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Aggro range increased... again...

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> One of the reasons I don't do PoF (and LWS4) is because of the annoying aggro range (900 in PoF compared to 600 in previous zones). Playing in PoF is like eating at a restaurant filled with flies that constantly annoy you. I noticed that enemies in Dragonfall were aggroing from ridiculously long range so I measured the aggro range and... the aggro range in the new zone is 1200...


I only just got PoF a few months back and was thinking to myself "man I seem to be getting attacked a lot more often from enemies in these maps" and now I know why. It is really annoying.



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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > @"keenedge.9675" said:

> > increased aggro -- adapt or die

> >

> > It is a great differentiator from the 'too easy' central maps. It needs to stay.


> But this has nothing to do with being easy or hard. It's simply just obnoxious to kill 15 trash mobs to get a mithril node.


It's weird how many of the responses seem to have misunderstood the actual complaint . . .

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I haven't played on the new map yet, but I actually prefer the longer aggro range in PoF maps - it makes the enemies feel like actual enemies that actively want to attack you. In contrast, enemies in core Tyria tend to just stand around gormlessly waiting to be killed. This is primarily a combat game, and I think it really shouldn't be possible to explore a map without having to fight something. The longer aggro range is also one of the things that counterbalances the larger map size and the extra safety we get from mounts.


I can understand how someone would find it annoying if they don't enjoy fighting those enemies though - especially if they find the fights too easy. For a similar reason, I don't play as Mirage, since I find that I can win most fights with basically no effort and without using utility skills (even though my Mirage has a completely unoptimised assortment of gear) - it's not my idea of fun. Most games would address this sort of thing by having different difficulty levels...


> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> I mean if people would stop running glassy builds or actually use other skills besides the weapon skills it wouldn't be an issue.


Surely not running a glassy build (or at least a high-damage build) would exacerbate this, since the fights would last longer? Having a high-damage build typically makes PvE content in this game much easier, but in any case this complaint is about not wanting to spend time fighting, not about the difficulty of the fights.

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What I am finding more annoying is the time it's taking to getting out of combat when there is clearly nothing putting me in combat after finishing mobs off and/or conditions cleansed... especially events where you need to chain/lasso etc - only makes those events a pita to do .. agree tho aggro range on new map is just a little on the silly side, which at the moment wont have a dramatic effect on getting metas done, but when the popularity of the map drops then it will begin to become more and more of an issue imo.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> snip


Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the game's fights. As far as MMO’s are concerned, GW2’s combat is fun (if not deeply flawed due to things like excessive skill effects, etc.). Particularly when I see a quick random event in HoT, I charge in head first. And when I see multiple enemies near a gathering node, I love to round up as many enemies as I can and mow them all down. I used to tank in WoW so I love fighting multiple enemies at once. However, there’s more to exploring and adventuring in an open world game than just forced fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.


If I'm currently not in the mood for fights and want to gather materials, explore, or map complete, etc., I want to do those without too much disruptions. Pre PoF, for the most part, battles are battles I choose to do. In PoF, it’s the game constantly forcing me to fight when I’m not in the mood for it. I kill the initial aggroed group, and before I can mount, another group aggroes. Kill that, and before I can mount, ANOTHER group aggroes. Kill that, and ANOTHER kitten group aggroes. Want to gather that node? Forced fight first. Want to remount? Fight, again. Want to check that vista? Fight, fight, fight. Look at the map? Fight, fight, fight. Chat? Fight, fight, fight. Don't want to fight? Oh, well, fight, fight, fight!


We already do plenty of fighting in the game; hearts, events, bosses, instances, competitive modes, etc. When I’m not in the mood for too many fights, the constant forced fights are disruptive, like constantly getting robocalls on my phone when I'm busy or flies constantly bugging me when I'm trying to eat. There's only so much forced fights I'm willing to put up with before I decide this is not worth the annoyance, and PoF just isn't worth it.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > How can aggro range be a problem to so many and be not even noticed by players like me? I've stumbled into two situations where I was slightly annoyed by it on the new map and that was mostly because I was an idiot. There are so many corners, so many rocks you can jump behind. Maybe it would do good for many if they learned to LoS.


