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Rapid Fire is broken?


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> @"james.9317" said:

> So I was just riding my mount in WvW and just in a blink of an eye I was down. I mean like in 2 seconds I was down, Is this normal now in WvW ? and has anyone else had this happen to them before?


> My class is a core warrior and I have 20k health plus 10k with the mount, That 30k health gone in 2 seconds https://ibb.co/Ttdyqqk


> Should this even be a thing in WvW?


If you don't want to die instantly, like we used to say, get some toughness and dmg mitigation. Like.. oh idk.. traited endure pain????? You have it available. 1shots have always been possible when you're hitting another glass cannon with 0 toughness or protection boon.

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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> Im just gonna leave this here:


Nice burst but nothing I would call OP, sorry:


1) being on Mount involves the risk of a knockdown due to dismount, as a thief you should have dismounted as soon as you saw him on your Screen, go invisible and hit him to death. I have to admit I don't know by heart if a stunbreak can be applied after dismount-knockdown. If yes -> stunbreak, doubledodge, go stealth, Counter.

2) you have like.... 14k HP? and I don't want to ask how much armor, but maybe the 1000 base-toughness and nothing else? And what buffood did you use?


One glass-cannon can kill another glass-cannon in 2 seconds, that is fine IMO in the same way as one Bunker cannot kill another bunker. A full dps revenant or thief could have probably killed you in a similar amount of time.




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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> To be honest ranger is not broken, but slight over performing. What is broken are these:

> 1.- Mesmer

> 2.- Thief

> 3.- Leaching revenant (secret build that only a few play, this build is so broken that could as well be top #1, but because it is not well know by pugs I place it at #3.)

> 4.- Serker elementalist (with projectile block and immunity)

> 5.- Serker Engineer boon spamming with perma protection and -40% damage reduction.


> Everyone else is balanced or under performing.


If you say thief is the second most broken class, then you should quit the game dude.


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> @"Prinzsecond.4863" said:

> > @"Doug.4930" said:

> > Im just gonna leave this here:


> Nice burst but nothing I would call OP, sorry:


> 1) being on Mount involves the risk of a knockdown due to dismount, as a thief you should have dismounted as soon as you saw him on your Screen, go invisible and hit him to death. I have to admit I don't know by heart if a stunbreak can be applied after dismount-knockdown. If yes -> stunbreak, doubledodge, go stealth, Counter.

> 2) you have like.... 14k HP? and I don't want to ask how much armor, but maybe the 1000 base-toughness and nothing else? And what buffood did you use?


> One glass-cannon can kill another glass-cannon in 2 seconds, that is fine IMO in the same way as one Bunker cannot kill another bunker. A full dps revenant or thief could have probably killed you in a similar amount of time.





Iv got 2.5k Armour.

No build under any circumstances should be able to burst for so much damage so quickly without any buildup or setup.

2 seconds and he was able to go though 24k health with an average Armour of 2.5k. That is broken plain and simple. Not to mention that burst has a 1,500 range. Only a ranger main would claim this isn't broken. Im also not counting the 19k wordy impact on my downed body.


EDIT: Might add without great risk also, as that build has no risk given how much survivability soulbeast gives you

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Rapid fire is no more broken than Hundred Blades or any other multi-hit skill.


Rapid fire is easily, evaded and blocked effectively making it useless and it can be easily reflected and retaliated thus killing the user in seconds.

Ranger Longbow already gets so much trash and is constantly claimed to be one of the weakest and worst weapons in the game.. so i'm going to say hell no to anyone who thinks it's only high damage skill needs to be nerfed down even more XD


LB Rangers are one of the few viable methods of destroying long range enemy seige and dismounting Warclaws.. take that away and all those complaints about Warclaws killing combat in WvW because nobody wants to fight anymore are going to get a lot more common.


If you're getting burst down constantly by Rapid fire then chances are you're running a more glassy build yourself and you're not utalizing your dodges effectively or giving yourself protections against certain things.

you said you play Warrior so using a shield offhand is one way to avoid getting blitzed by Rapid Fire.. trait it too and you can reflect the damage right back at the Ranger.

You could also use Endure Pain to make yourself immune to damage for 4 seconds.

The tools are there for you to use and WvW is a whole different animal to PvE and PvP.. it's practically suicide to go melee there with a glass build.

