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What would be/you want to be the next big addition after gliding and mounts?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> > Whaaaaa no one wants fishing?!...


> I do, but it's not a big enough feature for an expac compared to gliding and mounts


Yeah certainly not on the same level but still a meaningful system that could also be used for events and even integrated with future _fishing mounts_, for example. Not just another craft - really a system with a lot of expanding potential.

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Voted fishing but I doubt that would make much of an impact in a marketing campaign.


I like the idea of housing, but I also dislike the idea of people just disappearing into their homes when they should be out in the streets, banks, vendors of cities and the world.


If there isn't some male Charr wearing bright pink/purple dress type outfit sitting idle by the bank in Divinity's Reach every time I run by, the game would feel diminished....

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> @"RavenRecoil.6103" said:

> I think Housing would be a good addition to the game. Fishing would be cool but not an expansion selling point in my opinion with just that. It would need to be housing and fishing.


Housing and Fishing wont drive expansion sales, like gliders and mounts. It is not a player power increase. If anything either is both secondary activities to use in downtime.

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Boats and airships can be very usefull, instead of pushing you back when in mzp boundary water, the game would ask you if you want to use your boat/airship if in land.

A dialog box would appear asking where you want to go. Any coastal map for boats, and airships if it's very far. But the thing that descredit that whole thing is waypoints. So those ships would allow to travel somewhere without any waypoints...


The best among all those options are underwater contents and housing.

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Underwater content as I feel it was super cool when the game came out; It just had inherent problems which would need to be addressed. Id love to see an Eldritch horror based expansion centered around "Bubbles" the deep sea dragon, The living world leading to it could have us go to the isle of janthir to warm us up to the idea. Bring in ships and make it kind of pirate themed with the Largos being involved, quaggan and krait. Interesting pirate themed armor; With eldritch horror and nightmare/madness based elite specs.


And then we could get our norn Expansion, the viking Far north expansion with hide, bone and fur armor. And in that expansion due the the changes to underwater combat and such we could get to explore drakknars lake; Or hell more of the water bits as it shows a bit up that there may be alot of it. Heck we could get a whole lot of cool stuff if they did the underwater overhaul...

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I would so throw my wallet at the screen I'd they ever did a complete underwater overhaul.


- Seperate the traits for underwater traits.

- Underwater utility skills, instead of some random enabling of land skills.

- a legend for the revenant, which is exclusive for underwater use.

- an underwater mount.

- returning to core maps to update and add more events and explorable areas to the underwater areas.


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Enhance the customizability of the UI, especially for combat. The bottom of the screen is a good place for skills while exploring but awful for combat. Being able to create a combat-only Heads Up Display that puts relevant info for decision making (boons, conditions, cds) in large easily readable icons right below or around the center of the screen. This would minimize how much time your eyes would need to be off of combat and looking at info.


Being able to move your weapon skills to any skill slot would also be really helpful.


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If the next expansion is water-based why not think outside underwater field as well? Add naval mechanics, upgrade-able boats, ships with masteries in naval proficiency. Different attack types and cosmetics.


If we move more in-land then how about an additional mastery tree for spells and magic buffs? Could be based on crypt/tomb exploration, complicated jumping puzzles and mini-dungeons with accumulative point system and skill tree, like in many non-mmorpgs.

Only one branch can be active at the same time, switching branches costs some local currency which prevents from being too OP in quick succession.

Size transformation - go very small and enter secret caves and alcoves.

Elemental tuning - traverse fire/lava, water barriers or icy areas without dying to these elements.

Weapon imbuing - apply additional damage type to your attacks - light, dark, lightning etc giving you an edge against certain types of enemies.

Mount synergy - increase the speed and damage done by your mounts. etc


It has to be big and novel idea to revitalize the game without overlapping previous features nor breaking old content.

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I like housing and want to see it implemented (done well, of course), but it's not the kind of thing that helps us to push forward like gliding and mounts do. It is, as I believe someone else said, a secondary feature.


For a main feature, I'd like to see a Hero/Sidekick system that uses our other characters.

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Asuran battle mechs and other combat vehicles (preferably based on asuran technology) like a hovertank or a submarine. The one from the mission "Air Drop" was so much fun to play with and I'd love to have something similar outside of this specific story mission.

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i want the combat to be ether more under control or more action oriented, we kinda have a tera-like combat system with a classic MMO target system which really doesn't work well at all.

what i personally would like to see is something along the lines of what vindictus has or something more like devil may cry, we can still target but targeting enemies is more to focus instead of really having a target to fight, the action is still there.


i want weapon and armor vendors to have their own versions from their own area, that way we can have jungle themed armor in jungle areas while industrial armor fits charr lands, same with weapons.


so instead of seeing allot of new stuff only in it's expansion, i want to see old maps improved and current problems fixed.

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I'd actually just like to see another pass on combat, since it's the main part of gameplay. For whatever reason, it's wearing thin to me lately. Doing the same thing in a new place is still doing the same thing.


The main gameplay challenge is seeing through the massive blur of effects to find the 5% of the screen that isn't covered in orange circles. Other than that, though, positioning isn't well-utilized due to most AoE skills being simple circles.


Too much emphasis on gimmick mechanics that are walled off from core build mechanics, rather than having a strong integration between the two, which would encourage more variety in tactics and builds.


PvE needs more emphasis on tactical reaction, and less on rotation.


OW and story encounter design is based on solo biffing or mindless zerging, mostly. Even though they are the most accessible means of teaching players, it's never well-utilized for, e.g., teaching non-DPS builds or things that will help players function better in the more challenging game modes.


More thought should be given to having mechanics that scale better from solo(ish) to party to raid-squad to zerg, without being shallow or trivialized at any level.

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I want to see housing done properly but I would also like some sort of Hero system implemented since I would love to be able to play through instanced content (personal story, dungeons, fractals) at my own pace and really dislike pugs. Heroes in GW1 was godsend for a lot of players.

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