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The Skyscale collection is the best thing of GW2 in the whole season!

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I really truly enjoy what I've seen of the skyscale collection.


I'm sure there are other people like me that truly enjoy this kind of content.


It is okay to rush but it is also okay to take your time and enjoy the game and the map (which by the way is a masterpiece).


With the idea to raise your Skyscale from a baby means that the collection is trying to make the connection to the mount so special and in the real spirit of a true RPG.


Maybe some people can't see this or don't like it - everyone with their own taste.


By the way, I have Nevermore and I had tons of fun while crafting it, raising my chick from little one. Heard that Chuka and Champa shortbow is the same and even that I am not using shortbow I might just craft it in the name of these awesome collections.


Thank you ANET, I really, really hope that you can bring us more collections like this one.


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It must be a great collection tho idk why did they have to timegate it so heavily.


If someone wants to do the majority or all of it over a day or 2 and someone wants to take a week its their right.


I hope they do bring more collections like the griffon, saladbolg or the skyscale but with kuch less timegate.

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I like the collections, parts of it would be fun, but I have a severe distaste for the forced timegates. There's now timegates inside the daily reset timegates going on "Day 3". Incidentally you can also see "Day 3" as a Gold sink, and I expect more direct ones at later stages. I literally only log in to do what I can before I log out. I don't actually feel like playing due to the way this collection was designed. Just doing it to do it at this point. Getting it over with. At the end I am probably taking a break from Guild Wars 2 again. It won't surprise me, I am not motivated to play any more at the moment beyond these massive collections I have to do before the daily reset. It feels as if I'm already burnt out just 2 days after a content update. A first for me since 2012. I don't want the mount to be easier to get. I just hate feeling forced to do all of these collections in a single day because otherwise I miss the daily reset unlock of the next part, or when I did feel motivated to pursue things, I were told nope, you got to wait a day for no good reason. That I hate.


It's also a bit dull how by the time we get the mount, there's no new content to be had. We've done everything. We don't get to play with it _while_ we do content. We get it after we've completed it. Not a great design choice either if you ask me. The borrowed mounts feel awkward and pretty bad since it clearly heavily relies on its Mastery tracks, so that's not the same as us being able to use our own mount during the new content.

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"It is okay to rush but it is also okay to take your time and enjoy the game and the map (which by the way is a masterpiece)."


Except we can't take it on our time, yeterday I had a whole day of downtime because of 10 minutes. If people want to drag this collection for 2 years, they can do that already. Please don't encourage bad design, you might regret that later.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> I really truly enjoy what I've seen of the skyscale collection.

> I'm sure there are other people like me that truly enjoy this kind of content.

> It is okay to rush but it is also okay to take your time and enjoy the game and the map (which by the way is a masterpiece).

> I really, really hope that ANET can bring us more collections like this one.



*looking on your wishlist*

1. Faster reward tracks in WvW + 5 gold at the end




More sersious:

Please let ME decide when and how long i want to play.

Timegates only benefit the developers. Arificial content value, and a pretty lazy one.

[moderator: content removed]

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> @"sigur.9453" said:


They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.



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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> Totally agree. This is like the gen1 legendary quests to get the precursor. This is the game.

> People complaining about the timegate thing would likely prefer to just log in and receive the mount in a mail, I guess.


No, you seamingly do not get it at all.

I would have no problem if i need to do a collection that need 20h+ (or whatever numbers you would like to put there), as long as i can choose (!) to spent that time whenever i want to.

Or 2K Gold.

Or demanding doing Fractal CMs nacked.




Honestly, im no big fan of most collections, at least not for the "go there, press F thingies." But at least i can "rush" them whenever im in the mood to do them.


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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:


> They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

> Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.




Yes, an that exactly my problem with it.

i don´t need them to tell me how to spend my time in the game.

Yes again, artificially keeping the population in these maps stable. The "not so lazy" way would be to make those maps enjoyable/fun/profitable (whatever your players majority is looking for)

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> >

> > They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

> > Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> > Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> > It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.

> >

> >


> Yes, an that exactly my problem with it.

> i don´t need them to tell me how to spend my time in the game.

> Yes again, artificially keeping the population in these maps stable. The "not so lazy" way would be to make those maps enjoyable/fun/profitable (whatever your players majority is looking for)


ANET are not telling you what to do. You are free to do whatever you want. Time gate is part of the game and it just happens that this mount is time gated too as many other things in the game.


