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Why I will never be able to get a Skyscale.

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I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.


I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!

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That really sucks OP, and kudos to you for getting this far.


Is there nobody in your circle who could complete that part for you? A friend or neighbour? They don't even have to play video games, as that part of the collection is just using the keyboard to move your character quickly to a circle.


Hope it works out for you. :+1:

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That's a bummer. I'm hearing similar stories from guildmates who have a slower connection or have dexterity issues. Does a trusted family member or friend play GW2? If so you could give them temp access to your account and let them do the task. Or if they could physically come over and do it, that would be awesome.


And I hear you. I cannot do the Sanctum Scramble requirement for an elite spec weapon, so I'll never get it. I even asked Customer Support for help, to no avail. Good luck!

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I wish I could do it for you. But I definitely would not recommend giving account info to a stranger, even if they seem well meaning. So maybe a friend, family member. It won;t take them long and you don't need to know the game at all or have skill with the game skills for it. Just the one thing that is difficult for you due to your disability, fast nimble reflexes and movement. And also kudos for getting this far. I hope that you have tons of fun in the game now and in the future.

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> @"The Quad.8625" said:

> I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.


> I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


Not sure it's allowed but I'd be willing to do the ball part for you; I understand your reasoning but im always down to help people out. Shoot me a message if you want and Ill do it when im online; So no need to fret mate we got you.

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Personally I enjoyed playing games with the skyscale, although I have no real issues it still took a few tries on the last fetch game. I definitely see your problem, admittedly I would have never thought of it, if you hadn't brought it up.


I definitely feel like there should be some sort of solution somehow, its such a small part of the skyscale collection/achievements, when you look at the overall thing, that it really is kinda depressing that some people can't continue from that. If ANet wont do anything, I do hope you find another solution.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> >

> > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


> Not sure it's allowed but I'd be willing to do the ball part for you; I understand your reasoning but im always down to help people out. Shoot me a message if you want and Ill do it when im online; So no need to fret mate we got you.


I would not suggest offering to do it for them, especially not on the forums. It's technically against ToS to share your account with someone.

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Give this man his mount for free!!

A GW2 customer for 6 years, i think noone would lie about this things he have.

i would say show proof and then give the mount, and let him enjoy the game further.

it's not unfair for other players (my opinion) (hard obtaining titles or items) but just a mount.


i hope i said it friendly and understandable


Good luck.


edit: other players suggested what he can try but i dont know what they talking about because i dont started the collection myself :o



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> @"The Quad.8625" said:

> I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.


> I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


Thanks, I was thinking about making a thread how this was ability gated but feared it would be merged with another issue.


My issue is epilepsy. There are at least 2 things you have to do to complete it with flashing lights which can trigger photosensitive seizures. I was not even able to get that far as my brain had a strong feeling of vertigo trying to fly up the wing, which I know from experience can set off a seizure as well. To the people who are laughing at this: yes, brains do not always make sense, why do you think 'rides' at amusement parks that barely move warn of motion sickness?


I would strongly urge they have someone on their playtesting or dev teams with a disability. They would point out these gotchas, even if the person might not be personally impacted by them.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> >

> > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


> Thanks, I was thinking about making a thread how this was ability gated but feared it would be merged with another issue.


> My issue is epilepsy. There are at least 2 things you have to do to complete it with flashing lights which can trigger photosensitive seizures. I was not even able to get that far as my brain had a strong feeling of vertigo trying to fly up the wing, which I know from experience can set off a seizure as well. To the people who are laughing at this: yes, brains do not always make sense, why do you think 'rides' at amusement parks that barely move warn of motion sickness?


> I would strongly urge they have someone on their playtesting or dev teams with a disability. They would point out these gotchas, even if the person might not be personally impacted by them.


i have bin asking for so long that they stop with the flashy icons that pretty much forces me to click on them, in my case my ADHD can make a simple blinking icon get my stress level go from 0 to 12 in seconds.

but till now ppl constantly laugh it off and Anet ignores stuff like this, that's the policy we have to deal with.....

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> >

> > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


> Thanks, I was thinking about making a thread how this was ability gated but feared it would be merged with another issue.


> My issue is epilepsy. There are at least 2 things you have to do to complete it with flashing lights which can trigger photosensitive seizures. I was not even able to get that far as my brain had a strong feeling of vertigo trying to fly up the wing, which I know from experience can set off a seizure as well. To the people who are laughing at this: yes, brains do not always make sense, why do you think 'rides' at amusement parks that barely move warn of motion sickness?


