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What would be the worst thing to introduce in the near future?

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A lot of people are interested in seeing new things or changes in the near future of this game (such as new elite specializations, home instance changes,new races, etc. )


What would be the dumbest, most pointless or worst thing Anet could implement or introduce in the future?


Personally I think underwater legendary weapons with no upgrade to underwater combat?


Or introducing a playable Choya race XD

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The dumbest thing? Honestly... err I got a few let me get the list.

1. Housing, and not what people think when they think housing. Im not talking like new housing stuff im talking just the existing form enhanced (The players home instance with some perks.)

2. NOT continuing with guild halls or expansion of guild stuff.

3. A human like new race (Largos) As we already have three, unless norn get overhauled to be more like they are in lore.

4. Turning cantha into a anime weeb fest. (My biggest fear going forward.)

5. MOAR TIME GATES (See skyscale for reference)

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In no particular order:


1. Making content even easier - as 80% of current content is boringly easy already after you've fully developed and geared up your character; you are effectively locked into the remaining 20% of content (DLC maps, fractals, raids, world bosses, some champions and legends in core Tyria maps) and have to repeat them endlessly, what gets old pretty quick.


2. Adding more specializations instead of fixing balancing issues with the current one


3. Adding more races instead of adding more relevant high-lv content


4. Adding subscription fee or going in pay-to-win direction


5. Issuing no expansions, sticking to only LWS content


6. Continue to create "farm-heavens" like ishtan and silverwastes, absorbing most of population into few most profitable locations


7. Overall, continuing to gear balance towards farm instead of enhancing gameplay, issues with power-creep are also included here; i.e. making killing of one mob an effortless task, and instead setting timegates with number of mobs you must kill to achieve something, thus reducing gameplay to "press X to win activity" when you need to simply repeat "press X" action a few thousands of times to get your carrot - that's one most hideous mmorpg design pattern turning a game into a mind-numbing chore


8. Endorsing zerg-stile gameplay which make the gameplay effortlessly easy and thus boring, while at the same time makes your personal contribution feel almost non-existent and you to feel you are not needed here; zerg also makes impossible to correctly evaluate situation due to non-stopping visual effects spam covering all screen, so you can't really see what happens and react properly, what creates an irritating random-death fest when you just run around, spamming skills, getting downed out of nowhere.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> More "challenging" monsters by merely adding more HP, damage, and hard CC.


Oh, yes, so much this. The challenge is good, but it needs to be challenge through an interesting mechanics/combat stiles and AI of the mobs. For example, I've often seen a lot of newcomers complaining that mobs in GW2 are very boring to fight - most of them just stay in front of you and hit you. Mobs need to move around, using different evades and remote attacks too, or kite you etc - and each individual mob must be relevant, you must not be able to simply override their mechanics by showering them with your over-blown DPS.

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1. Vertical gear progression through adding power to legendary runes. Or in any other form.

2. Any kind of subscription or _optional_ tiers that segregate the playerbase even more.


Anything that would make the game kitten on its original manifesto even more than the current iteration pretty much.

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