Time gating Aurora

Time gating Raids

Time gating HoT metas

Time gating Crafting materials

Time gating WvW tickets

Time gating PvP tickets





The list is huge, really. Now you are saying all these things are problems because ANET is trying to tell you how to spend your time.


Sorry but these things keep the game so awesome.

Look how populated are HoT metas compared to PoF metas for example. People stay there because of this time gate.


ANET are moving in the right direction and even if you don't understand it right now you will thank them later :)


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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:


> They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

> Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.




we are playing the same game? ever crafted a legendary in this game? your post doesnt make any sense



you like timegated content? WoW wants to talk with you.


> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> Totally agree. This is like the gen1 legendary quests to get the precursor. This is the game.

> People complaining about the timegate thing would likely prefer to just log in and receive the mount in a mail, I guess.


No. we only want to decide our own pace how to play.

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> @"BrotherBelial.3094" said:

> I'm not sure if the OP is being sarcastic or not.


Op is deadass serious, he/she think they slick but don’t realize they are actually in hindsight helping the case to remove timegates.


Peep this, I bet my entire account if timegate was removed the OP wouldn’t be upset(which is questioning the motive)...truthfully. Sad part is the post contradicted itself which is what defending timegates usually do. Timegates contradict the notions of you playing how you want to play and how you’re actually taking time playing the game. Because if you’re not doing it on your own will then that’s not you taking your time that’s the timegate taking your time in the game for you.


So in the ops attempt to try to make his/her post shed positive light on Timegates the op succeeded in doing quite the opposite.


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> @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > @"BrotherBelial.3094" said:

> > I'm not sure if the OP is being sarcastic or not.


> Op is deadass serious, he/she think they slick but don’t realize they are actually in hindsight helping the case to remove timegates.


> Peep this, I bet my entire account if timegate was removed the OP wouldn’t be upset...truthfully. Sad part is the post contradicted itself which is what defending timegates usually do. Timegates contradict the notions of you playing how you want to play and how you’re actually taking time playing the game. Because if you’re not doing it on your own will then that’s not you taking your time that’s the timegate taking your time in the game for you.


> So in the ops attempt to try to make his/her post she’d positive light on Timegates the op succeeded in doing quite the opposite.




I don't care if there is time gate or not (generally speaking about the time gate mechanic). I am saying that the current state of the collection, which happens to have time gate, is wonderful and I would like to see more collections like this one.

I see that you may have missed very important sentence from the OP:

"It is okay to rush but it is also okay to take your time and enjoy the game and the map (which by the way is a masterpiece)."

Which means that I don't mind either people rushing content or taking their time to complete. But when there is a time gated content, people that are used to rush over it can't accept it, which is not okay. It is not okay because the time gating is not a bug, it is working as intended. And ANET have decided to time gate the mount as they have decided to time gate many other things.

I understand that you may not like the collection because of that and it is okay - you don't have to do it! The game is full of content that is not for everyone. Not everyone enjoy raids, not everyone enjoy making legendaries, not everyone enjoy WvW, not everyone enjoy PvP, not everyone enjoy specific profession. The collection is not different from anything else. But wanting to change something just because you don't like it even so some people (like me) find it as the perfect content, doesn't mean ANET should change it. There will be more content suitable for your taste. There will be more content which I dislike.


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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > >

> > > They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

> > > Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> > > Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> > > It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yes, an that exactly my problem with it.

> > i don´t need them to tell me how to spend my time in the game.

> > Yes again, artificially keeping the population in these maps stable. The "not so lazy" way would be to make those maps enjoyable/fun/profitable (whatever your players majority is looking for)


> ANET are not telling you what to do. You are free to do whatever you want. Time gate is part of the game and it just happens that this mount is time gated too as many other things in the game.


> Time gating Aurora

> Time gating Raids

> Time gating HoT metas

> Time gating Crafting materials

> Time gating WvW tickets

> Time gating PvP tickets

> etc

> etc

> etc




How can i do whatever i want if the things i want to do are timegated (=you cant to it)?


Aurora has one heavily timegated part, and suprisingly it was the worst one for me. i complained then aswell.

Raids have a timegate regarding loot, but i can still play them whenever i want. NOTHING is stopping me to progress in raids. (my skill perhaps)

HoT metas, same.

