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Can you solo Hot? Can you solo PoF? Can you solo all of LW?

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All of the stories can be done solo.


About half the hero challenges in HoT will require more than one player as you'll have to fight a champion. All of PoF hero challenges can be done solo.


Most events in either expansion can be done solo unless there's a champion/legendary boss or there's a mechanic that requires more than one player.

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So, the backing behind my question is . . .


How many times do you HAVE to summon help from others to complete these instances?


I'm autistic.

I don't play well with others.

But, I was born with it and I have to deal with it.


Just trying to figure out the exact number of points where I HAVE to bring in somebody else.

That's all


Thanks in advance.


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Yes, but not the metas (separate from the story but well worth taking part in, especially the HoT maps). Some of the HoT HPs also require at least a few people or above average skill.


How difficult are the maps? More difficult than core Tyria. The HoT maps will be frustrating if you don’t have a mount and haven’t unlocked the gliding and other masteries but become more fun as you do. Some of the enemies are rather deadly until you figure out their various weaknesses and many are glass cannons. PoF seems easier to ease into, especially as you’ll get mounts.


EDIT: I did have to ask guildies for help with the final encounter in HoT but I think I could have done it if I’d been playing my necro instead of ele or if I’d done some retraiting.

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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> I already have a Raptor (did PoF first part just to get the Raptor)


> Will that make it somewhat easier?



Definitely!!! I would recommend unlocking the long jump for raptor, get the springer and unlock the high jump unlocked for it. Those abilities will help a lot in my opinion. But even just having the raptor helps with mobility and avoiding enemies, etc. :)


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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> Just wanting to know, from people who have experience,

> Can one solo all of HoT, PoF, and LW seasons?

> If it's tough, say so.


> If it's a cakewalk, please say so as well


> Thanks.



Yes, you can solo everything, I did, and I did it with no issues. I haven't played the game since Vanilla when Karka was the last living story (I quit before season 2 and came back a few months ago).


I even went through the game as my base Mesmer build until I had enough points to try chrono and mirage.


I had exotic berserker gear with ascended accessories from vanilla fractals (when there were only like 4-5 fractals in rotation).

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> Can you solo Hot?

> Can you solo PoF?

> Can you solo all of LW?

Me? Yes. I know plenty who cannot. I know others who don't like going it alone.


Builds matter. Personal skill matters. Adaptability matters.


Based on the sorts of questions the OP asks in the forums, my guess is that... "out of the box," they will manage fine on some characters and struggle with others. And, having struggled, I'm confident that they'll adjust build/technique and manage (sometimes embracing the new strategy, sometimes not).

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Yes. Yes. Yes.

I did this with a full berserk elementalist. My main. Even when I was unprepared and weak and clumsy and when I had no clue what was a meta rotation. Story content is created to be able to do it alone, no matter what.


Edit: Even the achievements are doable on your own. Any achievement which does not require you to participate in a successful meta is doable alone.

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> @"MornJack.3579" said:

> [...]

> Edit: Even the achievements are doable on your own. Any achievement which does not require you to participate in a successful meta is doable alone.

Minor addendum: Or state clearly that it's for a group. There is *one* story achievement that requires a group. I feel safe in saying most people skip that achievement.


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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> HoT, PoF and LW story are all easily soloable, unless you are going for certain achievements


> HoT heroes points, 2/3 will need a group, but I've seen players solo them, the Balthazaar HP will definitely need a group

> PoF heroes points all can be soloed, a few are slight challenging


You don't need a group for Balthazar if you have stealth. No need to fight the champion, just commune with the point.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > HoT, PoF and LW story are all easily soloable, unless you are going for certain achievements

> >

> > HoT heroes points, 2/3 will need a group, but I've seen players solo them, the Balthazaar HP will definitely need a group

> > PoF heroes points all can be soloed, a few are slight challenging


> You don't need a group for Balthazar if you have stealth. No need to fight the champion, just commune with the point.


true, but not all classes have stealth though :\

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> HoT, PoF and LW story are all easily soloable, unless you are going for certain achievements


> HoT heroes points, 2/3 will need a group, but I've seen players solo them, the Balthazaar HP will definitely need a group

> PoF heroes points all can be soloed, a few are slight challenging


Balthazar HP can be done solo, just need some serious stealth to do so.

