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Can't be rezzed for 10 seconds after entering the down state


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In WvW, when you managed to beat someone go down, the guy shouldn't be rezzed up right away. Or not. I dunno. Is 10 seconds too long? I just think we cannnot completely disable the rezzing mechanism, but we should be able to punish more by making the players go down.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> No, its a silly idea. For all intents and purposes, this is the eqvivalent to removing downstate. There is zero ways anyone is going to survive 10s with no heals unless the enemies *let* you heal.


Pretty much this.


I'd reckon even in 3s (4s if you include the short downed invuln) people will be getting cleaved down by reasonable power builds in small-scale (1v2 up to 5v5) Of all the ways to nerf downstate, adding a timer during which allies sit there and watch someone die is perhaps the worst idea I've seen yet. Just go for no-downstate at that point.


There are simpler things you could go for; Capping the amount of players that can revive someone (1 for 1 perhaps), slower revive speeds, lower downed health, reducing the effectiveness of reviving skills etc.

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I don't even get to use my Vapor Form (even when spamming) if I were out of position and got downed. 10s will only mean something in Outnumbered small fights, but to be honest, downstate is what makes us win Outnumbered small fights: They try to rez, they die rez'ing.

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I missed the first few "no down state events". And I got to do the last one. Just remove downstate in wvw. Leave it in the other game modes. (Maybe remove it from pvp) .


Best way of wvw ever. Made me feel like I was playing DAoC again. It was awesome.


No down state really elevates the skill level needed to wvw because you don't have that oh if I die my team will get me back up and rally bot mentality.



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> @"Assassin X.8573" said:

> I missed the first few "no down state events". And I got to do the last one. Just remove downstate in wvw. Leave it in the other game modes. (Maybe remove it from pvp) .


> Best way of wvw ever. Made me feel like I was playing DAoC again. It was awesome.


> No down state really elevates the skill level needed to wvw because you don't have that oh if I die my team will get me back up and rally bot mentality.




Except it really doesn't relate to "skill" at all. It's pure burst mode. You play a burst class, you win, OR if you have great passive traits, you win. There's a reason no downstate week was all beserkers and pew pew soulbeasts. Build tanky they say. It doesn't help. I ran nothing but Beserker all week. Had a blast on my Beserker, but it wasn't skill.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > @"Assassin X.8573" said:

> > I missed the first few "no down state events". And I got to do the last one. Just remove downstate in wvw. Leave it in the other game modes. (Maybe remove it from pvp) .

> >

> > Best way of wvw ever. Made me feel like I was playing DAoC again. It was awesome.

> >

> > No down state really elevates the skill level needed to wvw because you don't have that oh if I die my team will get me back up and rally bot mentality.

> >

> >


> Except it really doesn't relate to "skill" at all. It's pure burst mode. You play a burst class, you win, OR if you have great passive traits, you win. There's a reason no downstate week was all beserkers and pew pew soulbeasts. Build tanky they say. It doesn't help. I ran nothing but Beserker all week. Had a blast on my Beserker, but it wasn't skill.


I run zerk armor since release and celestial accessories on my war since they implemented celestial. Nothing changed in my survivability. I was actually able to out last more 1v2 or 1v3 even 1v4s because I didn't have to worry about stopping a rally or steady 1v+1 back to back fights than with normal ds rules. I didn't have to change my play style to compensate for downstate.


It was even more apparent with Zerg v Zerg battles because it did showcase which Commanders or guilds did better or worse with and without the rally bot effects.

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> @"Assassin X.8573" said:

> > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > > @"Assassin X.8573" said:

> > > I missed the first few "no down state events". And I got to do the last one. Just remove downstate in wvw. Leave it in the other game modes. (Maybe remove it from pvp) .

> > >

> > > Best way of wvw ever. Made me feel like I was playing DAoC again. It was awesome.

> > >

> > > No down state really elevates the skill level needed to wvw because you don't have that oh if I die my team will get me back up and rally bot mentality.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Except it really doesn't relate to "skill" at all. It's pure burst mode. You play a burst class, you win, OR if you have great passive traits, you win. There's a reason no downstate week was all beserkers and pew pew soulbeasts. Build tanky they say. It doesn't help. I ran nothing but Beserker all week. Had a blast on my Beserker, but it wasn't skill.


