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Do you play as both genders?


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I'm indulging my vanity a bit here, but I am female and I play only females of the human/norn/sylvari races because no offense...they have the better looking bottoms and bosoms! I've tried playing males a few times and I just...I couldn't. to me, the males of the game are just not aesthetically pleasing to me at all. I've also tried char and asura in the females...and for the same reason, they just don't keep my attention for longer than a day...if that!

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I do play both genders, and it's indeterminant of race as well. The voice acting for certain professions often makes for some pretty nice observations. Most notable, is the female sylvari daredevil, male asura elementalist (+tempest), male human guardian (+dragonhunter), male norn reaper. To make it short: I love that there's slight differences in the voices of different races playing the same profession, in such a way it gives personality.


That being said, 60% of my characters are pokes at older electronic music works (excluding my ranger, whose pets are named after electronic artists... I'm not sorry). But, eh. Pick what you wish, how you wish. :)

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For me, the sex of the character (and it's lookout, hair and so on) is mostly depends on the race and class what I want to play because I like to imagine them as real people. For example: In other game, the healer or priest could only be a female, as for me they are easier to imagine as weaker, supporter, caring ones. But the Guardian here for me could only be a male and a more built up physique person so Norn, or maybe Human. And hairs. If I would made a Thief, I couldn't go with a long, fluffy hair, as if I imagine it in real life it would be strange to run, jumb and do hard stuff without knot-up hair. Ponytail, of braided hair would be okay.

Charrs for me are basically animals, so for them I prefer nature close classes like Hunter or Elementalist, but Engineer is out of question.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I imagine you'd also want lots of characters to see all the different story paths. (Unless maybe you're fed up with them and just stick with your favourite.)


Yeah. Once in a while I'll take a new character through Personal Story to mix things up. I main a charr ele, though, so that's who I spend most of my time with. ;)

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I'm female and of my 9 characters (one of each class) all but one are female. My male character (charr ranger) is male for the sole reason that I prefer the aesthetics of male char to female. I voted 'only play female' though, because I rarely play him - mostly due to not being massively fond of the way charr run.

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"I'm male & only play males" - I do have a female character, as at release I had plans to cover all races & classes.

However I soon fell into a pattern of just playing very similar looking Human males - for the eye candy aspect - and so my female Norn guardian never got past the early story chapters, and just remains on the roster for crafting & birthday presents.

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I'm female and while I mostly have females characters, I do have males amongst my 24 (so far) characters. I created my first male character for fun - huge Charr Guard, and he is fun! After, it became more for roleplay reasons. Now that I've, for the foreseeable future, backed away fully from RP I still play both my male and female characters to level them/get their elites, etc.

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I'm male and I have 6 female characters and 4 male characters, one for each sex/race option except male Asura because I can't think of a male Asura name that hasn't been taken yet (I have an extra character slot for when that eureka moment hits me). I have 2 sylvari females though.


Preference reasons: The character model options, voice acting, stance (while not moving), run animation and combat animations are things that I took into account while playing each one and I find that my main is my female sylvari revenant because it has the best voice, best models/styles and a funny/bouncy running animation (I really like the Asura as well), I've even created another female sylvari to be my secondary engineer because the male human voice of my main engineer has gotten quite annoying.


Play time wise: I've spent most of my time between my main and the aforementioned male human but outside of these two - most of my time has been spent on my female characters. I only have 2 males at level 80 (Charr male and human male) while all but 2 of my females (the new sylvari and human female) is level 80.


In other games: My main and all my characters were always male with one or two exceptions but now my main is usually female with a balanced stable of sex/race options for the rest.

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it depends on wich name i have in mind for what character (gender) i must make :D

if my name is moedernatuur (mother nature in Dutch) i have to create a female.

my thief name is kolonel neushaar (colonel from inspecter gadget) so it must be a male :D

oude fiets is ofcourse a female :P

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I've got both, with slightly more females to males, but Anet did such a fantastic job with the female Charr that I haven't bothered to make a male charr. I'm waiting on Tengu to balance that out as I plan to make all my male birds super colorful.


I suspect I will be waiting forever.

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