> It's very annoying to afk farmers, recource nodes farmers, and people who expect game to be a walk in the park which they can play with one hand while holding their beer with the other one :) I've never had issues with agro range in PoF, it seemed a bit more challenging due to this, what is good, but still quite easy anyway (easier than current HoT).


> In short, it's not an issue if you actually came to the map to play a game, not expecting it to be an effortless farm.


You must not play a power reaper then. Something attacks me, my minions go, and then I have to go chase it down (usually a small group by then, aggroed onto my minions) before I can go on. Do i die? No. Does it make it kitten annoying as I'm trying to hunt down skyscale scales and such. OMG, yes. Unless I'm running staff, my range is nowhere near theirs, and staff is blah. I'll be there 10 minutes whittling stuff down.


And to the person above me. Sure, we used to run on foot everywhere, but mobs didn't have 1200 aggro range and chase you halfway across a map either.

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> One of the reasons I don't do PoF (and LWS4) is because of the annoying aggro range (900 in PoF compared to 600 in previous zones). Playing in PoF is like eating at a restaurant filled with flies that constantly annoy you. I noticed that enemies in Dragonfall were aggroing from ridiculously long range so I measured the aggro range and... the aggro range in the new zone is 1200...


> Seriously... are you kitten kidding me? I was hoping that Anet would some day go back and reduce PoF aggro range down to 600 like everywhere else so that I'd actually enjoy PoF, but it's even longer now... Sigh...


> I don't like to start upset posts like this but this just pisses me off so much... Seriously, is this the future of GW2's design? If it is, I'd really like to hear now from Anet so I can just quit and not waste any more time on this game. I personally hate the 900 aggro range enough that if the whole game was like this, I'd just quit the game. Increasing it to 1200 for future contents means I have no reason to continue to invest in this game. Having enemies that are not even in my screen aggro out of nowhere is just so disruptive and annoying. It takes the fun out of exploring open world. I can't even look at the map, activate vistas, remount, chat, etc. before some stupid suicidal fly pesters me to kill it first. This is about as fun as walking down a street and having people constantly hand me fliers. It's about as fun as constantly getting robocalls. It's about as fun as having my email spammed by scammers. It’s about as fun as visiting a web site with pop up video ads.


> EDIT - And of course, there are some people replying it’s not hard when this thread is not about difficulty (not saying anything wrong with players who find PoF hard). This thread is about the annoyingly long aggro range making it not fun to explore due to the constant disruptions. Learn to read.


I personally enjoy the flow of combat and mounting on PoF maps. I would be bummed out if they changed it to suit the playstyles of people who wont adapt. Seeing ANet bend to the will of people who dont want to adapt or improve would sadden me.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > One of the reasons I don't do PoF (and LWS4) is because of the annoying aggro range (900 in PoF compared to 600 in previous zones). Playing in PoF is like eating at a restaurant filled with flies that constantly annoy you. I noticed that enemies in Dragonfall were aggroing from ridiculously long range so I measured the aggro range and... the aggro range in the new zone is 1200...

> >

> > Seriously... are you kitten kidding me? I was hoping that Anet would some day go back and reduce PoF aggro range down to 600 like everywhere else so that I'd actually enjoy PoF, but it's even longer now... Sigh...

