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Do you Harvest less or differently now that you have a Mount?

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I sure do. I have to say that I am a casual gatherer, only hitting nodes when I am on my way to something. Now that I am usually on my Mount, I notice that I can not be bothered to stop for a node anymore because the dismounting feels too disrupting. A more important issue is mobs in the vicinity of the node: once you dismount for a node and get aggro, you have to kill them first before you can mount again. I wonder how people experience this and what their solutions have been.


I initially thought of a 7th option, namely "Please let us Harvest when Mounted" but since I think this would be the popular choice it would bork the poll. So if you feel you want that option, make sure to make a comment. :)

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Well.. before PoF i was harvesting everything, everywhere. For now, with mounts I'm only harvesting nodes, that have some value - iron, platinum etc. I'm trying to skip all this worthless materials like copper, lentils, moussels. Time is money! :dizzy:

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I harvest the exact same.

> If I see something that is worth my time to me, I go for it. If not, I keep on going.


But that has changed too. Is it worth now to stop for Mithril? I don't think so in most cases, its price has dropped from about 85 copper to 25 copper since PoF.

You cannot earn money with it and I already have more than enough refined stuff. The price of deldrimor steel has dropped too, from about 7 gold to under 5 gold last I checked.


I can say I don't harvest as much as before. I used to stop for everything and walked unneccessary paths for it. I have Unbound Magic gathering tools and only got 4k Unbound Magic since PoF, that's little compared to pre-PoF times and indicates how rarely I farm now. Materials seem to come mainly from salvaging now, and many people throw their hoarded mats on the market to get the griffon. That includes myself, I sold 20 deldrimor steel ingots for 5 gold each. A week before I sold some for 7 gold. If I had better market skills, I could have got 40 gold more for my stuff. People who have thousands of gold are probably buying that stuff now, and expect that prices will rise again, while the majority sells cheap to cash in. A griffon now is better than a griffon in 2 months ^^


I believe it will take a few more weeks before prices bounce back, and then I will start gathering more again. I should gather mats now and hoard, but I'm just too lazy.


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For me, it is farming or mounting. I never combine both.

Side note: This poll seems to consider that everybody is now mounting everywhere. It is not my case. I like mounts, but I find them of not much use in worlds/areas else than Elona (rather even a bit disturbing!).

Out of Elona, I use mounts in very few cases: If I want to rapidly cross over an entire area without any stops on the way, or for some vistas/JPs if it makes them go faster. Apart from those sporadic cases, I don't use mounts elsewhere than Elona.

To be honest, at the beginning, the necessary to dismount for everything got me very rapidly bored, and also it was causing me motion sickness after a while. I therefore very rapidly gave up on taking mounts when I knew that I will need to dismount several times.

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I have mounts and I don't use them that much at all either in core or HoT or PoF. Right away I noticed it dismounted you for harvesting and battle and it was just a pain for me to mount back to go 2 feet to harvest or battle again so I just don't. I am still harvesting everything and killing everything. I am enjoying the game without being mounted. I don't really play the TP/market so the 'fall' of prices of materials has not had an impact on me. I collect the resources for myself so yes I will still harvest everything and kill everything. I can still make gold from selling the white/blue/green drops on the TP, if it doesn't sell for at least 3x the price of the merch then in the mystic toilet it goes for maybe something that will or maybe another skin that I didn't have. If I am out and about having too much fun killing and collecting then maybe I will salvage for the materials and space.

By the way I don't mind that it dismounts you to do things, it should. I just want to bother mounting and dismounting all the time.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> For me, it is farming or mounting. I never combine both.

> Side note: This poll seems to consider that everybody is now mounting everywhere. It is not my case. I like mounts, but I find them of not much use in worlds/areas else than Elona (rather even a bit disturbing!).

> Out of Elona, I use mounts in very few cases: If I want to rapidly cross over an entire area without any stops on the way, or for some vistas/JPs if it makes them go faster. Apart from those sporadic cases, I don't use mounts elsewhere than Elona.

> To be honest, at the beginning, the necessary to dismount for everything got me very rapidly bored, and also it was causing me motion sickness after a while. I therefore very rapidly gave up on taking mounts when I knew that I will need to dismount several times.


Yes, I hear what you are saying. I enjoy the speed and special abilities of Mounts but the Mounting/dismounting thing is a (necessary) nuisance(also visual sometimes). I have given up my Speedrunes (of the Traveler) though so unless I trait Druid again or use one of my Skillslots for the 25% speed signet(Ranger), I will be mounting and dismounting a lot..... I have been thinking of eating the loss of a good Rune/Skillslot/Traitline though just to be fast again when I am on my feet.


Not decided yet.

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I haven't changed how I gather materials. I think it helps that I'm using to combining gathering and mounts from games like Elder Scrolls Online and Dragon Age: Inquisition where you have the same problem of having to dismount to gather materials. Partially because of that and partially because I like to explore an area as I'm passing through, even if I think I've seen it all before, I suspect I'm using mounts a lot less than many people - even in PoF maps.


I won't gather absolutely everything I can find, but if it's along my way I'll often stop to get it. Unless I'm really in a hurry (which is pretty much only when I'm meeting up with a group), but then I'll waypoint most of the way anyway. (What I should do is use some of those teleport to friend items I keep forgetting I have.)

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Mm, probably should have added a 7th option of "I am harvesting more now" . I hope those people will indeed choose option 5 (changed my tune) and post about it. It is very interesting to read how people harvest (since PoF). I guess the Mount speed is a big boon for serious harvesters.

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Outside PoF I harvest the same. In PoF I only harvest very specific nodes because mob range means that I'll likely spend five times longer getting back on my mount than I do harvesting (unless I'm on a class with access to stealth or invulnerability, or in some cases projectile destruction).

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> @Tyncale.1629 said:

> Mm, probably should have added a 7th option of "I am harvesting more now" . I hope those people will indeed choose option 5 (changed my tune) and post about it. It is very interesting to read how people harvest (since PoF). I guess the Mount speed is a big boon for serious harvesters.


For someone who only plays Warrior - a class without a runspeed signet - it is a huuuuuuuuge boon.

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