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All story instances of Living World and expansions are created with a solo experience in mind. However, the difficulty of these is a bit stronger compared to your typical Personal Story Chapter 8. It's advised you have some decent know-how of the game's mechanics, such as breaking out of stuns and depleting defiance bars. I suggest you come prepared with a more survival-centric build in mind in case things are previously overwhelming. As for the open-world content outside of the story, the majority of the places you can handle on your own, with exception of Heart of Thorns and specific content (Bounties!) which are better managed with small groups.


But yes, all story instances (indicated by green star) can be done solo. Slight upscaling can occur if you choose to bring some friends along to help you, however.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"MornJack.3579" said:

> > [...]

> > Edit: Even the achievements are doable on your own. Any achievement which does not require you to participate in a successful meta is doable alone.

> Minor addendum: Or state clearly that it's for a group. There is *one* story achievement that requires a group. I feel safe in saying most people skip that achievement.



I can't remember which one but yes. A tiny part of achievements are not "soloable" but as you said, generaly it's well explained.


... Oh wait... Are talking about Migraine ?


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > HoT, PoF and LW story are all easily soloable, unless you are going for certain achievements

> > >

> > > HoT heroes points, 2/3 will need a group, but I've seen players solo them, the Balthazaar HP will definitely need a group

> > > PoF heroes points all can be soloed, a few are slight challenging

> >

> > You don't need a group for Balthazar if you have stealth. No need to fight the champion, just commune with the point.


> true, but not all classes have stealth though :\


Yes they have. You can find few items which provide stealth in this world. Sold for karma usually. Just like you can find items to make a lot of CC. These items are diamond to explore this mad world ! (-:

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You should be able to solo PoF for the most part depending on class and build. I'd highly suggest checking on the builds for the character you're playing for whatever your goal is. There are a few where you'd be better off using your PoF hero points for the HoT elite skill and then going to HoT. That goes even more for PVP, Dungeon, Raid, and Fractal builds, but I doubt you'll be interested in those. I wish I'd done this with my Elementalist. I ended up grinding in Central Tyria go get enough for my HoT skill.


HoT is hard mode. A fair number of the Hero points really are a lot more doable with at least 2 people depending on class, build, and your skill. I mean if you have a Necromancer and already got Reaper elite from PoF? Yeah, go in and faceroll it. Mounts make things easier. Raptor isn't overly useful in a lot of HoT. The Springer definitely helps. The Griffon also. I'm working on my Skyscale to see how that works there. Train gliding and the updrafts skill as fast as possible. Gliding is really handy since you can go into glide even while in combat. If you're doing the story you'll be constantly having to go train other masteries which can get annoying. On the plus side, they used some of those for chapter 6 of LW4. I really wish they'd done more of that with PoF in general because it really felt like everything in HoT other than Gliding was going to be useless after finishing it.

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As a fairly new player who jumped to pof to get the mounts then decided to do hot. i didn't find the monsters to be all that challenging in hot compared to pof. There were a few times where I made a bad choice and got 1-shot but on the whole they felt easier than PoF monsters.


Hated the terrain and other things about HoT enough that I quit after getting gliding and won't go back there until I have skyscale.

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What class do you play as? When I ran my story solo I always brought along Glyph of Lesser Elementals and Glyph of Elementals (Hounds of Balthazar or other elite summon if not Ele/Human), and for good measure some consumable summons (can be purchased from base game heart vendors). The combination of these along with the NPC allies the game gives you makes it feel like you're a group of 2-3 without actually being so.



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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> Hated the terrain and other things about HoT enough that I quit after getting gliding and won't go back there until I have skyscale.


really? I find HoT maps more fun than PoF, lots of verticalities

Yes, I started off HoT hating the maps, especially Tangled Depth, but once you put in the effort to learn the map layout after following HP trains, the maps are actually really fun to explore and navigate around


PoF on the other hand, to this day I still find the Elona maps pretty boring, large empty barren land with a bit of verticality loitering around the place; it was fun for the first couple of times as GW1 player because of nostalgia

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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> I already have a Raptor (did PoF first part just to get the Raptor)


> Will that make it somewhat easier?



For each PoF map you have to have the next mount to complete the whole map. Also, you’ll learn to love Springer for all maps


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