good on a screenshot or video produced by another player, might not look as good once we acquire it and see it in use on our character.


I haven't as yet had buyer's remorse, but I'm certain others have, and in the meanwhile I tend to stew over buying decisions way longer than I would like because of uncertainty behind whether I will still like the item in question once it's in use on my character.


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I would love this. I’ve had buyers remorse myself, but I’ve also held off buying some skins just because I’m not previewing them in the way is really see them.


Outfits is a big bugbear of mine. When I preview a weapon, I see the armour not the outfit I’m wearing.

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Upvoted. And I would also add change to how picked dye is displayed when you are colouring your armor. Currently it's "click a dye on the pallet -> move cursor all the way to the right to hover it over the dye channel slot of some armor piece -> see how it will look like". It's **extremely** tedious, painstakingly even, when you are searching for the most appropriate dye, as you need to repeat those operations dozens of times.

Instead, it really must be "select and lock onto dye channel slot of some armor piece -> move your cursor over the dye pallet, seeing how result of dyeing with this particular color is displayed at selected channel why your cursor passes over it in the pallet".

It's so simple and natural that I wonder why it wasn't like that from the beginning?

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These are all great suggestions, it would be nice to be able to preview everything in one place. I'd like to be able to make the preview window larger as well.


> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Upvoted. And I would also add change to how picked dye is displayed when you are colouring your armor. Currently it's "click a dye on the pallet -> move cursor all the way to the right to hover it over the dye channel slot of some armor piece -> see how it will look like". It's **extremely** tedious, painstakingly even, when you are searching for the most appropriate dye, as you need to repeat those operations dozens of times.

> Instead, it really must be "select and lock onto dye channel slot of some armor piece -> move your cursor over the dye pallet, seeing how result of dyeing with this particular color is displayed at selected channel why your cursor passes over it in the pallet".

> It's so simple and natural that I wonder why it wasn't like that from the beginning?


For some reason I've never thought about this, but now you've suggested it, I realise it would be really great if it worked this way. The current system is fine if you know what dyes you want to use, but not so great if you don't.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> The current system is fine if you know what dyes you want to use, but not so great if you don't.

Can't even imagine how much time you need to spend dying stuff to know this all the time :) In my experience, different pieces of different armor look very differently when died with the same dye, sometimes. It blends with its texture in different ways, so you never know, unless you have previous experience with this particular armor piece.

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A while back I advocated a sort of dressing room instance where you have access to literally all equippable items, dyes, gliders, mounts, skins, etc. in-game and gemstore alike, in a small environment (say, the size of a typical pvp map) with different light levels in various places (or a dynamically adjustable light level gizmo) so that you can see CLEARLY exactly what things work for you before you commit to acquiring them. The small preview options and dye variability based on armor type, and all the other stuff you kinda have to guess with right now would be erased this way. I just don't know how much impact many simultaneous personal instances for this sort of thing would have, but we do have personal instances for everyone doing personal story and other character-based instances already, so....

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> All of these features already exist, and function perfectly in the Wardrobe section of the Hero menu. It could, however, be simplified and streamlined and that would be a good thing.


You should probably try reading the original post before replying, since none of the features mentioned in the OP exist, making your statement factually incorrect.

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