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Just ask for Anet force to render bow arrows, most time they will be culled.

That and improve sound on arrows getting near to



That would be good start... rather than try to dodge invisible arrows....


Having a mega desktop that can play in Zerg @ 4K easilly but having a game where won’t render most stuff hitting u besides aoe rings....


Ranger issue m8 be hapening due other reasons besides the bad tendence balance from devs.


Ranger need to be strong even if they are tower, if Anet can’t solve skills culling issues then reducing the modifiers quoficients are a good start.


Btw rapid fire won’t loose track of target if he stealths.. been like this since release.

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> @"Doug.4930" said:


> Iv got 2.5k Armour.

> No build under any circumstances should be able to burst for so much damage so quickly without any buildup or setup.

> 2 seconds and he was able to go though 24k health with an average Armour of 2.5k. That is broken plain and simple. Not to mention that burst has a 1,500 range. Only a ranger main would claim this isn't broken. Im also not counting the 19k wordy impact on my downed body.


> EDIT: Might add without great risk also, as that build has no risk given how much survivability soulbeast gives you


No ranger main, sorry, but I love killing those high-dps rangers^^

Ok 2.5k armor is at least a Little bit above the base. Giving you 18% damage reduction, but it is not that remarkably high. And yes together with the Mount he got through 24k HP in 2 seconds. But he still got you knocked for those 2s otherwise the outcome could have been different. In GW2 you can either choose to Play "fast" (low armor and HP) or Play "slow" (3k+ armor, 22k+ hp), and your enemy can do the same, so if 2 fast Players meet, the fight is over even faster. If you think it is broken then go for 3k armor, 25k HP and add some protection and the -10% damage Food. You will easily survive such an attack then.


And yes that burst has a 1500 range, but usually you don't fight a longbow ranger on open field, that is where his territory is.


A full bersi holo, full bersi revenant, full bersi thief etc, they can all go through 24k in 2 seconds when prepared for bursting. Complaining should not be about a single skill, but rather on the range of the overall Maximum offensive vs Maximum defensive possibilties in the game. I assume that is what you wanted to say with "no build" should be able to burst for so much.


I know everyone has his own opinion on burst builds, I think they should exist and have their place in order to make the game more exciting.

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> @"Prinzsecond.4863" said:

> > @"Doug.4930" said:

> >

> > Iv got 2.5k Armour.

> > No build under any circumstances should be able to burst for so much damage so quickly without any buildup or setup.

> > 2 seconds and he was able to go though 24k health with an average Armour of 2.5k. That is broken plain and simple. Not to mention that burst has a 1,500 range. Only a ranger main would claim this isn't broken. Im also not counting the 19k wordy impact on my downed body.

> >

> > EDIT: Might add without great risk also, as that build has no risk given how much survivability soulbeast gives you


> No ranger main, sorry, but I love killing those high-dps rangers^^

> Ok 2.5k armor is at least a Little bit above the base. Giving you 18% damage reduction, but it is not that remarkably high. And yes together with the Mount he got through 24k HP in 2 seconds. But he still got you knocked for those 2s otherwise the outcome could have been different. In GW2 you can either choose to Play "fast" (low armor and HP) or Play "slow" (3k+ armor, 22k+ hp), and your enemy can do the same, so if 2 fast Players meet, the fight is over even faster. If you think it is broken then go for 3k armor, 25k HP and add some protection and the -10% damage Food. You will easily survive such an attack then.


> And yes that burst has a 1500 range, but usually you don't fight a longbow ranger on open field, that is where his territory is.


> A full bersi holo, full bersi revenant, full bersi thief etc, they can all go through 24k in 2 seconds when prepared for bursting. Complaining should not be about a single skill, but rather on the range of the overall Maximum offensive vs Maximum defensive possibilties in the game. I assume that is what you wanted to say with "no build" should be able to burst for so much.


> I know everyone has his own opinion on burst builds, I think they should exist and have their place in order to make the game more exciting.


Thats fair enough each to their own. I am a thief main and i think the 1 shot dead eye build that got nerfed into the ground was justified(although less so seeing as this build didn't). I don't think any build should deal even close to the damage seen in the video, and personally see the acceptance of builds like that as adding to the extreme power creep. Currently I need to build malice to burst, and I can't come close to that sort of dps, and unlike rapid fire my burst can be evaded with a single well time dodge, even a double dodge will not completely dodge rapid fire.


