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WvW is now unplayable.... cannot buy mount without expansions.


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Just getting back into the game. I cannot afford any expansions, and I want to play WvW, which is one of my all time favorite game modes. I cannot keep up to my group without a mount. This game is now unplayable for me. This is a very disappointing feature that has been added. Please make it so that people without expansions can use or "rent" a mount only in WvW. It is a game killer.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> I almost hate to say this but seriously, the rest of us paid and paid again and did all the grinding. Sorry but it’s part of keeping the game makers in business, as well as being fair to the thousands that paid the price.


Lets be honest, No one bought this expac for a mount in WvW. This is the worst reasoning for why it shouldnt be for everyone.

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There are still highly mobile classes that suffer little from no mount. Those with perma swiftness, teleports and leaps etc. Thief in particular is about as fast (or faster) as a mount unless its a race across the entire map. Ultimately, if you cant afford €30 on a game that gives potentially **thousands** of hours of content (compared to other AAA titles at €60-80 with 5 different deluxe versions at €100+ giving you 15-25h of content) then PC gaming is going to be tough. It's an expensive hobby. Personally GW2 has saved me *soooooooooo* much money these past 7 years (ignoring computer parts cost) because I barely buy any new games, lol. I dread the day GW2 dies for me. Because it's either going to be boring or costly.

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a rental option, for some money and or/badges could work



so players without exppansions can still use the mount, but with a fee.

they could make it like if you paid the fee, and your character has now a 24 hour buff active (that only ticks down in wvw)


same with how boosters etc work, they only deplete when the actual character is being played, only this would be strictly for wvw.



24h is still long, depending on howmuch you play this can be from a single day, to an entire week.



but it should deffo NOT be free, a fee must be payed. we bought the expansions, our fee has been paid

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> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

> The fact that Anet would even consider a mount rental system just amplifies the fact mounts should never have been implemented in the first place. Poor planning, no testing, no "stupid-proofing", no foresight.


Just like Wintersday races, amirite? :/

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> @"Ryan.3675" said:

> Just getting back into the game. I cannot afford any expansions, and I want to play WvW, which is one of my all time favorite game modes. I cannot keep up to my group without a mount. This game is now unplayable for me. This is a very disappointing feature that has been added. Please make it so that people without expansions can use or "rent" a mount only in WvW. It is a game killer.


It's not unplayable for you. It's inconvenient for you. There is a HUGE difference. I don't get a tremendous benefit from expansions either, but I like to pay my way, and I'm not willing to be without some possible advantages.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > @"Ryan.3675" said:

> > Just getting back into the game. I cannot afford any expansions, and I want to play WvW, which is one of my all time favorite game modes. I cannot keep up to my group without a mount. This game is now unplayable for me. This is a very disappointing feature that has been added. Please make it so that people without expansions can use or "rent" a mount only in WvW. It is a game killer.


> It's not unplayable for you. It's inconvenient for you. There is a HUGE difference. I don't get a tremendous benefit from expansions either, but I like to pay my way, and I'm not willing to be without some possible advantages.


Uh.. it's pretty unplayable if all you do is struggle to follow groups and get 100-0'd by the enemy team on THEIR mounts and not a soul will help out or wait up. That makes people who don't have the expansion or mount consider quitting/leaving and finding something else.


I'm new to the wvw experience and so far I've found it to be just that. It's REALLY not fun on ANY level, that said, I can pretty much wait out the remainder of my collection, and HOPE to kill a guard and afk in the map until the zerg tags a keep to get that last piece...


I am all for some sort of rental service happening that gives a buff to a temp mount, even if it's just a bare bones mount with no abilities other then the simply ability to KEEP UP with the group. Asking for that isn't being unrealistic.

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As a paying member of this game that owns both expansions, I am fine with a rented version.


It would make as a good selling point for one but it also gives WvW something unique.

You can go to PvP to try fully maxed out characters, so I see no issue in making WvW a place to go if you want to try the basic mount. It might actually increase sales and population.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> As a paying member of this game that owns both expansions, I am fine with a rented version.


> It would make as a good selling point for one but it also gives WvW something unique.

> You can go to PvP to try fully maxed out characters, so I see no issue in making WvW a place to go if you want to try the basic mount. It might actually increase sales and population.


I agree.


NOT having a rental service, will just make people stop playing who didn't get in on the mount when it first came out and people where rushing to get the collection done.


It's quite an unfun experience to get left behind/constantly creamed by enemies :<

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I have both expansions and I can understand that not having the mount is a huge disadvantage. Anet definitely need to do something about this. Either a rental or making the warclaw the only available mount for non-PoF players.


Renting could be a viable option if they can make so you don't have to go back to an NPC every time you want to remount. If you have to go back to base every time then you still have a huge disadvantage.


If they don't have the tech to do this then they will have to make the mount available to everyone. This does make PoF have a bit less of a selling point, but it does have some positives. It is a solution to players being left behind. It also gives f2pers a better taste of what mounts have to offer. They could use the warclaw in PvE as well as a basic mount that is inferior to other mounts.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Rent-a-cat sounds fine to me. ?