> I would strongly urge they have someone on their playtesting or dev teams with a disability. They would point out these gotchas, even if the person might not be personally impacted by them.


I don't think it's that simple. Just because someone has _a_ disability doesn't mean they will be aware of all the ways people with different disabilities can be impacted by a game. Sometimes people don't even realise how things may affect them until it happens. For example there's a British comedian and journalist called Alex Brooker who was born with shortened arms and fused fingers who was recently talking on a TV show about how he didn't realise until after getting home from an awards show that he can't undo a bow-tie himself. So he had to sleep with it on and get someone to help him take it off the next morning.


It's entirely possible (and actually quite likely given the size of the company) that Anet already have some staff with some disabilities, but that doesn't mean they're going to be able to catch every possibility all the time.

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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> I have yet to get this far but what about portals? How many movements & is it a repeated pattern?


If you mean the sky rifts, those are just a matter of steering the skyscale to hover at the start, then follow the little sky trail from mote to mote until you get to the end rift (can be a little tense if you have to ascend fast enough to hit the next mote before you start sinking). If you only get volatile magics with no trail, nom a few and go back to hover and restart the little minigame.


OP, I hope you have someone you can have play that one bit for you. Preferably with you signing in so they don't know your password, of course. It's fantastic you've gotten this far as it is, in a game designed for mouse and keyboard input.


One thing you might try, which might not work if you really can't see the screen and work the controls at the same time, is to set your camera to a far out zoom, pan up, and point down at the ground, then rotate a bit to spot the next white circle. The direction you are facing doesn't matter for the catch, you will automatically toss it back to the skyscale even if you are facing the wall. So all you have to do is get into the circle asap then ready yourself to find the next one. The suggestion another made above about thief crossbow might help, *if* you are able to swiftly ground target and press 5. Here's hoping!

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I found this ball part tedious myself, mostly that it had to be done 3 times at increasing speeds.


I can understand how it would be a challenge for you OP.

As much as I'd like to help you like others here I must also advise against giving any of us your account information.


Atm it seems getting a family member or friend to do this for you is your best option.


> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:


Hi Stephane, I'm curious as to whether or not it is possible for a player to make progress on their Skyscale while having a friend in the instance with them?


If not it might be a good solution for OP's problem if they were able to have a in game friend or stranger come into their Sun's Refuge instance and participate in the Skyscale games.


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I just posted this in another thread but I'll put it here as well for this OP:


> @"bird.5920" said:

> I had this exact same problem, except it was due to satellite internet latency. I had to lug my heavy desktop computer to a friend's house just to complete the hard difficulty catch game. I used every conceivable tip from others but it was actually impossible until I physically moved across town to a house with cable internet. Even with teleports on the lowest graphic settings with a glyph of speed, the speed boost mushrooms, and run speed booster, the latency itself made it so no matter what I tried, being in the circle wouldn't count. It's good to see ANet taking a look into the issue for players in similar situations; I was lucky it was just the connection and not my actual computer stopping me from getting the achievement! Best of luck to OP, by the way.




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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> >

> > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


> Thanks, I was thinking about making a thread how this was ability gated but feared it would be merged with another issue.


> My issue is epilepsy. There are at least 2 things you have to do to complete it with flashing lights which can trigger photosensitive seizures. I was not even able to get that far as my brain had a strong feeling of vertigo trying to fly up the wing, which I know from experience can set off a seizure as well. To the people who are laughing at this: yes, brains do not always make sense, why do you think 'rides' at amusement parks that barely move warn of motion sickness?


> I would strongly urge they have someone on their playtesting or dev teams with a disability. They would point out these gotchas, even if the person might not be personally impacted by them.


ET over here. (Essential tremors, not the alien.) I managed it but only just. I don't have it as bad as others in the family but when the tremors came on I really had to slam on the keys to make sure I hit them. I would appreciate someone with a motor skill impairment to be part of future beta tests for new content too.

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They should have had these things like hearts. Rather than completing easy/medium/hard, it should have simply been a point system based on catching the balls, weighted by the difficulty, plus a bonus for completing the round. If that's still too difficult, pet it daily for a 15% completion. Similarly, the feeding gate shouldn't have been reduced, there should have been alternatives to speed it up, such as feeding it the later pungent treats or a unique treat from a random world boss or meta.

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