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Skyscale Guild Chat this Friday–leave your questions for the devs here!

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Where there ever plans to add different types of the base skyscale skins/looks based on the different egg types in collection 2 (the step where you gathered different types of magic for the eggs) or will we possibly see skins made on this idea in the future.


Will things like air movement speed, endurance and other features be buffed and adjusted in the future or are there no plans to change anything related to how it currently works?

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- In the preview stream it was stated that unlike with the other mounts movement was not the primary focus of its design. **Why did you decide to take this route when functionality always seems to be the main concern players have when it comes to new mounts?**



- **Why did you decide to limit its ability to fly by introducing this flight meter system?** Even with unrestricted flight it would still have more than enough disadvantages when compared to the other mounts to not render them obsolete and every content it (at least in theory) could break either prohibits mount usage or has already been "broken" by the other mounts (the springer and the griffon in combination with the teleport device in particular). I understand making it slow in order to not make it the griffon 2.0 but it feels like this flight meter system is just holding back its potential for no apparent reason.



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When initially developing the Skyscale did you have the collection time and requirements in mind or did that develop over time? How did you arrive at the requirement of a full stack of each LS4 currencies for the Skyscale saddle, especially when it seems disproportionate to the other collections. Lastly, who was your target player for the Skyscale?

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I utterly ADORE the Skyscale! This mount is beyond fantastic. Its so easy and comfortable to traverse all types of terrain. I'm super klutzy and the Skyscale is the answer to all my fumbly woes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! <3


I thoroughly enjoyed the collections, _all_ of them! I especially appreciated the more in-character dynamic of learning about the Skyscales, helping their species, raising, interacting, and bonding with one. I enjoyed traveling throughout Tyria to revisit old areas. The "Skyscale of..." collection had some hilarious moments that I truly enjoyed.


Those who have been dedicated to playing the game, especially the current LS maps, will have been able to acquire required items quickly. I appreciate that time spent playing in the past was rewarding in completing some of these collections.


The collections tapped in to the new zone in a way that I better learned how to traverse Dragonfall, and in to older content that many people have either forgotten about or never experienced, and I feel that was really invaluable--introducing/reintroducing players to these tidbits of content throughout the whole of the game.


My question: Will you folks continue to create more content with collections like these, to bring players to older content? Pretty, pretty please? =)

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First of all, when will the Skyscale relased? Since the mount is supposed to be "Skyscales use their endurance and strength to lift into the air, **cling to sheer cliff faces to restore their energy** for long climbs, love to eat fish, and can’t wait to meet you." according to the release page:



Second of all, I did notice a new mount in the game that isn't gaining energy when it is clinging to the cliffs, and therefore can't be a Skyscale. However this had a time-gated-questline to get it. If you got them all till the time gate you did at at release day (Tuesday) around 6 hours, at the next day (Wednesday) around 6 hours, next day (Thursday) 6 hours, got quest for 1 minute each day for three straight day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). And than two more days with 6 hours quest, till you where able to get it.


Why was there such a massive amount of quest that you could daily do at Monday till Thursday and from Friday to Sunday such a laughable low amount? Did you do this on purpose and why did you do this? Getting the 6 hours done each working day was really hard and you had to rush it if you are working, resulting in me missing most of the story/quest, leaving me now disappointed. Getting less quest that needs to be done to finish before the time-gate would be a relief and being able to do quest at the weekend (when most of us have more free time) to catch up would be much stress free.


I feel such a pity that most of all your hard work with the quests had been wasted, because you did force us to rush through the stuff at weekdays and leave us with nothing to do at the weekend.