> ~ Kovu

It should also have dirty armour thats almost falling, a broken tail and a face that looks like someone ran into the same wall 10 times on purpose with the sign "low mileage, sligthly used" at the rental place.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Rent-a-cat sounds fine to me. ?

> >

> > ~ Kovu

> It should also have dirty armour thats almost falling, a broken tail and a face that looks like someone ran into the same wall 10 times on purpose with the sign "low mileage, sligthly used" at the rental place.



That made me chuckle IRL XD

I can literally visualize this, I curse my artist's gift for that.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> It should also have dirty armour thats almost falling, a broken tail and a face that looks like someone ran into the same wall 10 times on purpose with the sign "low mileage, sligthly used" at the rental place.



If it gave that option, I'd pick it. Derpclaw sounds wonderful.

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> @"Fengzhou

> Uh.. it's pretty unplayable if all you do is struggle to follow groups and get 100-0'd by the enemy team on THEIR mounts and not a soul will help out or wait up. That makes people who don't have the expansion or mount consider quitting/leaving and finding something else.

'It's the status of the game unfortunately...Both pve and wvw it's keep up' OR dont get rewarded...this mount is a poor status of the game, no hardcore wvw'r wanted except for groups who love to pick on less numbers.


> I'm new to the wvw experience and so far I've found it to be just that. It's REALLY not fun on ANY level, that said, I can pretty much wait out the remainder of my collection, and HOPE to kill a guard and afk in the map until the zerg tags a keep to get that last piece...

I have some mixed feelings on the collection for the warclaw, IT should be An overal experience for wvw and show how fun IT can be ...in the end it's a minor ktrain ln you, especially after month after mount release...a matter of 'find it OR loose it'


> I am all for some sort of rental service happening that gives a buff to a temp mount, even if it's just a bare bones mount with no abilities other then the simply ability to KEEP UP with the group. Asking for that isn't being unrealistic.

Here's why i have a bit of mixed feelings, i mean people worked for it and after 2 yrs i decided to not do the Griffin collection in pve, the pve maps need more and more that collection done to, for instance, participate propperly in the meta. But i cant keep up' with the group


Can i have the Griffin rent now?


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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > @"Fengzhou

> > Uh.. it's pretty unplayable if all you do is struggle to follow groups and get 100-0'd by the enemy team on THEIR mounts and not a soul will help out or wait up. That makes people who don't have the expansion or mount consider quitting/leaving and finding something else.

> 'It's the status of the game unfortunately...Both pve and wvw it's keep up' OR dont get rewarded...this mount is a poor status of the game, no hardcore wvw'r wanted except for groups who love to pick on less numbers.


> > I'm new to the wvw experience and so far I've found it to be just that. It's REALLY not fun on ANY level, that said, I can pretty much wait out the remainder of my collection, and HOPE to kill a guard and afk in the map until the zerg tags a keep to get that last piece...

> I have some mixed feelings on the collection for the warclaw, IT should be An overal experience for wvw and show how fun IT can be ...in the end it's a minor ktrain ln you, especially after month after mount release...a matter of 'find it OR loose it'


> > I am all for some sort of rental service happening that gives a buff to a temp mount, even if it's just a bare bones mount with no abilities other then the simply ability to KEEP UP with the group. Asking for that isn't being unrealistic.

> Here's why i have a bit of mixed feelings, i mean people worked for it and after 2 yrs i decided to not do the Griffin collection in pve, the pve maps need more and more that collection done to, for instance, participate propperly in the meta. But i cant keep up' with the group


> Can i have the Griffin rent now?



I'm not the sort of person who gets all mad at people having rental mounts at all despite my having done the collections for them. Rental mounts tend to be gutted compared to the full mastery unlock anyway.


I don't see how it would necessarily be a terrible thing. :/

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Rent-a-cat sounds fine to me. ?

> >

> > ~ Kovu

> It should also have dirty armour thats almost falling, a broken tail and a face that looks like someone ran into the same wall 10 times on purpose with the sign "low mileage, sligthly used" at the rental place.



I picture a french bulldog now.

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> @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> I bought PoF as soon as they announced the mount for WvW as I knew it was gonna be a must have. Letting people get a rental would be a good I think as it would lower frustration for f2p players.


To be fair, F2P should not be playing WvW. They lack Gliding, Mounts, and the Elite Specs, that make up over 90% of the meta.


All they do is drag down their servers. They should be limited to EotM only.

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I think Warclaw should be for everyone. Otherwise it just hurts the game. I don't think there are many players that will buy the PoF just for WvW mount. Glinding is not nearly as game changing as the mount and there are still plenty of top notch or viable non-elite builds.

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> @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> Guild chat a couple months ago. They mentioned they were discussing a mount rental system for WvW for players who don't have it unlocked. Skip to 29:46 in the video.




they also discussed about having dismount skill and mounts not being immune to CC and go on still dont see this in.

WvW is idd not a place to be if u dont have mount, but all the other players in my other thread said its really easy to play without mount u just gotta be gut!


so git gut id say!


tbh remove shit mounts would be better for every1 :D

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