> >

> > I don't like to start upset posts like this but this just pisses me off so much... Seriously, is this the future of GW2's design? If it is, I'd really like to hear now from Anet so I can just quit and not waste any more time on this game. I personally hate the 900 aggro range enough that if the whole game was like this, I'd just quit the game. Increasing it to 1200 for future contents means I have no reason to continue to invest in this game. Having enemies that are not even in my screen aggro out of nowhere is just so disruptive and annoying. It takes the fun out of exploring open world. I can't even look at the map, activate vistas, remount, chat, etc. before some stupid suicidal fly pesters me to kill it first. This is about as fun as walking down a street and having people constantly hand me fliers. It's about as fun as constantly getting robocalls. It's about as fun as having my email spammed by scammers. It’s about as fun as visiting a web site with pop up video ads.

> >

> > EDIT - And of course, there are some people replying it’s not hard when this thread is not about difficulty (not saying anything wrong with players who find PoF hard). This thread is about the annoyingly long aggro range making it not fun to explore due to the constant disruptions. Learn to read.


> I personally enjoy the flow of combat and mounting on PoF maps. I would be bummed out if they changed it to suit the playstyles of people who wont adapt. Seeing ANet bend to the will of people who dont want to adapt or improve would sadden me.


There's nothing to improve upon. Players have no control over enemy aggro range.


Again, the complaint has nothing to do with difficulty. The OP didn't say "I keep getting killed because the aggro range is so high."

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > How can aggro range be a problem to so many and be not even noticed by players like me? I've stumbled into two situations where I was slightly annoyed by it on the new map and that was mostly because I was an idiot. There are so many corners, so many rocks you can jump behind. Maybe it would do good for many if they learned to LoS.


> Same here, I never noticed a problem with the aggro range until I saw a thread in the forum. I do play a lot of PoF but I never seen any problem with this.


> I don't understand. How is it a problem for people? Just don't AFK. I see sometimes some dead players in random places. I res them and they do nothing, they just stand there, idle.


> Besides, there are tons of safe spot, If I need or want to AFK, I usually seek a cliff and that's it. Or I just waypoint...


> If you are dismounted, just kill all the mobs around you and continue. It's not like running on foot is terrible. It used to be like this before mounts...


Core doesn't require mounts, and neither did HoT due to gliders/masteries. PoF maps are designed around using mounts to cross or go up. Being unable to mount effectively means you can't move in many cases.


I don't understand why people can't even read, no one really complains about aggro range because they died, or they were afk, it's often due to being forced to dismount to do something, then getting slapped by something so far away, and then you kill that but 2 other ranged enemies randomly aggro. Then cases like Jahai bluffs where some spots you're forced to kill at least 10 enemies before you can mount, or slowly walk away and be forced to take a condi cleanse or face the 30+ second cripple (or a random long duration condi like bleed) that remain even if you chose to kill them.


Long aggro ranges doesn't offer anything of value to the game beyond being irritating. The enemies that aggro from range often die quickly, all professions do this, even without going glass. Meaning, being aggroed over and over from range does nothing but slow people down.

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I haven't had much of a problem with it myself but I do get the issue in terms of when trying to get from location to location when switching mounts.


I think ANet should have balanced mount lock timer so that it doesn't take as long to get on a mount after killing an enemy. I've lost quite a number of champs because of getting locked out of mounts after combat has already finished. Not a big issue but an issue nonetheless.

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> And to the person above me. Sure, we used to run on foot everywhere, but mobs didn't have 1200 aggro range and chase you halfway across a map either.


Also, maps were designed to be traversed on foot, not using abilities that are inaccessible until you can find a way to get out of combat.

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > How can aggro range be a problem to so many and be not even noticed by players like me? I've stumbled into two situations where I was slightly annoyed by it on the new map and that was mostly because I was an idiot. There are so many corners, so many rocks you can jump behind. Maybe it would do good for many if they learned to LoS.

> >

> > It's very annoying to afk farmers, recource nodes farmers, and people who expect game to be a walk in the park which they can play with one hand while holding their beer with the other one :) I've never had issues with agro range in PoF, it seemed a bit more challenging due to this, what is good, but still quite easy anyway (easier than current HoT).

