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[War Eternal Ending Spoilers] What does that make the commander?


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Throughout Season 4 Aurene and the Commander have been referred to as the Scion & Champion - Aurene is the Scion of Glint and the player is her Champion. By the end of War Eternal Aurene is a new Elder Dragon, and the player is still her Champion. So does that mean the player is now a dragon champion? =)


And if so, what are our unique drops?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Throughout Season 4 Aurene and the Commander have been referred to as the Scion & Champion - Aurene is the Scion of Glint and the player is her Champion. By the end of War Eternal Aurene is a new Elder Dragon, and the player is still her Champion. So does that mean the player is now a dragon champion? =)


> And if so, what are our unique drops?


The Commander drops nothing. Why? Because we are even more immortal than Joko, so nobody can kill us and loot our corpses. :p

And no, that thing with Balthazar didn't count, since we were not truly dead. At least not completely.

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Spoons and legendary spikes, I'm going with that. :D


> @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> As the Claw of Aurene, you can look forward to groups of adventurers attacking your right hand every 3 hours, but usually within 2-3 hours after midnight GMT


Is it bad that I really want Claw of Aurene as a title now?


And maybe that's why we get mobbed by enemies in PoF? They're coming to fight the dragon champion for spoons. (Although I'm on EU, so for me it will be more 6-11pm GMT, it tends to drop off by midnight.)

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > As the Claw of Aurene, you can look forward to groups of adventurers attacking your right hand every 3 hours, but usually within 2-3 hours after midnight GMT


> No, no, no.


> As the Claw of Aurene, we now must spin around _very very very_ fast as we travel from one end of the map to another.


_Dr._ Claw of Aurene. I didn't go the College of Synergetics for six years to be called "the".

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > As the Claw of Aurene, you can look forward to groups of adventurers attacking your right hand every 3 hours, but usually within 2-3 hours after midnight GMT


> No, no, no.


> As the Claw of Aurene, we now must spin around _very very very_ fast as we travel from one end of the map to another.


Cantha confirmed? :D

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I think we will retain our current position. Aurene can be involved in the sense that she rebrands current branded with hers and gives them their free will back possibly, and could even offer is reinforcements in future battles, but I don’t foresee her being directly involved as it would be pretty one sided and I doubt they would want to do that. Especially given that the stakes will probably not be as high for quite some time.


If anything, they might set Aurene up to be a guide to us like Glint, using her telepathic link to us and her prophecy as a way to lead us to future fights without actually fighting our battles with us.


Or she might just be off and busy fixing some of the current damage done by Kralk or even Zhaitan and Mordremoth. It would be interesting to see her essentially “cleansing” some of these areas and us seeing the fruits of her labor further down.


It’s hard telling what direction she flew in based on the cinematic because I couldn’t find an area that resembled where they are standing in Dragonfall.

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that's funny since i made this exact same comment years ago. I kind of foresee the commander eventually becoming an actual larger-than-life Dragon Champion later on in the future - perhaps when they reach the end of their natural lifespan Aurene uses her magic to 'return' the commander as an actual Branded Champion to stand watch over tyria or something.


I imagine since her energy domain seems to be Light (since she's, you know, bright as fudge as an ED) we would be some sort of laser beam shooting giant.

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> @"Carlin Sanders.3587" said:

> that's funny since i made this exact same comment years ago. I kind of foresee the commander eventually becoming an actual larger-than-life Dragon Champion later on in the future - perhaps when they reach the end of their natural lifespan Aurene uses her magic to 'return' the commander as an actual Branded Champion to stand watch over tyria or something.


> I imagine since her energy domain seems to be Light (since she's, you know, bright as fudge as an ED) we would be some sort of laser beam shooting giant.


I don't think the commander would become a giant in this scenario, more an iridescent crystalized humanoid.

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> @"Carlin Sanders.3587" said:

> that's funny since i made this exact same comment years ago. I kind of foresee the commander eventually becoming an actual larger-than-life Dragon Champion later on in the future - perhaps when they reach the end of their natural lifespan Aurene uses her magic to 'return' the commander as an actual Branded Champion to stand watch over tyria or something.


> I imagine since her energy domain seems to be Light (since she's, you know, bright as fudge as an ED) we would be some sort of laser beam shooting giant.


They doubtlessly won't do such a thing. ArenaNet seems to be intent on not giving characters a definitive start or end (as made evident with the open ending fate of the Hero of Nightfall). This is likely also why they chose to brand Caithe and not the Commander.

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> @"Carlin Sanders.3587" said:

> that's funny since i made this exact same comment years ago. I kind of foresee the commander eventually becoming an actual larger-than-life Dragon Champion later on in the future - perhaps when they reach the end of their natural lifespan Aurene uses her magic to 'return' the commander as an actual Branded Champion to stand watch over tyria or something.


> I imagine since her energy domain seems to be Light (since she's, you know, bright as fudge as an ED) we would be some sort of laser beam shooting giant.


I think that's a crystal thing, possibly through the prism of adding some of the other magic she's absorbed and her interpretation of how she wants to present herself, rather than having Light as her energy _per se_.


It is interesting to note that she shot up into the stars afterwards - which could be indicating some similarity with the celestial dragon from the original Dragon Festival.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > As the Claw of Aurene, you can look forward to groups of adventurers attacking your right hand every 3 hours, but usually within 2-3 hours after midnight GMT


> Season 5 plot leaked early huh?


Not really I think but I can list the pieces and rumours we have some dev claimed over a year ago on reddit the next expansion will be Cantha.(even if this was true its has some ? with the changes in Arena NET)

We still have the deep sea dragon to fight and we need to help Taimi with her illness.