But It seems to be just disagreement on what builds should exist. Like I said, I don't think anything should ever be able to do that much damage that quickly ever, on any class or any build.


EDIT: Upon reflection I would accept a high burst build that is basically 100% dead once it misses its burst. But certainly not one that has 1,500 range. Used to be a kill shot engi that was used by some back in the day (although even it cant match the burst of that ranger) that required the engi to be on top of the enemy to land the burst.

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Rapid Fire is not broken. It's the mobility that is. Even necros can catch a longbow soulbeast once if they throw in all their defenses. The problem starts at this point as the soulbeast can immediately leap to 1800 distance and repeat over and over again. This should not be possible as it's the job of your dodges, blocks and stone signet to keep you alive after your target catched up.


Remove the leap on owl and you will find a very dealable encounter that is still viable after its player learned how to position properly.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"beatthedown.2651" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > Very high range [X]

> > > Extreme Burst [X]

> > > Very good mobility [X]

> > > Stealth [X]

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Nerf Deadeye.


> I think they did already.



Thief/dead eye are fine atm.

Player atm need to put more effort than before.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > @"beatthedown.2651" said:

> > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > > Very high range [X]

> > > > Extreme Burst [X]

> > > > Very good mobility [X]

> > > > Stealth [X]

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Nerf Deadeye.

> >

> > I think they did already.

> >


> Thief/dead eye are fine atm.

> Player atm need to put more effort than before.


from a powerlevel yes.

but they are still as interactive as right after the rework. they could use some changes to improve the fight for both sides of the barrel.

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I don't know guys, but having 20k hp and 3500 armor and beeing killed in 2 seconds is a little bit weird and frustrating for me.


Also, I was attacked by only 1 player. Anyway, I just don't step in "competitive modes" anymore. I'm not playing a game to be frustrated each time. lol.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Rapid fire is no more broken than Hundred Blades or any other multi-hit skill.


> Rapid fire is easily, evaded and blocked effectively making it useless and it can be easily reflected and retaliated thus killing the user in seconds.

> Ranger Longbow already gets so much trash and is constantly claimed to be one of the weakest and worst weapons in the game.. so i'm going to say hell no to anyone who thinks it's only high damage skill needs to be nerfed down even more XD


> LB Rangers are one of the few viable methods of destroying long range enemy seige and dismounting Warclaws.. take that away and all those complaints about Warclaws killing combat in WvW because nobody wants to fight anymore are going to get a lot more common.


> If you're getting burst down constantly by Rapid fire then chances are you're running a more glassy build yourself and you're not utalizing your dodges effectively or giving yourself protections against certain things.

> you said you play Warrior so using a shield offhand is one way to avoid getting blitzed by Rapid Fire.. trait it too and you can reflect the damage right back at the Ranger.

> You could also use Endure Pain to make yourself immune to damage for 4 seconds.

> The tools are there for you to use and WvW is a whole different animal to PvE and PvP.. it's practically suicide to go melee there with a glass build.


RF is one second quicker than 100b, can be used while moving, and has 1500 range. They are not equivalent. Now if RF self rooted you like 100b does, then your statement would be slightly more accurate. A better comparison might have been Whirling Axe.


I do not claim RF to be broken as some say, I lay the blame on sic'em. RF+sic'em kills more than glass builds. RF itself would just kill a glass cannon, but like I said I lay the blame on sic'em and not RF.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Rapid fire is no more broken than Hundred Blades or any other multi-hit skill.

> >

> > Rapid fire is easily, evaded and blocked effectively making it useless and it can be easily reflected and retaliated thus killing the user in seconds.

> > Ranger Longbow already gets so much trash and is constantly claimed to be one of the weakest and worst weapons in the game.. so i'm going to say hell no to anyone who thinks it's only high damage skill needs to be nerfed down even more XD

> >

> > LB Rangers are one of the few viable methods of destroying long range enemy seige and dismounting Warclaws.. take that away and all those complaints about Warclaws killing combat in WvW because nobody wants to fight anymore are going to get a lot more common.

> >

> > If you're getting burst down constantly by Rapid fire then chances are you're running a more glassy build yourself and you're not utalizing your dodges effectively or giving yourself protections against certain things.