> >

> > In short, it's not an issue if you actually came to the map to play a game, not expecting it to be an effortless farm.


> You must not play a power reaper then. Something attacks me, my minions go, and then I have to go chase it down (usually a small group by then, aggroed onto my minions) before I can go on. Do i die? No. Does it make it kitten annoying as I'm trying to hunt down skyscale scales and such. OMG, yes. Unless I'm running staff, my range is nowhere near theirs, and staff is blah. I'll be there 10 minutes whittling stuff down.


What I see here is that pets/minions system needs more detailed controls over its AI (setting maximum range they are allowed to attacks something automatically, or adding a command which will prevent them from attacking something until their master was actually hit) - again, not an issue of PoF mobs specifically.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > How can aggro range be a problem to so many and be not even noticed by players like me? I've stumbled into two situations where I was slightly annoyed by it on the new map and that was mostly because I was an idiot. There are so many corners, so many rocks you can jump behind. Maybe it would do good for many if they learned to LoS.

> > >

> > > It's very annoying to afk farmers, recource nodes farmers, and people who expect game to be a walk in the park which they can play with one hand while holding their beer with the other one :) I've never had issues with agro range in PoF, it seemed a bit more challenging due to this, what is good, but still quite easy anyway (easier than current HoT).

> > >

> > > In short, it's not an issue if you actually came to the map to play a game, not expecting it to be an effortless farm.

> >

> > You must not play a power reaper then. Something attacks me, my minions go, and then I have to go chase it down (usually a small group by then, aggroed onto my minions) before I can go on. Do i die? No. Does it make it kitten annoying as I'm trying to hunt down skyscale scales and such. OMG, yes. Unless I'm running staff, my range is nowhere near theirs, and staff is blah. I'll be there 10 minutes whittling stuff down.


> What I see here is that pets/minions system needs more detailed controls over its AI (setting maximum range they are allowed to attacks something automatically, or adding a command which will prevent them from attacking something until their master was actually hit) - again, not an issue of PoF mobs specifically.


Yes, that does need to happen. But it's even more annoying now, especially trying to do the Dragonfall meta.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > I mean if people would stop running glassy builds or actually use other skills besides the weapon skills it wouldn't be an issue.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yeah, you're right. My problem is that I just don't know how to handle my glass build well enough to beat random open world trash mobs...like this legendary bounty in full viper gear...

> >

> >

> >

> > ...or maybe it's like I said and PoF aggro range is just annoying to me and apparently some other players, too.


> Doesn't mean Anet has to change anything. Just means you along with whoever else has this trivial issue. You answered your own question if this keeps up so why make a thread if you are just gonna quit if this issue 'keeps up?'


Actually it's not that 'trivial'.


I noticed I was stuck in combat for an obnoxious amount of time numerous times no matter what I fought when npc's are just wandering off and I can't mount to follow because ya know.. they all springered their way up a cliff and I'm waiting to get on mine.. and can't. When you have events that require mounting like this, they NEED to correct aggro radius so you CAN mount and actually participate.. not get there a second before it's over.


I really can't stand people who always like to blame the players like it's some trendy cool thing to do. Actually pay attention for once, you might learn something.

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > snip


> Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the game's fights. As far as MMO’s are concerned, GW2’s combat is fun (if not deeply flawed due to things like excessive skill effects, etc.). Particularly when I see a quick random event in HoT, I charge in head first. And when I see multiple enemies near a gathering node, I love to round up as many enemies as I can and mow them all down. I used to tank in WoW so I love fighting multiple enemies at once. However, there’s more to exploring and adventuring in an open world game than just forced fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.


