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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> This happens alot more at camps for some reason.

> Maybe they should look there first.


There are lots of places outside of camps as well, I think camps are known the best however due to the amount of use they get and how often they flip or have fights in them vs a random open map area or in a keep etc. However most of the camp issues have been there as long as I can remember.


> @"JonnyForgotten.4276" said:

> Honestly, that's (slightly) less annoying than being "out of range" when 600 or less from a target. . . .


Like I said above, I consider them in the same class, some of the areas range gets obstructed also block porting. I can't tell you the times I am right next to someone trying to use JI or sword #2 and get this error, or running into a fight, hit JI and it casts and goes on full CD but does not port. After reporting these years ago with video links and nothing happening, I gave up on reporting them, I am sure many others have done the same. Which seems to be anets approach to them, wait long enough and people will just get used to the broken parts of the game.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> This happens alot more at camps for some reason.

> Maybe they should look there first.


It is because of despawned dolyak corpses that block the projectiles, this is why it happens, wherever a dolyak died basically lays a reflect for a long time.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Nope, I should stop beating around the bush though. I'll power up my electron microscope so I can play the violin for thief players and their "problems".


> There isn't even a thief in the video I linked to. If you don't play any ranged class and don't care, why are you even here?


Do you not remember what your own topic's about? Everyone else has to deal with skills being wasted because of obstructed, but you make a stink about it because you can't get your special bonus, though can continue using it unlike most ranged skills.


> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Nope, I should stop beating around the bush though. I'll power up my electron microscope so I can play the violin for thief players and their "problems".


> I'll play mine for you as any ranged skill can get affected by this obstructed message but nice try though.


Ok, let's act like obstructed is suddenly a big deal now that thief players can't get their special bonus on one skill.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > This happens alot more at camps for some reason.

> > Maybe they should look there first.


> It is because of despawned dolyak corpses that block the projectiles, this is why it happens, wherever a dolyak died basically lays a reflect for a long time.


Huh. Now there's a hypothesis to test.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > Nope, I should stop beating around the bush though. I'll power up my electron microscope so I can play the violin for thief players and their "problems".

> >

> > There isn't even a thief in the video I linked to. If you don't play any ranged class and don't care, why are you even here?


> Do you not remember what your own topic's about? Everyone else has to deal with skills being wasted because of obstructed, but you make a stink about it because you can't get your special bonus, though can continue using it unlike most ranged skills.


> > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > Nope, I should stop beating around the bush though. I'll power up my electron microscope so I can play the violin for thief players and their "problems".

> >

> > I'll play mine for you as any ranged skill can get affected by this obstructed message but nice try though.


> Ok, let's act like obstructed is suddenly a big deal now that thief players can't get their special bonus on one skill.


A solution to the problem would benefit all players who experience it, not only thieves. It sounds like you benefit from not getting hit by shots that should actually harm you in WvW because of the bugged map, is that possible? I can't imagine another reason for you to being against fixing the "obstructed" issue.

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