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I quit until skyscale is easier

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> @"nukem.1458" said:

> This is overboard Grind. Collecting the med then administering it was a fine grind. But now 21 eggs. They went overboard on the Grind. I don't mind working for it but 21 really. The Griffin was a fun Grind that I enjoyed. Back to the Grind.


I agree. Especially when they keep sending me to the same locations over and over again

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The first 2 Collections (scales and eggs) are tedious really but after the time-gate, you expose your egg to various location in Tyria which i find really fun, i still have a long road ahead of me but my advice?

Do them now or when you return and Anet still ignore it, you'll be begging for people to help you do this event for collection

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I doubt it's going to change. I think 21 scales and 21 eggs were excessive especially since there was no in game way to find them. You have to use the wiki or similar. I'd have rather had half as many with one of those scanner items to find them. We'd have gotten the experience and maybe actually enjoyed it rather than feeling like it was a total grind (which it was). Unless you're a crafter, it's not going to be much cheaper than the griffon was by the end of things. Considering the limited utility of the mount for many if not most until the next expansion (I'll be using it in HoT which I got after PoF), I can understand the motivation to grind it out being lacking. It would have been nice to have owning one be a meaningful part of the story content, but given that can be completed in two hours or so, there wasn't much chance of that. It could be worse, they could have made it impossible to finish the story until you got the mount.

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> @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

> I wanna be able to get it in 1 hour with no effort put in and sit in a city to show it off before anyone else!


I had to talk to ppl in game to figure this out bc forum ppl weren't being helpful but I think this is actually the root of the concern for a lot of the ppl who are the most emotional about the new mount's time gate. It's not that they're bent out of shape over having to wait a week to get it, it's that someone else might have it a day or two earlier. Which, okay, w/e, but at least I feel like I understand it better now . . .

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So far this thread is just a lot of people who won't respond to valid arguments about how this Collection release was handled in the main Time-gate thread... To each their own I guess, but if you want to stress your concerns or opinions on it, that would be the more relevant thread to go to as Anet has recognized it as the main discussion area for Skyscale Collections.


The collections aren't hard, they are only time-consuming.


* Collection #1 is boring, but it's easy--you travel the map and pick stuff up.

* Collection #2 is traveling to maps and interacting with objects or hazards.

* Collection #3 is purchasing items from vendors, making or buying food from the TP, and collecting treats from specific mobs that only take 5 or less kills; then feed your Skyscale each day.

* Collection #4 is Jump Puzzles, 3 World Bosses, Hide-n-Seek, and playing Catch. (JP&WB can be skipped with gold.)

* And whatever Collection #5 is we'll see tomorrow.


Time consuming.. yes. Hard? Honestly, no, not at all.


What is irritating is taking off work to do all of this when it was announced, then get told you can't because of Daily Resets. Then when you work you get 2 hours before you sleep, and you finish a collection after 15 minutes and then you aren't allowed to do anything else. Then over the weekend you cannot do anything because you only have to sit there and feed your baby 3 times per 24 hour interval; then when you finish that you still have to wait another 24 hours.


And by irritating I mean horrible. It's enough to make some people quit the collection or not bother doing it from the beginning.


But, I stress this again, the collections aren't hard at all.

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> @"Ygdrasill.9135" said:

> I think 21 scales and 21 eggs were excessive especially since there was no in game way to find them.

Did you even bother to look at the collections? If anything these were much easier to find just from the hints than any collection I've done in this game before. I collected scales and eggs with a friend, and we got all of them just fine without ever having to look for outside resources once. Incidentally we also had a ton of fun going all over the map looking for all the hiding places.



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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"misterman.1530" said:


> > You know that "Difficulty" <> "Time-gated grind", right? I mean, "difficulty" would be complex mission quests, perhaps with a jumping puzzle or some other logic puzzle. But time-gating something doesn't make it "difficult" it makes it tedious.


> So I suppose you did every collection without using a guide then right? because I don't think you did, 99% of players used a guide for it, that should tell you that there is a certain level of difficulty involved.


What's using a guide have to do with talking with an NPC by clicking #2 three times one day, then repeating that once a day for several days? I'm not entirely sure you know what "time-gating" is and how it's an artificial way to pretend something is difficult.


But yes, I have used guides in the past, but simply to avoid searching everywhere for something. I haven't used any guides for the Skyscale simply because I haven't bothered to continue past the first scale I found.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Literally got burnt out after playing an entire day, up to and including the eggs.


Okay if it is _literal_ then you are a pile of ash? Maybe you mean "figuratively" (inb4, yes I know this word got a shift in semantics). On the serious side: I don't think they will change it, since many already started it and it would be highly unfair towards those.


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my opinion is that this is a well thought out collection. you're getting a dragon mount--it's not supposed to be easy or quick. Griffons had the same difficulty in collection, it's a griffon, and dragons, these are magical creatures. You're not supposed to get 'em easy like raptors or bunnies.


now i fear anet will think we want easy simple collections... we don't. The reward matches the effort required of the task.

