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Last patch update (may 16th) - about map completion

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"On Living World maps, characters under level 80 no longer have a chance to receive a Black Lion Chest Key as part of their map completion rewards."




I need a tiny clarification here. My question is: Silver Wastes & Dry Top in the list ? Or these maps are still "core" game ? Thanks.

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> @"MornJack.3579" said:

> "On Living World maps, characters under level 80 no longer have a chance to receive a Black Lion Chest Key as part of their map completion rewards."


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76298/game-update-notes-may-14-2019#latest


> I need a tiny clarification here. My question is: Silver Wastes & Dry Top in the list ? Or these maps are still "core" game ? Thanks.


Since they dont count for gift of exploration I would guess no they are not core maps.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> And this is only for characters below lvl 80, they have no business in living world zones.


There must have been some possibility of farming keys by using the teleportation scrolls book on new characters. I'm going to wager that this is thus only valid for maps to which we can teleport with scrolls. But this needs clarification from a dev, no way for any of us to truly know.

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Teleport scrolls and the Teleport to Friends.


What is unclear to me is if they re-enabled earning keys and transmutations when map-completing. I've been doing a lot of that lately, but am now pausing in a zone at 90% or so. Did I miss an announcement?

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> Teleport scrolls and the Teleport to Friends.


> What is unclear to me is if they re-enabled earning keys and transmutations when map-completing. I've been doing a lot of that lately, but am now pausing in a zone at 90% or so. Did I miss an announcement?


I'm waiting on word for that too. Probably best to just be safe and wait. Lucky for me, this BL chest series holds nothing of interest for me, so I'm stocking up my keys for the next release.

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Why "original" ? Is you post the same ? No

Do you answer my question ? No


So far, nobody answered. Just to nice people wondered just like me. First two. All others are answering a question somebody asked in another dimension, but not here.


Devs please, LW3 and LW4 maps only ? Thanks.


Edit: I've read all your "original" thread... Not a single answer of my question i'll gonna have to find the answer by myself as usual. And i don't even know with the actual reward UI i'll be able to answer.... -___-

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I suspect it's very simple: All LW maps (season 2 and later) are level-80 zones. If you bring a character less than level 80 there, they don't give full rewards. This is true in dozens of other situations as well (like, jumping puzzle rewards of empyreal fragments, farming map-currency nodes in your homestead, etc.)


I suspect they simply want to not reward people for map completion when they're also gaining levels in the process.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Original discussion:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76624/black-lion-keys-and-transmutation-charges-temporary-removed-from-map-completion-rewards


Since the original thread is closed and I don't want to create another one, I'll update this one:


When the Dragonfall map was introduced, I completed it the same day and got a BLC key as reward. Then they removed keys from the reward table temporarily. After the patch that brought them back for L80 characters, I completed the new map 11 times with maxed characters and got one key.


I conclude that BLC key(s) have been successfully added to the reward table again. However, has anyone else noticed a decline in drop rate? 11 rolls are not sufficient to make a general statement, but it's not what I experienced in many zone completions before. I usually had a drop rate of at least 33%.


If the current drop rate is "normal", then I really don't see much potential for an exploit. If you put a 10 hours work day in it with the rechargable porting device, you get 1 key. That's hardly worth the effort. I believe the devs changed the drop rate before adding them to the table again, but I only have my 11 rolls. I assume many other players do the same with their characters, what's your experience after the change?

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I believe it was the teleport to friend, to bloodstone fen, which can be completed much faster than one hour.


They said Living World maps, which both Drytop and Silverwastes are (LW2). Not sure why a sub-80 would be in either, though.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Original discussion:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76624/black-lion-keys-and-transmutation-charges-temporary-removed-from-map-completion-rewards


> Since the original thread is closed and I don't want to create another one, I'll update this one:


> When the Dragonfall map was introduced, I completed it the same day and got a BLC key as reward. Then they removed keys from the reward table temporarily. After the patch that brought them back for L80 characters, I completed the new map 11 times with maxed characters and got one key.


> I conclude that BLC key(s) have been successfully added to the reward table again. However, has anyone else noticed a decline in drop rate? 11 rolls are not sufficient to make a general statement, but it's not what I experienced in many zone completions before. I usually had a drop rate of at least 33%.