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> @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> First of all, when will the Skyscale relased? Since the mount is supposed to be "Skyscales use their endurance and strength to lift into the air, **cling to sheer cliff faces to restore their energy** for long climbs, love to eat fish, and can’t wait to meet you." according to the release page:

> https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/the-game/releases/May-14-2019/


> Second of all, I did notice a new mount in the game that isn't gaining energy when it is clinging to the cliffs, and therefore can't be a Skyscale. However this had a time-gated-questline to get it. If you got them all till the time gate you did at at release day (Tuesday) around 6 hours, at the next day (Wednesday) around 6 hours, next day (Thursday) 6 hours, got quest for 1 minute each day for three straight day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). And than two more days with 6 hours quest, till you where able to get it.


> Why was there such a massive amount of quest that you could daily do at Monday till Thursday and from Friday to Sunday such a laughable low amount? Did you do this on purpose and why did you do this? Getting the 6 hours done each working day was really hard and you had to rush it if you are working, resulting in me missing most of the story/quest, leaving me now disappointed. Getting less quest that needs to be done to finish before the time-gate would be a relief and being able to do quest at the weekend (when most of us have more free time) to catch up would be much stress free.


> I feel such a pity that most of all your hard work with the quests had been wasted, because you did force us to rush through the stuff at weekdays and leave us with nothing to do at the weekend.


That's one of the masteries and you'll unlock it soon enough.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> That's one of the masteries and you'll unlock it soon enough.

Cool. A hidden forth mastery? That sounds interesting. So far I got only the one where all your regeneration is stopped if you are on the cliff.


I wonder how this other mastery can be unlocked.


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> @"ixora.3569" said:

> Why isn't the skyscale more easily available given that this is a f2p game. Wouldn't you want all your players to have the mount? Then make alot of money by selling skins?

Path of Fire is not F2P. And Skyscale should be considered a reward for dedication in which other players may not want everyone having one.


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Oh yes, i have a question.

Would you consider reducing the grind in the Skyscale Saddle to a reasonable level? So i dont have to wait months to get all the currencies? (Yeah i know there is a guide posted in the forums), some of us have a little thing called work and cant grind all day.

Thank you!

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Not going to lie I was a bit irritated with the time gate of the beginning however I've been puttering Along on this collection chain and I haven't found it too bad, I've even enjoyed revisiting some areas I haven't been to in a while. It's not that bad to be honest. Haven't used to guide since the eggs and it's been pretty fun

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Not sure if this would fall under Skyscale design or not, but might as well ask. During the Skyscale Collection, you have various ways to interact with your Skyscale. Feeding it, soothing it with music, playing little mini games like fetch or hide-n-seek, and so on. By chance have you given any consideration into maybe adding all your character's mounts to their Home Instance (or maybe whatever the current mount you have slotted is at the time of entering the instance) and giving players similar way's to interact with them if they wanted to?

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> @"Caitybee.3614" said:

> Please reduce Skyscale saddle items from 250 to 100. I quit and uninstalled the game 2 days ago because of this. I refuse to play unless it's reduced. And I played for 7 months straight.


You know, in the two days you did not play you could have easily farmed the currencies?

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1: Any chance that the activities you did with your young Skyscale could make a return?

(i.e. playing hide-and-seek, fetch, and perhaps some kind of care similar to the infant stage. All optional.)


Just as a neat way to continue interacting with it if you're bored or something, and to kinda give it a little more "life" than it has, if that makes sense. It's be really cool if you could do this in the open world somehow as well (like an out-of-combat item to call it, and it takes off if you get into combat perhaps.). Probably could only do a game of fetch, but it's still kind of a fun way to interact with it in my opinion.



2: I saw this earlier, but I can't resist mentioning it again. Any chance for an Aurene skin? It'd be neat if, while using the skin, there was like some kind of conversations that happen when idle or travelling for an extended period of time without dismounting between Aurene and the player character (I'm not sure if that'd work lore wise, but still, be neat in my opinion.), and/or alternate idle animations.


3: This one is kind of "out there" and I highly doubt it'll ever be a thing... but.... any chance that Rangers can get new pets based off of mounts that they have unlocked? That way the mounts feel like they're part of your journey more than just a mode of transportation.


4: Also saw this earlier, and also cannot resist mentioning it again. Flight meter increase?


