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Did any of you got any Super Rare loot from the World Boss Rush ?

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If they run events with random (and ultra rare) rewards that are the only special and valuable items among a long list of common, everyday trash, the % of people participating in them that will have a negative perception of such event will be equal to the % of people that didn't get any of the ultrarare special reward.


Special events should have special rewards based on participation, not on luck.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I had fun during the entire event, which is pretty _rare_ at least for consistent stretches inbetween patches :)


Well, I guess the same fun than before the "special" event and after it, cause you just ran the classic world boss train that has been there always.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Well, in this thread alone, 2 people claim they got drops. Gemnaid.4219 and Musetti.7163. I don't think 100,000 people religiously follow the forums, but I could be wrong? Also for those two that got the drops, how many bosses did you kill? (The achievement will tell you.)

> > @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> > I’m the only one that got an infusion drop.


> > @"Musetii.7163" said:

> > I only did tequatl but got an infusion...guess I'm just lucky.




Of course.. we have to take their claim on face value...

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I had fun during the entire event, which is pretty _rare_ at least for consistent stretches inbetween patches :)


> Well, I guess the same fun than before the "special" event and after it, cause you just ran the classic world boss train that has been there always.


Except that it had multiple full maps and countless people actually talking to each other and coordinating.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > New exotic pistol is the best so far. Not even worth 1 gold.


> What new exotic pistol? I have not discovered any new skins at the TP.


Perhaps, he/she meant 'new' to them.

I got a couple of exotic weapons with a skin I had not unlocked before.

Also, a couple of Charms from salvaging Rare armor.

I did about 20? WBs, if that many...so far.


Edit: Ahh, was explained above.

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> If they run events with random (and ultra rare) rewards that are the only special and valuable items among a long list of common, everyday trash, the % of people participating in them that will have a negative perception of such event will be equal to the % of people that didn't get any of the ultrarare special reward.


> Special events should have special rewards based on participation, not on luck.


They should have both, but they deff shouldnt have ultra rare and expensive rewards tied to participation, unless the participation requirement are very very demanding at least.

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Welp, so far no luck. However, since I have only done four rotations during the whole week, I don't feel cheated (like those who have grinded their hearts out). At least some of the boss fights _are_ fun to participate in, so it's okay.


I agree that, when it comes to those new chests, participation in the event does feel unrewarding.

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Naw. I didn’t do this event. I previewed the loot table and saw it was matts in the first section and infusions in the bottom section. I knew that the infusion drop rate would be “lol. You’re dreaming if you think you’ll get one” which meant it was only mats. Said to myself, ‘thanks but no thanks’ and did other things instead.

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Terrible event. World bosses are very time consuming only to get absolutely nothing. I assume they kept the drop rate the same as the boxes from festival of four winds. Except with 4 winds I personally bought thousands of boxes with trash mats and globs, this event I only managed to kill a little over 50 bosses.


I understand that not everyone should get super rare drops, but other than the drops being too rare the boxes hold no value they added too many useless low grade items that serve almost no purpose but to waste our time. Anet fails to implement a proper reward system yet again, they needed to make this event reward you for time spent and bosses killed. As for the amount of infusions dropped I can only assume barely any because during the 4 wind festival chak infusion/confetti almost sold out on the tp to the several 10k orders, this event barely any sold AFAIK. I hope they take this as a learning experience to craft a proper and logical reward system based on time spent and not some bs RNG with trash tier 1 mats.

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Nothing for me. I only had 45 boxes bc I quit after Thursday so I could get this week's wvw pips out of the way before the new ep comes tomorrow :)


Even my 45 unid rares didn't give me a single exotic :(


I did get two new skins from the regular boss loot, only worth around one gold apiece but I like new skins so I'll take it . . .

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My interest in this event waned after about 5th or 6th boss kill. Sure if I hadn't killed them before or had all the achievements, yay and all, but as I do, it really wasn't worth the time.


But if this did expose new players to world bosses, something they might never have seen before because they don't know about the event timer, or weren't on the map at the right time, then I guess overall it's a good thing.


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