> I run zerk armor since release and celestial accessories on my war since they implemented celestial. Nothing changed in my survivability. I was actually able to out last more 1v2 or 1v3 even 1v4s because I didn't have to worry about stopping a rally or steady 1v+1 back to back fights than with normal ds rules. I didn't have to change my play style to compensate for downstate.


> It was even more apparent with Zerg v Zerg battles because it did showcase which Commanders or guilds did better or worse with and without the rally bot effects.


Yep, full zerk all week on my Beserker. Couple invulns help a ton with survival. Easy kills during no downstate week, and really not even about skill. Our guild had a couple of Scrapper/Beserker nights for the lols. Bursty builds rule anyway; especially without downstate.

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I can see both sides of the coin. I'd be okay with, like, 3 seconds -- but on the whole unless you hit like a wet noodle in anything more than a 1v1 you should be able to match or even out-cleave someone being revived by one person. If you're going for the stomp you know you gotta get in there quick.


I think ongoing diminishing returns on multiple sources of reviving and downstate healing (transfusion, MI. pet res etc.) so players have a _chance_ to stomp a player being revived my multiple others could be an option. It would help promote ganking in outnumbered scenarios, which I'm totally okay with. Those thieves and rangers _should_ be feared. I wouldn't know the first thing about balancing such a mechanic though.


~ Kovu

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  • 2 weeks later...

The people who complain about higher numbers having an advantage because downed players can be raised are playing the mode wrong. They want to make it easier for PVP builds to pick off group support builds running back to their zerg, and munchkin-spam-while-invuln builds to grief groups of players by sending some back to spawn. What you guys **SHOULD BE** advocating for is a smaller version of WvW - 30v30v30 per map, or something like that.

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> @"SoV.5139" said:

> The people who complain about higher numbers having an advantage because downed players can be raised are playing the mode wrong. They want to make it easier for PVP builds to pick off group support builds running back to their zerg, and munchkin-spam-while-invuln builds to grief groups of players by sending some back to spawn. What you guys **SHOULD BE** advocating for is a smaller version of WvW - 30v30v30 per map, or something like that.


How dare they play a PvP mode with PvP builds, ban them all Anet !!!!!1!1!1

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > @"SoV.5139" said:

> > The people who complain about higher numbers having an advantage because downed players can be raised are playing the mode wrong. They want to make it easier for PVP builds to pick off group support builds running back to their zerg, and munchkin-spam-while-invuln builds to grief groups of players by sending some back to spawn. What you guys **SHOULD BE** advocating for is a smaller version of WvW - 30v30v30 per map, or something like that.


> How dare they play a PvP mode with PvP builds, ban them all Anet !!!!!1!1!1


Naaa just play PvP if they want 1v1s with character death as the penalty for loss. Instead they are trying to take the "strength in numbers" advantage away from folks who play WvW for specifically that reason.


If you dont like the fact that football isnt basketball, why are you on the football field? Go to the basketball court.





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> @"SoV.5139" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > @"SoV.5139" said:

> > > The people who complain about higher numbers having an advantage because downed players can be raised are playing the mode wrong. They want to make it easier for PVP builds to pick off group support builds running back to their zerg, and munchkin-spam-while-invuln builds to grief groups of players by sending some back to spawn. What you guys **SHOULD BE** advocating for is a smaller version of WvW - 30v30v30 per map, or something like that.

> >

> > How dare they play a PvP mode with PvP builds, ban them all Anet !!!!!1!1!1


> Naaa just play PvP if they want 1v1s with character death as the penalty for loss. Instead they are trying to take the "strength in numbers" advantage away from folks who play WvW for specifically that reason.


> If you dont like the fact that football isnt basketball, why are you on the football field? Go to the basketball court.



I think you just aswered yourself.

Why are you complaining about people PvPing in a PvP build in a PvP mode ?



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