About Kralk branded minions in the beginning Arena NET didn't cared much of the leftover minions of the villains so they were just forgotten (Undead, Sylvari, Scarlets minions, etc ) at the end of Ls3 we see to start a change with left overs from Zaithans undead army, then Sylavai the wind festival who fights with himself and then the raimains of joko army in LS4 and some priest form Balthazar.


My point is if we really go in the direction Cantha there is a change we see Mai Trin again but honestly I want to deal with Taimis sickness first.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > As the Claw of Aurene, you can look forward to groups of adventurers attacking your right hand every 3 hours, but usually within 2-3 hours after midnight GMT

> >

> > Season 5 plot leaked early huh?


> Not really I think but I can list the pieces and rumours we have some dev claimed over a year ago on reddit the next expansion will be Cantha.(even if this was true its has some ? with the changes in Arena NET)

> We still have the deep sea dragon to fight and we need to help Taimi with her illness.


> About Kralk branded minions in the beginning Arena NET didn't cared much of the leftover minions of the villains so they were just forgotten (Undead, Sylvari, Scarlets minions, etc ) at the end of Ls3 we see to start a change with left overs from Zaithans undead army, then Sylavai the wind festival who fights with himself and then the raimains of joko army in LS4 and some priest form Balthazar.


> My point is if we really go in the direction Cantha there is a change we see Mai Trin again but honestly I want to deal with Taimis sickness first.


My biggest problem is:


What villain would even be a threat to the commander?


It took a fallen god to kill us and we got stronger since that.


Sooo.... where could someone that strong come from?


Must be some currently unknown place.


Cough Cantha Cough

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > > As the Claw of Aurene, you can look forward to groups of adventurers attacking your right hand every 3 hours, but usually within 2-3 hours after midnight GMT

> > >

> > > Season 5 plot leaked early huh?

> >

> > Not really I think but I can list the pieces and rumours we have some dev claimed over a year ago on reddit the next expansion will be Cantha.(even if this was true its has some ? with the changes in Arena NET)

> > We still have the deep sea dragon to fight and we need to help Taimi with her illness.

> >

> > About Kralk branded minions in the beginning Arena NET didn't cared much of the leftover minions of the villains so they were just forgotten (Undead, Sylvari, Scarlets minions, etc ) at the end of Ls3 we see to start a change with left overs from Zaithans undead army, then Sylavai the wind festival who fights with himself and then the raimains of joko army in LS4 and some priest form Balthazar.

> >

> > My point is if we really go in the direction Cantha there is a change we see Mai Trin again but honestly I want to deal with Taimis sickness first.


> My biggest problem is:


> What villain would even be a threat to the commander?


> It took a fallen god to kill us and we got stronger since that.


> Sooo.... where could someone that strong come from?


> Must be some currently unknown place.


> Cough Cantha Cough


I made that mistake with the Bandit Death Mark. I thought about all the stuff my character had killed and just laughed at the idea of some random bandits threatening her, told myself they can certainly try but didn't expect it to amount to much. Turns out it was a fairly serious threat and there was no way I could defeat them alone.


And if you think about it it's the same in lore. Yes the commander has killed 2 dragons, a god, Joko, and various other massive threats. But never alone and never without planning and preparation. The commander is still 1 individual and, in spite of what happened during PoF still mortal, and with each new threat we're pretty much starting at square one having to do all that planning and preparation again. If something ever manages to catch us out without that time to prepare the commander, and the entire Pact, could be in serious trouble.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> My biggest problem is:


> What villain would even be a threat to the commander?


> It took a fallen god to kill us and we got stronger since that.


Palawa Joko nearly did the Commander in through trickery and deception. It took an Elder Dragon scion coming out of literally nowhere to save the Commander.


Strength isn't everything, and the Commander may be strong but they're still mortal and still pretty damn reckless.


If a lich could get the upper hand against the Commander, then so could others. It's still a shame Joko's plot ended so quickly, and Lazarus' as well. They could have been good, full-plot worthy non-cosmic foes for the Commander, like Scarlet (as poorly written as she was, she's the only villain besides Balthazar to get an adequate amount of screen time).

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What stops the commander from resurrecting again as he did in POF? Do you think there not other power sources to use and Grenth is not there to stop his resurrection. With the mess the elder dragon of diamonds did pretty sure the barrier between the dead and the living is even more fragile and the systems there are even more of an mess.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > My biggest problem is:

> >

> > What villain would even be a threat to the commander?

> >

> > It took a fallen god to kill us and we got stronger since that.


> Palawa Joko nearly did the Commander in through trickery and deception. It took an Elder Dragon scion coming out of literally nowhere to save the Commander.


> Strength isn't everything, and the Commander may be strong but they're still mortal and still pretty kitten reckless.


> If a lich could get the upper hand against the Commander, then so could others. It's still a shame Joko's plot ended so quickly, and Lazarus' as well. They could have been good, full-plot worthy non-cosmic foes for the Commander, like Scarlet (as poorly written as she was, she's the only villain besides Balthazar to get an adequate amount of screen time).


The Commander's strength (like Aurene's) comes from their connection to other people. Same can be said of the Pact. A villain that was able to attack that (through manipulation and deception, turning people against one another) would be a pretty credible threat -- even if the Commander wasn't dead, they would be impotent, and the races and Orders would spend more time tearing each other apart than their true enemy.


Moreover, if the bond between Aurene and mortals was severed, it would risk her corruption and possibly the end of the world.


Could be the basis of a villain arc -- Lyssa, for instance, could play that role well, as much as I don't want to see another fallen god plot.

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