> > you said you play Warrior so using a shield offhand is one way to avoid getting blitzed by Rapid Fire.. trait it too and you can reflect the damage right back at the Ranger.

> > You could also use Endure Pain to make yourself immune to damage for 4 seconds.

> > The tools are there for you to use and WvW is a whole different animal to PvE and PvP.. it's practically suicide to go melee there with a glass build.


> RF is one second quicker than 100b, can be used while moving, and has 1500 range. They are not equivalent. Now if RF self rooted you like 100b does, then your statement would be slightly more accurate. A better comparison might have been Whirling Axe.


> I do not claim RF to be broken as some say, I lay the blame on sic'em. RF+sic'em kills more than glass builds. RF itself would just kill a glass cannon, but like I said I lay the blame on sic'em and not RF.


General spam multi hit skills I was going for, I only went with Hundred Blades because I couldn't recall any other skill names at the time :)

You are right that Rapid Fire has huge range and can be used while moving where as Hundred Blades cannot, but unlike most other spam attacks Rapid fire can be easily reflected back at the user.

Retaliation is a thing as is damage immunity but you can't reflect the damage of Hundred Blades or Whirling Axe back at the Warrior like you can with Rapid Fire or Unload which gives them a significant downside to their benefits of range and movement.

Add to that Ranger and Thief are less armoured than Warriors, if you break both classes down there are plenty of ways a Warrior can counterplay most if not all Ranger playstyles.

A Warrior can even potentially kill a Ranger with a single skill.

If a Glass Ranger does the whole Sic Em Soulbeast combo and unloads a Quickening Zephyr Rapid Fire on a Warrior if you can put up a traited Shield Stance quick enough that Ranger will be dead or severely close to it before he even realizes what hit him.


That counterplay is the main reason I don't run a glass soulbeast or use Sic Em in WvW, I've been killed by it and i've killed others with it.. it really, really hurts lol

RF is a very quick skill as well, specially under the effects of Quickness so it is also exceptionally easy to dodge.


My best guess is that a lot of the hate people have for Rapid Fire in WvW is coming from people who have made builds that have no ranged counterplay and instead of making alterations in their build for it they just come here and call for nerfs instead.


I've run a Glassy LB Ranger main in PvE for over 6 years so I know it's pros and cons pretty well ^^

I also agree that Sic-em needs some changes in WvW at least (Personally I think it should be an AoE Reveal to counter stealth builds) but Rapid Fire is fine as it is :)

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It's not rapid fire itself, but the stacking multipliers, quickness, and unblockable effects that get out of hand.


* Without the multipliers, rapid fire only hits for like 10-15k over ~2.5s. That's fine. With the multiplers + quickness, it hits for 30-40k in <2s on a tanky class, or potentially even more on a squishy one. That means it's doing lethal damage with less than half it's cast bar. It demands 2 back-to-back dodges, a hard invuln, or you die. That's too strong.

* Without the unblockable effect, it can be countered with projectile hate, like a blocking or reflecting wall, bubble, etc. That's fine. With the unblockable effect, it takes away those options and due to the distance, the target often can't know it's unblockable until it's too late. That's too strong.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > Rapid fire is no more broken than Hundred Blades or any other multi-hit skill.

> > >

> > > Rapid fire is easily, evaded and blocked effectively making it useless and it can be easily reflected and retaliated thus killing the user in seconds.

> > > Ranger Longbow already gets so much trash and is constantly claimed to be one of the weakest and worst weapons in the game.. so i'm going to say hell no to anyone who thinks it's only high damage skill needs to be nerfed down even more XD

> > >

> > > LB Rangers are one of the few viable methods of destroying long range enemy seige and dismounting Warclaws.. take that away and all those complaints about Warclaws killing combat in WvW because nobody wants to fight anymore are going to get a lot more common.

> > >

> > > If you're getting burst down constantly by Rapid fire then chances are you're running a more glassy build yourself and you're not utalizing your dodges effectively or giving yourself protections against certain things.

> > > you said you play Warrior so using a shield offhand is one way to avoid getting blitzed by Rapid Fire.. trait it too and you can reflect the damage right back at the Ranger.

> > > You could also use Endure Pain to make yourself immune to damage for 4 seconds.

> > > The tools are there for you to use and WvW is a whole different animal to PvE and PvP.. it's practically suicide to go melee there with a glass build.