...and finally, thanks for the work on this mount. Yes, I had my own gripes with the timegate and the resource collection, but still an interesting little adventure here and I appreciate it.

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I'm adding my voice to the many who are talking about the number of currencies you must collect. As much as I would like to see things change from this point forward, it wouldn't be fair to those who are already past that point. BUT .... I wouldn't mind if the number of each you could buy each day were increased from 5 to 10 (or even 25) or even a special harvesting tool that doubles the number gathered.


Why is the acquisition of this mount so different than the others? Does this mean we should expect all other mounts going forward to be massive collection hunts?

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> About skins - since the Skyscale dyes so nicely with only one channel (which is nice), will skins not be a priority? Will we get a pack like the Warclaw? I really don't think it's a great idea to toss them into the Mount Adoption contracts.

if this is can be real legendary, so I belive NO any additional skin is needed.

This like craft twilight and serch skin for that item))



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I see Suns Refuge is empty once again after completing the skyscale.


Do you think you guys would ever consider adding some type of mini-games, like the ones in the collection?

After all of that work, It sure would be nice to keep up that sorta good feeling and bond of raising a species from the start/playing with your own skyscale

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> who thought that turning ascquisition into pure hell was a good idea?


> I mean 500 contracts? 250 of all map currencies? Timegating? JUMPING PUZZLES?


> WHO did it? Really? Who things that this kind of content is 'fun' or 'rewarding', instead of 'boring grind nobody wants to do'?


PoF is over a year old, people should have tons of contracts as there are no good sinks for them.

Map currencies is simply on the level of Aurora.

Time gate I can agree on.

JPs can be skipped with the exceptions of Griffonrook and the quaggan cave. You don't have to do them, you just use mounts and jump to the chest.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > who thought that turning ascquisition into pure hell was a good idea?

> >

> > I mean 500 contracts? 250 of all map currencies? Timegating? JUMPING PUZZLES?

> >

> > WHO did it? Really? Who things that this kind of content is 'fun' or 'rewarding', instead of 'boring grind nobody wants to do'?


> PoF is over a year old, people should have tons of contracts as there are no good sinks for them.

> Map currencies is simply on the level of Aurora.

> Time gate I can agree on.

> JPs can be skipped with the exceptions of Griffonrook and the quaggan cave. You don't have to do them, you just use mounts and jump to the chest.


Like me, I think he spends most of his time in WvW (where I see most of his posts), but I imagine likes to have Xpac stuff unlocked for the brief time he spends with new story content before going back to WAAAAAAGH!


To be fair, most of this collection seems easy to primarily PvE players. Those of us that consider the PvP modes endgame (people are the only _real challenge_ you find in this game) however will be way behind on material requirements.


This is the reverse of the complaints the PvE side logged in the WvW forums about how hard it was for them to get Warclaw because they don't play the mode and, well, were easy targets. Except now we're behind for not grinding PvE in the 4 months that we waited for 2 hours of new story before going back to the game modes we play.


> Play how you want.


Yes, that is what we do, in the WvW/PvP endgame. Skygate should have been no harder to get than Warclaw or Beetle. Even the griffon was loads easier to get.


So, I guess my question is; can we get a PvP / WvW reward track that lets us work towards the Skyclaw collection?

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Hi. Thank you for your hard work and thanks for Dragonfall, it's a very cool map. And congratulations for ending season 4.


My question is:

> Why does the skyscale start with negative (red) flight meter when using Air Rescue from an upward Ley Line or a Branded Tornado?

> An empty flight meter would be ok, I don't understand why it can go full red and go down faster than gliding and Griffon.


And, if I may, I bring this from another thread:


> Is it me or fire attack is very hard to target if you're not on the ground? Is this mount supposed to be used from the ground? Or land before attacking? A target indicator while pressing 1 would be great.


In general, giving the difficulty of its acquisition, the Skyscale should feel almost legendary. At the moment some things are great, others not so much.

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