> If the current drop rate is "normal", then I really don't see much potential for an exploit. If you put a 10 hours work day in it with the rechargable porting device, you get 1 key. That's hardly worth the effort. I believe the devs changed the drop rate before adding them to the table again, but I only have my 11 rolls. I assume many other players do the same with their characters, what's your experience after the change?


It's luck of the roll.


9 map completes on Sandswept Isles: 5 keys. 9 map completes on Thunderhead Peaks: 1 key.


I usually average 2 - 3 keys per LW release.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> When the Dragonfall map was introduced, I completed it the same day and got a BLC key as reward. Then they removed keys from the reward table temporarily. After the patch that brought them back for L80 characters, I completed the new map 11 times with maxed characters and got one key.


> 11 rolls are not sufficient to make a general statement, but it's not what I experienced in many zone completions before. I usually had a drop rate of at least 33%.


If the "true" rate is 33% (which seems very high; see other posts on the topic), then [the chance of getting 0 or 1 keys from 11 tries is close to 8%](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=33%25+chance+of+success,+11+trials,+less+than+2+successes). In probability terms: likely to happen to someone.




> If the current drop rate is "normal", then I really don't see much potential for an exploit. If you put a 10 hours work day in it with the rechargable porting device, you get 1 key. That's hardly worth the effort.

"Hardly worth the effort" isn't the only criterion for deciding if something is (a) an exploit in the first place nor (b) whether the studio wants to do something about it.

Before they changed the rules, the new gizmo was infinitely reusable by creating new characters. It took maybe 5 minutes to get a map completion, so let's say 11/hour. That's slower than a key run, which is limited to once per week. It's far, far, far faster than farming gold to buy keys.



> I believe the devs changed the drop rate before adding them to the table again, but I only have my 11 rolls.

There's no reason to believe that the drop rate changed. 11 rolls aren't enough to rouse suspicions.




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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Technically Southson is a LW map as well so I'd assume that counts IF Silverwastes and Dry Top do


Southsun Cove was the first map the made the change for, and it was quite some time ago, as people discovered you could very very quickly complete the map on a low level character. So it is sort of in it's own category there.


*edit: And they didn't just remove the keys, they pretty much nuked the rewards from orbit.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Technically Southson is a LW map as well so I'd assume that counts IF Silverwastes and Dry Top do


> Southsun Cove was the first map the made the change for, and it was quite some time ago, as people discovered you could very very quickly complete the map on a low level character. So it is sort of in it's own category there.


> *edit: And they didn't just remove the keys, they pretty much nuked the rewards from orbit.


Southsun Cove rewards 10 karka shells + a transmutation charge. 75-100 silver isn't that shabby; it's just not as good as other zones.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Technically Southson is a LW map as well so I'd assume that counts IF Silverwastes and Dry Top do


> Southsun Cove was the first map the made the change for, and it was quite some time ago, as people discovered you could very very quickly complete the map on a low level character. So it is sort of in it's own category there.


> *edit: And they didn't just remove the keys, they pretty much nuked the rewards from orbit.


Maybe they can add the key back in for level 80 toons since there is a new president for the living world maps.

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" and Devs:

Customer Support states they don't know when you will re-enable BL Keys (and Transmutation Charges) for Map Completion. They also don't know about reimbursing BL Keys (1) or Transmutation Charges (1) for those players that completed, say, the Dragonfall map during the suspension period. Could you maybe enlighten them?


Thanks so much.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > Technically Southson is a LW map as well so I'd assume that counts IF Silverwastes and Dry Top do

> >

> > Southsun Cove was the first map the made the change for, and it was quite some time ago, as people discovered you could very very quickly complete the map on a low level character. So it is sort of in it's own category there.

> >

> > *edit: And they didn't just remove the keys, they pretty much nuked the rewards from orbit.


> Maybe they can add the key back in for level 80 toons since there is a new president for the living world maps.


As I noted, 10 shells is still substantial. Southsun is easier than even Bloodstone Fen:

* Southsun: 6 WP, 6 PoI

* B-Fen: 4 WP, 7 PoI, 3 Vista

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