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I quit until skyscale is easier

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > > Hopefully they make it easier in the next month or so.

> >

> > That is very unlikely.

> >

> >


> Why?? Did they specifically say they would not??


> I feel so cheated having to do all of the lws4.... I hate story.... I prefer wvw or open world chilling you know? Most of my toons don't have any story completed except for required for Griffin and beetle... now I have to do all of las4 before I can even start on 2nd time gate??


It would be a bit unfair to us who did this part already. I would not mind, however, a reduction in waiting time for you and new players.


I also like that the mount is exclusive.


**I don't like that the mount sucks**, and can be objectively worse than gliding+Springer.

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There is a lot of speculation here about the collection.Yes the timegate is annoying but saying that u have to play 8h a day is simply preposterous. The only part that actually takes some time is the first part of the collection (scales,sick scyscales,eggs). The second part is ez, you revive people, u kill mobs and thats pretty much it, ez and straightforward. The third part is simply feeding your skyscale which takes like 5 seconds each day.


In conclusion a player who's on for 2h a day instead of 8h will take 2 days longer at most to complete the 3 parts of the collection (due to first collection). I hope the other 2 dont have additional timegate apart from the daily reset....i hope...


Now as far as utility goes, skyscale with 3rd mastery is simply broken. U can refresh flight energy twice from endurance and half a bar with bond of faith. This automatically means that there is no wall that the skyscale cant climb. It's not meant to fly from point A to point B, that's the griffons job. The skyscale will basically compete with the springer (explains why anet buffed it). How good it will be remains to be seen after we max masteries. If people remember griffon without masteries was simply garbage and it became probably the best mount after we maxed the masteries.

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> @"Sila.6748" said:

> Honestly, I recommend seeing for yourself the collection and not reading what other peopl have to say about it. If you break it down into steps it REALLY is not hard at all.

> Flying around the map to each item three different times? That's nothing.

> Visiting a bunch of different maps and doing different things on there like, gasp, participating in an event or drowning yourself in quicksand? Not hard.

> Killing a few monsters to get drops to feed the hatchling? Still not hard.


> Literally, nothing about this quest line so far is hard. Time-consuming, yes, but not hard. And time is only a barrier if you let it be. If you want to get the mount RIGHT AWAY then sure, rush to do all of the content as soon as possible and whine about the time gates not letting you get the mount right then and there. But if you don't care, then just do it at your own pace. I took 4 days to do what other people did in two days. And I enjoyed myself a hell of a lot more, did other achievements alongside it, meta events, map completion, etc.


> Take a step back, breathe, and remember it's just a game. Don't go insulting other people who DO have time to play just because you don't. (Not everyone who has time to play is some "sweaty basement dweller" - many of us have jobs, careers, lives outside of the game. We just know how to make good use of our time.)


Most people who complained aren't even complaining about the difficulty of the collection, not even the op talked about difficulty. It doesn't matter if something is easy, or not, I'm sure most people would've preferred a more difficult collection if it was less dull.

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I see quite a few posters being 100% sure they won't change anything about the skyscale collections because people have already progressed in it and it would be unfair. I remember a pretty similar situation back in HoT launch. Many players had done their mastery grind to be able to progress in the maps and yet Anet changed the requirements. If they think something needs to be changed, they will do so despite it being perceived as unfair.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> I see quite a few posters being 100% sure they won't change anything about the skyscale collections because people have already progressed in it and it would be unfair. I remember a pretty similar situation back in HoT launch. Many players had done their mastery grind to be able to progress in the maps and yet Anet changed the requirements. If they think something needs to be changed, they will do so despite it being perceived as unfair.


As far as I know Stephane already said it's being discussed with developers what to do with Skyscale anyway


> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"LaFurion.3167" said:


> > Why?? Did they specifically say they would not??

> >


> Because as far as I am aware I don't think they have ever nerfed a collection, and besides I don't feel it needs nerfing, the reward justifies the difficulty.


You know that "Difficulty" <> "Time-gated grind", right? I mean, "difficulty" would be complex mission quests, perhaps with a jumping puzzle or some other logic puzzle. But time-gating something doesn't make it "difficult" it makes it tedious.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > Awhile ago a poster ranted and ranted about the Griffon collection, and how he wanted to just pay for it, and essentially, the forum community, by and large, agreed it was a lot of work, but that getting it easier, wasn't about playing the game.

