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The problem I have with the Living Story content is our character is a Mary Sue

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > first we had to just defend a skyship and the rest was done by others, then we had a dragon we could never physically hurt so we had to do some stupid mind battle, last we had to fight a god with the help of no less then two dragons.

> > > and now we have ppl being horrified that we finally kill a dragon kinda on our own, seriously?

> > And did we even kill it on our own, or were we just a glorified helper to a real (NPC) champion, the Draco Ex Machina?

> >


> that's the point, calling the PC a mary sue while it never really killed anything on it's own is really a whine in my book.


Kormir bless you, she doesn’t remember why but we all do.

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We had a discussion in another topic about how our PC rarely if ever solos' anything in the story.


In fact we always have some kind of help, be that via our personal allies or entire armies.

There are few moments in the story that we actually have 1v1 fights with big bad enemies and in those cases we often loose them, hell even with all our allies at our back we can still fail as we learned in the previous episode of living world.


Our character isn't a Mary Sue.

We're not perfect, we fail and screw up all the time.

We're not given this position out of thin air, we earned it over years of story progression.

We don't always know whats best, A ton of destruction and chaos can easily be tied back to our previous reckless decisions such as killing Elder dragons without understanding the consequences of doing so.. or equally as bad.. feeding one a damn God XD


After this episode is probably the first time in the entire 7 year long story so far where we've ended in a position that Tyria feels somewhat safe.. the mists on the other hand are.. oh boy.

But there's only one dragon left awake and frankly he hasn't made so much as a ripple in god knows how long.

Until Season 5 poses us a new threat, things are looking pretty good for Tyria right now.


But yeah.. a lot of the mess we've had to clean up is largely a mess we were somewhat responsible in making in the first place.

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I'm not sure what you mean, story wise, we seem to be incapable of ever doing anything without Taimi. Story heavily relies on her (and Asuras in general). There's a lot of allies, but Taimi accounts for way more than all of them combined. It's bad enough we can't even open a door without her. After a point I didn't give much attention to the story because I already knew Taimi and Co. had a solution to the "impossible" problem. A good portion is even go do this for Taimi, go get that for Taimi, listen to Taimi talk for 50 sentences that provide 1 sentence worth of information, etc.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> The main line story of the Expansions DO have the Commander squarely as the main character, but they have to be pitted against an antagonist that can't be easily be defused by the stories main pillars.... namely Cooperation, Diplomacy, Empathy, Humility, and Hope. Antithetical to these are Revenge, Greed, Mistrust, Malice and Arrogance...... IE all the things that are usually used to create conflict in the first place. Theres a reason people have noted that the Commander's behavior is randomly regressive between during HOT and S3, because the personal conflicts had been resolved at the end of the Personal story. All of Season 1 functioned on the other Characters- particularity the Villains. The Commander was just along for the Ride for most of them. Which also explains why S2 and HOT was told in a smaller scale, and S3 through POF and S4 having to keep the focus small, but expand the world around it.


Why can't we be pitted against an antagonist that is more easily defused? I think that's one of the issues people are actually having is that the resolutions are just points along the way to the final goal rather than situations that are basically stories with an introduction, conflict, rising action and ending in resolution. But I suppose it's not strictly the storyteller at fault...


"But what about the elder dragons!?!"

Storyteller: But there's also the effect these changes have on religion or politics or the personal views of one of your friends regarding a dictator taking pow-

"But the DRAGONS!"

Storyteller: What about a story involving characters who sacrificed a lot for the Pact but seemingly pushed aside as the struggle marches fo-

"But what about STEVEEEE!"



> @"Palador.2170" said:

> You get the point, right? The Commander isn't the only outstanding character, they're just the one the main story focuses on. And as for the bad guys, most of the non-dragon villains are just as much a single person as we are in the end. They might have a lot of people backing them up, but so do we. And they might have a lot of magical power, but the Commander also builds that up over time.


It's a lot of tell and not show though. I actually liked how PoF handled some of these issues though by giving us more background to certain characters that was previously hidden. I've never been focused on how the story messed up but rather what they can do to change things.


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Its difficult. Players hated trahearne for taking our fame, now people hate the commander for being a "mary sue".


I mean, yeah, killing balthazar and the whole way he was depicted, felt cheasy to me, but i guess we all have to deal with it.

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