> If I'm currently not in the mood for fights and want to gather materials, explore, or map complete, etc., I want to do those without too much disruptions. Pre PoF, for the most part, battles are battles I choose to do. In PoF, it’s the game constantly forcing me to fight when I’m not in the mood for it. I kill the initial aggroed group, and before I can mount, another group aggroes. Kill that, and before I can mount, ANOTHER group aggroes. Kill that, and ANOTHER kitten group aggroes. Want to gather that node? Forced fight first. Want to remount? Fight, again. Want to check that vista? Fight, fight, fight. Look at the map? Fight, fight, fight. Chat? Fight, fight, fight. Don't want to fight? Oh, well, fight, fight, fight!


> We already do plenty of fighting in the game; hearts, events, bosses, instances, competitive modes, etc. When I’m not in the mood for too many fights, the constant forced fights are disruptive, like constantly getting robocalls on my phone when I'm busy or flies constantly bugging me when I'm trying to eat. There's only so much forced fights I'm willing to put up with before I decide this is not worth the annoyance, and PoF just isn't worth it.


You do know there are plenty of locations in PoF where you can do some of those things without a mob in site, don't you? Even most resource nodes are easily accessible without engaging enemies...so that one really baffles me.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > > snip

> >

> > Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the game's fights. As far as MMO’s are concerned, GW2’s combat is fun (if not deeply flawed due to things like excessive skill effects, etc.). Particularly when I see a quick random event in HoT, I charge in head first. And when I see multiple enemies near a gathering node, I love to round up as many enemies as I can and mow them all down. I used to tank in WoW so I love fighting multiple enemies at once. However, there’s more to exploring and adventuring in an open world game than just forced fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.

> >

> > If I'm currently not in the mood for fights and want to gather materials, explore, or map complete, etc., I want to do those without too much disruptions. Pre PoF, for the most part, battles are battles I choose to do. In PoF, it’s the game constantly forcing me to fight when I’m not in the mood for it. I kill the initial aggroed group, and before I can mount, another group aggroes. Kill that, and before I can mount, ANOTHER group aggroes. Kill that, and ANOTHER kitten group aggroes. Want to gather that node? Forced fight first. Want to remount? Fight, again. Want to check that vista? Fight, fight, fight. Look at the map? Fight, fight, fight. Chat? Fight, fight, fight. Don't want to fight? Oh, well, fight, fight, fight!

> >

> > We already do plenty of fighting in the game; hearts, events, bosses, instances, competitive modes, etc. When I’m not in the mood for too many fights, the constant forced fights are disruptive, like constantly getting robocalls on my phone when I'm busy or flies constantly bugging me when I'm trying to eat. There's only so much forced fights I'm willing to put up with before I decide this is not worth the annoyance, and PoF just isn't worth it.


> You do know there are plenty of locations in PoF where you can do some of those things without a mob in site, don't you? Even most resource nodes are easily accessible without engaging enemies...so that one really baffles me.


If this is such a 'player' issue only, then why are PoF maps farrrr less populated in comparison to HoT maps? Don't say 'cuz metas' because that's not the only reason.. lol

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> What I see here is that pets/minions system needs more detailed controls over its AI (setting maximum range they are allowed to attacks something automatically, or adding a command which will prevent them from attacking something until their master was actually hit) - again, not an issue of PoF mobs specifically.


In my minion necromancer experience, the AI doesn't attack first by itself, either they retaliate when being directly attacked, when their master was attacked, and when they follow the master's target.


the issue is being hit by an inconsequential ranged attack and have your minions kept in battle while the necromancer runs out of combat.


More on topic, long aggro ranges wouldn't be so annoying if dealing with the mobs wouldn't frequently lead to just dragging more enemies, which ends up being a drag.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> There's nothing to improve upon. Players have no control over enemy aggro range.


> Again, the complaint has nothing to do with difficulty. The OP didn't say "I keep getting killed because the aggro range is so high."


Yes they do. Players have all the control over agro range.

It's called kill the mobs.

No mobs, No aggro. Problem solved.


Additionally, mounts and mount skills exist it's virtually impossible unless you run into every mob you can see intentionally to be unable to drop aggro.

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