> >

> > They say upfront in the mail that LS4 is required; LS4 was given away free not once but twice, and on sale after that. LS4 was begun a LONG time ago. Heck, it has been a good four MONTHS since the last episode. I just don't see why they would remove any of these requirements. In fact, I personally don't WANT them to. When my friends eventually give in to my persuading them to give this game a try, I want to redo the story along with them, so they can experience the story and episodes.

> >

> > I realize you don't like the story but it doesn't take that long. While you're waiting to see what else is time-gated, why not enjoy an episode a day?


> I'll try. But it's not just the living world holding me and a lot of others back. Nothing warrants the truly frustrating design and implementation of some or the collections achievements. I'm hearing horror stories. And how people have to race or compete with each other to try and get stuff done.


> Its totally not fun. Cant even go at my own pace!


Totally not true..


This just sounds like some really poorly written troll post .. ANET please close the thread before it gets really messy

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This week I finally finished my first legendary, the Sunrise. Crafted from precursor to every single gift.


It was months (two or three, not sure) full of time gates, flying around the map, reading wiki and tips, checking prices, farming and cursing jumping puzzles designers.


It was a journey, something I will always remember when I look to that shiny long sword. I hope ANet keep the journey about the new mount the way it is.


At some moment I will do it and I will probably curse it too. But that's de price and it is my option to pay or not.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Literally got burnt out after playing an entire day, up to and including the eggs.


> Haven't bothered to long on because I don't want to be time hated... will just play wow or apex until my new PC arrives in a month or so, maybe I'll be craving gw2 then?



> Can somebody let me know if arena net will remove the time gate in the near future? I saw that the pof mastery is enabled again which is nice... but already I've lost so much exp from that one day of playing all day and not getting any I feel cheated. And I could really use spirit shards too... only have 17 and need to craft full asc wvw gear for one toon... I've also seen them say they will look into some achievement for jormag or something??


> That plus I'm waiting to see what the other collections will be like. Have fun going ham at it guys... I've learned my lesson. Will treat this as astralaria version of the mount and take my damnedest sweetest time. Hopefully they make it easier in the next month or so.


> PLEASE anet remove the living world season 4 requirement.. do I have to complete all of them to talk to gorrik? Ridiculous! Teletported to friends suns refuge and couldn't talk to him.... more gates... ugh...


I hope they add some more collections like this one, even harder.

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Why would you play an entire day for a subpar mount that's gated behind a bunch of annoying collections? Serious question, I don't really understand the motivation.


I will get it eventually, but I'm definitely not rushing it. I doubt I will really use the mount at all. Maybe to afk without getting aggro?

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > I see quite a few posters being 100% sure they won't change anything about the skyscale collections because people have already progressed in it and it would be unfair. I remember a pretty similar situation back in HoT launch. Many players had done their mastery grind to be able to progress in the maps and yet Anet changed the requirements. If they think something needs to be changed, they will do so despite it being perceived as unfair.


> As far as I know Stephane already said it's being discussed with developers what to do with Skyscale anyway


> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.


I think if you got the base Skyscale (and maybe 1st Mastery track if needed to make the code work) unlocked as part of the story, and the higher mastery tracks were locked behind the collection, that could do a lot to appease the general anger. Then at least you could use it elsewhere while working on the collection.


Lore wise it would make sense, you already befriended one in the course of the story. Raising and taking care of the sick ones and babies shows you care and then deepens the bond to your new mount.


Also, a great many of their 'whales' are also really casual players, with low AP but a steady income and credit cards. ANet _really_ wants those players to have a useable Skyscale before they release the (we all know it's) inevitable Aurene skin for the Skyscale.

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For people saying stuff about putting effort into it, there are a ton of people who only play on the weekends due to work and family. They probably put a ton of effort into the game, maybe even play all weekend. Those folks are punished for no real reason. Don't say some shenanigans like if I can do it they can too because everyone's lives are different.


For my own self, I definitely don't have the time to play every day. I'm not even going to bother with this mount as well, I have no desire to feel stressed out because I need to get a list done every day. That stuff leads to burn out, same stuff happened to people playing WoW which is why it had a large dip in subs recently.

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