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tengu combats tonic?

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I create this topic because I think it's time for something to do for the tengu we have waited almost so much and a lot of year to finally have the opportunity to play them whether in playable race or tonic I know you arenanet you read what is written in forums I beg you not to forget to make at least a tonic on them and I know you can do it.it is possible for you to create a tonic for them tengu seen that the elemental tonic of the olmakhan shares almost all the animation of the classical tengu seen in the forest caledon and in front of the door of the walls on the lion's arch. by doing this you would make a lot of people like me give them a chance to play them I show you a comparison links on tengu classic and tonic olmakhan you see you even have the same posture and animation this details could give it possibility that makes for us a tonic of combats on tengu. I implore you arenanet made us do this we have waited so long for this moments.

[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a5/Swift_Arrow.jpg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a5/Swift_Arrow.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a5/Swift_Arrow.jpg")

[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b3/Endless_Olmakhan_Tonic_with_bow.jpg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b3/Endless_Olmakhan_Tonic_with_bow.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b3/Endless_Olmakhan_Tonic_with_bow.jpg")

as you can see they almost have the same animation.

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I'm not against Tengu combat tonics as long as it doesn't mean we'd never get playable tengu.


There's combat tonics of playable races:  Endless Chaos Combat Tonic turns you into Arkk, and asura, and Endless Fury Combat Tonic turns you into a norn. So having a combat tonic of a race doesn't mean that race won't ever become playable.


I just don't want a tonic being used as an excuse to not being able to play as an tengu. I want to make tengu with raven-like, parrot-like and owl-like heads.


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i post that tropic because i say my self we wait for like 5 6 year to be enable to play tengu as tonic or wathever i like tengu so much and they deserve that tonic for at least play them as tonic for wait their project in that race.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> I'm not against Tengu combat tonics as long as it doesn't mean we'd never get playable tengu.


Realistically, tonics would be the closest you would get. It makes little sense to add new races that would only be played by a small minority, even more so when there is no real way to make money off of the new race. A new race means they have another set of armor skins and outfits to worry about for as long as the game is supported, in addition to all the costs it takes to even add it to the game. There's a reason why it's rare for games to have new races added, beyond simply re-skinning alternate humanoids.

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feel free to add your thought i won't stop until arenanet hear us because we waiting to much of time and year to have the chance to play them as tonic combats or whatever. like i say again they should add the tengu tonic combats as reward for festives of te four wind that will be a good and interesting idea.

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one last time arenanet.add the tengu combats tonic for your next festive of the four wind you will make a lot and many people happy if you give us the chance to play them don't make us wait for another year.please i beg you give us the chance to play them even as tonic combats.

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this is serious and i say that because we waiting for them almost 7 and 6 year to play they even not think add them as tonic combats.my request is at least they do that if is to hard add tengu as playable race i won't stop to ask this request until arenanet hear me.and add them as combats tonic are fine because under version of heart of thorn and classic tengu we see in lion arch and forest caledon they have all animation of combats and idle animation..

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