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I thought I noticed that one less person not logging in.

Why tell people you are giving up?

I understand the acquisition of the new mount is a pain, but it's not necessary for completion of the rest of the story. It's eye-candy and bragging rights.

Don't give up, keep at it. You'll appreciate it much more than if it were easy to grab.


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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > Literally got burnt out after playing an entire day, up to and including the eggs.


> Okay if it is _literal_ then you are a pile of ash? Maybe you mean "figuratively" (inb4, yes I know this word got a shift in semantics). On the serious side: I don't think they will change it, since many already started it and it would be highly unfair towards those.



Aaactually, literally was used correctly there. Started with Charles Dickens, who used literally in a figurative sense ("'Lift him out,' said Squeers, after he had literally feasted his eyes, in silence, upon the culprit") (took this from the Mirriam-Webster site. Using literally in a figurative sense is the second definition. This has an interesting article: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/misuse-of-literally


I know you said shift in semantics but Dickens was quite some time ago. ;)


And I can't wait for reset tomorrow. Feeding the 4th time today, then tomorrow the next thing. Yesyes, I'm behind the majority, but I really don't care. I'm having fun playing the game normally otherwise, and reset is something to look forward to.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > > Literally got burnt out after playing an entire day, up to and including the eggs.

> >

> > Okay if it is _literal_ then you are a pile of ash? Maybe you mean "figuratively" (inb4, yes I know this word got a shift in semantics). On the serious side: I don't think they will change it, since many already started it and it would be highly unfair towards those.

> >


> Aaactually, literally was used correctly there. Started with Charles Dickens, who used literally in a figurative sense ("'Lift him out,' said Squeers, after he had literally feasted his eyes, in silence, upon the culprit") (took this from the Mirriam-Webster site. Using literally in a figurative sense is the second definition. This has an interesting article: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/misuse-of-literally


> I know you said shift in semantics but Dickens was quite some time ago. ;)


Thanks for the elucidation, didn't know that!

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> @"misterman.1530" said:


> What's using a guide have to do with talking with an NPC by clicking #2 three times one day, then repeating that once a day for several days? I'm not entirely sure you know what "time-gating" is and how it's an artificial way to pretend something is difficult.


You are the one that talked about time gating, I have never mentioned it, the difficulty I was talking about was in relation to the actual hunt part of the collection... hence me talking about using guides... Ironically enough you gave up after only collecting the first scale? whats up? too difficult for you?


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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> I have been thinking about the best way that ANet could handle this, and still keep the intent of the collection, and make it feel like a legendary mount while still getting access to it.


> 1. Base Mount and Mastery Track 1 (in-air rescue I think it's called) unlocks with story complete and talking to Gorrik (you already befriended a few).

> 2. You have to do that mastery as normal.

> 3. The next track is locked until some level of the collection is done (say as close to 50% as possible).

> 4. Do mastery bar and spend points as normal.

> 5. Last mastery unlocks with full collection.

> 6. Do mastery bar and spend points as normal.


> Allows people to at least get the base mount and feel like they are making progress, and the 'bonding with the baby' explains why you deepen the connection to your mount. You show you care about the new species' well being.


But I repeat myself.


I think this, even if they left the timegates, might help quiet some of the dissent. I think the biggest issue is people really hoped/expected to go exploring with it that first week. For many, that has turned into, "Sometime in the summer, maybe."



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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Bonus advise: Never forget to feed your Skyscale for a full day. It will die of starvation and all achievements will reset, you have to start the quest from step one again, collecting scales.


Where did you find this out? I hope you didn't have a starved Skyscale yourself.

Can you point to your source?


I've scoured the web for "starving" or "starved" skyscale and haven't found anyone mentioning it.


I also can't think of any example were failing a part of achievement resets previous achievements. On the contrary, ANet has trouble with changing the status of completed achievements (it's one of the reasons it takes them a while to fix things when things don't unlock properly).



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> @"Kalocin.5982" said:

> For people saying stuff about putting effort into it, there are a ton of people who only play on the weekends due to work and family. They probably put a ton of effort into the game, maybe even play all weekend. Those folks are punished for no real reason. Don't say some shenanigans like if I can do it they can too because everyone's lives are different.


> For my own self, I definitely don't have the time to play every day. I'm not even going to bother with this mount as well, I have no desire to feel stressed out because I need to get a list done every day. That stuff leads to burn out, same stuff happened to people playing WoW which is why it had a large dip in subs recently.


Why feel rushed your not forced to complete each part each day that is merely you wanting it done each day to get the mount ASAP.. that is not casual gameplay that is casual "gimme my mount naow".

No one is forced into getting each part completed, it will merely carry over to the next day or the next weekend or whenever your able to play.. it is not a race and you are not disadvantaged in any way whatsoever because there is no necessity in game to have it unlocked ASAP.

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