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Requiem for Other Characters: Who's background stories are you interested in?


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So in today's Guild Chat, I pitched in a question which Julia answered in regards to their Requiem series which was whether they would consider creating more Requiem stories for the two other missing playable races in game (Asura and Norn) and if so, which character would they most likely to write about?


This thread is to do with the latter half of the question. If ANet's Narrative team continue to make these Requiems, which of the game's characters would you like to have their background explored? As of right now, the Requiem has explored the history of 3 key characters in the current LW season but feel free to choose characters you would like learn more about in terms of their history.



This thread is solely about who you would like to have more background info on, this isn't a suggestion on whether ANet should do more of these or not, that's a separate matter.**


Right now my personal choice in terms of who I wanted to learn more about is Gorrik due to the circumstances that has occurred between "A Bug in the System" and "All or Nothing" and he is one of the newer characters much like Zafirah.


So, which characters pique your interest the most in terms of their history?

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So the Requiems seem to focus on the characters' past and how it affected them. Of the main characters (Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch), the only ones we have huge gaps in the background still would be Snaff, Eir, Trahearne. Arguably Rox, Blish, and Gorrik too.


Everyone else we have a fair amount of background on, for the implied important parts at least; especially with Dragon's Watch since aside from a couple background pieces, their stories largely began in S1.


Sadly, the best characters to use are all dead.


If we restricted it to just asura and norn, I'd like to have them focus on Gorrik and Eir I suppose. Not sure which norn to go with if I had to pick a living one though. Braham lived his life in Cragstead before Season 1, and the only historical moment of his life before then [already has a short story](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham%27s_Story).

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I don't really think we need more, but if it happened I'd like:


How's running the Pact for Logan? And how are his relations with humanity now, and on a personal level, did he just give up on getting Jennah to like him?


Taimi, mainly about how she's dying. How long, her thoughts, does she have any plans?


Rox, just to give her more things to do and depth. Probably relating to the Olmakhan, how she's their unofficial guide/connector to the rest of the world and how she plans to continue helping them.


I mean, you could make one for every character pretty easily. But we dont _need_ that

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I'd probably read an entire book from Canach's perspective. I'm really surprised they only did them for Rhytlock, Caithe, and Zafirah. And why them anyway? Unless their roles in the upcoming episodes are the focus of the next episode.


We had one involving Rhytlock and Balthazar's sword, then another on Zafirah involving her faith with Balthazar, and now we have some scripture read in the trailer from Balthazar? Seems like they're hitting it pretty hard, and I'm not sure what the angle is.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Kralkatorrik requiem:


> Dear diary: today I had a vision about a world without me and I got scared. But one day I’m gonna destroy the world. If there isn’t a world, there can’t be a world without me!


TBH, I'd be rather curious why Kralkatorrik hates mortals. It's more than a vision without him that scared him, but he saw a vision where dragons and mortals were at peace:


Glint: He foresaw the possibility of a world at peace. A world without strife between dragons and mortals. A world without him.


It sounds like, to me, a world at peace between dragons and mortals is only possible without Kralkatorrik. Which makes me curious why Kralkatorrik, who's been given a personality beyond everlasting gluttony, why he detests mortals so.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Kralkatorrik requiem:


> Dear diary: today I had a vision about a world without me and I got scared. But one day I’m gonna destroy the world. If there isn’t a world, there can’t be a world without me!


Zhaitan Requiem:


I just woke up and these people started shooting at me, feeling so attacked right now.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Kralkatorrik requiem:

> >

> > Dear diary: today I had a vision about a world without me and I got scared. But one day I’m gonna destroy the world. If there isn’t a world, there can’t be a world without me!


> TBH, I'd be rather curious why Kralkatorrik hates mortals. It's more than a vision without him that scared him, but he saw a vision where dragons and mortals were at peace:


> Glint: He foresaw the possibility of a world at peace. A world without strife between dragons and mortals. A world without him.


