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Anyone else excited for more Kas and Jory?


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They're relationship seems far too front-lined. I don't care that they're gay. That's not my issue with them. Hell, I like Kasmeer. My issue is that it feels tacky. Watching their relationship is like watching a soap opera, and I'd much rather not. I tend to have more of an issue when it comes to Marjory's lines than Kasmeer's. It's probably something to do with her dialogue, the delivery, or how I just don't like her. At all... Yeah... Probably one of those reasons...

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> I think both of them are boring :/ I don't mind their relationship, it has nothing to do with that. They are just really boring characters in my opinion.


> And about their relationship: The dialogues between them seem so fake and superficial. They don't seem natural at all with each other...but it's not just those two that have that problem. In other games, movies or books some couples seem like that too. I can't really describe it.


> But the relationship between Hiccup and Astrid from How To Tame Your Dragon is really beautiful. That's what I would hope for Kas and Jory. Natural banter, normal talks with each other and not those cliché dialogues. You know what I mean? Argh, it's really hard to put into words...sorry.


Did you not play ls3?

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They need more sensuality. What's the use of pointing to sexuality if you never even kiss? with the aggravating fact that they are two young women, but it looks more like an 80-year-old couple with 40 years of relationship where the only sign of intimacy is calling each other of "dear".


I do not like the middle ground, this game business does not go too far because it wants to still have some appeal to the children's age group, and at the same time wanting to put adult stuff is pro-boredom recipe.


I want to see more blood and dirty jokes, dark stories. When Balthazar killed the comander, it was to show the guts and blood, as a fatality of the Mortal Kombat.


But i understand the developer, there are certain countries made with snowflakes ppl, with strict laws regarding these things. I will not name that country is, the hood will serve those who fit.


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I don't mind it, but I don't particularly care for it either. The story seems to focus in on Kas and Jory's "drama" too much. It's always "You didn't tell me this, how could you?" and "You make me so worried!" ECT. It's nowhere near soap opera level, but at the same time, Kas and Jory are never depicted as just a stable, ordinary married couple. It's always about Kas and Jory's drama and the cutesy moments. In my mind, they act more like teenage girlfriends than a pair of married adults.

Kas and Jory have more drama within a month than me and my significant other experience in a whole year.


Individually, Kas and Jory are good characters. I especially like Kasmeer. When they're together though, their usual good-character vibe is replaced with a cutesy teenage girlfriends vibe.

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I think they’re a bit cluche’d/forced, but i have no particular dislike for them. The amount they apear now is good fun, but they shouldn’t increase it. I also think as funny and cute as taimi is, she could be downtuned a little. She always make the snaps and especially when I play an Asura i hate how she steals the spotlight in terms of intelligence. I would request taimi’s writing is fine, but if you play asura don’t act dumb. Be the one to make the suggestion which Taimi then works on..

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IMO they need to actually work together. The notion that when they are in the screen at the same time they only focus on their "romantic" aspect spawns from the fact they don't seems to be a good team when they have to actually do something. They support each other a lot, but then they work alone. This is not how real couples become amazing. Stable couples tend to develop strong, intuitive and very practical bonds, tricks and routines, which play in the daily life quite well and result really amazing when you actually notice. Like coordinating storytelling, fast room cleaning/preparing food/movie night setup, or even mind-reading charades winning, all the way to launching babies across the room, perfect timed dancing and phrase completion...


My point is: if a common couple can become amazing at charades, a high fantasy couple should become amazing at adventuring and all that stuff.


I get they love each other. I get the feeels. But it was too in my face in the beginning and now is too repetitive and boring. Make them do something more. Show me Kas and Jory dancing across the battlefield. That I would like.

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Not really, no. I find them both rather boring, if I'm being completely honest. The characters I am most invested in are Canach and Taimi because the two of them are fun and feel like they actually have character. Even Braham, though I can't stand his angst, and Rox have proven more interesting than Kas and Marjory.


Of all the current major players in the story the only two I just don't care about are Kas and Marjory. I haven't been given a reason to care about them. They aren't particularly interesting and, aside from Kas being an ubermesmer of almost Jennah-like proportions with her ability to maintain permanent illusions and spawn portal exuents wherever she feels like, neither of them have really done anything noteworthy that I am aware of.

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I find Marjory to be slightly irritating with her overly husky voice acting. I don't like Kasmeer in general because to me she feels extremely flat. Together they're enough to make one contemplate ending themself.

( I'm also extremely angry at ANet for not letting us replay S1, as I never got to play it, and I certainly did not appreciate having these characters I knew nothing about dumped on me with a half-assed explanation. I liked our goddamn 2012 order mentors more than them, to be honest. )


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