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The lore implications of Dragonfall..


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A landmass literally created from the abandoned God Realms ripped out of the Mists, being just south of Arah.


We already know that Orr, and Arah in particular, was of extreme importance to the Durmand Priory (and possibly Humans and Asura in general), because of its cultural, historical and magical significance combined,, and now something literally a hundred times better than that has been just plopped down in the ocean south of it, probably even fed by the same ley lines given that, as far as we know, the Artesian Waters are the nearest ley line hub.


Its like the difference between researching history versus just actually going back in time and seeing it for yourself. Imagining things like artifacts connnected to god magic that weren't ruined by the sinking of Orr and all the years that passed afterwards, just like those of the Mursaat, Forgotten, etc.


I wonder what long term benefits, or consequences this has on Tyria, as just the events that happened since Crucible of Eternity have radically changed not only how we fight enemies, but also lead to major breakthroughs in magic, science and technology (for example, ley line tech, and the newer airships versus the older ones, etc.). Though, its also just a bit sad that the Inquest have spearheaded development into most of these areas, including the DERVs which are pivotal in LS4.


It seems to me like, from Dragonfall and other similar events, Tyria is headed for a rapid advancement/Golden Age in the future.

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Im see Kralks dead body more as a new resource that people will fight over.


Basically, the crystals will be mined at some point.


Be it for weapons or other things.


Maybe someone is crazy enough to make Jewellery.


Kralks body is not something i think will last for 500 years.

Leftovers maybe.

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I'm not really sure what advancements the chunks that fell from the Mists would give. After all, we don't really see any resources there. Like DanAlcedo, I'd think that - presuming it doesn't rapidly decay due to lack of magic - Kralk's corpse will be a much larger resource given the durability of the crystals, and with branded still out in the world, making more "true dragonsblood" weapons would be a boon for the Pact forces in cleanup, let alone other potentials like harvesting the crystals as super-powerstones that the asura would no doubt desire.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I'm not really sure what advancements the chunks that fell from the Mists would give. After all, we don't really see any resources there. Like DanAlcedo, I'd think that - presuming it doesn't rapidly decay due to lack of magic - Kralk's corpse will be a much larger resource given the durability of the crystals, and with branded still out in the world, making more "true dragonsblood" weapons would be a boon for the Pact forces in cleanup, let alone other potentials like harvesting the crystals as super-powerstones that the asura would no doubt desire.


I did think about how the Zephyrites became powered by Glint's aspects made from her draconic magic (granted, they couldn't even defeat a Mordrem boss with that power), and she was just a scion, it makes me wonder what could be done with Kralkatorrik's magic.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > I'm not really sure what advancements the chunks that fell from the Mists would give. After all, we don't really see any resources there. Like DanAlcedo, I'd think that - presuming it doesn't rapidly decay due to lack of magic - Kralk's corpse will be a much larger resource given the durability of the crystals, and with branded still out in the world, making more "true dragonsblood" weapons would be a boon for the Pact forces in cleanup, let alone other potentials like harvesting the crystals as super-powerstones that the asura would no doubt desire.


> I did think about how the Zephyrites became powered by Glint's aspects made from her draconic magic (granted, they couldn't even defeat a Mordrem boss with that power), and she was just a scion, it makes me wonder what could be done with Kralkatorrik's magic.


Kralks magic was absorbed by aurene...

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I'm sure Dragonfall will be of great interest to the Priory and other scholars, but I'm not sure it's going to be a complete revelation. The only one of these realms which is completely new to us is Melandru's. Both The Underworld and The Fissure of Woe were fully accessible to humans and their allies during GW1, along with many other areas of the Mists like the Realm of Torment and the Hall of Heroes. (It's possible someone knew how to get to the other Gods realms too, but player characters didn't go there because it wasn't relevant to our interests.) And we can currently visit part of the Underworld in the Hall of Chains raid.


Also one thing we know from those explorations is the god realms are not uniform - there are landmarks and special places just like in Tyria, so the type and significance of discoveries will depend on what exactly was pulled out. It looks like we've got a chunk of the Burning Forest from the north east of the Fissue of Woe and possibly the Chaos Plains from the Underworld. So no special places (not like if we'd gotten Balthazar's forge and could make Obsidian armour) but there could be some very interesting magic and materials there.


If we hadn't brought so much ectoplasm to Tyria during GW1 then the opportunity to farm it on the new map would be very exciting.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > Shouldn't Kralkk's body be destroyed after he died and his magic got absorbed?


> Was Mordremoth's or Zhaitan's body destroyed? No, those bodies will just rot.


Or as close to "rotting" that a body made from (supposedly) organic crystals can manage.

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