> It sounds like, to me, a world at peace between dragons and mortals is only possible without Kralkatorrik. Which makes me curious why Kralkatorrik, who's been given a personality beyond everlasting gluttony, why he detests mortals so.


Would be interesting to see what it was that Kralkatorrik envisioned. Mostly since we don't know if his vision involved the other Elders or if it was just solely focused on him and it didn't take to account the other current Elders.

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Sea Dragon Requiem:


There are humors that I was named Bubbles. I’m so offended right now. But I can’t blame them cause I haven’t really showed any signs that I actually exist.


I can’t help but wonder, should I say hi? or should I keep to myself down here. I mean... they killed my two brothers already and possible my third one next week. Idk, might delete this later.


- “Bubbles xoxo”

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The Requiem stories right before the finale feel to me like "Things that should have been in PoF / LS4, but we couldn't find the time".

So, I would like to see similar story threads that have been dropped for time or storytelling issues. So much cleaning up still left to do from HoT and even from the core story. I would like to read an honest version of the Pale Tree's early story, maybe even tying in to Malyck. How exactly did Ronan find the cave? What was going on there, really? I think the version(s) we get in game are more of a legend built over time.

Have we ever actually found out about Almorra's daughter? What about Doern? And the connection between the Order of Whispers and the Order of Shadows could also be more fleshed out. Maybe Kito could be the narrator for that?

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Kasmeer. Mostly because the whole "crisis of faith" thing was a plot point in PoF but didn't go anywhere after that. Seems weird they used Zafirah for a pretty similar concept, as she is a more minor character but it still was a fun little read.


> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> The Requiem stories right before the finale feel to me like "Things that should have been in PoF / LS4, but we couldn't find the time".


That's exactly what they are if you add money next to time in that sentence. Let's not forget former employees have alluded to more limited resources available for story content in the past.


Still I like that the writers seem so engaged with their characters in these. While they are obviously used for promotion too, I can see this being a fun side-project from devs who wanted to flesh out their characters more and could only do it outside in-game constraints. I view it as "here are some of the stories I wanted to tell you but couldn't".

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > E. I want to know E's story. They've been teasing his/her/its existence every now and then for years and we're still no closer to knowing anything about them.


> I thought Lady Wi's backstory got a fair bit of elaboration.


Lady Wi is not 'E'.

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Taimi - As already mentioned, would like to know how she feels about hiding her illness from everyone but Blish and what she has tried so far to stop the spread.

Phlunt - He seems like he has a lot of backstory that is never really discussed in the game, such as why he is so grumpy and antagonistic to everyone and his relationship with Taimi.



Braham - He's pretty much the only Norn who has had a significant role in the story and is still alive (lol). Would like to know how he feels about his changing relation with the PC and his fight against the elder dragons to avenge Eir.


My personally most wanted Requiem Story:

Joko - He really did not get the backstory he deserved since he was a major character in both GW1 and GW2. Would really like to hear his side of the story regarding his origins, battle with Ossa, plots before/during GW2 , and how he viewed both the Nightfall hero and the Commander. It would have to be more of a self history or autobiography since he's kind of been digested at this point.

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Zojja. It's been so long since we last saw her, a whole expansion and two living world seasons and those were pretty dire circumstances. I'd love to know how her recovery is going and maybe some explanation as to why she was so much more adversely affected compared to Logan. I think the most egregious example of her absence in the story was when Snaff briefly returned this season. I would have loved to see her reaction to that.

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> @"Dedicant.6820" said:

> Zojja. It's been so long since we last saw her, a whole expansion and two living world seasons and those were pretty dire circumstances. I'd love to know how her recovery is going and maybe some explanation as to why she was so much more adversely affected compared to Logan. I think the most egregious example of her absence in the story was when Snaff briefly returned this season. I would have loved to see her reaction to that.


And now second most egregious one is her missing out the death of Kralkatorrik. This is ridiculous, not even a mention from DE members.

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