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Botting problem


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I mean... its ok to not tell like "Zawn was banned thanks to your report" - but you should be more transparent and tell at least that someone got banned... or like a monthly report with something like "10 bots banned, 7 afk banned and 1 leaver banned this past month"

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A good suggestion how to get back to us, if anything is being done on the reports , is something i have seen in other games(particularly mobile MOBAS).


Once you report players, and the support/company made a review did their job properly, the player receives notification that says

something in the lines of : " Action has been taken on one or more people you have reported, Thank you for your cooperation! "

That way you know, "hey , my reports actually was taken action for and someone received their needed penalty " .

This way, i don't know who it is, or how many people received penalty, bu the support/company has notified me that i did make an impact to the

game by sending my report of the certain cheater , exploiter etc.


I feel this could be implemented here, small in-game mails , set it monthly or weekly, that you receive ONLY if your report has helped support

take action against a potential player.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > I wonder how many supposed bots are actually bots.

> >

> > 3-4 k games per season, you think a human being can do?


> one would assume im not talking about the obvious bots.


Me and other people talking in this post, pretty much are referring to this kind of OBVIOUS bots . Would not accuse someone if im not 1000% sure and

have observed it for more than a day or two.

E.g I will not just accuse someone of being a bot, because they played a bit badly or were silent all game...


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Honestly I'm done with spvp, guys just afk running into walls the whole match... Ranked is trash because they are allowing people to bot, afk matches, and match manipulate with no real consequence. For every 4 matches you see at least one of these players. Yeah, we report them, lot of good that does. We still lose rank and the other team wins. Then they soft ban those bots just to let them come back again. Meanwhile the mode bleeds players because they're rightly upset at Anet's inactivity for obvious issues in their system. Ranked is a joke. They really need to do something to penalize this kind of play. Give no reward pips or track for loss would be a good start. Why people are allowed to ruin this game mode like this is beyond me.

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Anet needs to be banning players permanently for this kind of behavior and it needs to be an IP ban, not just account. These players are duo queuing 2 accounts and letting the mule account take the loss or just botting/afk the games to get pips and reward tracks. It's ruining the game mode and they're bleeding actual players.

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> @"KingstonWD.2047" said:

> A good suggestion how to get back to us, if anything is being done on the reports , is something i have seen in other games(particularly mobile MOBAS).


> Once you report players, and the support/company made a review did their job properly, the player receives notification that says

> something in the lines of : " Action has been taken on one or more people you have reported, Thank you for your cooperation! "

> That way you know, "hey , my reports actually was taken action for and someone received their needed penalty " .

> This way, i don't know who it is, or how many people received penalty, bu the support/company has notified me that i did make an impact to the

> game by sending my report of the certain cheater , exploiter etc.


> I feel this could be implemented here, small in-game mails , set it monthly or weekly, that you receive ONLY if your report has helped support

> take action against a potential player.


I've thought this same exact same thing, anet needs to do this.

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The issue really is with the turnaround on this. The time it takes them to "investigate" and take action these bots are allowed to continue doing their thing ruining matches for other players. There needs to be some kind of automation to this, like if a player does less than X% of action during a match the match should be a wash for both teams and that account gets a ban. It would be easy to calculate a player not participating based on dmg done, heal done, capture contribution etc. There should be automatic ban for these built into the game mode. Also, it needs to be an IP ban not just account ban because spvp is under free to play and these guys just make another account and go right back to doing the same thing.

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> Been playing alot of Silver 2 this season, and the botting is far more obvious than if you were in gold 2 to plat 1.

> I even broke 2 bots pathing by simply shadow stepping...




You doing anets work for them...keep it up. Maybe on day they will want to do some of there own work and ban these people permanently.

Us as players shouldnt have to creat a post about bots and cheaters almost everyweek. It super embarrassing i feel for this kind of activity to be happening in there own game/backyard is un acceptable for as long as it been happening.

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Personally I would like to see a new reward system that only rewards players on the winning team. This should include progress for dailies, towards reward tracks, and season pips. The amount of pips and reward track progress should be increased to help balance not having anything in return if the match is lost. To help against groups that want to queue together in unranked to farm pugs, groups will receive reduced rewards depending on the number of players that grouped together. No reduced rewards for duo queues in ranked.


The only reason we have an issue with bots is because of the reward system. People can multi-box running a macro on each instance of the game to automatically queue, randomly run around the map, then get rewarded even if they lost the match. Take away absolutely any and all rewards if the match is lost and there will be no reason for these people to have their macro bots ruining the game mode. Let's get rid of the participation trophy--if you want shinies then earn it by working together with your team.

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I wonder if bots help anet control outcomes so players get the 50/50 win loss ratio. What’s hard is when you die and you come out and see your teammate bots doing nothing helpful. You look for where to go and realize there is nothing you can do to play as a team.

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> @"Crius.5487" said:

> Personally I would like to see a new reward system that only rewards players on the winning team. This should include progress for dailies, towards reward tracks, and season pips. The amount of pips and reward track progress should be increased to help balance not having anything in return if the match is lost. To help against groups that want to queue together in unranked to farm pugs, groups will receive reduced rewards depending on the number of players that grouped together. No reduced rewards for duo queues in ranked.


> The only reason we have an issue with bots is because of the reward system. People can multi-box running a macro on each instance of the game to automatically queue, randomly run around the map, then get rewarded even if they lost the match. Take away absolutely any and all rewards if the match is lost and there will be no reason for these people to have their macro bots ruining the game mode. Let's get rid of the participation trophy--if you want shinies then earn it by working together with your team.