> >

> > RF is one second quicker than 100b, can be used while moving, and has 1500 range. They are not equivalent. Now if RF self rooted you like 100b does, then your statement would be slightly more accurate. A better comparison might have been Whirling Axe.

> >

> > I do not claim RF to be broken as some say, I lay the blame on sic'em. RF+sic'em kills more than glass builds. RF itself would just kill a glass cannon, but like I said I lay the blame on sic'em and not RF.


> General spam multi hit skills I was going for, I only went with Hundred Blades because I couldn't recall any other skill names at the time :)

> You are right that Rapid Fire has huge range and can be used while moving where as Hundred Blades cannot, but unlike most other spam attacks Rapid fire can be easily reflected back at the user.

> Retaliation is a thing as is damage immunity but you can't reflect the damage of Hundred Blades or Whirling Axe back at the Warrior like you can with Rapid Fire or Unload which gives them a significant downside to their benefits of range and movement.

> Add to that Ranger and Thief are less armoured than Warriors, if you break both classes down there are plenty of ways a Warrior can counterplay most if not all Ranger playstyles.

> A Warrior can even potentially kill a Ranger with a single skill.

> If a Glass Ranger does the whole Sic Em Soulbeast combo and unloads a Quickening Zephyr Rapid Fire on a Warrior if you can put up a traited Shield Stance quick enough that Ranger will be dead or severely close to it before he even realizes what hit him.


> That counterplay is the main reason I don't run a glass soulbeast or use Sic Em in WvW, I've been killed by it and i've killed others with it.. it really, really hurts lol

> RF is a very quick skill as well, specially under the effects of Quickness so it is also exceptionally easy to dodge.


> My best guess is that a lot of the hate people have for Rapid Fire in WvW is coming from people who have made builds that have no ranged counterplay and instead of making alterations in their build for it they just come here and call for nerfs instead.


> I've run a Glassy LB Ranger main in PvE for over 6 years so I know it's pros and cons pretty well ^^

> I also agree that Sic-em needs some changes in WvW at least (Personally I think it should be an AoE Reveal to counter stealth builds) but Rapid Fire is fine as it is :)


Unstoppable Union and Signet of the Hunt fix you main problem there mate. Unblockable projectiles can't be reflected. As I've said RF is fine. Sic'em is not.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > Rapid fire is no more broken than Hundred Blades or any other multi-hit skill.

> > > >

> > > > Rapid fire is easily, evaded and blocked effectively making it useless and it can be easily reflected and retaliated thus killing the user in seconds.

> > > > Ranger Longbow already gets so much trash and is constantly claimed to be one of the weakest and worst weapons in the game.. so i'm going to say hell no to anyone who thinks it's only high damage skill needs to be nerfed down even more XD

> > > >

> > > > LB Rangers are one of the few viable methods of destroying long range enemy seige and dismounting Warclaws.. take that away and all those complaints about Warclaws killing combat in WvW because nobody wants to fight anymore are going to get a lot more common.

> > > >

> > > > If you're getting burst down constantly by Rapid fire then chances are you're running a more glassy build yourself and you're not utalizing your dodges effectively or giving yourself protections against certain things.

> > > > you said you play Warrior so using a shield offhand is one way to avoid getting blitzed by Rapid Fire.. trait it too and you can reflect the damage right back at the Ranger.

> > > > You could also use Endure Pain to make yourself immune to damage for 4 seconds.

> > > > The tools are there for you to use and WvW is a whole different animal to PvE and PvP.. it's practically suicide to go melee there with a glass build.

> > >

> > > RF is one second quicker than 100b, can be used while moving, and has 1500 range. They are not equivalent. Now if RF self rooted you like 100b does, then your statement would be slightly more accurate. A better comparison might have been Whirling Axe.

> > >

> > > I do not claim RF to be broken as some say, I lay the blame on sic'em. RF+sic'em kills more than glass builds. RF itself would just kill a glass cannon, but like I said I lay the blame on sic'em and not RF.

> >

> > General spam multi hit skills I was going for, I only went with Hundred Blades because I couldn't recall any other skill names at the time :)

> > You are right that Rapid Fire has huge range and can be used while moving where as Hundred Blades cannot, but unlike most other spam attacks Rapid fire can be easily reflected back at the user.

> > Retaliation is a thing as is damage immunity but you can't reflect the damage of Hundred Blades or Whirling Axe back at the Warrior like you can with Rapid Fire or Unload which gives them a significant downside to their benefits of range and movement.

