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Will Taimi become a golem eventually?


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Playing through Episode 2 of LWS4, Taimi said to Blish after finding out that he’s become a golem, “ But you're safe. From life's...frailties.” Now that we found out that Taimi has some kind of terminal disease, will this be the next chapter of Taimi’s journey? Will Gorrik preserve Taimi’s brain by transplanting it into a golem? Assuming he helped Blish transition into a golem.

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It's not definite that's what she'll decide but it's one possibility.


Although asura have been experimenting with putting living minds into golem bodies since at least the start of the personal story, probably much longer. (It might even tie into Oola's experiments to combine necromancy and golemancy, back in GW1.) And even recently they've had mixed results, Blish is an exception in that there doesn't seem to have been any negative consequences beyond the practicality of becoming a golem. So it's not a guarantee that Taimi will be safe, even if she does take that approach.

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I hope she dies and disappears. ArenaNet is relying too much on Taimi for exposition; while it looks like Gorrik may take her place (and thus they would just replace one stereotyped Asura by another stereotyped Asura), removing Taimi would cut at least one usual source of Deus Ex Machinae from the game.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> I hope she dies and disappears. ArenaNet is relying too much on Taimi for exposition; while it looks like Gorrik may take her place (and thus they would just replace one stereotyped Asura by another stereotyped Asura), removing Taimi would cut at least one usual source of Deus Ex Machinae from the game.



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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> while it looks like Gorrik may take her place

Ugh, that would be awful. Taimi really knows her stuff, but Gorrik is an insect "expert" who can't even tell lifestages from generations. I wouldn't trust him if he told me the weather.


I hope they come up with some sort of surprise for Taimi's story. Also, I hope they won't throw away likeable characters like her anymore for some emotional impact. It's become kind of hard to even find characters to get attached to. I'd like to keep those we have left. If I can't care about the characters anymore, what's the point of the story then?

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