This is how used to be. No, thank you. There's nothing like feeling your time is completely wasted when you're on a losing streak. Rewards for both winning amd losing, is what got me back in to pvp.




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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> I’d like to reply to some of the topics that played addressed in this thread, similarly to what we said in the past [here]( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/447324/#Comment_447324).


> Players’ report of potential cheating (referenced as botting in the report tool) are always investigated by the Customer Support Team, whether done via the in-game report tool or an email to exploit@arena.net (only JPG files can be attached, use a YouTube link for video content). If the account is found breaking our policies, actions are taken. We do not communicate about the actions taken and you cannot always see its effects. It’s also worth taking into account the fact that these investigations take time and are not always conclusive based on the valid evidence that we have.


> Note that not all players are interested in chatting in-game so their silence may not be evidence of anything. Our GMs check various aspects of the reported accounts to figure out who’s cheating and they do take actions regularly. I’d also like to remind everyone that you’re not allowed to name on the Guild Wars 2 forums a player that you suspect is cheating, or accuse the Customer Support Team to not investigate these reports.


> Thanks for your understanding and for helping us catch cheaters.


All you guys at Anet have to do is play your own game. It would also stop all the embarrassing hotfixes that need to be done after every patch that could be diagnosed after 10 minutes of playing.


I just played 3 straight matches with either quitters or bots. The % of games with people quitting or botting has grown substantially over the years and that can only be blamed on one thing...lack of consequences. It's not an imaginary problem and all you have to do is play the game to notice.


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Like to add, that botting is so bad in silver, I constantly run into 2-4+ bots per match. Often the same ones over and over again. Especially during the dead/twilight hours. Only time I don't run into is bots, is when matchmaking puts me with a group of plats. Which is equally just as bad game wise. I guess that is how pvp will end in a few years, full of bots in the lower tiers. XD

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> Like to add, that botting is so bad in silver, I constantly run into 2-4+ bots per match. Often the same ones over and over again. Especially during the dead/twilight hours. Only time I don't run into is bots, is when matchmaking puts me with a group of plats. Which is equally just as bad game wise. I guess that is how pvp will end in a few years, full of bots in the lower tiers. XD

You know, actually its takes time to investigate hackers/botters? Like its so hard to see inhuman amount of the games... check tier online uptime... And this might affect content-shop ! :D

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> @"Crius.5487" said:

> Personally I would like to see a new reward system that only rewards players on the winning team. This should include progress for dailies, towards reward tracks, and season pips. The amount of pips and reward track progress should be increased to help balance not having anything in return if the match is lost. To help against groups that want to queue together in unranked to farm pugs, groups will receive reduced rewards depending on the number of players that grouped together. No reduced rewards for duo queues in ranked.


> The only reason we have an issue with bots is because of the reward system. People can multi-box running a macro on each instance of the game to automatically queue, randomly run around the map, then get rewarded even if they lost the match. Take away absolutely any and all rewards if the match is lost and there will be no reason for these people to have their macro bots ruining the game mode. Let's get rid of the participation trophy--if you want shinies then earn it by working together with your team.


Ha. You assume that all bots suck. I swear that i've seen unnatural coordination so it was either botting or people on discord who were good at stacking matchmaking.


I already don't feel like i have control over the outcome of a match. I'm either matched against players way more skilled and can't do anything or have so many bots on my team it doesn't matter. How about no? With some of the loss streaks i experienced last season this is the fastest way to kill PVP fast.

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  • 6 months later...

> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> I’d like to reply to some of the topics that played addressed in this thread, similarly to what we said in the past [here]( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/447324/#Comment_447324).


> Players’ report of potential cheating (referenced as botting in the report tool) are always investigated by the Customer Support Team, whether done via the in-game report tool or an email to exploit@arena.net (only JPG files can be attached, use a YouTube link for video content). If the account is found breaking our policies, actions are taken. We do not communicate about the actions taken and you cannot always see its effects. It’s also worth taking into account the fact that these investigations take time and are not always conclusive based on the valid evidence that we have.


> Note that not all players are interested in chatting in-game so their silence may not be evidence of anything. Our GMs check various aspects of the reported accounts to figure out who’s cheating and they do take actions regularly. I’d also like to remind everyone that you’re not allowed to name on the Guild Wars 2 forums a player that you suspect is cheating, or accuse the Customer Support Team to not investigate these reports.


> Thanks for your understanding and for helping us catch cheaters.


so u are allowing & wanting us to take evidence of bots (wherever they are) and send that directly to ur email? Even if the normal support(upper left corner of the site) wouldnt help with that issue?

Do i understand it correctly?

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  • 10 months later...

> @"AlCortez.7196" said:

> Maybe provide a random jumping puzzle to get into the arena for bot checking?


they know who the bots are.. . if they want to prevent the bots or do something about the bots.. they could easily just ban them..

but they dont do that.. .. these bots are running for ages.. with exact same char.. and they do games 24/7 and they are reported 100 times a day.

do you really think Anet cant tell who is bot? they also have data and they can tell exactly if someone is doing anything aside from pvp 24/7 and see the reports

lets face the truth Anet dont want to take action .. they simply dont care about competetive players and they will pay a price for it 1 day ^^


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Its Nice to know the report button is investigated I suppose, as been reporting possible bots, and verbal abuse, and stuff. But idle players and people deliberately not playing etc to let the other team win needs looked at more. Afterall some players just give up right near the start. They should be banned as well!


They just need to add a CAPTCHA test to show you're an actual player or something like that when you join the queue, as long as it does't take long like those stupid picture ones.

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