> > Add to that Ranger and Thief are less armoured than Warriors, if you break both classes down there are plenty of ways a Warrior can counterplay most if not all Ranger playstyles.

> > A Warrior can even potentially kill a Ranger with a single skill.

> > If a Glass Ranger does the whole Sic Em Soulbeast combo and unloads a Quickening Zephyr Rapid Fire on a Warrior if you can put up a traited Shield Stance quick enough that Ranger will be dead or severely close to it before he even realizes what hit him.

> >

> > That counterplay is the main reason I don't run a glass soulbeast or use Sic Em in WvW, I've been killed by it and i've killed others with it.. it really, really hurts lol

> > RF is a very quick skill as well, specially under the effects of Quickness so it is also exceptionally easy to dodge.

> >

> > My best guess is that a lot of the hate people have for Rapid Fire in WvW is coming from people who have made builds that have no ranged counterplay and instead of making alterations in their build for it they just come here and call for nerfs instead.

> >

> > I've run a Glassy LB Ranger main in PvE for over 6 years so I know it's pros and cons pretty well ^^

> > I also agree that Sic-em needs some changes in WvW at least (Personally I think it should be an AoE Reveal to counter stealth builds) but Rapid Fire is fine as it is :)


> Unstoppable Union and Signet of the Hunt fix you main problem there mate. Unblockable projectiles can't be reflected. As I've said RF is fine. Sic'em is not.


That's an option true, although unblockable doesn't prevent evades.

RF's quick cast time with quickness makes that your best imo.

I'm pretty sure if a Ranger is running Signet of the Hunt you'll be able to see it's passive effect icon under their name too so you can use that as a warning if you're aware enough.

See the quickness pop the signet disappear and get ready to dodge :)


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Well, unless you are running BoonBeast then you most likely have UU up right? Besides if you are running Sic'em you most likely have Quickening Zephyr and lightening reflexes on the bar. As far as seeing quickness proc, well if you are 1800 and haven't seen the ranger yet on your flank you wont see it. You could also be within 900 and instead of LR use Muddy Terrain to take care of that dodge.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> To be honest ranger is not broken, but slight over performing. What is broken are these:

> 1.- Mesmer

> 2.- Thief

> 3.- Leaching revenant (secret build that only a few play, this build is so broken that could as well be top #1, but because it is not well know by pugs I place it at #3.)

> 4.- Serker elementalist (with projectile block and immunity)

> 5.- Serker Engineer boon spamming with perma protection and -40% damage reduction.


> Everyone else is balanced or under performing.


This is dumb, condi Mesmer is trash now since axe nerfs, power is meh and giummicky, just press dodge once during the opening burst and gg. Soulbeast is far and away the most broken thing in the game. Thief is trash too since it gets nerfed every patch, its down to just 1 core build thats viable now. Please dont try to speak on balance when you very clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

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> @"Nox.6785" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > To be honest ranger is not broken, but slight over performing. What is broken are these:

> > 1.- Mesmer

> > 2.- Thief

> > 3.- Leaching revenant (secret build that only a few play, this build is so broken that could as well be top #1, but because it is not well know by pugs I place it at #3.)

> > 4.- Serker elementalist (with projectile block and immunity)

> > 5.- Serker Engineer boon spamming with perma protection and -40% damage reduction.

> >

> > Everyone else is balanced or under performing.


> This is dumb, condi Mesmer is trash now since axe nerfs, power is meh and giummicky, just press dodge once during the opening burst and gg. Soulbeast is far and away the most broken thing in the game. Thief is trash too since it gets nerfed every patch, its down to just 1 core build thats viable now. Please dont try to speak on balance when you very clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


Trash cause don’t carry, maybe it’s time for u to carry the class than expect class to carry u.


Right? Compare what mesmers have and had with what other classes have and tell me it’s trash now.


Thief’s spec and elites require meeting certain playstiles and conditions but also require more effort from players to success, wich actually is a good thing


Some mesmers just can’t yolo no more and are actually being punished for being greedy and cocky w/o measuring the real threat they are facing, some still are very bursty and dodgy to fight some even macro and. Use packet editing for faster skill casting.


Same happens for deadeys with poor awareness and thief’s that play like they were warriors.

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