Crafting mats -> tp

WvW tickets, is there? i dont play that mode regulary, more reason not to do so. (almost got to last chest a phew times, but this quite took me a while, so personally no timegating i guess)

Pvp, see WvW


> The list is huge, really. Now you are saying all these things are problems because ANET is trying to tell you how to spend your time.

Yes, i complained "hard timegates " before. (druid stone as prime example)

Let me do things 24/7 without "punishing" me for not playing another content i maybe do not enjoy that much.


> Sorry but these things keep the game so awesome.

fact or opinion?


> Look how populated are HoT metas compared to PoF metas for example. People stay there because of this time gate.

What are you talking about?

Please explain.

More players because you get the Fat extra loot ONLY once a day? If so, would it be less players or more players if there was no limit in that fat lootbox?


> ANET are moving in the right direction and even if you don't understand it right now you will thank them later :)

at least anet is only telling my how to play, and not how to think

thats such a non argument





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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > >

> > > They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

> > > Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> > > Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> > > It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yes, an that exactly my problem with it.

> > i don´t need them to tell me how to spend my time in the game.

> > Yes again, artificially keeping the population in these maps stable. The "not so lazy" way would be to make those maps enjoyable/fun/profitable (whatever your players majority is looking for)


> ANET are not telling you what to do. You are free to do whatever you want. Time gate is part of the game and it just happens that this mount is time gated too as many other things in the game.


> Time gating Aurora

> Time gating Raids

> Time gating HoT metas

> Time gating Crafting materials

> Time gating WvW tickets

> Time gating PvP tickets

> etc

> etc

> etc


> The list is huge, really. Now you are saying all these things are problems because ANET is trying to tell you how to spend your time.


> Sorry but these things keep the game so awesome.

> Look how populated are HoT metas compared to PoF metas for example. People stay there because of this time gate.


> ANET are moving in the right direction and even if you don't understand it right now you will thank them later :)



Time-gating Legendaries isn't something people really complain about due to most people not needing Legendaries, as Ascended offers the same stats as Legendary, and Ascended time gate can be skipped. The mount on the other hand isn't equivalent to Legendaries, as it's the only variant of the mount. It's also funny to say you find this collection the best ever, when Griffon was also collection oriented, and honestly, I preferred the Griffon over this one.

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > >

> > > > They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

> > > > Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> > > > Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> > > > It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yes, an that exactly my problem with it.

> > > i don´t need them to tell me how to spend my time in the game.

> > > Yes again, artificially keeping the population in these maps stable. The "not so lazy" way would be to make those maps enjoyable/fun/profitable (whatever your players majority is looking for)

> >

> > ANET are not telling you what to do. You are free to do whatever you want. Time gate is part of the game and it just happens that this mount is time gated too as many other things in the game.

> >

> > Time gating Aurora

> > Time gating Raids

> > Time gating HoT metas

> > Time gating Crafting materials

> > Time gating WvW tickets

> > Time gating PvP tickets

> > etc

> > etc

> > etc

> >

> > The list is huge, really. Now you are saying all these things are problems because ANET is trying to tell you how to spend your time.

> >

> > Sorry but these things keep the game so awesome.

> > Look how populated are HoT metas compared to PoF metas for example. People stay there because of this time gate.

> >

> > ANET are moving in the right direction and even if you don't understand it right now you will thank them later :)

> >


> Time-gating Legendaries isn't something people really complain about due to most people not needing Legendaries, as Ascended offers the same stats as Legendary, and Ascended time gate can be skipped. The mount on the other hand isn't equivalent to Legendaries, as it's the only variant of the mount. It's also funny to say you find this collection the best ever, when Griffon was also collection oriented, and honestly, I preferred the Griffon over this one.


You have your opinion, I have mine :)

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I like how utterly dishonest people have to be to defend this flawed concept. If you really think people just want to log in and receive the mount then you have not read any of peoples comment about it. Now that this was mentioned, they could , just give us the mount, step 1 of the story could be "hey we these creatures just came from the mist" and then they could make as many time gated collections for other stuff that already HAS a precedent to being time gated, like ascended and legendary gear, or they could do something really new and make this collection about an exclusive skin, that had a matching set for the other mounts that people could buy on the gem store.


They could even time gate the new gear set, because THERE IS PRECEDENT for that. They could tons of timegated stuff that wasn't related to the mount. No mount was ever like this, you either get through the story or by doing fetch quests, which aren't time gated. On top of that they decided to not let us know about it at all.


To quote one of the core streamers: "I didn't know Anet devs hated the player base so much".

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