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Recharging Teleport to Friend: Misfire design choice??

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For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.


If I don't buy it, it's not because of the 1h CD, but because I never find myself in need of a teleport. The only useful situation I find for this item is when you enter a WvW map, to jump to your commander instantly. Other than that...

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.




Also I think people are wildly underestimating the ab-usability of this item. 30 Minute cool down might still be okay, anything below that becomes:

- a significant issue both requirement wise (the item becomes almost mandatory at lower cool downs),

- devalues the base version (less of a concern),

- creates issues with people actually moving through the maps/game as well as design decisions of maps/content especially with maps which are designed with a limited amount of way points in mind


The 1h cool down is fine. People who are hoarding the consumable version will see a net benefit of being able to now teleport for free 1nce per hour, people who burnt through their consumable T2F get a base 1h version.


At some point these convenience items turn into game breaking items if not balanced correctly.

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.


well but you could use it then to teleport around. Grab a guild friend, let him waypoint around and follow him.

and i think anet dont want that to happen and added a 1h cooldown.

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.



I used a bunch the other day to take part in a bounty train in PoF. Two of the maps I had almost no WPs unlocked yet so I wouldn’t have been able to join if I wasn’t able to use 5 in less than an hour.


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I'm okay with the 1 hour cooldown. It's just there to get to friends initially. After you get to your friends, you just link the waypoint in party chat to keep in sync.


> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.

> >


> I used a bunch the other day to take part in a bounty train in PoF. Two of the maps I had almost no WPs unlocked yet so I wouldn’t have been able to join if I wasn’t able to use 5 in less than an hour.


This is a good use for friend teleports, but I do think that it is a small obstacle if you plan on playing a character long enough. Once you got that waypoint you got it forever. I'll probably hold onto my consumable versions on my alts just for this purpose.

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> @"Quench.7091" said:

> I'm okay with the 1 hour cooldown. It's just there to get to friends initially. After you get to your friends, you just link the waypoint in party chat to keep in sync.


> > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.

> > >

> >

> > I used a bunch the other day to take part in a bounty train in PoF. Two of the maps I had almost no WPs unlocked yet so I wouldn’t have been able to join if I wasn’t able to use 5 in less than an hour.

> >

> This is a good use for friend teleports, but I do think that it is a small obstacle if you plan on playing a character long enough. Once you got that waypoint you got it forever. I'll probably hold onto my consumable versions on my alts just for this purpose.


That’s true, but I’m an alt-oholic and so often am playing a character without all WPs in these zones to unlock elite specs and if there’s a fun meta or train that starts while I’m there, so much the better! :)


I’m not sure what the reason is behind the one hour cooldown. To make the single use TPs still relevant? That hasn’t seemed to be a concern with other permanent unlocks, but maybe those are all RNG drops. Maybe because no or short cooldown would lessen the value of the world boss and HoT meta portals?

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Quench.7091" said:

> > I'm okay with the 1 hour cooldown. It's just there to get to friends initially. After you get to your friends, you just link the waypoint in party chat to keep in sync.

> >

> > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > > For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I used a bunch the other day to take part in a bounty train in PoF. Two of the maps I had almost no WPs unlocked yet so I wouldn’t have been able to join if I wasn’t able to use 5 in less than an hour.

> > >

> > This is a good use for friend teleports, but I do think that it is a small obstacle if you plan on playing a character long enough. Once you got that waypoint you got it forever. I'll probably hold onto my consumable versions on my alts just for this purpose.


> That’s true, but I’m an alt-oholic and so often am playing a character without all WPs in these zones to unlock elite specs and if there’s a fun meta or train that starts while I’m there, so much the better! :)


> I’m not sure what the reason is behind the one hour cooldown. To make the single use TPs still relevant? That hasn’t seemed to be a concern with other permanent unlocks, but maybe those are all RNG drops. Maybe because no or short cooldown would lessen the value of the world boss and HoT meta portals?


Consumable status as well as cooldowns make players think twice about using an item. An MMORPG that comes to mind would be how WoW used to keep teleport cooldowns high and teleports scarce to make the distance between regions feel impactful. GW2 though doesn't have that reasoning to back it, but what they do have is respawning at a waypoint with full health. Perhaps the idea is to keep players from using teleport to friends just like Revive Orbs?

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This seems like it would only be of use the first couple of years, especially to altoholics.


The first few years of birthday rewards do not have them at all and they are not on the TP. Then when your first characters hit their (3rd?) birthday they start dropping so you are pretty miserly about them. Eventually more and more characters hit that age and you are getting more than you know what to do with

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> @"Quench.7091" said:

> > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > @"Quench.7091" said:

> > > I'm okay with the 1 hour cooldown. It's just there to get to friends initially. After you get to your friends, you just link the waypoint in party chat to keep in sync.

> > >

> > > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > > > For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I used a bunch the other day to take part in a bounty train in PoF. Two of the maps I had almost no WPs unlocked yet so I wouldn’t have been able to join if I wasn’t able to use 5 in less than an hour.

> > > >

> > > This is a good use for friend teleports, but I do think that it is a small obstacle if you plan on playing a character long enough. Once you got that waypoint you got it forever. I'll probably hold onto my consumable versions on my alts just for this purpose.

> >

> > That’s true, but I’m an alt-oholic and so often am playing a character without all WPs in these zones to unlock elite specs and if there’s a fun meta or train that starts while I’m there, so much the better! :)

> >

> > I’m not sure what the reason is behind the one hour cooldown. To make the single use TPs still relevant? That hasn’t seemed to be a concern with other permanent unlocks, but maybe those are all RNG drops. Maybe because no or short cooldown would lessen the value of the world boss and HoT meta portals?


> Consumable status as well as cooldowns make players think twice about using an item. An MMORPG that comes to mind would be how WoW used to keep teleport cooldowns high and teleports scarce to make the distance between regions feel impactful. GW2 though doesn't have that reasoning to back it, but what they do have is respawning at a waypoint with full health. Perhaps the idea is to keep players from using teleport to friends just like Revive Orbs?


But I don’t think you can use teleports instances where you could use revive orbs — dungeons or fractals — so I don’t see how that could hurt. The only other place I use revive orbs is if I’ve gotten someplace that was difficult to reach, got downed and am by myself — teleport would be no use there either.

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> @"Galeskyring.9617" said:

> As it says on the page


> "like a Teleport to Friend token, whisking you across Tyria to a party member’s location—but doesn’t disappear after you use it. Just give its internal reactor **an hour** to cool down and you’ll be ready to teleport again."


> According to the patch notes this item costs 800 gems IE $10, why was this item given such an absolutely monstrous cooldown time?! Surely 15 or 30 minutes is far more reasonable then 1 whole hour......


> I cannot honestly ever see myself buying **or** using this item when the consumable version has 0 cooldown. If this item gets a change to make its cooldown more reasonable it could be a very healthy thing to have but at current it's an over priced waste of time.


It definetely need some sort of CD . But as a compromise use the "ammo" mechanic, where it has 3 charges or whatever with each one being on a seperate1hr cd

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> I save my TP to friend primarily for if I should want to take part in an event train crossing maps that I may not have unlocked on that character — I’ve used them in HP trains and bounty hunter trains and I can keep the fun going if I happen to die or get lost or stuck or whatever. The hour cooldown kills this utility.


> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> I used a bunch the other day to take part in a bounty train in PoF. Two of the maps I had almost no WPs unlocked yet so I wouldn’t have been able to join if I wasn’t able to use 5 in less than an hour.


> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> That’s true, but I’m an alt-oholic and so often am playing a character without all WPs in these zones to unlock elite specs and if there’s a fun meta or train that starts while I’m there, so much the better! :)


Yep, this my main (only?) use for these. Playing on a character who hasn't happened to been to Tangled Depths and there's a daily to do events there, or bounties in a map that character hasn't gotten to... instead of having to play another character, I can join a squad and teleport to them every time they zip around the map. The point isn't to unlock waypoints, it's to be able to participate using the character I happen to enjoy paying atm. I'd probably use 3-4 in under half an hour.


I was interested in purchasing an unlimited version, but that cool down defeats the only reason I'd actually use it.


I have a stack of free ones, so it's not a big deal... I just can't fathom a use for this item as is.


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We bought this. Were are two new players. Recently leveled to 80, recently completed the base story in HOT, and we find the 1 hour timer too restrictive. I thinks 30 minutes would be much better, possibly 15 min. This item with the timer is counter-intuitive. Instead of keeping us in the game. We just do something else for the rest of the timer and maybe get back to what we were doing.



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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> Just found out the CD is a debuff on your character, so you can use it instantly on another character.

> Maybe not a big deal, but it adds even more value :-)


Well i just found out that debuff doesn't expire when you aren't on that character so until that changes this item has SERIOUS issues that go beyond a probably too long CD

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> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > Yeah, I won't buy it with a cool down like that. An hour in insane. 5-10 minutes would be plenty to stop any potential "abuse", if that even can be abused.


> What abuse? Abuse maybe your friend doing all the hard work LOL


Lol, I know, right? :lol: I can’t think of how it could be abused... maybe if someone wanted to use the device to troll someone? So long as blocking the person prevents that... I can’t think of anything else. Anyway, I wouldn’t even consider buying this TP unless the CD was 5 minutes at most.

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> @"KazukoHimura.2314" said:

> I have it for lore reasons. My 42 disposables are enough for actual use. By the time I need to use the reusable again, the cooldown time is long up.


Its cooldown is tied to character tho so you can use it on any alts aswell.

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